Images of group homomorphisms

Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke and Gregor Perčič.

Created on 2023-08-21.
Last modified on 2023-11-24.

module group-theory.images-of-group-homomorphisms where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.images
open import foundation.images-subtypes
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.universal-property-image
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.groups
open import group-theory.homomorphisms-groups
open import group-theory.pullbacks-subgroups
open import group-theory.subgroups
open import group-theory.subsets-groups

open import order-theory.galois-connections-large-posets
open import order-theory.order-preserving-maps-large-posets
open import order-theory.order-preserving-maps-large-preorders


The image of a group homomorphism f : G → H consists of the image of the underlying map of f. This subset contains the unit element and is closed under multiplication and inverses. It is therefore a subgroup of the group H. Alternatively, it can be described as the least subgroup of H that contains all the values of f.

More generally, the image of a subgroup S under a group homomorphism f : G → H is the subgroup consisting of all the elements in the image of the underlying subset of S under the underlying map of f. Since the image of a subgroup satisfies the following adjoint relation

  (im f S ⊆ T) ↔ (S ⊆ T ∘ f)

it follows that we obtain a Galois connection.


The universal property of the image of a group homomorphism

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2) (f : hom-Group G H)
  (K : Subgroup l3 H)

  is-image-hom-Group : UUω
  is-image-hom-Group =
    {l : Level} (L : Subgroup l H) 
    leq-Subgroup H K L 
    ((g : type-Group G)  is-in-Subgroup H L (map-hom-Group G H f g))

The universal property of the image subgroup of a subgroup

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2) (f : hom-Group G H)
  (S : Subgroup l3 G) (T : Subgroup l4 H)

  is-image-subgroup-hom-Group : UUω
  is-image-subgroup-hom-Group =
    {l : Level} (U : Subgroup l H) 
    leq-Subgroup H T U  leq-Subgroup G S (pullback-Subgroup G H f U)

The image subgroup under a group homomorphism

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2) (f : hom-Group G H)

  subset-image-hom-Group : subset-Group (l1  l2) H
  subset-image-hom-Group = subtype-im (map-hom-Group G H f)

  is-image-subtype-subset-image-hom-Group :
    is-image-subtype (map-hom-Group G H f) subset-image-hom-Group
  is-image-subtype-subset-image-hom-Group =
    is-image-subtype-subtype-im (map-hom-Group G H f)

    contains-unit-image-hom-Group :
      contains-unit-subset-Group H subset-image-hom-Group
    contains-unit-image-hom-Group =
      unit-trunc-Prop (unit-Group G , preserves-unit-hom-Group G H f)

    is-closed-under-multiplication-image-hom-Group :
      is-closed-under-multiplication-subset-Group H subset-image-hom-Group
    is-closed-under-multiplication-image-hom-Group {x} {y} K L =
      apply-twice-universal-property-trunc-Prop K L
        ( subset-image-hom-Group (mul-Group H x y))
        ( λ where
          ( g , refl) (h , refl) 
              ( mul-Group G g h , preserves-mul-hom-Group G H f))

    is-closed-under-inverses-image-hom-Group :
      is-closed-under-inverses-subset-Group H subset-image-hom-Group
    is-closed-under-inverses-image-hom-Group {x} K =
      apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop K
        ( subset-image-hom-Group (inv-Group H x))
        ( λ where
          ( g , refl) 
              ( inv-Group G g , preserves-inv-hom-Group G H f))

  is-subgroup-image-hom-Group :
    is-subgroup-subset-Group H subset-image-hom-Group
  pr1 is-subgroup-image-hom-Group =
  pr1 (pr2 is-subgroup-image-hom-Group) =
  pr2 (pr2 is-subgroup-image-hom-Group) =

  image-hom-Group : Subgroup (l1  l2) H
  pr1 image-hom-Group = subset-image-hom-Group
  pr2 image-hom-Group = is-subgroup-image-hom-Group

  is-image-image-hom-Group :
    is-image-hom-Group G H f image-hom-Group
  is-image-image-hom-Group K =
    is-image-subtype-subset-image-hom-Group (subset-Subgroup H K)

  contains-values-image-hom-Group :
    (g : type-Group G) 
    is-in-Subgroup H image-hom-Group (map-hom-Group G H f g)
  contains-values-image-hom-Group =
      ( is-image-image-hom-Group image-hom-Group)
      ( refl-leq-Subgroup H image-hom-Group)

  leq-image-hom-Group :
    {l : Level} (K : Subgroup l H) 
    ((g : type-Group G)  is-in-Subgroup H K (map-hom-Group G H f g)) 
    leq-Subgroup H image-hom-Group K
  leq-image-hom-Group K =
    backward-implication (is-image-image-hom-Group K)

The image of a subgroup under a group homomorphism

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2) (f : hom-Group G H)
  (K : Subgroup l3 G)

  subset-im-hom-Subgroup : subset-Group (l1  l2  l3) H
  subset-im-hom-Subgroup =
    im-subtype (map-hom-Group G H f) (subset-Subgroup G K)

  is-in-im-hom-Subgroup : type-Group H  UU (l1  l2  l3)
  is-in-im-hom-Subgroup = is-in-subtype subset-im-hom-Subgroup

  contains-unit-im-hom-Subgroup :
    contains-unit-subset-Group H subset-im-hom-Subgroup
  contains-unit-im-hom-Subgroup =
    unit-trunc-Prop (unit-Subgroup G K , preserves-unit-hom-Group G H f)

    is-closed-under-multiplication-im-hom-Subgroup :
      is-closed-under-multiplication-subset-Group H subset-im-hom-Subgroup
    is-closed-under-multiplication-im-hom-Subgroup {x} {y} u v =
      apply-twice-universal-property-trunc-Prop u v
        ( subset-im-hom-Subgroup (mul-Group H x y))
        ( λ where
          ((x' , k) , refl) ((y' , l) , refl) 
              ( ( mul-Subgroup G K (x' , k) (y' , l)) ,
                ( preserves-mul-hom-Group G H f)))

    is-closed-under-inverses-im-hom-Subgroup :
      is-closed-under-inverses-subset-Group H subset-im-hom-Subgroup
    is-closed-under-inverses-im-hom-Subgroup {x} u =
      apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop u
        ( subset-im-hom-Subgroup (inv-Group H x))
        ( λ where
          ((x' , k) , refl) 
              ( ( inv-Subgroup G K (x' , k)) ,
                ( preserves-inv-hom-Group G H f)))

  im-hom-Subgroup : Subgroup (l1  l2  l3) H
  pr1 im-hom-Subgroup =
  pr1 (pr2 im-hom-Subgroup) =
  pr1 (pr2 (pr2 im-hom-Subgroup)) =
  pr2 (pr2 (pr2 im-hom-Subgroup)) =

  forward-implication-is-image-subgroup-im-hom-Subgroup :
    {l : Level} (U : Subgroup l H) 
    leq-Subgroup H im-hom-Subgroup U 
    leq-Subgroup G K (pullback-Subgroup G H f U)
  forward-implication-is-image-subgroup-im-hom-Subgroup U =
      ( map-hom-Group G H f)
      ( subset-Subgroup G K)
      ( subset-Subgroup H U)

  backward-implication-is-image-subgroup-im-hom-Subgroup :
    {l : Level} (U : Subgroup l H) 
    leq-Subgroup G K (pullback-Subgroup G H f U) 
    leq-Subgroup H im-hom-Subgroup U
  backward-implication-is-image-subgroup-im-hom-Subgroup U =
      ( map-hom-Group G H f)
      ( subset-Subgroup G K)
      ( subset-Subgroup H U)

  is-image-subgroup-im-hom-Subgroup :
    is-image-subgroup-hom-Group G H f K im-hom-Subgroup
  is-image-subgroup-im-hom-Subgroup U =
      ( map-hom-Group G H f)
      ( subset-Subgroup G K)
      ( subset-Subgroup H U)

The image-pullback Galois connection on subgroups

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2) (f : hom-Group G H)

  preserves-order-im-hom-Subgroup :
    {l3 l4 : Level} (K : Subgroup l3 G) (L : Subgroup l4 G) 
    leq-Subgroup G K L 
    leq-Subgroup H (im-hom-Subgroup G H f K) (im-hom-Subgroup G H f L)
  preserves-order-im-hom-Subgroup K L =
      ( map-hom-Group G H f)
      ( subset-Subgroup G K)
      ( subset-Subgroup G L)

  im-subgroup-hom-large-poset-hom-Group :
      ( λ l  l1  l2  l)
      ( Subgroup-Large-Poset G)
      ( Subgroup-Large-Poset H)
  map-hom-Large-Preorder im-subgroup-hom-large-poset-hom-Group =
    im-hom-Subgroup G H f
  preserves-order-hom-Large-Preorder im-subgroup-hom-large-poset-hom-Group =

  image-pullback-galois-connection-Subgroup :
      ( λ l  l1  l2  l)
      ( λ l  l)
      ( Subgroup-Large-Poset G)
      ( Subgroup-Large-Poset H)
    image-pullback-galois-connection-Subgroup =
    image-pullback-galois-connection-Subgroup =
    pullback-subgroup-hom-large-poset-hom-Group G H f
    image-pullback-galois-connection-Subgroup K =
    is-image-subgroup-im-hom-Subgroup G H f K


Any subgroup U of H has the same elements as im f K if and only if U satisfies the universal property of the image of K under f

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (G : Group l1) (H : Group l2) (f : hom-Group G H)
  (K : Subgroup l3 G) (U : Subgroup l4 H)

  is-image-subgroup-has-same-elements-Subgroup :
    has-same-elements-Subgroup H (im-hom-Subgroup G H f K) U 
    is-image-subgroup-hom-Group G H f K U
  is-image-subgroup-has-same-elements-Subgroup s =
      ( Subgroup-Large-Poset G)
      ( Subgroup-Large-Poset H)
      ( image-pullback-galois-connection-Subgroup G H f)
      ( K)
      ( U)
      ( similar-has-same-elements-Subgroup H (im-hom-Subgroup G H f K) U s)

  has-same-elements-is-image-Subgroup :
    is-image-subgroup-hom-Group G H f K U 
    has-same-elements-Subgroup H (im-hom-Subgroup G H f K) U
  has-same-elements-is-image-Subgroup i =
    has-same-elements-similar-Subgroup H
      ( im-hom-Subgroup G H f K)
      ( U)
      ( sim-is-lower-element-galois-connection-Large-Poset
        ( Subgroup-Large-Poset G)
        ( Subgroup-Large-Poset H)
        ( image-pullback-galois-connection-Subgroup G H f)
        ( K)
        ( U)
        ( i))

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