Introduction to homotopy type theory
Content created by Vojtěch Štěpančík.
Created on 2025-02-19.
Last modified on 2025-02-19.
This file collects references to formalization of constructions, propositions, theorems and exercises from [Rij22].
module literature.introduction-to-homotopy-type-theory where open import foundation.universe-levels
The first two sections introduce the metatheory of dependent type theories, which correspond to built-in features of Agda.
3 The natural numbers
3.1 The formal specification of the type of natural numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers using ( ℕ -- the ℕ formation rule ⊢ ℕ type ; zero-ℕ -- the zero element ; succ-ℕ -- the successor function ; ind-ℕ -- the induction principle )
3.2 Addition on the natural numbers
Definition 3.2.1. Addition on the natural numbers.
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( add-ℕ ; _+ℕ_)
3.3 Pattern matching
open import elementary-number-theory.fibonacci-sequence using ( Fibonacci-ℕ)
Exercise 3.1. Multiplication and exponentiation.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( mul-ℕ ; _*ℕ_) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.exponentiation-natural-numbers using ( exp-ℕ)
Exercise 3.2. Minimum and maximum.
open import elementary-number-theory.minimum-natural-numbers using ( min-ℕ) open import elementary-number-theory.maximum-natural-numbers using ( max-ℕ)
Exercise 3.3. Triangular numbers and factorial.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.triangular-numbers using ( triangular-number-ℕ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.factorials using ( factorial-ℕ)
Exercise 3.4. Binomial coefficients.
open import elementary-number-theory.binomial-coefficients using ( binomial-coefficient-ℕ ; is-zero-binomial-coefficient-ℕ)
Exercise 3.5. Fibonacci sequence using the induction principle of natural numbers.
open import elementary-number-theory.fibonacci-sequence using ( Fibo)
Exercise 3.6. Division by two using pattern matching and induction.
div-two-pattern-match : ℕ → ℕ div-two-pattern-match 0 = 0 div-two-pattern-match 1 = 0 div-two-pattern-match (succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ n)) = succ-ℕ (div-two-pattern-match n)
For the definition using the induction principle, we think of iterating the
swapping operation (m, 0) ↦ (m, 1) ; (m, 1) ↦ (m + 1, 0)
, using the same
encoding of pairs with functions as the definition of the Fibonacci sequence.
open import elementary-number-theory.fibonacci-sequence using ( shift-one ; shift-two) div-two-induction-step : (ℕ → ℕ) → (ℕ → ℕ) div-two-induction-step f = ind-ℕ ( shift-one (f 0) (λ _ → 1)) ( λ _ _ → shift-one (succ-ℕ (f 0)) (λ _ → 0)) ( f 1) div-two-induction-zero : ℕ → ℕ div-two-induction-zero = λ _ → 0 div-two-induction-function : ℕ → (ℕ → ℕ) div-two-induction-function = ind-ℕ ( div-two-induction-zero) ( λ _ → div-two-induction-step) div-two-induction : ℕ → ℕ div-two-induction n = div-two-induction-function n 0
4 More inductive types
4.2 The unit type
Definition 4.2.1. The unit type.
Note that the unit type in the library is defined as a record type, as opposed
to an inductive type with one constructor. That allows us to have a judmental
eta law, which states that every element of the unit type is judgmentally equal
to star
. This rule is not assumed in the book.
open import foundation.unit-type using ( unit -- 𝟏 ; star -- ⋆ ; ind-unit ; point -- pt )
4.3 The empty type
Definition 4.3.1. The empty type.
open import foundation.empty-types using ( empty -- ∅ ; ind-empty ; ex-falso)
Definition 4.3.2. Negation of types.
open import foundation.negation using ( ¬_) open import foundation.empty-types using ( is-empty)
Proposition 4.3.4 Contrapositives.
open import foundation.negation using ( map-neg)
4.4 Coproducts
Definition 4.4.1. Coproducts of types.
open import foundation.coproduct-types using ( _+_ ; inl ; inr ; ind-coproduct ; rec-coproduct)
Remark 4.4.2. Coproducts of functions.
open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types using ( map-coproduct -- f + g : A + B → A' + B' )
Proposition 4.4.3. Projections from coproducts with an empty type.
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-empty-type using ( map-right-unit-law-coproduct-is-empty -- is-empty B → (A + B) → A )
4.5 The type of integers
Definition 4.5.1. The integers.
open import elementary-number-theory.integers using ( ℤ ; in-pos-ℤ ; in-neg-ℤ ; neg-one-ℤ -- -1 ; zero-ℤ -- 0 ; one-ℤ -- 1 )
Remark 4.5.2. The induction principle of integers.
open import elementary-number-theory.integers using ( ind-ℤ)
Definition 4.5.3. The successor function on integers.
open import elementary-number-theory.integers using ( succ-ℤ)
4.6 Dependent pair types
Definition 4.6.1. The dependent pair type.
Note that similarly to the unit type, dependent pair types are defined as a record and enjoy a judgmental eta law in the library.
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types using ( Σ ; pair ; _,_ ; ind-Σ)
Definition 4.6.2. Projection maps.
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types using ( pr1 ; pr2)
Remark 4.6.3. Currying.
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types using ( ev-pair)
Definition 4.6.4. The cartesian product.
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types using ( _×_ ; ind-product)
Exercise 4.1. Predecessor, addition, negation and multiplication on integers.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.integers using ( pred-ℤ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers using ( add-ℤ) open import elementary-number-theory.integers using ( neg-ℤ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integers using ( mul-ℤ)
Exercise 4.2. Boolean negation, conjunction and disjunction.
open import foundation.booleans using ( bool ; false ; true ; ind-bool) -- (a) open import foundation.booleans using ( neg-bool) -- (b) open import foundation.booleans using ( conjunction-bool) -- (c) open import foundation.booleans using ( disjunction-bool)
Exercise 4.3. Double negation.
Note that we call bi-implications logical equivalences in the library.
A type X
for which we can show ¬¬X
is called irrefutable.
open import foundation.logical-equivalences using ( _↔_) -- (a) _ : {l : Level} (P : UU l) → ¬ (P × ¬ P) _ = λ P (p , np) → np p open import foundation.negation using ( no-fixed-points-neg -- ¬(P ↔ ¬P) ) -- (b) open import foundation.double-negation using ( ¬¬_ ; intro-double-negation -- P → ¬¬P ; map-double-negation -- (P → Q) → (¬¬P → ¬¬Q) ; double-negation-extend -- (P → ¬¬Q) → (¬¬P → ¬¬Q) ) -- (c) open import foundation.double-negation using ( double-negation-double-negation-elim -- ¬¬(¬¬P → P) ; double-negation-Peirces-law -- ¬¬(((P → Q) → P) → P) ; double-negation-linearity-implication -- ¬¬((P → Q) + (Q → P)) ) open import foundation.irrefutable-propositions using ( is-irrefutable-is-decidable -- ¬¬(P + ¬P) ) -- (d) open import foundation.decidable-types using ( double-negation-elim-is-decidable -- (P + ¬P) → (¬¬P → P) ) _ : {l1 l2 : Level} (P : UU l1) (Q : UU l2) → ¬¬ (Q → P) → ((P + ¬ P) → Q → P) _ = λ P Q nnqp → rec-coproduct (λ p q → p) (λ np q → ex-falso (nnqp (λ qp → np (qp q)))) _ : {l1 l2 : Level} (P : UU l1) (Q : UU l2) → ((P + ¬ P) → Q → P) → ¬¬ (Q → P) _ = λ P Q pnpqp nqp → ( λ (np : ¬ P) → nqp (pnpqp (inr np))) ( λ (p : P) → nqp (λ _ → p)) -- (e) open import logic.double-negation-elimination using ( double-negation-elim-neg -- ¬¬(¬ P) → P ; double-negation-elim-exp-neg-neg -- ¬¬(P → ¬¬Q) → (P → ¬¬Q) ; double-negation-elim-product ) _ : {l1 l2 : Level} (P : UU l1) (Q : UU l2) → ¬¬ ((¬¬ P) × (¬¬ Q)) → (¬¬ P) × (¬¬ Q) _ = λ P Q → double-negation-elim-product ( double-negation-elim-neg (¬ P)) ( double-negation-elim-neg (¬ Q)) -- (f) open import foundation.irrefutable-propositions using ( is-irrefutable-product -- ¬¬A → ¬¬B → ¬¬(A × B) ) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {P : UU l1} {Q : UU l2} where _ : ¬¬ (P × Q) → ¬¬ P × ¬¬ Q _ = λ nnpq → (λ np → nnpq (λ (p , q) → np p)) , (λ nq → nnpq (λ (p , q) → nq q)) _ : ¬¬ (P + Q) → ¬ (¬ P × ¬ Q) _ = λ nnpq (np , nq) → nnpq (rec-coproduct np nq) _ : ¬ (¬ P × ¬ Q) → ¬¬ (P + Q) _ = λ nnpnq npq → nnpnq ((λ p → npq (inl p)) , (λ q → npq (inr q))) _ : ¬¬ (P → Q) → (¬¬ P → ¬¬ Q) _ = λ nnpq nnp nq → nnp (λ p → nnpq (λ pq → nq (pq p))) _ : (¬¬ P → ¬¬ Q) → ¬¬ (P → Q) _ = λ nnpnnq npq → ( λ (nq : ¬ Q) → npq (λ p → ex-falso (nnpnnq (intro-double-negation p) nq))) ( λ (q : Q) → npq (λ _ → q))
Exercise 4.4. Lists.
open import lists.lists using ( list ; nil ; cons) -- (a) open import lists.lists using ( ind-list) -- (b) open import lists.lists using ( fold-list) -- (c) open import lists.functoriality-lists using ( map-list) -- (d) open import lists.lists using ( length-list) -- (e) open import elementary-number-theory.sums-of-natural-numbers using ( sum-list-ℕ) open import elementary-number-theory.products-of-natural-numbers using ( product-list-ℕ) -- (f) open import lists.concatenation-lists using ( concat-list) -- (g) open import lists.flattening-lists using ( flatten-list) -- (h) open import lists.reversing-lists using ( reverse-list)
5 Identity types
5.1 The inductive definition of identity types
Definition 5.1.1. The identity type.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( _=_ ; Id ; refl ; ind-Id)
5.2 The groupoidal structure of types
Definition 5.2.1. Concatenation of identifications.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( concat ; _∙_)
Definition 5.2.2. Inverse operation.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( inv)
Definition 5.2.4. Associator.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( assoc -- (p ∙ q) ∙ r = p ∙ (q ∙ r) )
Definition 5.2.5. Unit law operations.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( left-unit -- refl ∙ p = p ; right-unit -- p ∙ refl = p )
Definition 5.2.5. Inverse law operations.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( left-inv -- inv p ∙ p = refl ; right-inv -- p ∙ inv p = refl )
5.3 The action on identifications of functions
Definition 5.3.1. Action on paths.
Note that the operations ap-id
and ap-comp
provide identifications in the
inverse direction from the ones in the book.
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions using ( ap ; ap-id -- ap id p = p ; ap-comp -- ap (g ∘ f) p = ap g (ap f (p)) )
Definition 5.3.2. Preservation rules.
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions using ( ap-refl -- ap f refl = refl ; ap-inv -- ap f (inv p) = inv (ap f p) ; ap-concat -- ap f (p ∙ q) = ap f p ∙ ap f q )
5.4 Transport
Definition 5.4.1. Transport.
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications using ( tr)
Definition 5.4.2. Dependent action on paths.
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-dependent-functions using ( apd)
5.5 The uniqueness of refl
Proposition 5.5.1. Contractibility of singletons.
open import foundation.torsorial-type-families using ( is-torsorial-Id) open import foundation.contractible-types using ( eq-is-contr') _ : {l : Level} {A : UU l} (a : A) (y : Σ A (λ x → a = x)) → (a , refl) = y _ = λ a → eq-is-contr' (is-torsorial-Id a) (a , refl)
5.6 The laws of addition on ℕ
Proposition 5.6.1. Unit laws.
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( left-unit-law-add-ℕ -- 0 + n = n ; right-unit-law-add-ℕ -- n + 0 = n )
Proposition 5.6.2. Successor laws.
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( left-successor-law-add-ℕ -- succ m + n = succ (m + n) ; right-successor-law-add-ℕ -- m + succ n = succ (m + n) )
Proposition 5.6.3. Associativity.
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( associative-add-ℕ -- (m + n) + k = m + (n + k) )
Proposition 5.6.4. Commutativity.
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( commutative-add-ℕ -- m + n = n + m )
Exercise 5.1. Distributivity of inversion over concatenation.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( distributive-inv-concat -- inv (p ∙ q) = inv q ∙ inv p )
Exercise 5.2. Transposing concatenation.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( left-transpose-eq-concat -- (p ∙ q = r) → (q = inv p ∙ r) ; right-transpose-eq-concat -- (p ∙ q = r) → (p = r ∙ inv q) )
Exercise 5.3. Path lifting.
open import foundation.equality-dependent-pair-types using ( eq-pair-eq-base)
Exercise 5.4. Mac Lane pentagon.
open import foundation.identity-types using ( mac-lane-pentagon)
Exercise 5.5. Semiring laws for addition and multiplication of natural numbers.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( right-zero-law-mul-ℕ -- m * 0 = 0 ; left-zero-law-mul-ℕ -- 0 * m = 0 ; right-unit-law-mul-ℕ -- m * 1 = m ; left-unit-law-mul-ℕ -- 1 * m = m ; right-successor-law-mul-ℕ -- m * (succ n) = m + m * n ; left-successor-law-mul-ℕ -- (succ m) * n = m * n + n ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( commutative-mul-ℕ -- m * n = n * m ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( left-distributive-mul-add-ℕ -- m * (n + k) = m * n + m * k ; right-distributive-mul-add-ℕ -- (m + n) * k = m * k + n * k ) -- (d) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( associative-mul-ℕ -- (m * n) * k = m * (n * k) )
Exercise 5.6. Successor and predecessor operations on integers are mutual inverses.
open import elementary-number-theory.integers using ( is-section-pred-ℤ -- (succ (pred k)) = k ; is-retraction-pred-ℤ -- (pred (succ k)) = k )
Exercise 5.7. Abelian group laws for addition of integers.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers using ( left-unit-law-add-ℤ -- 0 + x = x ; right-unit-law-add-ℤ -- x + 0 = x ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers using ( left-predecessor-law-add-ℤ -- pred x + y = pred (x + y) ; right-predecessor-law-add-ℤ -- x + pred y = pred (x + y) ; left-successor-law-add-ℤ -- succ x + y = succ (x + y) ; right-successor-law-add-ℤ -- x + succ y = succ (x + y) ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers using ( associative-add-ℤ -- (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) ; commutative-add-ℤ -- x + y = y + x ) -- (d) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers using ( left-inverse-law-add-ℤ -- (-x) + x = 0 ; right-inverse-law-add-ℤ -- x + (-x) = 0 )
Exercise 5.8. Ring laws for multiplication of integers.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integers using ( left-zero-law-mul-ℤ -- 0 * x = x ; right-zero-law-mul-ℤ -- x * 0 = x ; left-unit-law-mul-ℤ -- 1 * x = x ; right-unit-law-mul-ℤ -- x * 1 = x ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integers using ( left-predecessor-law-mul-ℤ' -- pred x * y = x * y - y ; right-predecessor-law-mul-ℤ' -- x * pred y = x * y - x ; left-successor-law-mul-ℤ' -- succ x * y = x * y + y ; right-successor-law-mul-ℤ' -- x * succ y = x * y + x ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integers using ( left-distributive-mul-add-ℤ -- x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z ; right-distributive-mul-add-ℤ -- (x + y) * z = x * z + y * z ) -- (d) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-integers using ( associative-mul-ℤ -- (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ; commutative-mul-ℤ -- x * y = y * x )
6 Universes
6.1 Specification of type theoretic universes
Definition 6.1.1 Universes.
The book’s metatheory uses universes à la Tarski, which considers a universe
a type of codes, such that for every code X : 𝒰
we may derive
𝒯(X) type
. In contrast, Agda uses universes à la Russell, where the elements
X : 𝒰
are themselves types.
The only exception is the universe types themselves — we have the type Level
of codes for universes, and for every code l : Level
we have the judgment
UU l type
Universes are called UU
in the library, which stands for univalent universe.
Closure of universes under various type constructors is guaranteed by Agda’s sort system.
open import foundation.universe-levels using ( Level -- type of codes for universes ; UU -- the universal family decoding universes )
6.2 Assuming enough universes
Postulate 6.2.1. There are enough universes.
The postulate is metatheoretical, so it doesn’t have a corresponding term. Instead we are guaranteed to have enough universes by Agda’s implementation.
Definition 6.2.2. The base universe.
open import foundation.universe-levels using ( lzero)
Definition 6.2.3. The successor universe.
open import foundation.universe-levels using ( lsuc)
Remark 6.2.4. Inclusions into the successor universe.
open import foundation.raising-universe-levels using ( raise) _ : (l : Level) → UU l → UU (lsuc l) _ = λ l → raise (lsuc l)
Definition 6.2.5. The join of two universes.
open import foundation.universe-levels using ( _⊔_)
Remark 6.2.6. Universe arithmetic.
Note that while in the book (𝒰 ⊔ 𝒱) ⊔ 𝒲
and 𝒰 ⊔ (𝒱 ⊔ 𝒲)
are a priori
unrelated, Agda considers them equal. Other universe equalities may be found in
the documentation.
6.3 Observational equality of the natural numbers
Definition 6.3.1. Observational equality of ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.equality-natural-numbers using ( Eq-ℕ)
Lemma 6.3.2. Observational equality of ℕ is reflexive.
open import elementary-number-theory.equality-natural-numbers using ( refl-Eq-ℕ)
Proposition 6.3.3. Logical equivalence of observational equality of ℕ and identifications.
open import elementary-number-theory.equality-natural-numbers using ( Eq-eq-ℕ ; eq-Eq-ℕ) _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m = n) ↔ Eq-ℕ m n _ = λ m n → (Eq-eq-ℕ , (eq-Eq-ℕ m n))
6.4 Peano’s seventh and eighth axioms
Theorem 6.4.1. Peano’s seventh axiom.
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers using ( is-injective-succ-ℕ) _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m = n) ↔ (succ-ℕ m = succ-ℕ n) _ = λ m n → (ap succ-ℕ , is-injective-succ-ℕ)
Theorem 6.4.2. Peano’s eighth axiom.
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers using ( is-nonzero-succ-ℕ -- succ n ≠ 0 )
The above proof uses Agda’s built-in mechanism for recognizing that two elemens of an inductive type built out of different constructors cannot be equal (the “no confusion” principle). The proof from the book follows:
_ : (n : ℕ) → ¬ (zero-ℕ = succ-ℕ n) _ = λ n → Eq-eq-ℕ
Exercise 6.1. Addition and multiplication by a positive natural number are injective functions.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( is-injective-right-add-ℕ) _ : (m n k : ℕ) → (m = n) ↔ (m +ℕ k = n +ℕ k) _ = λ m n k → (ap (λ x → x +ℕ k) , is-injective-right-add-ℕ k) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( is-injective-right-mul-succ-ℕ) _ : (m n k : ℕ) → (m = n) ↔ (m *ℕ (succ-ℕ k) = n *ℕ (succ-ℕ k)) _ = λ m n k → (ap (λ x → x *ℕ (succ-ℕ k)) , is-injective-right-mul-succ-ℕ k) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( is-zero-summand-is-zero-sum-ℕ ; is-zero-sum-is-zero-summand-ℕ) _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m +ℕ n = 0) ↔ (m = 0) × (n = 0) _ = λ m n → ( is-zero-summand-is-zero-sum-ℕ m n , is-zero-sum-is-zero-summand-ℕ m n) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( is-zero-summand-is-zero-mul-ℕ ; is-zero-mul-ℕ-is-zero-summand ; is-one-mul-ℕ ; is-one-left-is-one-mul-ℕ ; is-one-right-is-one-mul-ℕ) _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m *ℕ n = 0) ↔ (m = 0) + (n = 0) _ = λ m n → is-zero-summand-is-zero-mul-ℕ m n , is-zero-mul-ℕ-is-zero-summand m n _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m *ℕ n = 1) ↔ (m = 1) × (n = 1) _ = λ m n → ( λ H → is-one-left-is-one-mul-ℕ m n H , is-one-right-is-one-mul-ℕ m n H) , ( λ (H , K) → is-one-mul-ℕ m n H K) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers using ( neq-add-ℕ -- m ≠ m + (n + 1) ) open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers using ( neq-mul-ℕ -- m + 1 ≠ (m + 1) * (n + 2) )
Exercise 6.2. Observational equality of booleans.
-- (a) open import foundation.booleans using ( Eq-bool) -- (b) open import foundation.booleans using ( Eq-eq-bool ; eq-Eq-bool) _ : (x y : bool) → (x = y) ↔ Eq-bool x y _ = λ x y → (Eq-eq-bool , eq-Eq-bool) -- (c) open import foundation.booleans using ( neq-neg-bool -- b ≠ neg-bool b ) _ : ¬ (false = true) _ = neq-neg-bool false
Exercise 6.3. Standard linear order on ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers using ( _≤-ℕ_) -- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers using ( refl-leq-ℕ ; antisymmetric-leq-ℕ ; transitive-leq-ℕ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers using ( linear-leq-ℕ -- (m ≤ n) + (n ≤ m) ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers using ( preserves-leq-left-add-ℕ ; reflects-leq-left-add-ℕ) _ : (m n k : ℕ) → (m ≤-ℕ n) ↔ (m +ℕ k ≤-ℕ n +ℕ k) _ = λ m n k → (preserves-leq-left-add-ℕ k m n , reflects-leq-left-add-ℕ k m n) -- (d) open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers using ( preserves-leq-left-mul-ℕ ; reflects-order-mul-ℕ) _ : (m n k : ℕ) → (m ≤-ℕ n) ↔ (m *ℕ (succ-ℕ k) ≤-ℕ n *ℕ (succ-ℕ k)) _ = λ m n k → (preserves-leq-left-mul-ℕ (succ-ℕ k) m n , reflects-order-mul-ℕ k m n) -- (e) open import elementary-number-theory.minimum-natural-numbers using ( is-greatest-lower-bound-min-ℕ -- (k ≤ min m n) ↔ (k ≤ m) × (k ≤ n) ) open import elementary-number-theory.maximum-natural-numbers using ( is-least-upper-bound-max-ℕ -- (max m n ≤ k) ↔ (m ≤ k) × (n ≤ k) )
Exercise 6.4. Standard strict order on ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers using ( _<-ℕ_) -- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers using ( anti-reflexive-le-ℕ ; antisymmetric-le-ℕ ; transitive-le-ℕ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers using ( succ-le-ℕ -- n < n + 1 ; preserves-le-succ-ℕ -- m < n → m < n + 1 ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers using ( leq-succ-le-ℕ ; le-leq-succ-ℕ ; contradiction-le-ℕ ; le-not-leq-ℕ) _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m <-ℕ n) ↔ (succ-ℕ m ≤-ℕ n) _ = λ m n → leq-succ-le-ℕ m n , le-leq-succ-ℕ m n _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m <-ℕ n) ↔ ¬ (n ≤-ℕ m) _ = λ m n → contradiction-le-ℕ m n , le-not-leq-ℕ m n
Exercise 6.5. Distance function on ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.distance-natural-numbers using ( dist-ℕ) -- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.distance-natural-numbers using ( dist-eq-ℕ ; eq-dist-ℕ ; symmetric-dist-ℕ -- dist m n = dist n m ; triangle-inequality-dist-ℕ -- dist m n ≤ dist m k + dist k n ) _ : (m n : ℕ) → (m = n) ↔ (dist-ℕ m n = 0) _ = λ m n → (dist-eq-ℕ m n , eq-dist-ℕ m n) -- TODO: b -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.distance-natural-numbers using ( translation-invariant-dist-ℕ -- dist (a + m) (a + n) = dist m n ; left-distributive-mul-dist-ℕ' -- dist (k * m) (k * n) = k * (dist m n) ) -- (d) open import elementary-number-theory.distance-natural-numbers using ( is-additive-right-inverse-dist-ℕ -- x + dist x y = y for x ≤ y )
Exercise 6.6. The absolute value function.
open import elementary-number-theory.absolute-value-integers using ( abs-ℤ ; eq-abs-ℤ ; abs-eq-ℤ ; subadditive-abs-ℤ -- |x + y| ≤ |x| + |y| ; multiplicative-abs-ℤ -- |x * y| = |x| * |y| ) _ : (x : ℤ) → (x = zero-ℤ) ↔ (abs-ℤ x = 0) _ = λ x → (abs-eq-ℤ x , eq-abs-ℤ x)
7 Modular arithmetic via the Curry-Howard interpretation
7.1 The Curry-Howard interpretation
Definition 7.1.2. The divisibility relation.
Note that the library’s division relation uses the property k * d = n
, as
opposed to the book’s d * k = n
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers using ( div-ℕ)
Example 7.1.4. Divisibility by one.
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers using ( div-one-ℕ -- 1 | x )
Proposition 7.1.5. A 3-for-2 property of division.
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers using ( div-add-ℕ -- d | x → d | y → d | (x + y) )
The other other two claims are shown in Exercise 7.1.
7.2 The congruence relations on ℕ
Definition 7.2.1. Typal binary relations.
open import foundation.binary-relations using ( Relation ; is-reflexive ; is-symmetric ; is-transitive) -- TODO: there is no is-equivalence, and equivalence relations are only Prop-valued. Why?
Definition 7.2.2. Congruence relations on ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers using ( _≡_mod_)
Example 7.2.3. The modulus is congruent to zero.
open import elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers using ( cong-zero-ℕ -- k ≡ 0 mod k )
Proposition 7.2.4. Congruence modulo k
is an equivalence relation.
open import elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers using ( refl-cong-ℕ ; symmetric-cong-ℕ ; transitive-cong-ℕ)
7.3 The standard finite types
Definition 7.3.2. The standard finite types.
The point ⋆
is called neg-one-Fin
because it represents the element k - 1
under the inclusion into ℕ.
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( Fin ; inl-Fin -- inclusion Fin k → Fin (k + 1) ; neg-one-Fin -- point Fin (k + 1) )
Definition 7.3.4. Inclusion into ℕ.
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( nat-Fin)
Lemma 7.3.5. The inclusion into ℕ is bounded.
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( strict-upper-bound-nat-Fin -- ι x < k )
Proposition 7.3.6. The inclusion into ℕ is injective.
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( is-injective-nat-Fin)
7.4 The natural numbers modulo k + 1
Definition 7.4.1. Split surjective functions.
open import foundation.split-surjective-maps using ( is-split-surjective)
Definition 7.4.2. Zero and successor on standard finite types.
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( zero-Fin ; skip-zero-Fin ; succ-Fin)
Definition 7.4.3. The surjection from ℕ into standard finite types.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( mod-succ-ℕ -- [-]ₖ₊₁ )
Lemma 7.4.4. Preservation of zero and successor mod k
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( is-zero-nat-zero-Fin -- ι(zero) = 0 ; nat-skip-zero-Fin -- ι(skip-zero x) = ι(x) + 1 ) open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( cong-nat-succ-Fin -- ι(succ x) ≡ ι(x) + 1 mod k )
Proposition 7.4.5.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( cong-nat-mod-succ-ℕ -- ι[x]ₖ₊₁ ≡ x mod (k + 1) )
Proposition 7.4.6.
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers using ( is-zero-div-ℕ ; div-is-zero-ℕ) _ : (d x : ℕ) → x <-ℕ d → div-ℕ d x ↔ (x = 0) _ = λ d x x<d → (is-zero-div-ℕ d x x<d , div-is-zero-ℕ d x) open import elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers using ( eq-cong-le-dist-ℕ ; cong-identification-ℕ) _ : (k x y : ℕ) → dist-ℕ x y <-ℕ k → x ≡ y mod k ↔ (x = y) _ = λ k x y dist<d → (eq-cong-le-dist-ℕ k x y dist<d , cong-identification-ℕ k)
Theorem 7.4.7. Equality modulo k + 1
corresponds to equality after
inclusion to Fin (k + 1)
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( cong-eq-mod-succ-ℕ ; eq-mod-succ-cong-ℕ) _ : (k x y : ℕ) → (mod-succ-ℕ k x = mod-succ-ℕ k y) ↔ (x ≡ y mod (succ-ℕ k)) _ = λ k x y → (cong-eq-mod-succ-ℕ k x y , eq-mod-succ-cong-ℕ k x y)
Theorem 7.4.8. The map from natural numbers is split surjective.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( is-split-surjective-mod-succ-ℕ)
7.5 The cyclic groups
Definition 7.5.1. The cyclic groups.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic using ( ℤ-Mod -- ℤ/k )
Definition 7.5.2. Addition on ℤ/(k + 1)
and additive inverse.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic using ( add-ℤ-Mod ; neg-ℤ-Mod)
Remark 7.5.3.
The lemmas are proven for all natural numbers k
, not just positive ones.
open import elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers using ( cong-is-zero-nat-zero-Fin -- ι(0) ≡ 0 mod (k + 1) ) open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( cong-add-Fin -- ι(x + y) ≡ ι(x) + ι(y) mod (k + 1) ; cong-neg-Fin -- ι(-x) ≡ dist(ι(x), k + 1) mod (k + 1) )
Proposition 7.5.4. A 3-for-2 property of congruences.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( congruence-add-ℕ -- x ≡ x' → y ≡ y' → (x + y ≡ x' + y') ; cong-right-summand-ℕ -- x ≡ x' → (x + y ≡ x' + y') → y ≡ y' ; cong-left-summand-ℕ -- y ≡ y' → (x + y ≡ x' + y') → x ≡ x' )
Theorem 7.5.5. ℤ/k with addition and negation form an Abelian group.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic using ( left-unit-law-add-ℤ-Mod -- 0 + x = x ; right-unit-law-add-ℤ-Mod -- x + 0 = x ; left-inverse-law-add-ℤ-Mod -- (-x) + x = 0 ; right-inverse-law-add-ℤ-Mod -- x + (-x) = 0 ; associative-add-ℤ-Mod -- (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) ; commutative-add-ℤ-Mod -- x + y = y + x )
Exercise 7.1. The rest of Proposition 7.1.5
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers using ( div-right-summand-ℕ -- d | x → d | x + y → d | y ; div-left-summand-ℕ -- d | y → d | x + y → d | x )
Exercise 7.2. Divisibility is a partial order.
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers using ( refl-div-ℕ ; antisymmetric-div-ℕ ; transitive-div-ℕ)
Exercise 7.3. n!
is divisible by all 0 < x ≤ n
open import elementary-number-theory.factorials using ( div-factorial-ℕ)
Exercise 7.4. The successor on Fin (k + 1)
adds one.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( is-add-one-succ-Fin')
Exercise 7.5. Observational equality of Fin k
open import univalent-combinatorics.equality-standard-finite-types using ( Eq-Fin) -- (a) open import univalent-combinatorics.equality-standard-finite-types using ( Eq-Fin-eq ; eq-Eq-Fin) _ : (k : ℕ) → {x y : Fin k} → (x = y) ↔ Eq-Fin k x y _ = λ k → (Eq-Fin-eq k , eq-Eq-Fin k) -- (b) open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( is-injective-inl-Fin) -- (c) open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( neq-zero-succ-Fin) -- (d) open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( is-injective-succ-Fin)
Exercise 7.6. The predecessor function on Fin k
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types using ( neg-two-Fin ; skip-neg-two-Fin ; pred-Fin ; is-section-pred-Fin -- succ (pred x) = x ; is-retraction-pred-Fin -- pred (succ x) = x )
Exercise 7.7. Classical finite types.
open import univalent-combinatorics.classical-finite-types using ( classical-Fin) -- (a) open import univalent-combinatorics.classical-finite-types using ( Eq-classical-Fin ; Eq-eq-classical-Fin ; eq-Eq-classical-Fin) _ : (k : ℕ) → (x y : classical-Fin k) → (x = y) ↔ Eq-classical-Fin k x y _ = λ k x y → (Eq-eq-classical-Fin k x y , eq-Eq-classical-Fin k x y) -- (b) open import univalent-combinatorics.classical-finite-types using ( classical-standard-Fin -- ι ; standard-classical-Fin -- α ; is-section-classical-standard-Fin -- α (ι x) = x ; is-retraction-classical-standard-Fin -- ι (α y) = y )
Exercise 7.8. Multiplication on ℤ/(k + 1)
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( mul-Fin) -- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( cong-mul-Fin -- ι(x * y) ≡ ι x * ι y mod (k + 1) ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.congruence-natural-numbers using ( congruence-mul-ℕ -- x ≡ x' → y ≡ y' → (x * y) ≡ (x' * y') ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( associative-mul-Fin -- (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ; commutative-mul-Fin -- x * y = y * x ; left-unit-law-mul-Fin -- 1 * x = x ; right-unit-law-mul-Fin -- x * 1 = x ; left-distributive-mul-add-Fin -- x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z ; right-distributive-mul-add-Fin -- (x + y) * z = x * z + y * z )
Exercise 7.9. Euclidean division.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.euclidean-division-natural-numbers using ( euclidean-division-ℕ) -- TODO: b
Exercise 7.10. k
-ary natural numbers.
open import elementary-number-theory.finitary-natural-numbers using ( based-ℕ -- ℕₖ ; convert-based-ℕ -- fₖ ) -- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.finitary-natural-numbers using ( is-empty-based-zero-ℕ) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.finitary-natural-numbers using ( is-injective-convert-based-ℕ) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.finitary-natural-numbers using ( inv-convert-based-ℕ -- gₖ ; is-section-inv-convert-based-ℕ -- fₖ₊₁ (gₖ n) = n ; is-retraction-inv-convert-based-ℕ -- gₖ (fₖ₊₁ x) = x )
8 Decidability in elementary number theory
8.1 Decidability and decidable equality
Definition 8.1.1. Decidable types.
open import foundation.decidable-types using ( is-decidable)
Example 8.1.2. The unit type and the empty type are decidable
open import foundation.decidable-types using ( is-decidable-unit ; is-decidable-empty)
Example 8.1.3. Decidability of coproducts, products and functions.
open import foundation.decidable-types using ( is-decidable-coproduct -- if A and B are decidable, then A + B is decidable ; is-decidable-product -- if A and B are decidable, then A × B is decidable ; is-decidable-function-type -- if A and B are decidable, then A → B is decidable ; is-decidable-neg -- if A is decidable, then ¬A is decidable )
Example 8.1.4. Decidability of observational equality and inequality on ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.equality-natural-numbers using ( is-decidable-Eq-ℕ) open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers using ( is-decidable-leq-ℕ) open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers using ( is-decidable-le-ℕ)
Definition 8.1.5. Decidable equality.
open import foundation.decidable-equality using ( has-decidable-equality)
Lemma 8.1.6. Decidability of logically equivalent types is logically equivalent.
open import foundation.decidable-types using ( is-decidable-iff')
Proposition 8.1.7. Equality on ℕ is decidable.
open import elementary-number-theory.equality-natural-numbers using ( has-decidable-equality-ℕ)
Proposition 8.1.8. Equality on Fin k
is decidable.
open import univalent-combinatorics.equality-standard-finite-types using ( is-decidable-Eq-Fin ; has-decidable-equality-Fin)
Theorem 8.1.9. Divisibility is decidable.
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types using ( is-decidable-div-ℕ)
8.2 Constructions by case analysis
Definition 8.2.1. The Collatz function.
Note that we don’t store the helper function h
in a separate definition.
Instead we use Agda’s with
abstraction to do case analysis on the result of
is-decidable-div-ℕ 2 n
, as explained in Remark 8.2.2.
open import elementary-number-theory.collatz-conjecture using ( collatz)
Proposition 8.2.3. Decidability of products and function types with weaker assumptions.
open import foundation.decidable-types using ( is-decidable-product' ; is-decidable-function-type')
Proposition 8.2.4.
open import elementary-number-theory.decidable-types using ( is-decidable-Π-ℕ)
Corollary 8.2.5.
open import elementary-number-theory.decidable-types using ( is-decidable-bounded-Π-ℕ)
8.3 The well-ordering principle of ℕ
Definition 8.3.1. Bounds for families over ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.lower-bounds-natural-numbers using ( is-lower-bound-ℕ) open import elementary-number-theory.upper-bounds-natural-numbers using ( is-upper-bound-ℕ) open import elementary-number-theory.well-ordering-principle-natural-numbers using ( minimal-element-ℕ)
Theorem 8.3.2. Well-ordering principle of ℕ.
open import elementary-number-theory.well-ordering-principle-natural-numbers using ( well-ordering-principle-ℕ)
8.4 The greatest common divisor
Definition 8.4.1. The type of greatest common divisors.
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( is-gcd-ℕ)
Proposition 8.4.2. Uniqueness of the greatest common divisor.
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( uniqueness-is-gcd-ℕ)
Definition 8.4.3. Multiples of the greatest common divisor.
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( is-multiple-of-gcd-ℕ)
Proposition 8.4.4. Decidability of multiples of the greatest common divisor.
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( is-decidable-is-multiple-of-gcd-ℕ)
Lemma 8.4.5. a + b
is a multiple of gcd(a, b)
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( sum-is-multiple-of-gcd-ℕ)
Definition 8.4.6. The greatest common divisor.
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( gcd-ℕ)
Lemma 8.4.7. gcd(a, b)
is zero if and only if a + b
= 0.
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( is-zero-gcd-ℕ ; is-zero-add-is-zero-gcd-ℕ) _ : (a b : ℕ) → (gcd-ℕ a b = 0) ↔ (add-ℕ a b = 0) _ = λ a b → (is-zero-add-is-zero-gcd-ℕ a b , is-zero-gcd-ℕ a b)
Theorem 8.4.8. gcd(a, b)
is a greatest common divisor.
open import elementary-number-theory.greatest-common-divisor-natural-numbers using ( is-gcd-gcd-ℕ)
8.5 The infinitude of primes
Definition 8.5.1. Proper divisors and primes.
open import elementary-number-theory.proper-divisors-natural-numbers using ( is-proper-divisor-ℕ) open import using ( is-prime-ℕ)
Proposition 8.5.2. Being a prime is decidable.
open import using ( is-decidable-is-prime-ℕ)
Definition 8.5.3. Sieve of Erathostenes.
open import elementary-number-theory.sieve-of-eratosthenes using ( in-sieve-of-eratosthenes-ℕ)
Lemma 8.5.4. Being in the sieve of Erathostenes is decidable.
open import elementary-number-theory.sieve-of-eratosthenes using ( is-decidable-in-sieve-of-eratosthenes-ℕ)
Lemma 8.5.5. n! + 1
is above n
in the sieve.
open import elementary-number-theory.sieve-of-eratosthenes using ( in-sieve-of-eratosthenes-succ-factorial-ℕ)
Theorem 8.5.6. Infinitude of primes.
open import elementary-number-theory.infinitude-of-primes using ( infinitude-of-primes-ℕ)
8.6 Boolean reflection
Definition 8.6.1. Booleanization.
open import reflection.boolean-reflection using ( booleanization)
Theorem 8.6.2. Boolean reflection principle.
open import reflection.boolean-reflection using ( boolean-reflection -- reflect ) _ : is-prime-ℕ 37 _ = boolean-reflection (is-decidable-is-prime-ℕ 37) refl
Exercise 8.1. Statements of famous conjectures.
-- (a) open import elementary-number-theory.goldbach-conjecture using ( Goldbach-conjecture) -- (b) open import elementary-number-theory.twin-prime-conjecture using ( twin-prime-conjecture) -- (c) open import elementary-number-theory.collatz-conjecture using ( Collatz-conjecture)
Exercise 8.2. is-decidable
is idempotent.
open import foundation.decidable-types using ( idempotent-is-decidable -- is-decidable (is-decidable P) → is-decidable P )
Exercise 8.3. Markov’s principle over finite types.
open import elementary-number-theory.well-ordering-principle-standard-finite-types using ( exists-not-not-for-all-Fin -- ¬((x : Fin k) → P x) → Σ (x : Fin k) ¬(P x) )
Exercise 8.4. Prime functions.
open import elementary-number-theory.infinitude-of-primes using ( prime-ℕ -- n-th prime ; prime-counting-ℕ -- number of primes less than or equal `n` )
Exercise 8.5. Alternative definition of prime numbers.
Exercise 8.6. Products have decidable equality if and only if factors have decidable equality, assuming the other factor is pointed.
open import foundation.decidable-equality using ( has-decidable-equality-product' ; has-decidable-equality-left-factor ; has-decidable-equality-right-factor) _ : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → (B → has-decidable-equality A) × (A → has-decidable-equality B) ↔ has-decidable-equality (A × B) _ = ( λ (eqA , eqB) → has-decidable-equality-product' eqA eqB) , ( λ eqAB → has-decidable-equality-left-factor eqAB , has-decidable-equality-right-factor eqAB) open import foundation.decidable-equality using ( has-decidable-equality-product)
Exercise 8.7. Observational equality of coproducts.
Note that observational equality of coproducts is defined as a bespoke inductive
type, because the book definition requires raising universe levels: if A : 𝒰
and B : 𝒱
aren’t assumed to be in the same universe, then we need to raise the
identity type of A
, the identity type of B
, and the empty type to 𝒰 ⊔ 𝒱
open import foundation.equality-coproduct-types using ( Eq-coproduct) -- (a) open import foundation.equality-coproduct-types using ( Eq-eq-coproduct ; eq-Eq-coproduct) _ : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → (x y : A + B) → (x = y) ↔ Eq-coproduct x y _ = λ x y → (Eq-eq-coproduct x y , eq-Eq-coproduct x y) -- (b) open import foundation.decidable-equality using ( has-decidable-equality-coproduct ; has-decidable-equality-left-summand ; has-decidable-equality-right-summand) _ : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} → has-decidable-equality A × has-decidable-equality B ↔ has-decidable-equality (A + B) _ = ( λ (eqA , eqB) → has-decidable-equality-coproduct eqA eqB) , ( λ eqAB → has-decidable-equality-left-summand eqAB , has-decidable-equality-right-summand eqAB) open import elementary-number-theory.equality-integers using ( has-decidable-equality-ℤ)
Exercise 8.8. Decidable equality in dependent pair types.
open import foundation.decidable-equality using ( has-decidable-equality-Σ ; has-decidable-equality-fiber-has-decidable-equality-Σ) _ : {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} → has-decidable-equality A → ((x : A) → has-decidable-equality (B x)) ↔ has-decidable-equality (Σ A B) _ = λ eqA → has-decidable-equality-Σ eqA , has-decidable-equality-fiber-has-decidable-equality-Σ eqA open import foundation.decidable-equality using ( has-decidable-equality-base-has-decidable-equality-Σ)
Exercise 8.9. Decidability and decidable equality of dependent function out
of Fin k
open import univalent-combinatorics.decidable-dependent-function-types using ( is-decidable-Π-Fin) -- TODO: b
Exercise 8.10. Definition of the greatest common divisor as the maximal element of common divisors.
Exercise 8.11. Bézout’s identity.
open import elementary-number-theory.bezouts-lemma-natural-numbers using ( is-decidable-is-distance-between-multiples-ℕ --^ Σ (k : ℕ) Σ (l : ℕ) dist(k*x, l*x) = z is decidable ; minimal-positive-distance-x-coeff ; minimal-positive-distance-y-coeff ; bezouts-lemma-eqn-ℕ ) -- TODO: handle a+b=0 _ : (x y : ℕ) → ¬ (add-ℕ x y = zero-ℕ) → Σ ℕ (λ k → Σ ℕ (λ l → dist-ℕ (mul-ℕ k x) (mul-ℕ l y) = gcd-ℕ x y)) _ = λ x y possum → minimal-positive-distance-x-coeff x y possum , minimal-positive-distance-y-coeff x y possum , bezouts-lemma-eqn-ℕ x y possum
Exercise 8.12. Prime factor decomposition.
open import elementary-number-theory.fundamental-theorem-of-arithmetic using ( nat-least-nontrivial-divisor-ℕ -- for every 1 < n a number... ; is-prime-least-nontrivial-divisor-ℕ -- which is a prime... ; div-least-nontrivial-divisor-ℕ -- and divides n ) open import elementary-number-theory.fundamental-theorem-of-arithmetic using ( list-fundamental-theorem-arithmetic-ℕ -- for every 1 < n a list of numbers... ; is-sorted-list-fundamental-theorem-arithmetic-ℕ -- which is sorted... ; is-prime-list-fundamental-theorem-arithmetic-ℕ -- only contains primes... ; is-decomposition-list-fundamental-theorem-arithmetic-ℕ -- and multiplies up to n ) open import elementary-number-theory.fundamental-theorem-of-arithmetic using ( eq-prime-decomposition-list-ℕ -- prime decompositions of a fixed number are equal )
Exercise 8.13. There are infinitely many primes p ≡ 3 mod 4
Exercise 8.14. Prime fields.
Exercise 8.15. The cofibonacci sequenece.
open import elementary-number-theory.cofibonacci using ( cofibonacci ; forward-is-left-adjoint-cofibonacci) -- TODO: backward direction of the adjointness equivalence
- [Rij22]
- Egbert Rijke. Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory. 12 2022. arXiv:2212.11082.
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- 2025-02-19. Vojtěch Štěpančík. Literature overview for Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory (#1333).