Orbits of higher group actions
Content created by Egbert Rijke.
Created on 2023-04-10.
Last modified on 2023-04-10.
module higher-group-theory.orbits-higher-group-actions where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import higher-group-theory.higher-group-actions open import higher-group-theory.higher-groups
The type of orbits of a higher group action X
acted upon by G
is the total
space of X
orbit-action-∞-Group : {l1 l2 : Level} (G : ∞-Group l1) (X : action-∞-Group l2 G) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) orbit-action-∞-Group G X = Σ (classifying-type-∞-Group G) X
Recent changes
- 2023-04-10. Egbert Rijke. Factoring out higher group theory (#559).