The locale of propositions

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2025-01-07.
Last modified on 2025-01-07.

module foundation.locale-of-propositions where
open import foundation.conjunction
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.existential-quantification
open import foundation.large-locale-of-propositions
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.function-types

open import order-theory.frames
open import order-theory.greatest-lower-bounds-posets
open import order-theory.large-posets
open import order-theory.large-preorders
open import
open import
open import order-theory.posets
open import order-theory.preorders
open import order-theory.suplattices
open import


The locale of propositions consists of all the propositions of any universe level and is ordered by the implications between them. Conjunction gives this poset the structure of a meet-semilattice, and existential quantification gives it the structure of a suplattice.


The preorder of propositions

Prop-Preorder : (l : Level)  Preorder (lsuc l) l
Prop-Preorder = preorder-Large-Preorder Prop-Large-Preorder

The poset of propositions

Prop-Poset : (l : Level)  Poset (lsuc l) l
Prop-Poset = poset-Large-Poset Prop-Large-Poset

The largest element in the poset of propositions

has-top-element-Prop-Locale :
  {l : Level}  has-top-element-Poset (Prop-Poset l)
has-top-element-Prop-Locale {l} = (raise-unit-Prop l , λ _ _  raise-star)

Meets in the poset of propositions

is-meet-semilattice-Prop-Locale :
  {l : Level}  is-meet-semilattice-Poset (Prop-Poset l)
is-meet-semilattice-Prop-Locale P Q =
  ( P  Q , is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-conjunction-Prop P Q)

Prop-Order-Theoretic-Meet-Semilattice :
  (l : Level)  Order-Theoretic-Meet-Semilattice (lsuc l) l
Prop-Order-Theoretic-Meet-Semilattice l =
  Prop-Poset l , is-meet-semilattice-Prop-Locale

Prop-Meet-Semilattice :
  (l : Level)  Meet-Semilattice (lsuc l)
Prop-Meet-Semilattice l =
    ( Prop-Order-Theoretic-Meet-Semilattice l)

Suprema in the poset of propositions

is-suplattice-lzero-Prop-Locale :
  {l : Level}  is-suplattice-Poset lzero (Prop-Poset l)
is-suplattice-lzero-Prop-Locale I P = ( I P , inv-iff  up-exists)

is-suplattice-Prop-Locale :
  {l : Level}  is-suplattice-Poset l (Prop-Poset l)
is-suplattice-Prop-Locale I P = ( I P , inv-iff  up-exists)

Prop-Suplattice :
  (l : Level)  Suplattice (lsuc l) l l
Prop-Suplattice l = Prop-Poset l , is-suplattice-Prop-Locale
is-meet-suplattice-Prop-Locale :
  {l : Level} → is-meet-suplattice-Meet-Semilattice l (Prop-Meet-Semilattice l)
is-meet-suplattice-Prop-Locale I P = ?

Prop-Meet-Suplattice :
  (l : Level) → Meet-Suplattice (lsuc l) l
Prop-Meet-Suplattice l =
  Prop-Meet-Semilattice l , is-meet-suplattice-Prop-Locale

The frame of propositions

Prop-Frame : (l : Level) → Frame (lsuc l) l
Prop-Frame l = Prop-Meet-Suplattice l , ?

The locale of propositions

Prop-Locale : Locale lsuc (_⊔_) lzero
Prop-Locale = Prop-Frame

See also

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