Idempotents in Intensional Type Theory

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2024-08-21.
Last modified on 2024-08-21.

This file collects references to formalization of constructions and theorems from [Shu17].

module literature.idempotents-in-intensional-type-theory where

1 Introduction

The introduction section gives an introduction to the problem at hand and motivates its study in univalent foundations.

open import group-theory.groups using
  ( Group

open import higher-group-theory.higher-groups using
  ( ∞-Group

2 Some notation and terminology

The second section introduces basic notions from homotopy type theory.

open import foundation.dependent-function-types -- "dependent products"

open import foundation.dependent-pair-types -- "dependent sums"

open import foundation.identity-types using
  ( _=_ -- "identity type, its elements are paths"
  ; refl -- "the canonical elements of the identity types"
  ; concat -- "transitivity of paths"
  ; inv -- "symmetry of paths"
  ; ind-Id -- "eliminator of the identity type"

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions using
  ( ap -- "action of functions on paths"
  ; ap-comp -- "functoriality of `ap` with respect to function composition"
  ; ap-concat -- "functoriality of `ap` with respect to transitivity of paths"

The preferred definition for propositions in the library, is-prop, are types whose identity types are contractible.

open import foundation-core.propositions using
  ( all-elements-equal -- "mere proposition"
  ; is-prop -- all identity types are contractible

The preferred definition for sets in the library, is-set are types whose identity types are propositions in the preferred sense of the library. While the same relation holds for the definitions used in the article, we note that it does not extend one dimension lower to contractible types as our scheme does.

open import foundation-core.sets using
  ( has-uip -- "satisfies uip"
  ; is-set -- all identity types are propositions

open import foundation.homotopies using
  ( _~_ -- "homotopy"
  ; nat-htpy -- "naturality of homotopies"

The preferred notion of equivalence in the library coincides with the example given in the article: an equivalence is a function equipped with a left inverse and a right inverse.

open import foundation.equivalences using
  ( is-equiv -- "type of equivalence proofs"
  ; equiv -- "type of equivalences"
  ; is-property-is-equiv -- "the type of equivalence proofs is a mere proposition"

open import foundation.function-extensionality using
  ( funext -- "the function extensionality axiom"

open import foundation.univalence using
  ( equiv-eq -- "the canonical map `(A = B) → (A ≃ B)`"
  ; univalence -- "the univalence axiom"

open import foundation.propositional-truncations using
  ( ║_║₋₁ -- "propositional truncation"
  ; unit-trunc-Prop -- "the map `A → ║ A ║₋₁`"
  ; universal-property-trunc-Prop -- "the universal property of propositional truncation"

open import foundation.mere-equivalences using
  ( mere-equiv -- "merely equivalent"

open import foundation.univalence-implies-function-extensionality using
  ( funext-univalence -- "univalence implies function extensionality"

-- MISSING: propositional truncations imply function extensionality

open import foundation.equality-cartesian-product-types using
  ( Eq-product -- observational equality on pairs
  ; equiv-pair-eq -- "characterization of the identity types of cartesian product type formation"

3 Some pre-idempotents that split

In this section, definitions of "pre-idempotents", "split idempotents" and "quasi-idempotents" are given, and basic relations between them are established.

Definition 3.1. Pre-idempotents.

The library's preferred terminology for "a pre-idempotent" is "an idempotent". We reserve the terminology "a coherent idempotent" for what in the article is referred to as "a (fully coherent) idempotent".

open import foundation.endomorphisms using
  ( endo -- "endofunction"

open import foundation.idempotent-maps using
  ( is-idempotent -- "idempotency witness"
  ; idempotent-map -- "pre-idempotent (map)"

Definition 3.2. Retracts and splittings.

open import foundation.retracts-of-types using
  ( retracts -- "retracts of a type"
  ; retract -- "type of retracts between two types"

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-split-idempotent -- "splitting of an endofunction"

Lemma 3.3. If has a splitting, then it is pre-idempotent.

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-idempotent-is-split-idempotent

Lemma 3.4. The type associated to a splitting of a map is unique up to equivalence.

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( essentially-unique-splitting-type-is-split-idempotent

Definition 3.5. Quasi-idempotents.

The library's preferred terminology for "a quasi-idempotent" is "a quasicoherent idempotent".

open import foundation.quasicoherently-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-quasicoherently-idempotent -- "the type of witnesses of quasi-idempotence"
  ; quasicoherently-idempotent-map -- "the type of quasi-idempotents"

Lemma 3.6. If has a splitting, then it is a quasi-idempotent.

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-quasicoherently-idempotent-is-split-idempotent

Theorem 3.7. If is a set, then any pre-idempotent on has a splitting.

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-split-idempotent-is-idempotent-is-set

Example 3.8.

This example is not formalized.

Theorem 3.9. If a pre-idempotent is weakly constant, then it has a splitting.

open import foundation.weakly-constant-maps using
  ( is-weakly-constant -- "the type of witnesses that a map is weakly constant"
  ; weakly-constant-map -- "the type of weakly constant maps"

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-split-idempotent-is-weakly-constant-is-idempotent

Theorem 3.10. An endofunction has a splitting in which the section is an embedding if and only if it is pre-idempotent and the type admits a weakly constant endofunction for all .

open import foundation.sections using
  ( is-section -- "the type of witnesses that a map is a section to a map"
  ; section -- "the type of sections of a map"

open import foundation.embeddings using
  ( is-emb -- "the type of witnesses that a map is an embedding"
  ; _↪_ -- "the type of embeddings between two types"

The proof remains to be formalized. #1103

4 A pre-idempotent that doesn't split

In this section, assuming univalence and propositional truncations, an example is given of a pre-idempotent map that does not split or extend to a quasi-idempotent. Such a map is constructed on the connected component of the universe at the cantor space, i.e., its classifying space.

This section remains to be formalized. #1103

Example 4.1. An example of an idempotence witness that cannot be extended to a coherent system of idempotence data.


Definition 4.2. The Cantor space.

open import set-theory.cantor-space using
  ( cantor-space -- "C"

Lemma 4.3. Assuming function extensionality, C ≃ (C + C).


Definition 4.5. .

open import foundation.connected-components-universes using
  ( component-UU -- "BAut(-)"

Theorem 4.6. There exists a pre-idempotent on that does not split.


Corollary 4.7. It is impossible to prove in MLTT that all pre-idempotents split, or even that all pre-idempotents are quasi-idempotent.

The previous theorem shows that in MLTT with univalence and propositional truncations the statement that all pre-idempotents split is false. Thus if it were provable in MLTT then MLTT with univalence and propositional truncations would be inconsistent, but it is not.

5 All quasi-idempotents split

In this section it is shown that, assuming function extensionality, every quasi-idempotent map splits.

Example 5.1. A naïve attempt.

This example is not formalized.

Sequential colimits of types.

open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.sequential-diagrams using
  ( sequential-diagram

open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.sequential-colimits using
  ( standard-sequential-colimit

Sequential limits of types.

open import foundation.inverse-sequential-diagrams using
  ( inverse-sequential-diagram

open import foundation.sequential-limits using
  ( standard-sequential-limit

Lemma 5.2. Characterization of the identity types of sequential limit formation.

The formalization generalizes the result of the paper by considering general inverse sequential diagrams rather than those that are constantly . Also note that compared to the paper, the coherences in the formalization are transposed.

open import foundation.sequential-limits using
  ( Eq-standard-sequential-limit -- observational equality on standard sequential limits
  ; extensionality-standard-sequential-limit

Theorem 5.3. Assuming function extensionality, any quasi-idempotent splits.

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-split-idempotent-is-quasicoherently-idempotent

Remark 5.4. Components of the construction.

open import foundation.split-idempotent-maps using
  ( inverse-sequential-diagram-splitting-type-is-quasicoherently-idempotent'
  ; splitting-type-is-quasicoherently-idempotent'
  ; inclusion-splitting-type-is-quasicoherently-idempotent'
  ; map-retraction-splitting-type-is-quasicoherently-idempotent'
  ; htpy-is-split-idempotent-is-quasicoherently-idempotent' -- "requires function extensionality"

6 Splitting is a retraction

In this section it is shown, assuming the univalence axiom, that the type of splittings of a pre-idempotent map is a retract of the type of extensions to quasi-idempotence.

This section remains to be formalized. #1103

Lemma 6.3. Characterization of the identity types of retract formation.

open import foundation.retracts-of-types using
  ( equiv-retracts -- observational equality on retracts
  ; extensionality-retracts

7 Splitting is not an equivalence

In this section, it is argued that there may be more quasi-idempotence witnesses than splittings of a map.

This section remains to be formalized. #1103

8 The double classifying space of 2

In this section, an explicit example of a type with more quasi-idempotents than splittings are worked out using the univalence axiom and propositional truncations, proving Theorem 7.4 from the previous section.

This section remains to be formalized. #1103

9 Coherent idempotents

In this section, assuming function extensionality, a "homotopy-correct" definition of coherently idempotent maps is given.

Definition 9.1. (Fully coherent) idempotents.

open import foundation.coherently-idempotent-maps using
  ( is-coherently-idempotent -- "type of (fully coherent) idempotence witnesses"

10 Conclusion

This section of the article features a series of 5 open problems.

If a resolution to any of these open problems is formalized in the library, then it should be recorded here.

Open Problem 10.1. Can quasi-idempotents be split in MLTT without assuming function extensionality? In particular, is there a more "finite" way to construct such a splitting?

Open Problem 10.2. Is the map an embedding?

Open Problem 10.3. Is the map an embedding?

Open Problem 10.4. Can be defined without assuming function extensionality?

Open Problem 10.5. Are there examples of other fully-coherent higher homotopy structures that can be obtained from a finite amount of coherence by splitting an idempotent?


Michael Shulman. Idempotents in intensional type theory. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 12:1–24, 04 2017. arXiv:1507.03634, doi:10.2168/LMCS-12(3:9)2016.

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