Symmetric binary relations

Content created by Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2023-09-12.
Last modified on 2024-02-06.

module foundation.symmetric-binary-relations where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.binary-relations
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalence-extensionality
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.morphisms-binary-relations
open import foundation.symmetric-operations
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.unordered-pairs

open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.function-types
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.transport-along-identifications

open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types


A symmetric binary relation on a type A is a type family R over the type of unordered pairs of elements of A. Given a symmetric binary relation R on A and an equivalence of unordered pairs p = q, we have R p ≃ R q. In particular, we have

  R ({x,y}) ≃ R ({y,x})

for any two elements x y : A, where {x,y} is the standard unordered pair consisting of x and y.

Note that a symmetric binary relation R on a type is just a symmetric operation from A into a universe 𝒰.


Symmetric binary relations

Symmetric-Relation :
  {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level)  UU l1  UU (l1  lsuc l2)
Symmetric-Relation l2 A = symmetric-operation A (UU l2)

Action on symmetries of symmetric binary relations

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Symmetric-Relation l2 A)

    equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p q : unordered-pair A)  Eq-unordered-pair p q  R p  R q
    equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p =
      ind-Eq-unordered-pair p  q e  R p  R q) id-equiv

    compute-refl-equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p : unordered-pair A) 
      equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p p (refl-Eq-unordered-pair p) 
    compute-refl-equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p =
      compute-refl-ind-Eq-unordered-pair p  q e  R p  R q) id-equiv

    htpy-compute-refl-equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p : unordered-pair A) 
        ( equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p p (refl-Eq-unordered-pair p))
        ( id-equiv)
    htpy-compute-refl-equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p =
      htpy-eq-equiv (compute-refl-equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p)

    tr-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p q : unordered-pair A)  Eq-unordered-pair p q  R p  R q
    tr-Symmetric-Relation p q e =
      map-equiv (equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p q e)

    tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p q : unordered-pair A)  Eq-unordered-pair p q  R q  R p
    tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation p q e =
      map-inv-equiv (equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p q e)

    is-section-tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p q : unordered-pair A) (e : Eq-unordered-pair p q) 
      tr-Symmetric-Relation p q e 
      tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation p q e ~
    is-section-tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation p q e =
      is-section-map-inv-equiv (equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p q e)

    is-retraction-tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p q : unordered-pair A) (e : Eq-unordered-pair p q) 
      tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation p q e 
      tr-Symmetric-Relation p q e ~
    is-retraction-tr-inv-Symmetric-Relation p q e =
      is-retraction-map-inv-equiv (equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p q e)

    compute-refl-tr-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p : unordered-pair A) 
      tr-Symmetric-Relation p p (refl-Eq-unordered-pair p)  id
    compute-refl-tr-Symmetric-Relation p =
      ap map-equiv (compute-refl-equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation p)

    htpy-compute-refl-tr-Symmetric-Relation :
      (p : unordered-pair A) 
      tr-Symmetric-Relation p p (refl-Eq-unordered-pair p) ~ id
    htpy-compute-refl-tr-Symmetric-Relation p =
      htpy-eq (compute-refl-tr-Symmetric-Relation p)

The underlying binary relation of a symmetric binary relation

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Symmetric-Relation l2 A)

  relation-Symmetric-Relation : Relation l2 A
  relation-Symmetric-Relation x y = R (standard-unordered-pair x y)

  equiv-symmetric-relation-Symmetric-Relation :
    {x y : A} 
    relation-Symmetric-Relation x y 
    relation-Symmetric-Relation y x
  equiv-symmetric-relation-Symmetric-Relation {x} {y} =
    equiv-tr-Symmetric-Relation R
      ( standard-unordered-pair x y)
      ( standard-unordered-pair y x)
      ( swap-standard-unordered-pair x y)

  symmetric-relation-Symmetric-Relation :
    {x y : A} 
    relation-Symmetric-Relation x y 
    relation-Symmetric-Relation y x
  symmetric-relation-Symmetric-Relation =
    map-equiv equiv-symmetric-relation-Symmetric-Relation

The forgetful functor from binary relations to symmetric binary relations

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (R : Relation l2 A)

  symmetric-relation-Relation : Symmetric-Relation l2 A
  symmetric-relation-Relation p =
    Σ ( type-unordered-pair p)
      ( λ i 
        R (element-unordered-pair p i) (other-element-unordered-pair p i))

  unit-symmetric-relation-Relation :
    (x y : A)  R x y 
    relation-Symmetric-Relation symmetric-relation-Relation x y
  pr1 (unit-symmetric-relation-Relation x y r) = zero-Fin 1
  pr2 (unit-symmetric-relation-Relation x y r) =
      ( R x)
      ( inv (compute-other-element-standard-unordered-pair x y (zero-Fin 1)))
      ( r)

Morphisms of symmetric binary relations

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : UU l1}

  hom-Symmetric-Relation :
    Symmetric-Relation l2 A  Symmetric-Relation l3 A 
    UU (lsuc lzero  l1  l2  l3)
  hom-Symmetric-Relation R S =
    (p : unordered-pair A)  R p  S p

  hom-relation-hom-Symmetric-Relation :
    (R : Symmetric-Relation l2 A) (S : Symmetric-Relation l3 A) 
    hom-Symmetric-Relation R S 
      ( relation-Symmetric-Relation R)
      ( relation-Symmetric-Relation S)
  hom-relation-hom-Symmetric-Relation R S f x y =
    f (standard-unordered-pair x y)

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