The metric space of real numbers
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke and malarbol.
Created on 2024-09-28.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module real-numbers.metric-space-of-real-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.difference-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.positive-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.diagonal-maps-cartesian-products-of-types open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.existential-quantification open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.universe-levels open import metric-spaces.extensional-premetric-structures open import metric-spaces.isometries-metric-spaces open import metric-spaces.metric-space-of-rational-numbers open import metric-spaces.metric-spaces open import metric-spaces.metric-structures open import metric-spaces.monotonic-premetric-structures open import metric-spaces.premetric-spaces open import metric-spaces.premetric-structures open import metric-spaces.pseudometric-structures open import metric-spaces.reflexive-premetric-structures open import metric-spaces.saturated-metric-spaces open import metric-spaces.symmetric-premetric-structures open import metric-spaces.triangular-premetric-structures open import real-numbers.dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.rational-real-numbers
The type of real numbers equipped with
the premetric where x y : ℝ
-neighbors when for any r : ℚ
the following two conditions hold:
- if
r + d
is in the lower cut ofy
is in the lower cut ofx
- if
r + d
is in the lower cut ofx
is in the lower cut ofy
is a saturated metric space. It is the standard metric space of real numbers¶.
The standard premetric on the real numbers
module _ {l : Level} (d : ℚ⁺) (x y : ℝ l) where is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-prop-ℝ : Prop l is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-prop-ℝ = Π-Prop ( ℚ) ( λ r → hom-Prop ( lower-cut-ℝ y (r +ℚ (rational-ℚ⁺ d))) ( lower-cut-ℝ x r)) is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ : UU l is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ = type-Prop is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-prop-ℝ premetric-leq-ℝ : (l : Level) → Premetric l (ℝ l) premetric-leq-ℝ l d x y = product-Prop ( is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-prop-ℝ d x y) ( is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-prop-ℝ d y x)
The standard premetric on the real numbers is a metric structure
The triangle inequality is the 91st theorem on Freek Wiedijk’s list of 100 theorems [Wie].
is-reflexive-premetric-leq-ℝ : {l : Level} → is-reflexive-Premetric (premetric-leq-ℝ l) is-reflexive-premetric-leq-ℝ d x = diagonal-product ( (r : ℚ) → is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x (r +ℚ (rational-ℚ⁺ d)) → is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x r) ( λ r → le-lower-cut-ℝ x r (r +ℚ rational-ℚ⁺ d) (le-right-add-rational-ℚ⁺ r d)) is-symmetric-premetric-leq-ℝ : {l : Level} → is-symmetric-Premetric (premetric-leq-ℝ l) is-symmetric-premetric-leq-ℝ d x y (H , K) = (K , H) is-tight-premetric-leq-ℝ : {l : Level} → is-tight-Premetric (premetric-leq-ℝ l) is-tight-premetric-leq-ℝ x y H = eq-eq-lower-cut-ℝ ( x) ( y) ( antisymmetric-leq-subtype ( lower-cut-ℝ x) ( lower-cut-ℝ y) ( λ r Lxr → elim-exists ( lower-cut-ℝ y r) ( λ s (r<s , Lxs) → pr2 ( H (positive-diff-le-ℚ r s r<s)) ( r) ( inv-tr ( λ u → is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x u) ( right-law-positive-diff-le-ℚ r s r<s) ( Lxs))) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ x r) Lxr)) ( λ r Lyr → elim-exists ( lower-cut-ℝ x r) ( λ s (r<s , Lys) → pr1 ( H (positive-diff-le-ℚ r s r<s)) ( r) ( inv-tr ( λ u → is-in-lower-cut-ℝ y u) ( right-law-positive-diff-le-ℚ r s r<s) ( Lys))) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ y r) Lyr))) is-local-premetric-leq-ℝ : {l : Level} → is-local-Premetric (premetric-leq-ℝ l) is-local-premetric-leq-ℝ {l} = is-local-is-tight-Premetric ( premetric-leq-ℝ l) ( is-tight-premetric-leq-ℝ) is-triangular-premetric-leq-ℝ : {l : Level} → is-triangular-Premetric (premetric-leq-ℝ l) pr1 (is-triangular-premetric-leq-ℝ x y z dxy dyz Hyz Hxy) r = pr1 Hxy r ∘ pr1 Hyz (r +ℚ rational-ℚ⁺ dxy) ∘ inv-tr ( is-in-lower-cut-ℝ z) ( associative-add-ℚ r (rational-ℚ⁺ dxy) (rational-ℚ⁺ dyz)) pr2 (is-triangular-premetric-leq-ℝ x y z dxy dyz Hyz Hxy) r = pr2 Hyz r ∘ pr2 Hxy (r +ℚ rational-ℚ⁺ dyz) ∘ inv-tr ( is-in-lower-cut-ℝ x) ( associative-add-ℚ r (rational-ℚ⁺ dyz) (rational-ℚ⁺ dxy) ∙ ap (add-ℚ r) (commutative-add-ℚ (rational-ℚ⁺ dyz) (rational-ℚ⁺ dxy))) is-pseudometric-premetric-leq-ℝ : {l : Level} → is-pseudometric-Premetric (premetric-leq-ℝ l) is-pseudometric-premetric-leq-ℝ = is-reflexive-premetric-leq-ℝ , is-symmetric-premetric-leq-ℝ , is-triangular-premetric-leq-ℝ is-metric-premetric-leq-ℝ : {l : Level} → is-metric-Premetric (premetric-leq-ℝ l) pr1 is-metric-premetric-leq-ℝ = is-pseudometric-premetric-leq-ℝ pr2 is-metric-premetric-leq-ℝ = is-local-premetric-leq-ℝ
The standard saturated metric space of real numbers
module _ (l : Level) where premetric-space-leq-ℝ : Premetric-Space (lsuc l) l premetric-space-leq-ℝ = ℝ l , premetric-leq-ℝ l metric-space-leq-ℝ : Metric-Space (lsuc l) l pr1 metric-space-leq-ℝ = premetric-space-leq-ℝ pr2 metric-space-leq-ℝ = is-metric-premetric-leq-ℝ
The standard metric space of real numbers is saturated
module _ {l : Level} (x y : ℝ l) (ε : ℚ⁺) (H : (δ : ℚ⁺) → is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ (ε +ℚ⁺ δ) x y) where is-closed-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ : is-in-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ ε x y is-closed-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ r I = elim-exists ( lower-cut-ℝ x r) ( λ r' (K , I') → H ( positive-diff-le-ℚ (r +ℚ rational-ℚ⁺ ε) r' K) ( r) ( tr ( is-in-lower-cut-ℝ y) ( ( inv ( right-law-positive-diff-le-ℚ ( r +ℚ rational-ℚ⁺ ε) ( r') ( K))) ∙ ( associative-add-ℚ ( r) ( rational-ℚ⁺ ε) ( r' -ℚ (r +ℚ rational-ℚ⁺ ε)))) ( I'))) ( forward-implication ( is-rounded-lower-cut-ℝ y (r +ℚ rational-ℚ⁺ ε)) I)
module _ {l : Level} where is-saturated-metric-space-leq-ℝ : is-saturated-Metric-Space (metric-space-leq-ℝ l) is-saturated-metric-space-leq-ℝ ε x y H = ( is-closed-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ x y ε (pr1 ∘ H)) , ( is-closed-lower-neighborhood-leq-ℝ y x ε (pr2 ∘ H))
Tha canonical embedding from rational to real numbers is an isometry between metric spaces
is-isometry-metric-space-leq-real-ℚ : is-isometry-Metric-Space ( metric-space-leq-ℚ) ( metric-space-leq-ℝ lzero) ( real-ℚ) is-isometry-metric-space-leq-real-ℚ d x y = pair ( map-product ( le-le-add-positive-leq-add-positive-ℚ x y d) ( le-le-add-positive-leq-add-positive-ℚ y x d)) ( map-product ( leq-add-positive-le-le-add-positive-ℚ x y d) ( leq-add-positive-le-le-add-positive-ℚ y x d))
- [Wie]
- Freek Wiedijk. Formalizing 100 theorems. URL:
Recent changes
- 2025-02-14. Fredrik Bakke. chore: Fix links in
(#1321). - 2024-10-29. Egbert Rijke. Linked names (#1216).
- 2024-10-28. Egbert Rijke. Formula for the number of combinations (#1213).
- 2024-09-28. malarbol and Fredrik Bakke. Metric spaces (#1162).