Copresheaf categories
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Fernando Chu, Daniel Gratzer and Elisabeth Stenholm.
Created on 2023-11-01.
Last modified on 2024-09-04.
module category-theory.copresheaf-categories where
open import category-theory.categories open import category-theory.category-of-functors-from-small-to-large-categories open import category-theory.constant-functors open import category-theory.functors-from-small-to-large-precategories open import category-theory.functors-precategories open import category-theory.initial-objects-precategories open import category-theory.large-categories open import category-theory.large-precategories open import category-theory.natural-transformations-functors-from-small-to-large-precategories open import category-theory.natural-transformations-functors-precategories open import category-theory.precategories open import category-theory.precategory-of-functors-from-small-to-large-precategories open import category-theory.terminal-objects-precategories open import foundation.category-of-sets open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-maps open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.equality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.function-extensionality open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.raising-universe-levels open import foundation.sets open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels
Given a precategory C
, we can form its
copresheaf category as the
large category of functors
from C
, into the large category of sets
C → Set.
To this large category, there is an associated small category of small copresheaves, taking values in small sets.
The large category of copresheaves on a precategory
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) where copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory : Large-Precategory (λ l → l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ lsuc l) (λ l l' → l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l ⊔ l') copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory = functor-large-precategory-Small-Large-Precategory C Set-Large-Precategory is-large-category-copresheaf-large-category-Precategory : is-large-category-Large-Precategory copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory is-large-category-copresheaf-large-category-Precategory = is-large-category-functor-large-precategory-is-large-category-Small-Large-Precategory ( C) ( Set-Large-Precategory) ( is-large-category-Set-Large-Precategory) copresheaf-large-category-Precategory : Large-Category (λ l → l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ lsuc l) (λ l l' → l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l ⊔ l') large-precategory-Large-Category copresheaf-large-category-Precategory = copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory is-large-category-Large-Category copresheaf-large-category-Precategory = is-large-category-copresheaf-large-category-Precategory copresheaf-Precategory : (l : Level) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ lsuc l) copresheaf-Precategory = obj-Large-Precategory copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory module _ {l : Level} (P : copresheaf-Precategory l) where element-set-copresheaf-Precategory : obj-Precategory C → Set l element-set-copresheaf-Precategory = obj-functor-Small-Large-Precategory C Set-Large-Precategory P element-copresheaf-Precategory : obj-Precategory C → UU l element-copresheaf-Precategory X = type-Set (element-set-copresheaf-Precategory X) action-copresheaf-Precategory : {X Y : obj-Precategory C} → hom-Precategory C X Y → element-copresheaf-Precategory X → element-copresheaf-Precategory Y action-copresheaf-Precategory f = hom-functor-Small-Large-Precategory C Set-Large-Precategory P f preserves-id-action-copresheaf-Precategory : {X : obj-Precategory C} → action-copresheaf-Precategory {X} {X} (id-hom-Precategory C) ~ id preserves-id-action-copresheaf-Precategory = htpy-eq ( preserves-id-functor-Small-Large-Precategory C ( Set-Large-Precategory) ( P) ( _)) preserves-comp-action-copresheaf-Precategory : {X Y Z : obj-Precategory C} (g : hom-Precategory C Y Z) (f : hom-Precategory C X Y) → action-copresheaf-Precategory (comp-hom-Precategory C g f) ~ action-copresheaf-Precategory g ∘ action-copresheaf-Precategory f preserves-comp-action-copresheaf-Precategory g f = htpy-eq ( preserves-comp-functor-Small-Large-Precategory C ( Set-Large-Precategory) ( P) ( g) ( f)) hom-set-copresheaf-Precategory : {l3 l4 : Level} (P : copresheaf-Precategory l3) (Q : copresheaf-Precategory l4) → Set (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4) hom-set-copresheaf-Precategory = hom-set-Large-Precategory copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory hom-copresheaf-Precategory : {l3 l4 : Level} (X : copresheaf-Precategory l3) (Y : copresheaf-Precategory l4) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3 ⊔ l4) hom-copresheaf-Precategory = hom-Large-Precategory copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory module _ {l3 l4 : Level} (P : copresheaf-Precategory l3) (Q : copresheaf-Precategory l4) (h : hom-copresheaf-Precategory P Q) where map-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : (X : obj-Precategory C) → element-copresheaf-Precategory P X → element-copresheaf-Precategory Q X map-hom-copresheaf-Precategory = hom-natural-transformation-Small-Large-Precategory C ( Set-Large-Precategory) ( P) ( Q) ( h) naturality-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : {X Y : obj-Precategory C} (f : hom-Precategory C X Y) → coherence-square-maps ( action-copresheaf-Precategory P f) ( map-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X) ( map-hom-copresheaf-Precategory Y) ( action-copresheaf-Precategory Q f) naturality-hom-copresheaf-Precategory f = htpy-eq ( naturality-natural-transformation-Small-Large-Precategory C ( Set-Large-Precategory) ( P) ( Q) ( h) ( f)) comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : {l3 l4 l5 : Level} (X : copresheaf-Precategory l3) (Y : copresheaf-Precategory l4) (Z : copresheaf-Precategory l5) → hom-copresheaf-Precategory Y Z → hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y → hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Z comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y Z = comp-hom-Large-Precategory ( copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory) { X = X} { Y} { Z} id-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : {l3 : Level} (X : copresheaf-Precategory l3) → hom-copresheaf-Precategory X X id-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X = id-hom-Large-Precategory copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory {X = X} associative-comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : {l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level} (X : copresheaf-Precategory l3) (Y : copresheaf-Precategory l4) (Z : copresheaf-Precategory l5) (W : copresheaf-Precategory l6) (h : hom-copresheaf-Precategory Z W) (g : hom-copresheaf-Precategory Y Z) (f : hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y) → comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y W ( comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory Y Z W h g) ( f) = comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Z W ( h) ( comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y Z g f) associative-comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y Z W = associative-comp-hom-Large-Precategory ( copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory) { X = X} { Y} { Z} { W} left-unit-law-comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : {l3 l4 : Level} (X : copresheaf-Precategory l3) (Y : copresheaf-Precategory l4) (f : hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y) → comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y Y ( id-hom-copresheaf-Precategory Y) ( f) = f left-unit-law-comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y = left-unit-law-comp-hom-Large-Precategory ( copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory) { X = X} { Y} right-unit-law-comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : {l3 l4 : Level} (X : copresheaf-Precategory l3) (Y : copresheaf-Precategory l4) (f : hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y) → comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X X Y ( f) ( id-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X) = f right-unit-law-comp-hom-copresheaf-Precategory X Y = right-unit-law-comp-hom-Large-Precategory ( copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory) { X = X} { Y}
The category of small copresheaves on a precategory
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) (l : Level) where copresheaf-category-Precategory : Category (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ lsuc l) (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l) copresheaf-category-Precategory = category-Large-Category (copresheaf-large-category-Precategory C) l copresheaf-precategory-Precategory : Precategory (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ lsuc l) (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l) copresheaf-precategory-Precategory = precategory-Large-Precategory (copresheaf-large-precategory-Precategory C) l
The product of small copresheaves
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) where product-hom-copresheaf-Precategory : copresheaf-Precategory C l3 → copresheaf-Precategory C l4 → copresheaf-Precategory C (l3 ⊔ l4) pr1 (product-hom-copresheaf-Precategory F G) x = product-Set ( obj-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l3) F x) ( obj-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l4) G x) pr1 (pr2 (product-hom-copresheaf-Precategory F G)) f = map-product ( hom-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l3) F f) ( hom-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l4) G f) pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (product-hom-copresheaf-Precategory F G))) g f = eq-htpy ( λ w → eq-pair ( htpy-eq ( preserves-comp-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l3) F g f) ( pr1 w)) ( htpy-eq ( preserves-comp-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l4) G g f) ( pr2 w))) pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (product-hom-copresheaf-Precategory F G))) x = eq-htpy ( λ w → eq-pair ( htpy-eq ( preserves-id-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l3) F x) ( pr1 w)) ( htpy-eq ( preserves-id-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l4) G x) ( pr2 w)))
The initial copresheaf
Since colimits are computed pointwise, the initial copresheaf is the constant functor at the empty set.
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) (l : Level) where obj-initial-copresheaf-Precategory : copresheaf-Precategory C l obj-initial-copresheaf-Precategory = constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l) (raise-empty-Set l) hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory : ( X : copresheaf-Precategory C l) → hom-Precategory (copresheaf-precategory-Precategory C l) obj-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X pr1 (hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X) x (map-raise ()) pr2 (hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X) f = eq-htpy (λ where (map-raise ())) is-unique-hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory : ( X : copresheaf-Precategory C l) → ( τ : hom-Precategory (copresheaf-precategory-Precategory C l) obj-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X) → hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X = τ is-unique-hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X τ = eq-htpy-hom-family-natural-transformation-Precategory ( C) ( Set-Precategory l) ( obj-initial-copresheaf-Precategory) ( X) ( hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X) ( τ) ( λ x → eq-htpy (λ where (map-raise ()))) initial-copresheaf-Precategory : initial-obj-Precategory (copresheaf-precategory-Precategory C l) pr1 initial-copresheaf-Precategory = obj-initial-copresheaf-Precategory pr1 (pr2 initial-copresheaf-Precategory X) = hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X pr2 (pr2 initial-copresheaf-Precategory X) τ = is-unique-hom-initial-copresheaf-Precategory X τ
The terminal copresheaf
Since limits are computed pointwise, the terminal copresheaf is the constant functor at the terminal set.
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (C : Precategory l1 l2) (l : Level) where obj-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory : copresheaf-Precategory C l obj-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory = constant-functor-Precategory C (Set-Precategory l) (raise-unit-Set l) hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory : ( X : copresheaf-Precategory C l) → hom-Precategory (copresheaf-precategory-Precategory C l) X obj-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory pr1 (hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X) c m = raise-star pr2 (hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X) f = refl is-unique-hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory : ( X : copresheaf-Precategory C l) → ( τ : hom-Precategory (copresheaf-precategory-Precategory C l) X obj-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory) → hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X = τ is-unique-hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X τ = eq-htpy-hom-family-natural-transformation-Precategory ( C) ( Set-Precategory l) ( X) ( obj-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory) ( hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X) ( τ) ( λ x → eq-htpy (λ _ → eq-is-prop is-prop-raise-unit)) terminal-copresheaf-Precategory : terminal-obj-Precategory (copresheaf-precategory-Precategory C l) pr1 terminal-copresheaf-Precategory = obj-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory pr1 (pr2 terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X) = hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X pr2 (pr2 terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X) τ = is-unique-hom-terminal-copresheaf-Precategory X τ
See also
External links
- Presheaf precategories at 1lab
- category of presheaves at Lab
- copresheaf at Lab
Recent changes
- 2024-09-04. Fernando Chu and Fredrik Bakke. Initial and terminal copresheaves (#1174).
- 2024-09-01. Fernando Chu. Some definitions about precategories (#1172).
- 2024-03-11. Fredrik Bakke. Refactor category theory to use strictly involutive identity types (#1052).
- 2023-11-27. Elisabeth Stenholm, Daniel Gratzer and Egbert Rijke. Additions during work on material set theory in HoTT (#910).
- 2023-11-27. Fredrik Bakke. Refactor categories to carry a bidirectional witness of associativity (#945).