We are grateful to the following people for their contributions to the library.
- Egbert Rijke
- Fredrik Bakke
- Eléonore Mangel
- Elisabeth Stenholm
- Vojtěch Štěpančík
- Jonathan Prieto-Cubides
- Bryan Lu
- Raymond Baker
- Louis Wasserman
- Fernando Chu
- Tom de Jong
- Elif Uskuplu
- Victor Blanchi
- Ian Ray
- malarbol
- Andreas Källberg
- Matej Jazbec
- Ivan Kobe
- Amélia Liao
- Daniel Gratzer
- maybemabeline
- Maša Žaucer
- Garrett Figueroa
- Gregor Perčič
- Alec Barreto
- Alice Laroche
- Julian KG
- Ulrik Buchholtz
- favonia
- fernabnor
- louismntnu
- Emily Riehl
- Szumi Xie
- Andrej Bauer
- Åsmund Kløvstad
- Dylan Braithwaite
- Erik Schnetter
- Håkon Gylterud
- Job Petrovčič
- Matej Petković
- Matthias Hutzler
- Nathan van Doorn
- Pierre Cagne
If you contributed to the library and don’t see yourself on this list, read the instructions on adding yourself as a contributor.
Help us to improve the library by contributing to the project! Contributions come in many forms, please ask us if you are not sure how to help. We are happy to help you get started.