Smash products of pointed types
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke and maybemabeline.
Created on 2023-05-03.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.
module synthetic-homotopy-theory.smash-products-of-pointed-types where
open import foundation.action-on-higher-identifications-functions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-dependent-functions open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition open import foundation.whiskering-identifications-concatenation open import structured-types.constant-pointed-maps open import structured-types.pointed-cartesian-product-types open import structured-types.pointed-homotopies open import structured-types.pointed-maps open import structured-types.pointed-types open import structured-types.pointed-unit-type open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-pointed-span-diagrams open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cofibers-of-maps open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cofibers-of-pointed-maps open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts-of-pointed-types open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.wedges-of-pointed-types
Given two pointed types a : A
and b : B
we may form their
smash product¶
A ∧∗ B
as the cofiber
of the canonical inclusion A ∨∗ B →∗ A ×∗ B
from the
wedge into the
pointed cartesian product.
In other words, the smash product A ∧∗ B
is the
pushout of pointed
A ∨∗ B ----> A ×∗ B
| |
| |
∨ ⌜ ∨
* -------> A ∧∗ B.
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) where smash-Pointed-Type : Pointed-Type (l1 ⊔ l2) smash-Pointed-Type = cofiber-Pointed-Type (pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) infixr 15 _∧∗_ _∧∗_ : Pointed-Type (l1 ⊔ l2) _∧∗_ = smash-Pointed-Type
Note: The symbols used for the smash product _∧∗_
are the
logical and ∧
(agda-input: \wedge
and the asterisk operator ∗
), not the asterisk *
cogap-smash-Pointed-Type : {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} {X : Pointed-Type l3} → cocone-Pointed-Type ( pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B)) X → (A ∧∗ B) →∗ X cogap-smash-Pointed-Type {A = A} {B} = cogap-cofiber-Pointed-Type (pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) map-cogap-smash-Pointed-Type : {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} {X : Pointed-Type l3} → cocone-Pointed-Type ( pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B)) ( X) → type-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B) → type-Pointed-Type X map-cogap-smash-Pointed-Type {A = A} {B} = map-cogap-cofiber-Pointed-Type (pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)
The canonical pointed map from the cartesian product to the smash product
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) where pointed-map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type : (A ×∗ B) →∗ (A ∧∗ B) pointed-map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type = inl-cofiber-Pointed-Type ( pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type : type-Pointed-Type (A ×∗ B) → type-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B) map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type = map-pointed-map pointed-map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type
Pointed maps into pointed types A
and B
induce a pointed map into A ∧∗ B
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} {S : Pointed-Type l3} where gap-smash-Pointed-Type : (f : S →∗ A) (g : S →∗ B) → S →∗ (A ∧∗ B) gap-smash-Pointed-Type f g = pointed-map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B ∘∗ gap-product-Pointed-Type f g map-gap-smash-Pointed-Type : (f : S →∗ A) (g : S →∗ B) → type-Pointed-Type S → type-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B) map-gap-smash-Pointed-Type f g = pr1 (gap-smash-Pointed-Type f g)
The canonical map from the wedge sum to the smash product identifies all points
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) where pointed-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : (A ∨∗ B) →∗ (A ∧∗ B) pointed-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = pointed-map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B ∘∗ pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : type-Pointed-Type (A ∨∗ B) → type-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B) map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = map-pointed-map pointed-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : ( x : type-Pointed-Type (A ∨∗ B)) → map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type x = point-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B) contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type x = ( glue-pushout ( map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( map-pointed-map {A = A ∨∗ B} {B = unit-Pointed-Type} ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B))) ( x)) ∙ ( right-whisker-comp ( htpy-pointed-htpy ( is-initial-unit-Pointed-Type ( A ∧∗ B) ( inr-cofiber-Pointed-Type ( pointed-map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)))) ( map-terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B)) ( x)) ∙ ( preserves-point-pointed-map ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B))) coh-contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type : ( ap ( map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)) ∙ ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type ( map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type B))) = ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type ( map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type A))) coh-contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type = ( map-inv-compute-dependent-identification-eq-value-function ( map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type) ( map-constant-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B) (A ∧∗ B)) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type ( map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type A))) ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type ( map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type B))) ( apd ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B))) ∙ ( left-whisker-concat ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type ( map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type A))) ( ap-const ( point-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B)) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B))) ∙ ( right-unit)
The map from the pointed product to the smash product identifies elements
of the form (x, b)
and (a, y)
, where b
and a
are the base points of B
and A
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) where inl-glue-smash-Pointed-Type : ( x : type-Pointed-Type A) → map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B ( x , point-Pointed-Type B) = map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A , point-Pointed-Type B) inl-glue-smash-Pointed-Type x = ( ap ( map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( inv (compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B x))) ∙ ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( map-inl-wedge-Pointed-Type A B x)) inr-glue-smash-Pointed-Type : ( y : type-Pointed-Type B) → map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A , y) = map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A , point-Pointed-Type B) inr-glue-smash-Pointed-Type y = ( ap ( map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( inv (compute-inr-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B y))) ∙ ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type A B y)) coh-glue-smash-Pointed-Type : inl-glue-smash-Pointed-Type (point-Pointed-Type A) = inr-glue-smash-Pointed-Type (point-Pointed-Type B) coh-glue-smash-Pointed-Type = ( left-whisker-concat ( ap ( map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( inv ( compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type A)))) ( inv (coh-contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B))) ∙ ( inv ( assoc ( ap (map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( inv ( compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A)))) ( ap (map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)) ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type B))))) ∙ ( right-whisker-concat ( ( left-whisker-concat ( ap (map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( inv ( compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A)))) ( ap-comp ( map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B))) ∙ ( inv ( ap-concat ( map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( inv ( compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A))) ( ap ( map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)))) ∙ ( ap² ( map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B) ( inv ( left-transpose-eq-concat ( compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A)) ( inv ( compute-inr-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type B))) ( ap ( map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)) ( inv ( right-transpose-eq-concat ( ap ( map-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B) ( glue-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)) ( compute-inr-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type B)) ( compute-inl-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( point-Pointed-Type A)) ( ( compute-glue-cogap ( map-pointed-map ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A)) ( map-pointed-map ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B)) ( cocone-cocone-Pointed-Type ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type A) ( inclusion-point-Pointed-Type B) ( cocone-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)) ( point-Pointed-Type unit-Pointed-Type)) ∙ ( right-unit)))))))) ( contraction-map-smash-product-wedge-Pointed-Type A B ( map-inr-wedge-Pointed-Type A B (point-Pointed-Type B))))
The universal property of the smash product
Fixing a pointed type B
, the universal property of the smash product states
that the functor - ∧∗ B
forms the left-adjoint to the functor B →∗ -
pointed maps with source B
. In the
language of type theory, this means that we have a pointed equivalence:
((A ∧∗ B) →∗ C) ≃∗ (A →∗ (B →∗ C)).
Note: The categorical product in the category of pointed types is the pointed cartesian product.
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (C : Pointed-Type l3) (f : (A ∧∗ B) →∗ C) where map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : type-Pointed-Type A → type-Pointed-Type B → type-Pointed-Type C map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type x y = map-pointed-map f (map-smash-product-product-Pointed-Type A B (x , y)) preserves-point-map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : (x : type-Pointed-Type A) → map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type x ( point-Pointed-Type B) = point-Pointed-Type C preserves-point-map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type x = ( ap ( map-pointed-map f) ( inl-glue-smash-Pointed-Type A B x)) ∙ ( preserves-point-pointed-map f) map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : type-Pointed-Type A → (B →∗ C) pr1 (map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type x) = map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type x pr2 (map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type x) = preserves-point-map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type x htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : map-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type ( point-Pointed-Type A) ~ map-constant-pointed-map B C htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type y = ( ap (map-pointed-map f) (inr-glue-smash-Pointed-Type A B y)) ∙ ( preserves-point-pointed-map f) coherence-point-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : coherence-point-unpointed-htpy-pointed-Π ( map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type ( point-Pointed-Type A)) ( constant-pointed-map B C) ( htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type) coherence-point-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type = ( right-whisker-concat ( ap² ( map-pointed-map f) ( coh-glue-smash-Pointed-Type A B)) ( preserves-point-pointed-map f)) ∙ ( inv right-unit) pointed-htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type (point-Pointed-Type A) ~∗ constant-pointed-map B C pr1 pointed-htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type = htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type pr2 pointed-htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type = coherence-point-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type (point-Pointed-Type A) = constant-pointed-map B C preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type = eq-pointed-htpy ( map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type ( point-Pointed-Type A)) ( constant-pointed-map B C) ( pointed-htpy-preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type) pointed-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type : A →∗ (pointed-map-Pointed-Type B C) pr1 pointed-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type = map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type pr2 pointed-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type = preserves-point-map-universal-property-smash-Pointed-Type
The smash product is a pushout of half-smash products
Given two pointed types X
and Y
, then the smash product X ∧∗ Y
is the
X ×∗ Y -----> X ⋊∗ Y
| |
| |
∨ ⌜ ∨
X ⋉∗ Y -----> X ∧∗ Y.
Where X ⋉∗ Y
is the
left half-smash product,
and X ⋊∗ Y
is the right half-smash product.
This is Remark 3.4 in [Lav23].
Proof. Consider the diagram
X <-------- * --------> Y
| | |
| | |
∨ ∨ ∨
X ×∗ Y <--- X ×∗ Y ---> X ×∗ Y
| | |
| | |
∨ ∨ ∨
X ⋉∗ Y <--- X ×∗ Y ---> X ⋊∗ Y
Observe that every column is a cofiber sequence. Therefore, by the 3×3-property for pushouts, if we take the pushouts of the rows we must also obtain a cofiber sequence, and the cofibers of the first two rows yield
X ∨∗ Y
X ×∗ Y
of which the smash product X ∧∗ Y
is the cofiber by definition.
This remains to be formalized, and depends on another unformalized result, the 3×3-property for pushouts. #1326
As a corollary of the above, the smash product X ∧∗ Y
is also the cofiber of
the canonical maps X → X ⋊∗ Y
and Y → X ⋉∗ Y
, i.e., we have pushout squares
X ------> X ⋊∗ Y Y ------> X ⋉∗ Y
| | | |
| | | |
∨ ⌜ ∨ ∨ ⌜ ∨
* ------> X ∧∗ Y * ------> X ∧∗ Y.
This remains to be formalized.
- [Lav23]
- Samuel Lavenir. Hilton-milnor's theorem in ∞-topoi. 2023. arXiv:2312.12370.
See also
External links
- Smash product at Mathswitch
Recent changes
- 2025-02-14. Fredrik Bakke. Define left half-smash products (#1320).
- 2024-04-25. Fredrik Bakke. chore: Fix arrowheads in character diagrams (#1124).
- 2024-03-13. Egbert Rijke. Refactoring pointed types (#1056).
- 2024-03-02. Fredrik Bakke. Factor out standard pullbacks (#1042).
- 2024-02-06. Fredrik Bakke. Rename