Pointed 2-homotopies

Content created by Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2024-03-13.
Last modified on 2024-03-13.

module structured-types.pointed-2-homotopies where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.binary-equivalences
open import foundation.commuting-triangles-of-identifications
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.homotopy-induction
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.path-algebra
open import foundation.structure-identity-principle
open import foundation.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-identifications-concatenation

open import structured-types.pointed-dependent-functions
open import structured-types.pointed-families-of-types
open import structured-types.pointed-homotopies
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types
open import structured-types.uniform-pointed-homotopies


Consider two pointed homotopies H := (H₀ , H₁) and K := (K₀ , K₁) between two pointed dependent functions f := (f₀ , f₁) and g := (g₀ , g₁) with base point coherences

        H₀ *                        H₀ *
  f₀ * ------> g₀ *           f₀ * ------> g₀ *
      \       /                   \       ∧
    f₁ \  H₁ / g₁      and      f₁ \  H̃₁ / inv g₁
        \   /                       \   /
         ∨ ∨                         ∨ /
          *                           *


        K₀ *                        K₀ *
  f₀ * ------> g₀ *           f₀ * ------> g₀ *
      \       /                   \       ∧
    f₁ \  K₁ / g₁      and      f₁ \  K̃₁ / inv g₁
        \   /                       \   /
         ∨ ∨                         ∨ /
          *                           *,


  H̃₁ := coherence-triangle-inv-right f₁ g₁ (H₀ *) H₁
  K̃₁ := coherence-triangle-inv-right f₁ g₁ (K₀ *) K₁

A pointed 2-homotopy H ~²∗ K then consists of an unpointed homotopy α₀ : H₀ ~ K₀ and an identification witnessing that the triangle

  f₁ ------> (H₀ *) ∙ g₁
    \       /
  K₁ \     / right-whisker-concat (α₀ *) g₁
      \   /
       ∨ ∨
   (K₀ *) ∙ g₁

commutes. Equivalently, following the equivalence of pointed homotopies and uniform pointed homotopies, a uniform pointed 2-homotopy consists of an unpointed homotopy α₀ : H₀ ~ K₀ and an identification witnessing that α₀ preserves the base point, i.e., witnessing that the triangle

        α₀ *
  H₀ * ------> K₀ *
      \       ∧
    H̃₁ \     / inv K̃₁
        \   /
         ∨ /
       f₁ ∙ inv g₁

commutes. Note that such identifications are often much harder to construct. Our preferred definition of pointed 2-homotopies is therefore the non-uniform definition described first.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} (H K : pointed-htpy f g)

  unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy : UU (l1  l2)
  unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy =
    htpy-pointed-htpy H ~ htpy-pointed-htpy K

  coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy :
    unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy  UU l2
  coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy α =
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)
      ( right-whisker-concat
        ( α (point-Pointed-Type A))
        ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)

  pointed-2-htpy : UU (l1  l2)
  pointed-2-htpy =
    Σ unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy

  infix 6 _~²∗_

  _~²∗_ : UU (l1  l2)
  _~²∗_ = pointed-2-htpy

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} {H K : pointed-htpy f g}
  (α : pointed-2-htpy H K)

  htpy-pointed-2-htpy : unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy H K
  htpy-pointed-2-htpy = pr1 α

  coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy :
    coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy H K htpy-pointed-2-htpy
  coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy = pr2 α

  preserves-point-pointed-2-htpy :
      ( make-uniform-pointed-htpy
        ( htpy-pointed-htpy H)
        ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H))
      ( make-uniform-pointed-htpy
        ( htpy-pointed-htpy K)
        ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K))
      ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy)
  preserves-point-pointed-2-htpy =
      ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy (point-Pointed-Type A))
      ( preserves-point-pointed-htpy K)
      ( preserves-point-pointed-htpy H)
      ( refl)
      ( higher-transpose-right-coherence-triangle-identifications
        ( htpy-pointed-htpy H (point-Pointed-Type A))
        ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g)
        ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π f)
        ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy (point-Pointed-Type A))
        ( refl)
        ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
        ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)
        ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy))

  uniform-pointed-htpy-pointed-2-htpy :
      ( uniform-pointed-htpy-pointed-htpy H)
      ( uniform-pointed-htpy-pointed-htpy K)
  pr1 uniform-pointed-htpy-pointed-2-htpy =
  pr2 uniform-pointed-htpy-pointed-2-htpy =

The reflexive pointed 2-homotopy

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} (H : f ~∗ g)

  htpy-refl-pointed-2-htpy : unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy H H
  htpy-refl-pointed-2-htpy = refl-htpy

  coherence-point-refl-pointed-2-htpy :
    coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy H H
      ( htpy-refl-pointed-2-htpy)
  coherence-point-refl-pointed-2-htpy = inv right-unit

  refl-pointed-2-htpy : H ~²∗ H
  pr1 refl-pointed-2-htpy = htpy-refl-pointed-2-htpy
  pr2 refl-pointed-2-htpy = coherence-point-refl-pointed-2-htpy

Concatenation of pointed 2-homotopies

Consider two pointed dependent functions f := (f₀ , f₁) and g := (g₀ , g₁) and three pointed homotopies H := (H₀ , H₁), K := (K₀ , K₁), and L := (L₀ , L₁) between them. Furthermore, consider two pointed 2-homotopies α := (α₀ , α₁) : H ~²∗ K and β := (β₀ , β₁) : K ~²∗ L. The underlying homotopy of the concatenation α ∙h β is simply the concatenation of homotopies

  (α ∙h β)₀ := α₀ ∙h β₀.

The base point coherence (α ∙h β)₁ is an identification witnessing that the triangle

  f₁ ------> (H₀ *) ∙ h₁
    \       /
  L₁ \     / right-whisker-concat ((α₀ *) ∙h (β₀ *)) g₁
      \   /
       ∨ ∨
   (L₀ *) ∙ h₁

commutes. Note that right whiskering of identifications with respect to concatenation distributes over concatenation. The identification witnessing the commutativity of the above triangle can therefore be constructed by constructing an identification witnessing that the triangle

  f₁ ----------> (H₀ *) ∙ h₁
    \             /
     \           / right-whisker-concat (α₀ *) g₁
      \         ∨
    L₁ \    (K₀ *) ∙ h₁
        \     /
         \   / right-whisker-concat (β₀ *) g₁
          ∨ ∨
      (L₀ *) ∙ h₁

commutes. This triangle commutes by right pasting of commuting triangles of identifications.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} {H K L : f ~∗ g} (α : H ~²∗ K) (β : K ~²∗ L)

  htpy-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
    unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy H L
  htpy-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
    htpy-pointed-2-htpy α ∙h htpy-pointed-2-htpy β

  coherence-point-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
    coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy H L htpy-concat-pointed-2-htpy
  coherence-point-concat-pointed-2-htpy =
    ( right-pasting-coherence-triangle-identifications _ _ _ _
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy β)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy α)) 
    ( inv
      ( left-whisker-concat
        ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
        ( distributive-right-whisker-concat-concat
          ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy α _)
          ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy β _)
          ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))))

  concat-pointed-2-htpy : H ~²∗ L
  pr1 concat-pointed-2-htpy = htpy-concat-pointed-2-htpy
  pr2 concat-pointed-2-htpy = coherence-point-concat-pointed-2-htpy

Inverses of pointed 2-homotopies

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} {H K : f ~∗ g} (α : H ~²∗ K)

  htpy-inv-pointed-2-htpy :
    unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy K H
  htpy-inv-pointed-2-htpy = inv-htpy (htpy-pointed-2-htpy α)

  coherence-point-inv-pointed-2-htpy :
    coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-htpy K H htpy-inv-pointed-2-htpy
  coherence-point-inv-pointed-2-htpy =
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
      ( right-whisker-concat (htpy-pointed-2-htpy α _) _)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)
      ( inv (ap-inv _ (htpy-pointed-2-htpy α _)))
      ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy α)

  inv-pointed-2-htpy : K ~²∗ H
  pr1 inv-pointed-2-htpy = htpy-inv-pointed-2-htpy
  pr2 inv-pointed-2-htpy = coherence-point-inv-pointed-2-htpy


Extensionality of pointed homotopies

Pointed 2-homotopies characterize identifications of pointed homotopies.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} (H : f ~∗ g)

  is-torsorial-pointed-2-htpy :
    is-torsorial (pointed-2-htpy H)
  is-torsorial-pointed-2-htpy =
      ( is-torsorial-htpy _)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy H , refl-htpy)
      ( is-torsorial-Id' _)

  pointed-2-htpy-eq : (K : f ~∗ g)  H  K  H ~²∗ K
  pointed-2-htpy-eq .H refl = refl-pointed-2-htpy H

  is-equiv-pointed-2-htpy-eq :
    (K : f ~∗ g)  is-equiv (pointed-2-htpy-eq K)
  is-equiv-pointed-2-htpy-eq =
      ( is-torsorial-pointed-2-htpy)
      ( pointed-2-htpy-eq)

  extensionality-pointed-htpy :
    (K : f ~∗ g)  (H  K)  (H ~²∗ K)
  pr1 (extensionality-pointed-htpy K) = pointed-2-htpy-eq K
  pr2 (extensionality-pointed-htpy K) = is-equiv-pointed-2-htpy-eq K

  eq-pointed-2-htpy :
    (K : f ~∗ g)  H ~²∗ K  H  K
  eq-pointed-2-htpy K = map-inv-equiv (extensionality-pointed-htpy K)

Concatenation of pointed 2-homotopies is a binary equivalence

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} {H K L : f ~∗ g}

    is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
      (α : H ~²∗ K)  is-equiv  (β : K ~²∗ L)  concat-pointed-2-htpy α β)
    is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy α =
      is-equiv-map-Σ _
        ( is-equiv-concat-htpy (htpy-pointed-2-htpy α) _)
        ( λ β 
          is-equiv-comp _ _
            ( is-equiv-right-pasting-coherence-triangle-identifications'
              ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy L)
              ( right-whisker-concat
                ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy α _)
                ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))
              ( right-whisker-concat
                ( β _)
                ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))
              ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)
              ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
              ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy α))
            ( is-equiv-concat' _
              ( inv
                ( left-whisker-concat
                  ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
                  ( distributive-right-whisker-concat-concat
                    ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy α _)
                    ( β _)
                    ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))))))

  equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy : H ~²∗ K  (K ~²∗ L)  (H ~²∗ L)
  pr1 (equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy α) = concat-pointed-2-htpy α
  pr2 (equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy α) = is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy α

    is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy' :
      (β : K ~²∗ L)  is-equiv  (α : H ~²∗ K)  concat-pointed-2-htpy α β)
    is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy' β =
      is-equiv-map-Σ _
        ( is-equiv-concat-htpy' _ (htpy-pointed-2-htpy β))
        ( λ α 
          is-equiv-comp _ _
            ( is-equiv-right-pasting-coherence-triangle-identifications
              ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy L)
              ( right-whisker-concat
                ( α _)
                ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))
              ( right-whisker-concat
                ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy β _)
                ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))
              ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)
              ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
              ( coherence-point-pointed-2-htpy β))
            ( is-equiv-concat' _
              ( inv
                ( left-whisker-concat
                  ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
                  ( distributive-right-whisker-concat-concat
                    ( α _)
                    ( htpy-pointed-2-htpy β _)
                    ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g))))))

  equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy' :
    K ~²∗ L  (H ~²∗ K)  (H ~²∗ L)
  pr1 (equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy' β) α = concat-pointed-2-htpy α β
  pr2 (equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy' β) = is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy' β

  is-binary-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy :
    is-binary-equiv  (α : H ~²∗ K) (β : K ~²∗ L)  concat-pointed-2-htpy α β)
  pr1 is-binary-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy = is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy'
  pr2 is-binary-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy = is-equiv-concat-pointed-2-htpy

Associativity of concatenation of pointed homotopies

Associativity of concatenation of three pointed homotopies G, H, and K is a pointed 2-homotopy

  (G ∙h H) ∙h K ~²∗ G ∙h (H ∙h K).
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g h k : pointed-Π A B} (G : f ~∗ g) (H : g ~∗ h) (K : h ~∗ k)

  htpy-associative-concat-pointed-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy (concat-pointed-htpy G H) K) ~
      ( concat-pointed-htpy G (concat-pointed-htpy H K))
  htpy-associative-concat-pointed-htpy =
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy G)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy H)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy K)

  coherence-associative-concat-pointed-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy (concat-pointed-htpy G H) K)
      ( concat-pointed-htpy G (concat-pointed-htpy H K))
      ( htpy-associative-concat-pointed-htpy)
  coherence-associative-concat-pointed-htpy =
      ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π f)
      ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g)
      ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π h)
      ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π k)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy G _)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy H _)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy K _)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy G)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy K)

  associative-concat-pointed-htpy :
    concat-pointed-htpy (concat-pointed-htpy G H) K ~²∗
    concat-pointed-htpy G (concat-pointed-htpy H K)
  pr1 associative-concat-pointed-htpy =
  pr2 associative-concat-pointed-htpy =

The left unit law of concatenation of pointed homotopies

Consider a pointed homotopy H := (H₀ , H₁) between pointed dependent functions f := (f₀ , f₁) and g := (g₀ , g₁). Then there is a pointed 2-homotopy of type

  refl-pointed-htpy ∙h H ~²∗ H.
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} (H : f ~∗ g)

  htpy-left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy (refl-pointed-htpy f) H)
      ( H)
  htpy-left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy = refl-htpy

  coherence-point-left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy (refl-pointed-htpy f) H)
      ( H)
      ( htpy-left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy)
  coherence-point-left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy =
    inv (right-unit  right-unit  ap-id (coherence-point-pointed-htpy H))

  left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy :
    concat-pointed-htpy (refl-pointed-htpy f) H ~²∗ H
  pr1 left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy =
  pr2 left-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy =

The right unit law of concatenation of pointed homotopies

Consider a pointed homotopy H := (H₀ , H₁) between pointed dependent functions f := (f₀ , f₁) and g := (g₀ , g₁). Then there is a pointed 2-homotopy

  H ∙h refl-pointed-htpy ~²∗ H.

The underlying homotopy of this pointed 2-homotopy is the homotopy right-unit-htpy. The base point coherence of this homotopy is an identification witnessing that the triangle

     (H ∙h refl)₁
  f₁ ------------> (H₀ * ∙ refl) ∙ g₁
    \             /
  H₁ \           / right-whisker-concat right-unit g₁
      \         /
       ∨       ∨
      (H₀ *) ∙ g₁

commutes. Here, the identification (H ∙h refl)₁ is the horizontal pasting of commuting triangles of identifications

      H₀ *      refl
  f₀ * --> g₀ * ---> g₀ *
      \      |      /
       \     | g₁  /
     f₁ \    |    / g₁
         \   |   /
          \  |  /
           ∨ ∨ ∨

The upper triangle therefore commutes by the right unit law of horizontal pasting of commuting triangles of identifications.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Fam l2 A}
  {f g : pointed-Π A B} (H : f ~∗ g)

  htpy-right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H (refl-pointed-htpy g))
      ( H)
  htpy-right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy = right-unit-htpy

  coherence-point-right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy :
      ( concat-pointed-htpy H (refl-pointed-htpy g))
      ( H)
      ( htpy-right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy)
  coherence-point-right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy =
      ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π f)
      ( preserves-point-function-pointed-Π g)
      ( htpy-pointed-htpy H _)
      ( coherence-point-pointed-htpy H)

  right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy :
    concat-pointed-htpy H (refl-pointed-htpy g) ~²∗ H
  pr1 right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy =
  pr2 right-unit-law-concat-pointed-htpy =

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