Transposing inequalities in posets along sections of order-preserving maps
Content created by Louis Wasserman.
Created on 2025-03-22.
Last modified on 2025-03-22.
module order-theory.transposition-inequalities-along-sections-of-order-preserving-maps-posets where
open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.sections open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.universe-levels open import order-theory.order-preserving-maps-posets open import order-theory.posets
Given a pair of posets P
and Q
, consider an
order preserving map
f : type-Poset P → type-Poset Q
and a map g : type-Poset Q → type-Poset P
the converse direction, such that g
is a section of
. Then there is a family of transposition maps
x ≤ g y → f x ≤ y
indexed by x : type-Poset P
and y : type-Poset Q
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (Q : Poset l3 l4) (f : hom-Poset P Q) (g : type-Poset Q → type-Poset P) where leq-transpose-is-section-hom-Poset : is-section (map-hom-Poset P Q f) g → (x : type-Poset P) (y : type-Poset Q) → leq-Poset P x (g y) → leq-Poset Q (map-hom-Poset P Q f x) y leq-transpose-is-section-hom-Poset f-section-g x y x≤gy = tr ( leq-Poset Q (map-hom-Poset P Q f x)) ( f-section-g y) ( preserves-order-hom-Poset P Q f x (g y) x≤gy)
Recent changes
- 2025-03-22. Louis Wasserman. Transposing addition and subtraction through rational inequalities (#1339).