The maximum of upper Dedekind real numbers
Content created by Louis Wasserman.
Created on 2025-03-24.
Last modified on 2025-03-24.
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-} module real-numbers.maximum-upper-dedekind-real-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.maximum-rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.rational-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-rational-numbers open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.conjunction open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.disjunction open import foundation.existential-quantification open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.inhabited-types open import foundation.intersections-subtypes open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.powersets open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.universe-levels open import logic.functoriality-existential-quantification open import order-theory.large-join-semilattices open import order-theory.least-upper-bounds-large-posets open import real-numbers.inequality-upper-dedekind-real-numbers open import real-numbers.upper-dedekind-real-numbers
of two
upper Dedekind real numbers x
and y
is an upper Dedekind real number with cut equal to the intersection of
the cuts of x
and y
Binary maximum
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (x : upper-ℝ l1) (y : upper-ℝ l2) where cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ : subtype (l1 ⊔ l2) ℚ cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ = intersection-subtype (cut-upper-ℝ x) (cut-upper-ℝ y) abstract max-inhabitants-in-binary-max-upper-ℝ : (p q : ℚ) → (is-in-cut-upper-ℝ x p) → (is-in-cut-upper-ℝ y q) → is-in-subtype cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ (max-ℚ p q) max-inhabitants-in-binary-max-upper-ℝ p q x<p y<q = is-in-cut-leq-ℚ-upper-ℝ x p (max-ℚ p q) (leq-left-max-ℚ p q) x<p , is-in-cut-leq-ℚ-upper-ℝ y q (max-ℚ p q) (leq-right-max-ℚ p q) y<q is-inhabited-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ : exists ℚ cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ is-inhabited-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ = map-binary-exists ( is-in-subtype cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ) ( max-ℚ) ( max-inhabitants-in-binary-max-upper-ℝ) ( is-inhabited-cut-upper-ℝ x) ( is-inhabited-cut-upper-ℝ y) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-subtype cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q → exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ p) forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q (x<q , y<q) = map-binary-exists ( λ p → le-ℚ p q × is-in-subtype cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ p) ( max-ℚ) ( λ px py (px<q , x<px) (py<q , y<py) → le-max-le-both-ℚ q px py px<q py<q , max-inhabitants-in-binary-max-upper-ℝ px py x<px y<py) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ x q) x<q) ( forward-implication (is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ y q) y<q) backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ p) → is-in-subtype cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q = elim-exists ( cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q) ( λ p (p<q , x<p , y<p) → backward-implication ( is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ x q) ( intro-exists p (p<q , x<p)) , backward-implication ( is-rounded-cut-upper-ℝ y q) ( intro-exists p (p<q , y<p))) is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ : (q : ℚ) → is-in-subtype cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q ↔ exists ℚ (λ p → le-ℚ-Prop p q ∧ cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ p) is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q = forward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q , backward-implication-is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ q binary-max-upper-ℝ : upper-ℝ (l1 ⊔ l2) binary-max-upper-ℝ = cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ , is-inhabited-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ , is-rounded-cut-binary-max-upper-ℝ
The binary maximum is a least upper bound
is-least-binary-upper-bound-binary-max-upper-ℝ : is-least-binary-upper-bound-Large-Poset ( upper-ℝ-Large-Poset) ( x) ( y) ( binary-max-upper-ℝ) is-least-binary-upper-bound-binary-max-upper-ℝ z = is-greatest-binary-lower-bound-intersection-subtype ( cut-upper-ℝ x) ( cut-upper-ℝ y) ( cut-upper-ℝ z)
The upper Dedekind reals form a large join-semilattice
has-joins-upper-ℝ : has-joins-Large-Poset upper-ℝ-Large-Poset join-has-joins-Large-Poset has-joins-upper-ℝ = binary-max-upper-ℝ is-least-binary-upper-bound-join-has-joins-Large-Poset has-joins-upper-ℝ = is-least-binary-upper-bound-binary-max-upper-ℝ is-large-join-semilattice-upper-ℝ : is-large-join-semilattice-Large-Poset upper-ℝ-Large-Poset has-joins-is-large-join-semilattice-Large-Poset is-large-join-semilattice-upper-ℝ = has-joins-upper-ℝ has-bottom-element-is-large-join-semilattice-Large-Poset is-large-join-semilattice-upper-ℝ = has-bottom-element-upper-ℝ upper-ℝ-Large-Join-Semilattice : Large-Join-Semilattice lsuc _⊔_ large-poset-Large-Join-Semilattice upper-ℝ-Large-Join-Semilattice = upper-ℝ-Large-Poset is-large-join-semilattice-Large-Join-Semilattice upper-ℝ-Large-Join-Semilattice = is-large-join-semilattice-upper-ℝ
External links
- Maximum at Wikidata
Recent changes
- 2025-03-24. Louis Wasserman. Minimum and maximum on the lower, upper, and usual Dedekind real numbers (#1335).