Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Julian KG, Victor Blanchi, fernabnor and louismntnu.
Created on 2022-01-05.
Last modified on 2025-01-26.
module order-theory.preorders where
open import category-theory.precategories open import foundation.binary-relations open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.negated-equality open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.sets open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.universe-levels
A preorder is a type equipped with a reflexive, transitive relation that is valued in propositions.
The predicate on a propositional relation of being a preorder
is-preorder-Relation-Prop : {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} → Relation-Prop l2 X → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) is-preorder-Relation-Prop R = is-reflexive-Relation-Prop R × is-transitive-Relation-Prop R
The type of preorders
Preorder : (l1 l2 : Level) → UU (lsuc l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) Preorder l1 l2 = Σ (UU l1) (λ X → Σ (Relation-Prop l2 X) (is-preorder-Relation-Prop)) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Preorder l1 l2) where type-Preorder : UU l1 type-Preorder = pr1 X leq-prop-Preorder : Relation-Prop l2 type-Preorder leq-prop-Preorder = pr1 (pr2 X) leq-Preorder : (x y : type-Preorder) → UU l2 leq-Preorder x y = type-Prop (leq-prop-Preorder x y) is-prop-leq-Preorder : (x y : type-Preorder) → is-prop (leq-Preorder x y) is-prop-leq-Preorder = is-prop-type-Relation-Prop leq-prop-Preorder concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder' : {x y z : type-Preorder} → x = y → leq-Preorder x z → leq-Preorder y z concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder' {z = z} = tr (λ p → leq-Preorder p z) concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder : {x y z : type-Preorder} → x = y → leq-Preorder y z → leq-Preorder x z concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder p = concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder' (inv p) concatenate-leq-eq-Preorder : {x y z : type-Preorder} → leq-Preorder x y → y = z → leq-Preorder x z concatenate-leq-eq-Preorder {x} H p = tr (leq-Preorder x) p H concatenate-eq-leq-eq-Preorder' : {x y z w : type-Preorder} → x = y → leq-Preorder x z → z = w → leq-Preorder y w concatenate-eq-leq-eq-Preorder' p H q = concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder' p (concatenate-leq-eq-Preorder H q) concatenate-eq-leq-eq-Preorder : {x y z w : type-Preorder} → x = y → leq-Preorder y z → z = w → leq-Preorder x w concatenate-eq-leq-eq-Preorder p H q = concatenate-eq-leq-Preorder p (concatenate-leq-eq-Preorder H q) le-prop-Preorder : Relation-Prop (l1 ⊔ l2) type-Preorder le-prop-Preorder x y = product-Prop (x ≠ y , is-prop-neg) (leq-prop-Preorder x y) le-Preorder : Relation (l1 ⊔ l2) type-Preorder le-Preorder x y = type-Prop (le-prop-Preorder x y) is-prop-le-Preorder : (x y : type-Preorder) → is-prop (le-Preorder x y) is-prop-le-Preorder = is-prop-type-Relation-Prop le-prop-Preorder is-reflexive-leq-Preorder : is-reflexive (leq-Preorder) is-reflexive-leq-Preorder = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 X)) refl-leq-Preorder : is-reflexive leq-Preorder refl-leq-Preorder = is-reflexive-leq-Preorder is-transitive-leq-Preorder : is-transitive leq-Preorder is-transitive-leq-Preorder = pr2 (pr2 (pr2 X)) transitive-leq-Preorder : is-transitive leq-Preorder transitive-leq-Preorder = is-transitive-leq-Preorder
Reasoning with inequalities in preorders
Inequalities in preorders can be constructed by equational reasoning as follows:
calculate-in-Preorder X
x ≤ y
by ineq-1
in-Preorder X
≤ z
by ineq-2
in-Preorder X
≤ v
by ineq-3
in-Preorder X
Note, however, that in our setup of equational reasoning with inequalities it is not possible to mix inequalities with equalities or strict inequalities.
infixl 1 calculate-in-Preorder_chain-of-inequalities_ infixl 0 step-calculate-in-Preorder calculate-in-Preorder_chain-of-inequalities_ : {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Preorder l1 l2) (x : type-Preorder X) → leq-Preorder X x x calculate-in-Preorder_chain-of-inequalities_ = refl-leq-Preorder step-calculate-in-Preorder : {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Preorder l1 l2) {x y : type-Preorder X} → leq-Preorder X x y → (z : type-Preorder X) → leq-Preorder X y z → leq-Preorder X x z step-calculate-in-Preorder X {x} {y} u z v = is-transitive-leq-Preorder X x y z v u syntax step-calculate-in-Preorder X u z v = u ≤ z by v in-Preorder X
Preorders are precategories whose hom-sets are propositions
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Preorder l1 l2) where precategory-Preorder : Precategory l1 l2 precategory-Preorder = make-Precategory ( type-Preorder X) ( λ x y → set-Prop (leq-prop-Preorder X x y)) ( λ {x} {y} {z} → is-transitive-leq-Preorder X x y z) ( refl-leq-Preorder X) ( λ {x} {y} {z} {w} h g f → eq-is-prop (is-prop-type-Prop (leq-prop-Preorder X x w))) ( λ {x} {y} f → eq-is-prop (is-prop-type-Prop (leq-prop-Preorder X x y))) ( λ {x} {y} f → eq-is-prop (is-prop-type-Prop (leq-prop-Preorder X x y))) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) ( is-prop-hom-C : (x y : obj-Precategory C) → is-prop (hom-Precategory C x y)) where preorder-is-prop-hom-Precategory : Preorder l1 l2 pr1 preorder-is-prop-hom-Precategory = obj-Precategory C pr1 (pr1 (pr2 preorder-is-prop-hom-Precategory) x y) = hom-Precategory C x y pr2 (pr1 (pr2 preorder-is-prop-hom-Precategory) x y) = is-prop-hom-C x y pr1 (pr2 (pr2 preorder-is-prop-hom-Precategory)) x = id-hom-Precategory C pr2 (pr2 (pr2 preorder-is-prop-hom-Precategory)) x y z = comp-hom-Precategory C
It remains to show that these constructions form inverses to eachother.
Recent changes
- 2025-01-26. Fredrik Bakke. Fix definition of ordinals (#1241).
- 2024-11-20. Fredrik Bakke. Two fixed point theorems (#1227).
- 2024-03-11. Fredrik Bakke. Refactor category theory to use strictly involutive identity types (#1052).
- 2024-02-06. Fredrik Bakke. Rename
(#1017). - 2023-11-27. Fredrik Bakke. Refactor categories to carry a bidirectional witness of associativity (#945).