The flat-sharp adjunction

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2023-11-24.
Last modified on 2024-09-06.

{-# OPTIONS --cohesion --flat-split #-}

module modal-type-theory.flat-sharp-adjunction where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.retractions
open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import modal-type-theory.action-on-identifications-flat-modality
open import modal-type-theory.flat-modality
open import modal-type-theory.functoriality-flat-modality
open import
open import


We postulate that the flat modality is a crisp left adjoint to the sharp modality .

In The sharp modality we postulated that is a modal operator that has a modal induction principle. In the file Sharp-Codiscrete types, we postulated that the subuniverse of sharp modal types has appropriate closure properties. Please note that there is some redundancy between the postulated axioms, and they are likely to change in the future.


Crisp recursion for the sharp modality

module _
  {@l1 : Level} {l2 : Level} {@A : UU l1} {C : UU l2}
  (f : (@x : A)  C)

  crisp-rec-sharp : A   C
  crisp-rec-sharp = crisp-ind-sharp  _  C) f

module _
  {@l1 : Level} {l2 : Level} {@A : UU l1} {C : UU l2}
  (is-codisc-C : is-sharp-codiscrete C) (f : (@x : A)  C)

  crisp-rec-sharp-codiscrete : A  C
  crisp-rec-sharp-codiscrete =
    crisp-ind-sharp-codiscrete  _  C)  _  is-codisc-C) f

  compute-crisp-rec-sharp-codiscrete :
    (@x : A)  crisp-rec-sharp-codiscrete x  f x
  compute-crisp-rec-sharp-codiscrete =
    compute-crisp-ind-sharp-codiscrete  _  C)  _  is-codisc-C) f


crisp-tr-sharp :
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l} {B : UU l}  (p : A  B) 
  {@x :  A}  unit-sharp (tr  X  X) p (crisp-elim-sharp x))  tr  p x
crisp-tr-sharp refl {x} = uniqueness-crisp-elim-sharp x

Crisp induction on implies cohesive induction

ind-crisp-ind-sharp-codiscrete :
  {@l1 : Level} {l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (C :  A  UU l2) 
  ((x :  A)  is-sharp-codiscrete (C x)) 
  ((x : A)  C (unit-sharp x)) 
  (x :  A)  C x
ind-crisp-ind-sharp-codiscrete {A = A} C is-codisc-C f x' =
    ( λ X  (x :  X) (p : X  A)  C (tr  p x))
    ( λ x 
        ( λ y  is-sharp-codiscrete-Π
          ( λ p  is-codisc-C (tr  p y))))
    ( λ A' 
        ( λ y  (p : A'  A)  C (tr  p y))
        ( λ y  is-sharp-codiscrete-Π  p  is-codisc-C (tr  p y)))
        ( λ x p  tr C (crisp-tr-sharp p) (f (tr id p (crisp-elim-sharp x)))))
    ( A)
    ( x')
    ( refl)

The accompanying computation principle remains to be fully formalized.

Flat eats sharp

module _
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l}

  action-flat-map-elim-sharp :  ( A)   A
  action-flat-map-elim-sharp = action-flat-crisp-map crisp-elim-sharp

  action-flat-map-unit-sharp :  A   ( A)
  action-flat-map-unit-sharp = action-flat-map unit-sharp

  is-section-action-flat-map-unit-sharp :
    is-section action-flat-map-elim-sharp action-flat-map-unit-sharp
  is-section-action-flat-map-unit-sharp (intro-flat x) =
    ap-flat (compute-crisp-elim-sharp x)

  is-retraction-action-flat-map-unit-sharp :
    is-retraction action-flat-map-elim-sharp action-flat-map-unit-sharp
  is-retraction-action-flat-map-unit-sharp (intro-flat x) =
    ap-flat (uniqueness-crisp-elim-sharp x)

  is-equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp : is-equiv action-flat-map-elim-sharp
  pr1 (pr1 is-equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp) = action-flat-map-unit-sharp
  pr2 (pr1 is-equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp) =
  pr1 (pr2 is-equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp) = action-flat-map-unit-sharp
  pr2 (pr2 is-equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp) =

  equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp :  ( A)   A
  pr1 equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp = action-flat-map-elim-sharp
  pr2 equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp = is-equiv-action-flat-map-elim-sharp

  is-equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp : is-equiv action-flat-map-unit-sharp
  pr1 (pr1 is-equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp) = action-flat-map-elim-sharp
  pr2 (pr1 is-equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp) =
  pr1 (pr2 is-equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp) = action-flat-map-elim-sharp
  pr2 (pr2 is-equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp) =

  equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp :  A   ( A)
  pr1 equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp = action-flat-map-unit-sharp
  pr2 equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp = is-equiv-action-flat-map-unit-sharp

Sharp eats flat

module _
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l}

  ap-sharp-counit-flat :  ( A)   A
  ap-sharp-counit-flat = rec-sharp (unit-sharp  counit-flat)

  ap-sharp-intro-flat :  A   ( A)
  ap-sharp-intro-flat = rec-sharp (crisp-rec-sharp intro-flat)

It remains to show that these two are inverses to each other.

Sharp is uniquely eliminating

This remains to be formalized.

See also


Dan Licata. Dlicata335/cohesion-agda. GitHub repository. URL:
Michael Shulman. Brouwer's fixed-point theorem in real-cohesive homotopy type theory. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 28(6):856–941, 06 2018. arXiv:1509.07584, doi:10.1017/S0960129517000147.

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