Negation of real numbers
Content created by Louis Wasserman and Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2025-02-04.
Last modified on 2025-02-25.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module real-numbers.negation-real-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.positive-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.conjunction open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.disjoint-subtypes open import foundation.disjunction open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.existential-quantification open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.universe-levels open import logic.functoriality-existential-quantification open import real-numbers.dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.lower-dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.negation-lower-upper-dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.rational-lower-dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.rational-real-numbers open import real-numbers.rational-upper-dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.upper-dedekind-real-numbers
The negation¶ of
a Dedekind real number with cuts
(L, U)
has lower cut equal to the negation of elements of U
, and upper cut
equal to the negation of elements in L
module _ {l : Level} (x : ℝ l) where lower-real-neg-ℝ : lower-ℝ l lower-real-neg-ℝ = neg-upper-ℝ (upper-real-ℝ x) upper-real-neg-ℝ : upper-ℝ l upper-real-neg-ℝ = neg-lower-ℝ (lower-real-ℝ x) lower-cut-neg-ℝ : subtype l ℚ lower-cut-neg-ℝ = cut-lower-ℝ lower-real-neg-ℝ upper-cut-neg-ℝ : subtype l ℚ upper-cut-neg-ℝ = cut-upper-ℝ upper-real-neg-ℝ is-disjoint-cut-neg-ℝ : disjoint-subtype lower-cut-neg-ℝ upper-cut-neg-ℝ is-disjoint-cut-neg-ℝ q (in-lower-neg , in-upper-neg) = is-disjoint-cut-ℝ x (neg-ℚ q) (in-upper-neg , in-lower-neg) is-located-lower-upper-cut-neg-ℝ : (q r : ℚ) → le-ℚ q r → type-disjunction-Prop (lower-cut-neg-ℝ q) (upper-cut-neg-ℝ r) is-located-lower-upper-cut-neg-ℝ q r q<r = elim-disjunction ( disjunction-Prop (lower-cut-neg-ℝ q) (upper-cut-neg-ℝ r)) ( inr-disjunction) ( inl-disjunction) ( is-located-lower-upper-cut-ℝ x (neg-ℚ r) (neg-ℚ q) (neg-le-ℚ q r q<r)) neg-ℝ : ℝ l neg-ℝ = real-lower-upper-ℝ ( lower-real-neg-ℝ) ( upper-real-neg-ℝ) ( is-disjoint-cut-neg-ℝ) ( is-located-lower-upper-cut-neg-ℝ)
The negation function on real numbers is an involution
neg-neg-ℝ : {l : Level} → (x : ℝ l) → neg-ℝ (neg-ℝ x) = x neg-neg-ℝ x = eq-eq-lower-cut-ℝ ( neg-ℝ (neg-ℝ x)) ( x) ( eq-has-same-elements-subtype ( lower-cut-ℝ (neg-ℝ (neg-ℝ x))) ( lower-cut-ℝ x) ( λ q → tr (is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x) (neg-neg-ℚ q) , tr (is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x) (inv (neg-neg-ℚ q))))
Negation preserves rationality
neg-Rational-ℝ : {l : Level} → Rational-ℝ l → Rational-ℝ l neg-Rational-ℝ (x , q , q≮x , x≮q) = neg-ℝ x , neg-ℚ q , x≮q ∘ tr (is-in-upper-cut-ℝ x) (neg-neg-ℚ q) , q≮x ∘ tr (is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x) (neg-neg-ℚ q)
Recent changes
- 2025-02-25. Louis Wasserman. Disjoint subtypes (#1344).
- 2025-02-16. Louis Wasserman. Break the Dedekind reals into lower and upper Dedekind reals (#1314).
- 2025-02-08. Louis Wasserman. Negation of rational reals (#1304).
- 2025-02-08. Fredrik Bakke. Functorial action of existential quantifications, and applications in
(#1298). - 2025-02-04. Louis Wasserman. Negation on real numbers (#1246).