Homomorphisms of groups equipped with normal subgroups

Content created by Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2023-10-22.
Last modified on 2023-11-24.

module group-theory.homomorphisms-groups-equipped-with-normal-subgroups where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.groups
open import group-theory.homomorphisms-groups
open import group-theory.normal-subgroups
open import group-theory.pullbacks-subgroups
open import group-theory.subgroups


Consider a group G equipped with a normal subgroup and a group H equipped with a normal subgroup M. A homomorphism of groups equipped with normal subgroups from (G,N) to (H,M) consists of a group homomorphism f : G → H which reflects the normal subgroup N into M, i.e., such that the condition x ∈ N ⇒ f x ∈ M holds.


The property of group homomorphisms of reflecting a normal subgroup

We say that a group homomorphism f : G → H reflects a normal subgroup N of G into a normal subgroup M of H if the property

  x ∈ N ⇒ f x ∈ M

holds for every x : G, i.e., if f maps elements in N to elements in M.


The predicate of reflecting a normal subgroup

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2)
  (N : Normal-Subgroup l3 G) (M : Normal-Subgroup l4 H)

  reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group : hom-Group G H  UU (l1  l3  l4)
  reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group f =
    leq-Normal-Subgroup G N (pullback-Normal-Subgroup G H f M)

  reflecting-hom-Group : UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  reflecting-hom-Group = Σ (hom-Group G H) reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group

Reflecting group homomorphisms

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2)
  (N : Normal-Subgroup l3 G) (M : Normal-Subgroup l4 H)
  (f : reflecting-hom-Group G H N M)

  hom-reflecting-hom-Group : hom-Group G H
  hom-reflecting-hom-Group = pr1 f

  reflects-normal-subgroup-reflecting-hom-Group :
    reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group G H N M hom-reflecting-hom-Group
  reflects-normal-subgroup-reflecting-hom-Group = pr2 f

  map-reflecting-hom-Group : type-Group G  type-Group H
  map-reflecting-hom-Group = map-hom-Group G H hom-reflecting-hom-Group

The identity reflecting group homomorphism

We define two variations of the identity reflecting group homomorphism. We will define the standard identity reflecting group homomorphism, but we will also we define a generalized version which takes as an argument an arbitrary element of

  reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group G G N N (id-hom-Group G).

The purpose is that in functoriality proofs, the proof that the identity homomorphism is reflecting is not always the standard one.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Group l1) (N : Normal-Subgroup l2 G)

  reflects-normal-subgroup-id-hom-Group :
    reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group G G N N (id-hom-Group G)
  reflects-normal-subgroup-id-hom-Group =
    refl-leq-subtype (subset-Normal-Subgroup G N)

  id-reflecting-hom-Group' :
    (p : reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group G G N N (id-hom-Group G)) 
    reflecting-hom-Group G G N N
  pr1 (id-reflecting-hom-Group' p) = id-hom-Group G
  pr2 (id-reflecting-hom-Group' p) = p

  id-reflecting-hom-Group : reflecting-hom-Group G G N N
  id-reflecting-hom-Group =
    id-reflecting-hom-Group' reflects-normal-subgroup-id-hom-Group

Composition of reflecting group homomorphisms

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2) (K : Group l3)
  (L : Normal-Subgroup l4 G) (M : Normal-Subgroup l5 H)
  (N : Normal-Subgroup l6 K)

  hom-comp-reflecting-hom-Group :
    reflecting-hom-Group H K M N 
    reflecting-hom-Group G H L M 
    hom-Group G K
  hom-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f =
    comp-hom-Group G H K
      ( hom-reflecting-hom-Group H K M N g)
      ( hom-reflecting-hom-Group G H L M f)

  map-comp-reflecting-hom-Group :
    reflecting-hom-Group H K M N 
    reflecting-hom-Group G H L M 
    type-Group G  type-Group K
  map-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f =
    map-hom-Group G K (hom-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f)

  reflects-normal-subgroup-comp-reflecting-hom-Group :
    (g : reflecting-hom-Group H K M N) 
    (f : reflecting-hom-Group G H L M) 
    reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group G K L N
      ( hom-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f)
  reflects-normal-subgroup-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f =
      ( subset-Normal-Subgroup G L)
      ( subset-Normal-Subgroup H M  map-reflecting-hom-Group G H L M f)
      ( subset-Normal-Subgroup K N  map-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f)
      ( ( reflects-normal-subgroup-reflecting-hom-Group H K M N g) 
        ( map-reflecting-hom-Group G H L M f))
      ( reflects-normal-subgroup-reflecting-hom-Group G H L M f)

  comp-reflecting-hom-Group' :
    (g : reflecting-hom-Group H K M N) (f : reflecting-hom-Group G H L M) 
    (p :
      reflects-normal-subgroup-hom-Group G K L N
        ( hom-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f)) 
    reflecting-hom-Group G K L N
  pr1 (comp-reflecting-hom-Group' g f p) = hom-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f
  pr2 (comp-reflecting-hom-Group' g f p) = p

  comp-reflecting-hom-Group :
    reflecting-hom-Group H K M N 
    reflecting-hom-Group G H L M 
    reflecting-hom-Group G K L N
  comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f =
    comp-reflecting-hom-Group' g f
      ( reflects-normal-subgroup-comp-reflecting-hom-Group g f)

Homotopies of reflecting homomorphisms

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2)
  (N : Normal-Subgroup l3 G) (M : Normal-Subgroup l4 H)

  htpy-reflecting-hom-Group :
    reflecting-hom-Group G H N M  reflecting-hom-Group G H N M  UU (l1  l2)
  htpy-reflecting-hom-Group f g =
    htpy-hom-Group G H
      ( hom-reflecting-hom-Group G H N M f)
      ( hom-reflecting-hom-Group G H N M g)

  refl-htpy-reflecting-hom-Group :
    (f : reflecting-hom-Group G H N M)  htpy-reflecting-hom-Group f f
  refl-htpy-reflecting-hom-Group f =
    refl-htpy-hom-Group G H (hom-reflecting-hom-Group G H N M f)


Characterization of equality of reflecting homomorphisms

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2)
  (N : Normal-Subgroup l3 G) (M : Normal-Subgroup l4 H)
  (f : reflecting-hom-Group G H N M)

  htpy-eq-reflecting-hom-Group :
    (g : reflecting-hom-Group G H N M) 
    f  g  htpy-reflecting-hom-Group G H N M f g
  htpy-eq-reflecting-hom-Group g refl =
    refl-htpy-reflecting-hom-Group G H N M f

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