Plane trees
Content created by Egbert Rijke.
Created on 2024-04-13.
Last modified on 2024-04-13.
module trees.plane-trees where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import foundation.action-on-identifications-binary-functions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.maybe open import foundation.retractions open import foundation.sections open import foundation.universe-levels open import lists.lists open import trees.full-binary-trees open import trees.w-types open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types
A plane tree¶ is a finite directed tree that can be drawn on a plane with the root at the bottom, and all branches directed upwards. More precisely, a plane tree consists of a root and a family of plane trees indexed by a standard finite type. Plane trees are also known as ordered trees.
The type of plane trees can be defined in several equivalent ways:
The type of plane trees is the inductive type with constructor
(n : ℕ) → (Fin n → plane-tree) → plane-tree.
The type of plane trees is the W-type
𝕎 ℕ Fin.
The type of plane trees is the inductive type with constructor
list plane-tree → plane-tree.
The type of plane trees is therefore the least fixed point of the
list functor X ↦ list X
. In particular, plane-tree
is the
least fixed point of the functor
X ↦ 1 + plane-tree × X.
The least fixed point for this functor coincides with the least fixed point of the functor
X ↦ 1 + X².
Thus we obtain an equivalence
plane-tree ≃ full-binary-tree
from the type of plane trees to the type of full binary trees.
Plane trees
data plane-tree : UU lzero where make-plane-tree : {n : ℕ} → (Fin n → plane-tree) → plane-tree
Plane trees as W-types
plane-tree-𝕎 : UU lzero plane-tree-𝕎 = 𝕎 ℕ Fin
Plane trees defined using lists
data listed-plane-tree : UU lzero where make-listed-plane-tree : list listed-plane-tree → listed-plane-tree
Operations on plane trees
The type of nodes, including leaves, of a plane tree
node-plane-tree : plane-tree → UU lzero node-plane-tree (make-plane-tree {n} T) = Maybe (Σ (Fin n) (λ i → node-plane-tree (T i)))
The root of a plane tree
root-plane-tree : (T : plane-tree) → node-plane-tree T root-plane-tree (make-plane-tree T) = exception-Maybe
The type of listed plane trees is equivalent to the type of lists of listed plane trees
unpack-listed-plane-tree : listed-plane-tree → list listed-plane-tree unpack-listed-plane-tree (make-listed-plane-tree t) = t is-section-unpack-listed-plane-tree : is-section make-listed-plane-tree unpack-listed-plane-tree is-section-unpack-listed-plane-tree (make-listed-plane-tree t) = refl is-retraction-unpack-listed-plane-tree : is-retraction make-listed-plane-tree unpack-listed-plane-tree is-retraction-unpack-listed-plane-tree l = refl is-equiv-make-listed-plane-tree : is-equiv make-listed-plane-tree is-equiv-make-listed-plane-tree = is-equiv-is-invertible ( unpack-listed-plane-tree) ( is-section-unpack-listed-plane-tree) ( is-retraction-unpack-listed-plane-tree) equiv-make-listed-plane-tree : list listed-plane-tree ≃ listed-plane-tree pr1 equiv-make-listed-plane-tree = make-listed-plane-tree pr2 equiv-make-listed-plane-tree = is-equiv-make-listed-plane-tree
The type of listed plane trees is equivalent to the type of full binary trees
Since plane-tree
is inductively generated by a constructor
list plane-tree → plane-tree
, we have an
list plane-tree ≃ plane-tree.
This description allows us to obtain an equivalence
plane-tree ≃ full-binary-tree
from the type of plane trees to the type of
full binary trees. Indeed, by the above
equivalence we can compute
plane-tree ≃ list plane-tree
≃ 1 + plane-tree × list plane-tree
≃ 1 + plane-tree²
On the other hand, the type full-binary-tree
is a fixed point for the
polynomial endofunctor
X ↦ 1 + full-binary-tree × X
, since we have equivalences.
full-binary-tree ≃ 1 + full-binary-tree²
≃ 1 + full-binary-tree × full-binary-tree
Since full-binary-tree
is the least fixed point of the polynomial endofunctor
X ↦ 1 + X²
, we obtain a (1 + X²)
-structure preserving map
full-binary-tree → plane-tree.
Likewise, since plane-tree
is the least fixed point of the endofunctor list
we obtain a list
-structure preserving map
plane-tree → full-binary-tree.
Initiality of both full-binary-tree
and plane-tree
can then be used to show
that these two maps are inverse to each other, i.e., that we obtain an
plane-tree ≃ full-binary-tree.
full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree : listed-plane-tree → full-binary-tree full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree (make-listed-plane-tree nil) = leaf-full-binary-tree full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree (make-listed-plane-tree (cons T l)) = join-full-binary-tree ( full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree T) ( full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree (make-listed-plane-tree l)) listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree : full-binary-tree → listed-plane-tree listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree leaf-full-binary-tree = make-listed-plane-tree nil listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree (join-full-binary-tree S T) = make-listed-plane-tree ( cons ( listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree S) ( unpack-listed-plane-tree (listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree T))) is-section-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree : is-section ( full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree) ( listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree) is-section-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree leaf-full-binary-tree = refl is-section-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree ( join-full-binary-tree S T) = ap-binary ( join-full-binary-tree) ( is-section-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree S) ( ( ap ( full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree) ( is-section-unpack-listed-plane-tree _)) ∙ ( is-section-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree T)) is-retraction-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree : is-retraction ( full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree) ( listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree) is-retraction-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree (make-listed-plane-tree nil) = refl is-retraction-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree ( make-listed-plane-tree (cons T l)) = ( ap ( make-listed-plane-tree) ( ap-binary ( cons) ( is-retraction-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree T) ( ap ( unpack-listed-plane-tree) ( is-retraction-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree ( make-listed-plane-tree l))))) is-equiv-full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree : is-equiv full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree is-equiv-full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree = is-equiv-is-invertible ( listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree) ( is-section-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree) ( is-retraction-listed-plane-tree-full-binary-tree) equiv-full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree : listed-plane-tree ≃ full-binary-tree pr1 equiv-full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree = full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree pr2 equiv-full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree = is-equiv-full-binary-tree-listed-plane-tree
External links
- Ordered tree at Wikidata
Recent changes
- 2024-04-13. Egbert Rijke. Plane trees (#1110).