Replete subprecategories

Content created by Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2023-11-01.
Last modified on 2024-04-11.

module category-theory.replete-subprecategories where
open import category-theory.categories
open import category-theory.isomorphism-induction-categories
open import category-theory.isomorphisms-in-precategories
open import category-theory.isomorphisms-in-subprecategories
open import category-theory.precategories
open import category-theory.subprecategories

open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.iterated-dependent-product-types
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.subsingleton-induction
open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.universe-levels


A replete subprecategory of a precategory C is a subprecategory P that is closed under isomorphisms:

Given an object x in P, then every isomorphism f : x ≅ y in C, is contained in P.


The predicate on a subprecategory of being closed under isomorphic objects

We can define what it means for subprecategories to have objects that are closed under isomorphisms. Observe that this is not yet the correct definition of a replete subprecategory.

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (C : Precategory l1 l2)
  (P : Subprecategory l3 l4 C)

  contains-iso-obj-Subprecategory : UU (l1  l2  l3)
  contains-iso-obj-Subprecategory =
    (x : obj-Subprecategory C P) (y : obj-Precategory C) 
    iso-Precategory C (inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x) y 
    is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P y

  is-prop-contains-iso-obj-Subprecategory :
    is-prop contains-iso-obj-Subprecategory
  is-prop-contains-iso-obj-Subprecategory =
    is-prop-iterated-Π 3  x y f  is-prop-is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P y)

  contains-iso-obj-prop-Subprecategory : Prop (l1  l2  l3)
  pr1 contains-iso-obj-prop-Subprecategory = contains-iso-obj-Subprecategory
  pr2 contains-iso-obj-prop-Subprecategory =

The predicate of being a replete subprecategory

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (C : Precategory l1 l2)
  (P : Subprecategory l3 l4 C)

  is-replete-Subprecategory : UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  is-replete-Subprecategory =
    (x : obj-Subprecategory C P)
    (y : obj-Precategory C)
    (f : iso-Precategory C (inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x) y) 
    Σ ( is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P y)
      ( λ y₀  is-in-iso-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P {x} {y , y₀} f)

  is-prop-is-replete-Subprecategory :
    is-prop is-replete-Subprecategory
  is-prop-is-replete-Subprecategory =
    is-prop-iterated-Π 3
      ( λ x y f 
          ( is-prop-is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P y)
          ( λ _  is-prop-is-in-iso-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P f))

  is-replete-prop-Subprecategory : Prop (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  pr1 is-replete-prop-Subprecategory = is-replete-Subprecategory
  pr2 is-replete-prop-Subprecategory =

The type of replete subprecategories

Replete-Subprecategory :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (l3 l4 : Level) (C : Precategory l1 l2) 
  UU (l1  l2  lsuc l3  lsuc l4)
Replete-Subprecategory l3 l4 C =
  Σ (Subprecategory l3 l4 C) (is-replete-Subprecategory C)

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (C : Precategory l1 l2)
  (P : Replete-Subprecategory l3 l4 C)

  subprecategory-Replete-Subprecategory : Subprecategory l3 l4 C
  subprecategory-Replete-Subprecategory = pr1 P

  is-replete-Replete-Subprecategory :
    is-replete-Subprecategory C subprecategory-Replete-Subprecategory
  is-replete-Replete-Subprecategory = pr2 P


A slight reformulation of repleteness

In our main definition of repleteness, the containment proof of the isomorphism must be fixed at the left end-point. This is of course not necessary, so we can ask for a slighty relaxed proof of repleteness:

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (C : Precategory l1 l2)
  (P : Subprecategory l3 l4 C)

  is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory : UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory =
    (x : obj-Subprecategory C P)
    (y : obj-Precategory C)
    (f : iso-Precategory C (inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x) y) 
    is-in-iso-Subprecategory C P f

  is-prop-is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory :
    is-prop (is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory)
  is-prop-is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory =
    is-prop-iterated-Π 3
      ( λ x y f  is-prop-is-in-iso-Subprecategory C P f)

  is-unfixed-replete-prop-Subprecategory : Prop (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  pr1 is-unfixed-replete-prop-Subprecategory =
  pr2 is-unfixed-replete-prop-Subprecategory =

  is-unfixed-replete-is-replete-Subprecategory :
    is-replete-Subprecategory C P  is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory
  pr1 (is-unfixed-replete-is-replete-Subprecategory replete' (x , x₀) y f) = x₀
  pr2 (is-unfixed-replete-is-replete-Subprecategory replete' x y f) =
    replete' x y f

  is-replete-is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory :
    is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory  is-replete-Subprecategory C P
  is-replete-is-unfixed-replete-Subprecategory is-unfixed-replete-P x y f =
      ( is-prop-is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P (pr1 x))
      { λ x₀ 
        Σ ( is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P y)
          ( λ y₀ 
            is-in-iso-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P
              { inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x , x₀} {y , y₀} f)}
      ( pr1 (is-unfixed-replete-P x y f))
      ( pr2 (is-unfixed-replete-P x y f))
      ( is-in-obj-inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x)

Isomorphism-sets in replete subprecategories are equivalent to isomorphism-sets in the base precategory

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (C : Precategory l1 l2)
  (P : Subprecategory l3 l4 C)
  (is-replete-P : is-replete-Subprecategory C P)
  {x y : obj-Subprecategory C P} (f : hom-Subprecategory C P x y)

  is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory :
    is-iso-Precategory C (inclusion-hom-Subprecategory C P x y f) 
    is-iso-Subprecategory C P f
  pr1 (pr1 (is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory is-iso-C-f)) =
    hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory C is-iso-C-f
  pr2 (pr1 (is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory is-iso-C-f)) =
      ( is-prop-is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P (pr1 y))
      { λ y₀ 
        is-in-hom-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P (pr1 y , y₀) x
          ( hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory C is-iso-C-f)}
      ( pr1 (is-replete-P x (pr1 y) (pr1 f , is-iso-C-f)))
      ( pr2 (pr2 (is-replete-P x (pr1 y) (pr1 f , is-iso-C-f))))
      ( pr2 y)
  pr1 (pr2 (is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory is-iso-C-f)) =
      ( subtype-hom-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P y y)
      ( is-section-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory C is-iso-C-f)
  pr2 (pr2 (is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory is-iso-C-f)) =
      ( subtype-hom-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P x x)
      ( is-retraction-hom-inv-is-iso-Precategory C is-iso-C-f)

  is-equiv-is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory :
    is-equiv is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory
  is-equiv-is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory =
      ( is-prop-is-iso-Precategory C (inclusion-hom-Subprecategory C P x y f))
      ( is-prop-is-iso-Subprecategory C P f)
      ( is-iso-base-is-iso-Subprecategory C P)

  equiv-is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory :
    is-iso-Precategory C (inclusion-hom-Subprecategory C P x y f) 
    is-iso-Subprecategory C P f
  pr1 equiv-is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory =
  pr2 equiv-is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory =

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (C : Precategory l1 l2)
  (P : Subprecategory l3 l4 C)
  (is-replete-P : is-replete-Subprecategory C P)
  (x y : obj-Subprecategory C P)

  compute-iso-is-replete-Subprecategory :
    iso-Precategory C
      ( inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x)
      ( inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P y) 
    iso-Subprecategory C P x y
  compute-iso-is-replete-Subprecategory =
    ( equiv-tot
      ( equiv-is-iso-is-iso-base-is-replete-Subprecategory
          C P is-replete-P {x} {y})) ∘e
    ( inv-associative-Σ _ _ _) ∘e
    ( equiv-tot
      ( λ f 
        ( commutative-product) ∘e
        ( inv-right-unit-law-Σ-is-contr
          ( λ is-iso-C-f  is-proof-irrelevant-is-prop
            ( is-prop-is-in-hom-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P x y f)
            ( ind-subsingleton
              ( is-prop-is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P (pr1 y))
              { λ y₀ 
                  C P x (pr1 y , y₀) f}
              ( is-replete-P x (pr1 y) (f , is-iso-C-f) .pr1)
              ( is-replete-P x (pr1 y) (f , is-iso-C-f) .pr2 .pr1)
              ( pr2 y))))))

  inv-compute-iso-is-replete-Subprecategory :
    iso-Subprecategory C P x y 
    iso-Precategory C
      ( inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x)
      ( inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P y)
  inv-compute-iso-is-replete-Subprecategory =
    inv-equiv compute-iso-is-replete-Subprecategory

Subprecategories of categories are replete

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (C : Precategory l1 l2)
  (P : Subprecategory l3 l4 C)
  (is-category-C : is-category-Precategory C)

  is-unfixed-replete-subprecategory-is-category-Subprecategory :
    {x : obj-Subprecategory C P}
    {y : obj-Precategory C}
    (f : iso-Precategory C (inclusion-obj-Subprecategory C P x) y) 
    is-in-iso-Subprecategory C P f
  is-unfixed-replete-subprecategory-is-category-Subprecategory {x} =
      ( C , is-category-C)
      ( λ B  is-in-iso-Subprecategory C P)
      ( is-in-iso-id-Subprecategory C P x)

  is-replete-subprecategory-is-category-Subprecategory :
    is-replete-Subprecategory C P
  is-replete-subprecategory-is-category-Subprecategory x y =
      ( C , is-category-C)
      ( λ z e 
        Σ ( is-in-obj-Subprecategory C P z)
          ( λ z₀ 
            is-in-iso-obj-subprecategory-Subprecategory C P {x} {z , z₀} e))
      ( pr2 (is-in-iso-id-Subprecategory C P x))

If a full subprecategory is closed under isomorphic objects then it is replete

This remains to be formalized.

The inclusion functor of a replete subprecategory is pseudomonic

This remains to be formalized.

See also

  • Every subcategory is replete.
  • Because of universe polymorphism, large subcategories are not large replete by construction, although they are levelwise replete.

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