Cartesian products of directed graphs
Content created by Egbert Rijke.
Created on 2024-12-03.
Last modified on 2024-12-03.
module graph-theory.cartesian-products-directed-graphs where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import graph-theory.directed-graphs open import graph-theory.morphisms-directed-graphs
Consider two directed graphs A := (A₀ , A₁)
and B := (B₀ , B₁)
. The
cartesian product¶
of A
and B
is the directed graph A × B
given by
(A × B)₀ := A₀ × B₀
(A × B)₁ (x , y) (x' , y') := A₁ x x' × B₁ y y'.
The cartesian product of directed graphs
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Directed-Graph l1 l2) (B : Directed-Graph l3 l4) where vertex-product-Directed-Graph : UU (l1 ⊔ l3) vertex-product-Directed-Graph = vertex-Directed-Graph A × vertex-Directed-Graph B edge-product-Directed-Graph : (x y : vertex-product-Directed-Graph) → UU (l2 ⊔ l4) edge-product-Directed-Graph (x , y) (x' , y') = edge-Directed-Graph A x x' × edge-Directed-Graph B y y' product-Directed-Graph : Directed-Graph (l1 ⊔ l3) (l2 ⊔ l4) pr1 product-Directed-Graph = vertex-product-Directed-Graph pr2 product-Directed-Graph = edge-product-Directed-Graph
The projections out of cartesian products of directed graphs
The first projection out of the cartesian product of directed graphs
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Directed-Graph l1 l2) (B : Directed-Graph l3 l4) where vertex-pr1-product-Directed-Graph : vertex-product-Directed-Graph A B → vertex-Directed-Graph A vertex-pr1-product-Directed-Graph = pr1 edge-pr1-product-Directed-Graph : {x y : vertex-product-Directed-Graph A B} → edge-product-Directed-Graph A B x y → edge-Directed-Graph A ( vertex-pr1-product-Directed-Graph x) ( vertex-pr1-product-Directed-Graph y) edge-pr1-product-Directed-Graph = pr1 pr1-product-Directed-Graph : hom-Directed-Graph (product-Directed-Graph A B) A pr1 pr1-product-Directed-Graph = vertex-pr1-product-Directed-Graph pr2 pr1-product-Directed-Graph _ _ = edge-pr1-product-Directed-Graph
The second projection out of the cartesian product of two directed graphs
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Directed-Graph l1 l2) (B : Directed-Graph l3 l4) where vertex-pr2-product-Directed-Graph : vertex-product-Directed-Graph A B → vertex-Directed-Graph B vertex-pr2-product-Directed-Graph = pr2 edge-pr2-product-Directed-Graph : {x y : vertex-product-Directed-Graph A B} → edge-product-Directed-Graph A B x y → edge-Directed-Graph B ( vertex-pr2-product-Directed-Graph x) ( vertex-pr2-product-Directed-Graph y) edge-pr2-product-Directed-Graph = pr2 pr2-product-Directed-Graph : hom-Directed-Graph (product-Directed-Graph A B) B pr1 pr2-product-Directed-Graph = vertex-pr2-product-Directed-Graph pr2 pr2-product-Directed-Graph _ _ = edge-pr2-product-Directed-Graph
Recent changes
- 2024-12-03. Egbert Rijke. Hofmann-Streicher universes for graphs and globular types (#1196).