Dedekind real numbers

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Louis Wasserman, malarbol, Elif Uskuplu and Vojtěch Štěpančík.

Created on 2023-04-08.
Last modified on 2025-02-27.

module real-numbers.dedekind-real-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-rational-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.binary-transport
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.complements-subtypes
open import foundation.conjunction
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.disjoint-subtypes
open import foundation.disjunction
open import foundation.embeddings
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.existential-quantification
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.powersets
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.truncated-types
open import foundation.universal-quantification
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.truncation-levels

open import logic.functoriality-existential-quantification

open import real-numbers.lower-dedekind-real-numbers
open import real-numbers.upper-dedekind-real-numbers


A Dedekind real number x consists of a pair of cuts (L , U) of rational numbers, a lower Dedekind cut L and an upper Dedekind cut U.

A lower Dedekind cut L is a subtype of the rational numbers that is

  1. Inhabited, meaning it has at least one element.
  2. Rounded, meaning that q ∈ L if and only if there exists r, with q < r and r ∈ L.

An upper Dedekind cut is analogous, but must be rounded “in the other direction”: q ∈ U if and only if there is a p < q where p ∈ U.

These cuts present lower and upper bounds on the Dedekind real number, and must satisfy the conditions

  1. Disjointness. The cuts lx and uy are disjoint subsets of .
  2. Locatedness. If q < r then q is in the cut L or r is in the cut U.

The collection of all Dedekind real numbers is denoted . The Dedekind real numbers will be taken as the standard definition of the real numbers in the agda-unimath library.


Dedekind cuts

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (lx : lower-ℝ l1) (uy : upper-ℝ l2)

  is-disjoint-prop-lower-upper-ℝ : Prop (l1  l2)
  is-disjoint-prop-lower-upper-ℝ =
    disjoint-subtype-Prop (cut-lower-ℝ lx) (cut-upper-ℝ uy)

  is-disjoint-lower-upper-ℝ : UU (l1  l2)
  is-disjoint-lower-upper-ℝ = type-Prop is-disjoint-prop-lower-upper-ℝ

  is-located-prop-lower-upper-ℝ : Prop (l1  l2)
  is-located-prop-lower-upper-ℝ = ∀'
    ( )
    ( λ q  ∀'   r  le-ℚ-Prop q r  (cut-lower-ℝ lx q  cut-upper-ℝ uy r)))

  is-located-lower-upper-ℝ : UU (l1  l2)
  is-located-lower-upper-ℝ = type-Prop is-located-prop-lower-upper-ℝ

  is-dedekind-prop-lower-upper-ℝ : Prop (l1  l2)
  is-dedekind-prop-lower-upper-ℝ =
    is-disjoint-prop-lower-upper-ℝ  is-located-prop-lower-upper-ℝ

  is-dedekind-lower-upper-ℝ : UU (l1  l2)
  is-dedekind-lower-upper-ℝ = type-Prop is-dedekind-prop-lower-upper-ℝ

The Dedekind real numbers

 : (l : Level)  UU (lsuc l)
 l = Σ (lower-ℝ l)  lx  Σ (upper-ℝ l) (is-dedekind-lower-upper-ℝ lx))

real-lower-upper-ℝ :
  {l : Level} 
  (lx : lower-ℝ l) (uy : upper-ℝ l) 
  is-disjoint-lower-upper-ℝ lx uy 
  is-located-lower-upper-ℝ lx uy 
real-lower-upper-ℝ lx uy H K =
  lx , uy , H , K

module _
  {l : Level} (x :  l)

  lower-real-ℝ : lower-ℝ l
  lower-real-ℝ = pr1 x

  upper-real-ℝ : upper-ℝ l
  upper-real-ℝ = pr1 (pr2 x)

  lower-cut-ℝ : subtype l 
  lower-cut-ℝ = cut-lower-ℝ lower-real-ℝ

  upper-cut-ℝ : subtype l 
  upper-cut-ℝ = cut-upper-ℝ upper-real-ℝ

  is-in-lower-cut-ℝ :   UU l
  is-in-lower-cut-ℝ = is-in-subtype lower-cut-ℝ

  is-in-upper-cut-ℝ :   UU l
  is-in-upper-cut-ℝ = is-in-subtype upper-cut-ℝ

  is-dedekind-ℝ : is-dedekind-lower-upper-ℝ lower-real-ℝ upper-real-ℝ
  is-dedekind-ℝ = pr2 (pr2 x)

  is-inhabited-lower-cut-ℝ : exists  lower-cut-ℝ
  is-inhabited-lower-cut-ℝ = is-inhabited-cut-lower-ℝ lower-real-ℝ

  is-inhabited-upper-cut-ℝ : exists  upper-cut-ℝ
  is-inhabited-upper-cut-ℝ = is-inhabited-cut-upper-ℝ upper-real-ℝ

  is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ :
    (q : ) 
    is-in-lower-cut-ℝ q 
    exists   r  (le-ℚ-Prop q r)  (lower-cut-ℝ r))
  is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ = is-rounded-cut-lower-ℝ lower-real-ℝ

  is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ :
    (r : ) 
    is-in-upper-cut-ℝ r 
    exists   q  (le-ℚ-Prop q r)  (upper-cut-ℝ q))
  is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ = is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ upper-real-ℝ

  is-disjoint-cut-ℝ : disjoint-subtype lower-cut-ℝ upper-cut-ℝ
  is-disjoint-cut-ℝ = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 x))

  is-located-lower-upper-cut-ℝ :
    (q r : )  le-ℚ q r 
    type-disjunction-Prop (lower-cut-ℝ q) (upper-cut-ℝ r)
  is-located-lower-upper-cut-ℝ = pr2 (pr2 (pr2 x))

  cut-ℝ : subtype l 
  cut-ℝ q =
      ( lower-cut-ℝ q)
      ( upper-cut-ℝ q)
      ( ev-pair ( is-disjoint-cut-ℝ q))

  is-in-cut-ℝ :   UU l
  is-in-cut-ℝ = is-in-subtype cut-ℝ


The Dedekind real numbers form a set

  is-set-ℝ : (l : Level)  is-set ( l)
  is-set-ℝ l =
      ( is-set-lower-ℝ l)
      ( λ x 
          ( is-set-upper-ℝ l)
          ( λ y 
            ( is-set-is-prop
              ( is-prop-type-Prop
                ( is-dedekind-prop-lower-upper-ℝ x y)))))

ℝ-Set : (l : Level)  Set (lsuc l)
ℝ-Set l =  l , is-set-ℝ l

Properties of lower/upper Dedekind cuts

Lower and upper Dedekind cuts are closed under the standard ordering on the rationals

module _
  {l : Level} (x :  l) (p q : )

  le-lower-cut-ℝ :
    le-ℚ p q 
    is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x q 
    is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x p
  le-lower-cut-ℝ = is-in-cut-le-ℚ-lower-ℝ (lower-real-ℝ x) p q

  leq-lower-cut-ℝ :
    leq-ℚ p q 
    is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x q 
    is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x p
  leq-lower-cut-ℝ = is-in-cut-leq-ℚ-lower-ℝ (lower-real-ℝ x) p q

  le-upper-cut-ℝ :
    le-ℚ p q 
    is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x p 
    is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x q
  le-upper-cut-ℝ = is-in-cut-le-ℚ-upper-ℝ (upper-real-ℝ x) p q

  leq-upper-cut-ℝ :
    leq-ℚ p q 
    is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x p 
    is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x q
  leq-upper-cut-ℝ = is-in-cut-leq-ℚ-upper-ℝ (upper-real-ℝ x) p q

Elements of the lower cut are lower bounds of the upper cut

module _
  {l : Level} (x :  l) (p q : )

  le-lower-upper-cut-ℝ :
    is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x p 
    is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x q 
    le-ℚ p q
  le-lower-upper-cut-ℝ H H' =
      ( id)
      ( λ I 
          ( is-disjoint-cut-ℝ x p
              ( H , leq-upper-cut-ℝ x q p I H')))
      ( decide-le-leq-ℚ p q)

Characterisation of each cut by the other

The lower cut is the subtype of rationals bounded above by some element of the complement of the upper cut

module _
  {l : Level} (x :  l)

  is-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ-Prop : (p q : )  Prop l
  is-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ-Prop p q =
    ( le-ℚ-Prop p q)  (¬' (upper-cut-ℝ x q))

  lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ : subtype l 
  lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ p =
      (is-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ-Prop p)
module _
  {l : Level} (x :  l)

  subset-lower-cut-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ :
    lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ x
  subset-lower-cut-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ p =
      ( lower-cut-ℝ x p)
      ( λ q I 
          ( lower-cut-ℝ x p)
          ( upper-cut-ℝ x q)
          ( pr2 I)
          ( is-located-lower-upper-cut-ℝ x p q ( pr1 I)))

  subset-lower-complement-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ :
    lower-cut-ℝ x  lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ x
  subset-lower-complement-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ p H =
      ( λ q  map-product id  L U  is-disjoint-cut-ℝ x q (L , U)))
      ( pr1 (is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ x p) H)

  eq-lower-cut-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ :
    lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ x
  eq-lower-cut-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ =
      ( lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ x)
      ( lower-cut-ℝ x)
      ( subset-lower-cut-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ)
      ( subset-lower-complement-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ)

The upper cut is the subtype of rationals bounded below by some element of the complement of the lower cut

module _
  {l : Level} (x :  l)

  is-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ-Prop : (q p : )  Prop l
  is-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ-Prop q p =
    (le-ℚ-Prop p q)  (¬' (lower-cut-ℝ x p))

  upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ : subtype l 
  upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ q =
      (is-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ-Prop q)
module _
  {l : Level} (x :  l)

  subset-upper-cut-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ :
    upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ x  upper-cut-ℝ x
  subset-upper-cut-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ q =
      ( upper-cut-ℝ x q)
      ( λ p I 
          ( lower-cut-ℝ x p)
          ( upper-cut-ℝ x q)
          ( pr2 I)
          ( is-located-lower-upper-cut-ℝ x p q ( pr1 I)))

  subset-upper-complement-lower-cut-upper-cut-ℝ :
    upper-cut-ℝ x  upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ x
  subset-upper-complement-lower-cut-upper-cut-ℝ q H =
      ( λ p  map-product id  U L  is-disjoint-cut-ℝ x p (L , U)))
      ( pr1 (is-rounded-upper-cut-ℝ x q) H)

  eq-upper-cut-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ :
    upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ x  upper-cut-ℝ x
  eq-upper-cut-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ =
      ( upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ x)
      ( upper-cut-ℝ x)
      ( subset-upper-cut-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ)
      ( subset-upper-complement-lower-cut-upper-cut-ℝ)

The lower/upper cut of a real determines the other

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (x :  l1) (y :  l2)

  subset-lower-cut-upper-cut-ℝ :
    upper-cut-ℝ y  upper-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ y
  subset-lower-cut-upper-cut-ℝ H =
      ( _⊆_)
      ( eq-lower-cut-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ x)
      ( eq-lower-cut-lower-complement-upper-cut-ℝ y)
      ( λ p  map-tot-exists  q  tot  _ K  K  H q)))

  subset-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ :
    lower-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ y  upper-cut-ℝ y  upper-cut-ℝ x
  subset-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ H =
      ( _⊆_)
      ( eq-upper-cut-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ y)
      ( eq-upper-cut-upper-complement-lower-cut-ℝ x)
      ( λ q  map-tot-exists  p  tot  _ K  K  H p)))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (x :  l1) (y :  l2)

  sim-lower-cut-sim-upper-cut-ℝ :
    sim-subtype (upper-cut-ℝ x) (upper-cut-ℝ y) 
    sim-subtype (lower-cut-ℝ x) (lower-cut-ℝ y)
  pr1 (sim-lower-cut-sim-upper-cut-ℝ (_ , uy⊆ux)) =
    subset-lower-cut-upper-cut-ℝ x y uy⊆ux
  pr2 (sim-lower-cut-sim-upper-cut-ℝ (ux⊆uy , _)) =
    subset-lower-cut-upper-cut-ℝ y x ux⊆uy

  sim-upper-cut-sim-lower-cut-ℝ :
    sim-subtype (lower-cut-ℝ x) (lower-cut-ℝ y) 
    sim-subtype (upper-cut-ℝ x) (upper-cut-ℝ y)
  pr1 (sim-upper-cut-sim-lower-cut-ℝ (_ , ly⊆lx)) =
    subset-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ y x ly⊆lx
  pr2 (sim-upper-cut-sim-lower-cut-ℝ (lx⊆ly , _)) =
    subset-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ x y lx⊆ly

module _
  {l : Level} (x y :  l)

  eq-lower-cut-eq-upper-cut-ℝ :
    upper-cut-ℝ x  upper-cut-ℝ y  lower-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ y
  eq-lower-cut-eq-upper-cut-ℝ H =
      ( lower-cut-ℝ x)
      ( lower-cut-ℝ y)
      ( sim-lower-cut-sim-upper-cut-ℝ
        ( x)
        ( y)
        ( tr
          ( sim-subtype (upper-cut-ℝ x))
          ( H)
          ( refl-sim-subtype (upper-cut-ℝ x))))

  eq-lower-real-eq-upper-real-ℝ :
    upper-real-ℝ x  upper-real-ℝ y  lower-real-ℝ x  lower-real-ℝ y
  eq-lower-real-eq-upper-real-ℝ ux=uy =
      ( lower-real-ℝ x)
      ( lower-real-ℝ y)
      ( eq-lower-cut-eq-upper-cut-ℝ (ap cut-upper-ℝ ux=uy))

  eq-upper-cut-eq-lower-cut-ℝ :
    lower-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ y  upper-cut-ℝ x  upper-cut-ℝ y
  eq-upper-cut-eq-lower-cut-ℝ H =
      ( upper-cut-ℝ x)
      ( upper-cut-ℝ y)
      ( subset-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ y x
        ( pr2  has-same-elements-eq-subtype
          ( lower-cut-ℝ x)
          ( lower-cut-ℝ y)
          ( H)))
      ( subset-upper-cut-lower-cut-ℝ x y
        ( pr1  has-same-elements-eq-subtype
          ( lower-cut-ℝ x)
          ( lower-cut-ℝ y)
          ( H)))

  eq-upper-real-eq-lower-real-ℝ :
    lower-real-ℝ x  lower-real-ℝ y  upper-real-ℝ x  upper-real-ℝ y
  eq-upper-real-eq-lower-real-ℝ lx=ly =
      ( upper-real-ℝ x)
      ( upper-real-ℝ y)
      ( eq-upper-cut-eq-lower-cut-ℝ (ap cut-lower-ℝ lx=ly))

The map from a real number to its lower real is an embedding

module _
  {l : Level}
  (lx : lower-ℝ l)

  is-dedekind-cut-lower-ℝ-Prop : Prop (lsuc l)
  pr1 is-dedekind-cut-lower-ℝ-Prop =
    Σ (upper-ℝ l) (is-dedekind-lower-upper-ℝ lx)
  pr2 is-dedekind-cut-lower-ℝ-Prop =
    ( λ uy uy' 
        ( is-dedekind-prop-lower-upper-ℝ lx)
        ( eq-eq-cut-upper-ℝ
          ( pr1 uy)
          ( pr1 uy')
          ( eq-upper-cut-eq-lower-cut-ℝ (lx , uy) (lx , uy') refl)))

is-emb-lower-real : {l : Level}  is-emb (lower-real-ℝ {l})
is-emb-lower-real = is-emb-inclusion-subtype is-dedekind-cut-lower-ℝ-Prop

Two real numbers with the same lower/upper real are equal

module _
  {l : Level} (x y :  l)

  eq-eq-lower-real-ℝ : lower-real-ℝ x  lower-real-ℝ y  x  y
  eq-eq-lower-real-ℝ = eq-type-subtype is-dedekind-cut-lower-ℝ-Prop

  eq-eq-upper-real-ℝ : upper-real-ℝ x  upper-real-ℝ y  x  y
  eq-eq-upper-real-ℝ = eq-eq-lower-real-ℝ  (eq-lower-real-eq-upper-real-ℝ x y)

  eq-eq-lower-cut-ℝ : lower-cut-ℝ x  lower-cut-ℝ y  x  y
  eq-eq-lower-cut-ℝ lcx=lcy =
      ( eq-eq-cut-lower-ℝ (lower-real-ℝ x) (lower-real-ℝ y) lcx=lcy)

  eq-eq-upper-cut-ℝ : upper-cut-ℝ x  upper-cut-ℝ y  x  y
  eq-eq-upper-cut-ℝ = eq-eq-lower-cut-ℝ  (eq-lower-cut-eq-upper-cut-ℝ x y)


This page follows parts of Section 11.2 in [UF13].

The Univalent Foundations Program. Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics. Institute for Advanced Study, 2013. URL:, arXiv:1308.0729.

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