Equivalences of cubes

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides and Elisabeth Stenholm.

Created on 2022-03-20.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.

module univalent-combinatorics.equivalences-cubes where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equality-dependent-function-types
open import foundation.equivalence-extensionality
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.structure-identity-principle
open import foundation.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import univalent-combinatorics.cubes
open import univalent-combinatorics.finite-types


Equivalences of cubes

equiv-cube : (k : )  cube k  cube k  UU lzero
equiv-cube k X Y =
  Σ ( (dim-cube k X)  (dim-cube k Y))
    ( λ e 
      (x : dim-cube k X)  (axis-cube k X x)  (axis-cube k Y (map-equiv e x)))

dim-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k)  equiv-cube k X Y  dim-cube k X  dim-cube k Y
dim-equiv-cube k X Y e = pr1 e

map-dim-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k)  equiv-cube k X Y  dim-cube k X  dim-cube k Y
map-dim-equiv-cube k X Y e = map-equiv (dim-equiv-cube k X Y e)

axis-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e : equiv-cube k X Y) (d : dim-cube k X) 
  axis-cube k X d  axis-cube k Y (map-dim-equiv-cube k X Y e d)
axis-equiv-cube k X Y e = pr2 e

map-axis-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e : equiv-cube k X Y) (d : dim-cube k X) 
  axis-cube k X d  axis-cube k Y (map-dim-equiv-cube k X Y e d)
map-axis-equiv-cube k X Y e d =
  map-equiv (axis-equiv-cube k X Y e d)

id-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X : cube k)  equiv-cube k X X
id-equiv-cube k X = pair id-equiv  x  id-equiv)

equiv-eq-cube :
  (k : ) {X Y : cube k}  Id X Y  equiv-cube k X Y
equiv-eq-cube k {X} refl = id-equiv-cube k X

is-torsorial-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X : cube k)  is-torsorial (equiv-cube k X)
is-torsorial-equiv-cube k X =
    ( is-torsorial-equiv-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ
      { k = k}
      ( dim-cube-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ k X))
    ( pair
      ( dim-cube-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ k X)
      ( id-equiv-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ
        { k = k}
        ( dim-cube-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ k X)))
    ( is-torsorial-Eq-Π
      ( λ i 
          { k = 2}
          ( axis-cube-UU-2 k X i)))

is-equiv-equiv-eq-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k)  is-equiv (equiv-eq-cube k {X} {Y})
is-equiv-equiv-eq-cube k X =
    ( is-torsorial-equiv-cube k X)
    ( λ Y  equiv-eq-cube k {X = X} {Y})

eq-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k)  equiv-cube k X Y  Id X Y
eq-equiv-cube k X Y =
  map-inv-is-equiv (is-equiv-equiv-eq-cube k X Y)

comp-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y Z : cube k) 
  equiv-cube k Y Z  equiv-cube k X Y  equiv-cube k X Z
comp-equiv-cube k X Y Z (pair dim-f axis-f) (pair dim-e axis-e) =
  pair (dim-f ∘e dim-e)  d  axis-f (map-equiv (dim-e) d) ∘e axis-e d)

htpy-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e f : equiv-cube k X Y)  UU lzero
htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e f =
  Σ ( map-dim-equiv-cube k X Y e ~ map-dim-equiv-cube k X Y f)
    ( λ H 
      ( d : dim-cube k X) 
      ( tr (axis-cube k Y) (H d)  map-axis-equiv-cube k X Y e d) ~
      ( map-axis-equiv-cube k X Y f d))

refl-htpy-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e : equiv-cube k X Y)  htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e e
refl-htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e = pair refl-htpy  d  refl-htpy)

htpy-eq-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e f : equiv-cube k X Y) 
  Id e f  htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e f
htpy-eq-equiv-cube k X Y e .e refl = refl-htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e

is-torsorial-htpy-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e : equiv-cube k X Y) 
  is-torsorial (htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e)
is-torsorial-htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e =

    ( is-torsorial-htpy-equiv (dim-equiv-cube k X Y e))
    ( pair (dim-equiv-cube k X Y e) refl-htpy)
    ( is-torsorial-Eq-Π
      ( λ d  is-torsorial-htpy-equiv (axis-equiv-cube k X Y e d)))

is-equiv-htpy-eq-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e f : equiv-cube k X Y) 
  is-equiv (htpy-eq-equiv-cube k X Y e f)
is-equiv-htpy-eq-equiv-cube k X Y e =
    ( is-torsorial-htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e)
    ( htpy-eq-equiv-cube k X Y e)

eq-htpy-equiv-cube :
  (k : ) (X Y : cube k) (e f : equiv-cube k X Y) 
  htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e f  Id e f
eq-htpy-equiv-cube k X Y e f =
  map-inv-is-equiv (is-equiv-htpy-eq-equiv-cube k X Y e f)

Labelings of cubes

labelling-cube : (k : ) (X : cube k)  UU lzero
labelling-cube k X = equiv-cube k (standard-cube k) X

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