Dependent products of metric spaces

Content created by Fredrik Bakke and malarbol.

Created on 2024-09-28.
Last modified on 2024-09-28.

module metric-spaces.dependent-products-metric-spaces where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import metric-spaces.extensional-premetric-structures
open import metric-spaces.metric-spaces
open import metric-spaces.metric-structures
open import metric-spaces.monotonic-premetric-structures
open import metric-spaces.premetric-structures
open import metric-spaces.pseudometric-structures
open import metric-spaces.reflexive-premetric-structures
open import metric-spaces.short-functions-metric-spaces
open import metric-spaces.symmetric-premetric-structures
open import metric-spaces.triangular-premetric-structures


A family of metric spaces over a type produces a product metric space on the type of dependent functions into the carrier types of the family. Two functions f and g are in a d-neighborhood in the product structure if this holds for all the evaluations f x and g x. I.e this is the premetric such that upper bounds on the distance between f and g are bounded below by the supremum of the distances between each f x and g x. The evaluation functions from the product metric space to each projected metric space are short maps.


Product of metric spaces

module _
  {l l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l) (P : A  Metric-Space l1 l2)

  type-Π-Metric-Space : UU (l  l1)
  type-Π-Metric-Space = (x : A)  type-Metric-Space (P x)

  structure-Π-Metric-Space : Premetric (l  l2) type-Π-Metric-Space
  structure-Π-Metric-Space d f g =
    Π-Prop A  x  structure-Metric-Space (P x) d (f x) (g x))

  is-reflexive-structure-Π-Metric-Space :
    is-reflexive-Premetric structure-Π-Metric-Space
  is-reflexive-structure-Π-Metric-Space d f a =
    is-reflexive-structure-Metric-Space (P a) d (f a)

  is-symmetric-structure-Π-Metric-Space :
    is-symmetric-Premetric structure-Π-Metric-Space
  is-symmetric-structure-Π-Metric-Space d f g H a =
    is-symmetric-structure-Metric-Space (P a) d (f a) (g a) (H a)

  is-triangular-structure-Π-Metric-Space :
    is-triangular-Premetric structure-Π-Metric-Space
  is-triangular-structure-Π-Metric-Space f g h d₁ d₂ H K a =
      ( P a)
      ( f a)
      ( g a)
      ( h a)
      ( d₁)
      ( d₂)
      ( H a)
      ( K a)

  is-local-structure-Π-Metric-Space :
    is-local-Premetric structure-Π-Metric-Space
  is-local-structure-Π-Metric-Space =
      ( structure-Π-Metric-Space)
      ( λ f g H 
          ( λ a 
              ( P a)
              ( f a)
              ( g a)
              ( λ d  H d a)))

  is-pseudometric-structure-Π-Metric-Space :
    is-pseudometric-Premetric structure-Π-Metric-Space
  is-pseudometric-structure-Π-Metric-Space =
    is-reflexive-structure-Π-Metric-Space ,
    is-symmetric-structure-Π-Metric-Space ,

  is-metric-structure-Π-Metric-Space :
    is-metric-Premetric structure-Π-Metric-Space
  is-metric-structure-Π-Metric-Space =
    is-pseudometric-structure-Π-Metric-Space ,

  Π-Metric-Space : Metric-Space (l  l1) (l  l2)
  pr1 Π-Metric-Space = type-Π-Metric-Space , structure-Π-Metric-Space
  pr2 Π-Metric-Space = is-metric-structure-Π-Metric-Space


The evaluation maps on a product metric space are short

module _
  {l l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l) (P : A  Metric-Space l1 l2) (a : A)

  is-short-ev-Π-Metric-Space :
      ( Π-Metric-Space A P)
      ( P a)
      ( λ f  f a)
  is-short-ev-Π-Metric-Space ε x y H = H a

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