Equivalences of dependent directed graphs

Content created by Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2024-12-03.
Last modified on 2024-12-03.

module graph-theory.equivalences-dependent-directed-graphs where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equality-dependent-function-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.families-of-equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.structure-identity-principle
open import foundation.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import graph-theory.dependent-directed-graphs
open import graph-theory.directed-graphs


Consider two dependent directed graphs H and K over a directed graph G. An equivalence of dependent directed graphs from H to K consists of a family of equivalences

  e₀ : {x : G₀} → H₀ x ≃ K₀ x

of vertices, and a family of equivalences

  e₁ : {x y : G₀} (a : G₁ x y) {y : H₀ x} {y' : H₀ x'} → H₁ a y y' ≃ K₁ a (e₀ y) (e₀ y')

of edges.


Equivalences of dependent directed graphs

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level} {G : Directed-Graph l1 l2}
  (H : Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 G)
  (K : Dependent-Directed-Graph l5 l6 G)

  equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph : UU (l1  l2  l3  l4  l5  l6)
  equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph =
    Σ ( fam-equiv
        ( vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H)
        ( vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph K))
      ( λ e 
        (x x' : vertex-Directed-Graph G) 
        (a : edge-Directed-Graph G x x') 
        (y : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x)
        (y' : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x') 
        edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph H a y y' 
        edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph K a
          ( map-equiv (e x) y)
          ( map-equiv (e x') y'))

  vertex-equiv-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
      ( vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H)
      ( vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph K)
  vertex-equiv-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph = pr1

  vertex-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    {x : vertex-Directed-Graph G} 
    vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x 
    vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph K x
  vertex-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e {x} =
    map-equiv (vertex-equiv-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e x)

  edge-equiv-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    (e : equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph) 
    {x x' : vertex-Directed-Graph G}
    (a : edge-Directed-Graph G x x')
    (y : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x)
    (y' : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x') 
    edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph H a y y' 
    edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph K a
      ( vertex-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e y)
      ( vertex-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e y')
  edge-equiv-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e a =
    pr2 e _ _ a

  edge-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    (e : equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph) 
    {x x' : vertex-Directed-Graph G}
    {a : edge-Directed-Graph G x x'}
    {y : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x}
    {y' : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x'} 
    edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph H a y y' 
    edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph K a
      ( vertex-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e y)
      ( vertex-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e y')
  edge-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e =
    map-equiv (edge-equiv-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph e _ _ _)

The identity equivalence of a dependent directed graph

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {G : Directed-Graph l1 l2}
  (H : Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 G)

  vertex-equiv-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
      ( vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H)
      ( vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H)
  vertex-equiv-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph x = id-equiv

  vertex-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    {x : vertex-Directed-Graph G} 
    vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x 
    vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x
  vertex-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph = id

  edge-equiv-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    {x x' : vertex-Directed-Graph G}
    (a : edge-Directed-Graph G x x')
    (y : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x)
    (y' : vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H x') 
    edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph H a y y' 
    edge-Dependent-Directed-Graph H a
      ( vertex-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph y)
      ( vertex-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph y')
  edge-equiv-id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph a y y' = id-equiv

  id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph H H
  pr1 id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph =
  pr2 id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph _ _ =


Equivalences characterize identifications of dependent directed graphs

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {G : Directed-Graph l1 l2}
  (H : Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 G)

    is-torsorial-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
      is-torsorial (equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph {l5 = l3} {l6 = l4} H)
    is-torsorial-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph =
        ( is-torsorial-equiv-fam (vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H))
        ( vertex-Dependent-Directed-Graph H , id-equiv-fam _)
        ( is-torsorial-Eq-Π
          ( λ x 
              ( λ x' 
                  ( λ a 
                      ( λ y 
                          ( λ y'  is-torsorial-equiv _))))))

  equiv-eq-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    (K : Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 G) 
    H  K  equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph H K
  equiv-eq-Dependent-Directed-Graph K refl =
    id-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph H

    is-equiv-equiv-eq-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
      (K : Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 G) 
      is-equiv (equiv-eq-Dependent-Directed-Graph K)
    is-equiv-equiv-eq-Dependent-Directed-Graph =

  extensionality-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    (K : Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 G) 
    (H  K)  equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph H K
  pr1 (extensionality-Dependent-Directed-Graph K) =
    equiv-eq-Dependent-Directed-Graph K
  pr2 (extensionality-Dependent-Directed-Graph K) =
    is-equiv-equiv-eq-Dependent-Directed-Graph K

  eq-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph :
    (K : Dependent-Directed-Graph l3 l4 G) 
    equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph H K  H  K
  eq-equiv-Dependent-Directed-Graph K =
    map-inv-equiv (extensionality-Dependent-Directed-Graph K)

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