Equivalence relations
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Daniel Gratzer, Eléonore Mangel, Elisabeth Stenholm, Julian KG, fernabnor and louismntnu.
Created on 2022-02-17.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.
module foundation.equivalence-relations where open import foundation-core.equivalence-relations public
open import foundation.binary-relations open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.effective-maps-equivalence-relations open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-equivalence-relations open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.partitions open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.reflecting-maps-equivalence-relations open import foundation.set-quotients open import foundation.sigma-decompositions open import foundation.surjective-maps open import foundation.uniqueness-set-quotients open import foundation.universal-property-set-quotients open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation-core.contractible-types open import foundation-core.equivalences open import foundation-core.function-types open import foundation-core.identity-types open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.sets
Equivalence relations are equivalent to set-indexed Σ-decompositions
The Σ-decomposition obtained from an equivalence relation
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : equivalence-relation l2 A) where set-indexed-Σ-decomposition-equivalence-relation : Set-Indexed-Σ-Decomposition (l1 ⊔ l2) (l1 ⊔ l2) A set-indexed-Σ-decomposition-equivalence-relation = set-indexed-Σ-decomposition-partition (partition-equivalence-relation R)
The type of equivalence relations on A
is equivalent to the type of sets X
equipped with a surjective map from A
into X
The surjection into a set obtained from an equivalence relation
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : equivalence-relation l2 A) where surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation : Surjection-Into-Set (l1 ⊔ l2) A pr1 surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation = quotient-Set R pr2 surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation = surjection-quotient-map R
The equivalence relation obtained from a surjection into a set
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (X : Set l2) (f : A → type-Set X) where rel-map-into-set : Relation-Prop l2 A rel-map-into-set x y = Id-Prop X (f x) (f y) sim-map-into-set : Relation l2 A sim-map-into-set x y = type-Prop (rel-map-into-set x y) refl-sim-map-into-set : is-reflexive sim-map-into-set refl-sim-map-into-set x = refl symmetric-sim-map-into-set : is-symmetric sim-map-into-set symmetric-sim-map-into-set x y H = inv H transitive-sim-map-into-set : is-transitive sim-map-into-set transitive-sim-map-into-set x y z H K = K ∙ H equivalence-relation-map-into-set : equivalence-relation l2 A pr1 equivalence-relation-map-into-set = rel-map-into-set pr1 (pr2 equivalence-relation-map-into-set) x = refl-sim-map-into-set x pr1 (pr2 (pr2 equivalence-relation-map-into-set)) x y = symmetric-sim-map-into-set x y pr2 (pr2 (pr2 equivalence-relation-map-into-set)) x y z = transitive-sim-map-into-set x y z is-effective-map-into-set : is-effective equivalence-relation-map-into-set f is-effective-map-into-set x y = id-equiv equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} → Surjection-Into-Set l2 A → equivalence-relation l2 A equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f = equivalence-relation-map-into-set ( set-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( map-Surjection-Into-Set f) is-effective-map-Surjection-Into-Set : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (f : Surjection-Into-Set l2 A) → is-effective ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( map-Surjection-Into-Set f) is-effective-map-Surjection-Into-Set f = is-effective-map-into-set ( set-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( map-Surjection-Into-Set f)
The equivalence relation obtained from the quotient map induced by an equivalence relation is that same equivalence
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : equivalence-relation l2 A) where relate-same-elements-equivalence-relation-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation : relate-same-elements-equivalence-relation ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set ( surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation R)) ( R) relate-same-elements-equivalence-relation-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation x y = iff-equiv (is-effective-quotient-map R x y) is-retraction-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : equivalence-relation (l1 ⊔ l2) A) → equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set ( surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation R) = R is-retraction-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set R = eq-relate-same-elements-equivalence-relation ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set ( surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation R)) ( R) ( relate-same-elements-equivalence-relation-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation R)
The surjection into a set obtained from the equivalence relation induced by a surjection into a set is the original surjection into a set
equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (f : Surjection-Into-Set l2 A) → equiv-Surjection-Into-Set ( surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f)) ( f) equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f = center ( uniqueness-set-quotient ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( quotient-Set (equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f)) ( reflecting-map-quotient-map ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f)) ( is-set-quotient-set-quotient ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f)) ( set-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( pair ( map-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( λ H → H)) ( is-set-quotient-is-surjective-and-effective ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( set-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( pr1 (pr2 f) , (λ {x} {y} z → z)) ( pair ( is-surjective-Surjection-Into-Set f) ( is-effective-map-Surjection-Into-Set f)))) is-section-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (f : Surjection-Into-Set (l1 ⊔ l2) A) → surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f) = f is-section-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f = eq-equiv-Surjection-Into-Set ( surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f)) ( f) ( equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set f)
The type of equivalence relations on A
is equivalent to the type of surjections from A
into a set
is-equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation : {l1 : Level} {A : UU l1} → is-equiv (surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation {l1} {l1} {A}) is-equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation {l1} {A} = is-equiv-is-invertible ( equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set {l1} {l1} {A}) ( is-section-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set {l1} {l1} {A}) ( is-retraction-equivalence-relation-Surjection-Into-Set {l1} {l1} {A}) equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation : {l1 : Level} (A : UU l1) → equivalence-relation l1 A ≃ Surjection-Into-Set l1 A pr1 (equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation A) = surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation pr2 (equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation A) = is-equiv-surjection-into-set-equivalence-relation
Equality on a set is an equivalence relation
module _ {l1 : Level} (A : Set l1) where Id-equivalence-relation : equivalence-relation l1 (type-Set A) pr1 Id-equivalence-relation = Id-Prop A pr1 (pr2 Id-equivalence-relation) _ = refl pr1 (pr2 (pr2 Id-equivalence-relation)) _ _ = inv pr2 (pr2 (pr2 Id-equivalence-relation)) _ _ _ H K = K ∙ H id-reflects-Id-equivalence-relation : reflects-equivalence-relation Id-equivalence-relation id id-reflects-Id-equivalence-relation = id id-reflecting-map-Id-equivalence-relation : reflecting-map-equivalence-relation Id-equivalence-relation (type-Set A) pr1 id-reflecting-map-Id-equivalence-relation = id pr2 id-reflecting-map-Id-equivalence-relation = id-reflects-Id-equivalence-relation is-surjective-and-effective-id-Id-equivalence-relation : is-surjective-and-effective Id-equivalence-relation id pr1 is-surjective-and-effective-id-Id-equivalence-relation a = unit-trunc-Prop (a , refl) pr2 is-surjective-and-effective-id-Id-equivalence-relation a b = id-equiv
For any set A
, Id
is a set quotient for the equality relation
module _ {l : Level} (A : Set l) where is-set-quotient-id-Id-equivalence-relation : is-set-quotient ( Id-equivalence-relation A) ( A) ( id-reflecting-map-Id-equivalence-relation A) is-set-quotient-id-Id-equivalence-relation = is-set-quotient-is-surjective-and-effective (Id-equivalence-relation A) A ( id-reflecting-map-Id-equivalence-relation A) ( is-surjective-and-effective-id-Id-equivalence-relation A)
Recent changes
- 2025-02-14. Fredrik Bakke. Page for 1000+ theorems (#1324).
- 2024-02-27. Fredrik Bakke. A small optimization to equivalence relations (#1040).
- 2023-11-27. Elisabeth Stenholm, Daniel Gratzer and Egbert Rijke. Additions during work on material set theory in HoTT (#910).
- 2023-11-24. Fredrik Bakke. The orbit category of a group (#935).
- 2023-11-24. Egbert Rijke. Abelianization (#877).