Equality of conatural numbers

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2025-01-31.
Last modified on 2025-01-31.

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

module elementary-number-theory.equality-conatural-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.conatural-numbers

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.coherently-invertible-maps
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.double-negation
open import foundation.double-negation-stable-equality
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.injective-maps
open import foundation.maybe
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.retractions
open import foundation.retracts-of-types
open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.tight-apartness-relations
open import foundation.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import logic.double-negation-elimination


We characterize equality of conatural numbers by the following description. Two conatural numbers x and y are equal if they are both zero or, coinductively, their predecessors are equal.

Since the conaturals ℕ∞ is a coinductive type, it does not follow from the other postulates of agda-unimath that this description characterizes equality, and we therefore have to postulate that it does, just as we have for functions with function extensionality and the universe with univalence.


Observational equality on the conaturals

We borrow a trick from the cubical Agda library in our definition of the observational equality predicate on conatural numbers, Eq-ℕ∞, so that our definition passes Agda’s termination checker.

record Eq-ℕ∞ (x y : ℕ∞) : UU lzero

Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' : Maybe ℕ∞  Maybe ℕ∞  UU lzero
Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' (inl x) (inl y) = Eq-ℕ∞ x y
Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' (inl x) (inr _) = empty
Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' (inr _) (inl y) = empty
Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' (inr _) (inr _) = unit

data Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (x y : Maybe ℕ∞) : UU lzero where
  cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' x y  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y

record Eq-ℕ∞ x y where
  constructor cons-Eq-ℕ∞
    decons-Eq-ℕ∞ : Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (decons-ℕ∞ x) (decons-ℕ∞ y)

open Eq-ℕ∞ public

Observational equality on the conaturals is reflexive

The following does not pass Agda’s termination checker if we omit the intermediate data type Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞.

refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : {x : Maybe ℕ∞}  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x x

refl-Eq-ℕ∞ : {x : ℕ∞}  Eq-ℕ∞ x x
decons-Eq-ℕ∞ refl-Eq-ℕ∞ = refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞

refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inl x} = cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ refl-Eq-ℕ∞
refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inr x} = cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ star

refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' : {x : Maybe ℕ∞}  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' x x
refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' {inl x} = refl-Eq-ℕ∞
refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' {inr x} = star
Eq-Maybe-eq-ℕ∞ : {x y : Maybe ℕ∞}  x  y  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y
Eq-Maybe-eq-ℕ∞ refl = refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞

Eq-eq-ℕ∞ : {x y : ℕ∞}  x  y  Eq-ℕ∞ x y
Eq-eq-ℕ∞ refl = refl-Eq-ℕ∞

Eq-Maybe-eq-ℕ∞' : {x y : Maybe ℕ∞}  x  y  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' x y
Eq-Maybe-eq-ℕ∞' refl = refl-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞'


We postulate that the map Eq-eq-ℕ∞ : x = y → Eq-ℕ∞ x y is a coherently invertible map.

module _
  {x y : ℕ∞}

    eq-Eq-ℕ∞ : Eq-ℕ∞ x y  x  y

    is-section-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ : is-section Eq-eq-ℕ∞ eq-Eq-ℕ∞

    is-retraction-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ : is-retraction Eq-eq-ℕ∞ eq-Eq-ℕ∞

    coh-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ :
        ( Eq-eq-ℕ∞)
        ( eq-Eq-ℕ∞)
        ( is-section-eq-Eq-ℕ∞)
        ( is-retraction-eq-Eq-ℕ∞)

Further definitions

module _ {x y : ℕ∞}

  is-coherently-invertible-Eq-eq-ℕ∞ :
    is-coherently-invertible (Eq-eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y})
  is-coherently-invertible-Eq-eq-ℕ∞ =
    ( eq-Eq-ℕ∞ ,
      is-section-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ ,
      is-retraction-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ ,

  is-equiv-Eq-eq-ℕ∞ : is-equiv (Eq-eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y})
  is-equiv-Eq-eq-ℕ∞ =

  is-equiv-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ : is-equiv (eq-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y})
  is-equiv-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ =

  equiv-Eq-eq-ℕ∞ : (x  y)  Eq-ℕ∞ x y
  equiv-Eq-eq-ℕ∞ = Eq-eq-ℕ∞ , is-equiv-Eq-eq-ℕ∞

  equiv-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ : Eq-ℕ∞ x y  (x  y)
  equiv-eq-Eq-ℕ∞ = eq-Eq-ℕ∞ , is-equiv-eq-Eq-ℕ∞

is-torsorial-Eq-ℕ∞ :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {x : ℕ∞} 
  is-torsorial (Eq-ℕ∞ x)
is-torsorial-Eq-ℕ∞ =
    ( λ _  Eq-eq-ℕ∞)
    ( λ _  is-equiv-Eq-eq-ℕ∞)


The deconstructor function on the conaturals is injective

Eq-eq-decons-ℕ∞ : {x y : ℕ∞}  decons-ℕ∞ x  decons-ℕ∞ y  Eq-ℕ∞ x y
Eq-eq-decons-ℕ∞ = cons-Eq-ℕ∞  Eq-Maybe-eq-ℕ∞

is-injective-decons-ℕ∞ : is-injective decons-ℕ∞
is-injective-decons-ℕ∞ = eq-Eq-ℕ∞  Eq-eq-decons-ℕ∞

The conaturals are a fixed point of the Maybe monad

is-retraction-cons-ℕ∞ : is-retraction decons-ℕ∞ cons-ℕ∞
is-retraction-cons-ℕ∞ x =
  is-injective-decons-ℕ∞ (is-section-cons-ℕ∞ (decons-ℕ∞ x))

is-equiv-cons-ℕ∞ : is-equiv cons-ℕ∞
is-equiv-cons-ℕ∞ =
  is-equiv-is-invertible decons-ℕ∞ is-retraction-cons-ℕ∞ is-section-cons-ℕ∞

is-equiv-decons-ℕ∞ : is-equiv decons-ℕ∞
is-equiv-decons-ℕ∞ =
  is-equiv-is-invertible cons-ℕ∞ is-section-cons-ℕ∞ is-retraction-cons-ℕ∞

compute-Maybe-ℕ∞ : Maybe ℕ∞  ℕ∞
compute-Maybe-ℕ∞ = (cons-ℕ∞ , is-equiv-cons-ℕ∞)

compute-Maybe-ℕ∞' : ℕ∞  Maybe ℕ∞
compute-Maybe-ℕ∞' = (decons-ℕ∞ , is-equiv-decons-ℕ∞)

The equality predicates on Maybe ℕ∞ agree

module _
  {x y : Maybe ℕ∞}

  decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' x y
  decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x) = x

  is-retraction-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ :
    is-retraction cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞
  is-retraction-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ = refl-htpy

  is-section-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ :
    is-section cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞
  is-section-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ p) = refl

  is-equiv-cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : is-equiv cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞
  is-equiv-cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ =
      ( decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)
      ( is-section-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)
      ( is-retraction-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)

  is-equiv-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : is-equiv decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞
  is-equiv-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ =
      ( cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)
      ( is-retraction-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)
      ( is-section-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)

  compute-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' x y  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y
  compute-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ = (cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ , is-equiv-cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)

  inv-compute-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞' x y
  inv-compute-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ =
    ( decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ , is-equiv-decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)

The equality predicate on Maybe ℕ∞ is a retract of the equality predicate on ℕ∞

is-retraction-decons-Eq-ℕ∞ :
  {x y : ℕ∞}  is-retraction (cons-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y}) decons-Eq-ℕ∞
is-retraction-decons-Eq-ℕ∞ = refl-htpy

is-injective-cons-Eq-ℕ∞ :
  {x y : ℕ∞}  is-injective (cons-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y})
is-injective-cons-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y} =
  is-injective-has-retraction cons-Eq-ℕ∞ decons-Eq-ℕ∞
    ( is-retraction-decons-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y})

retraction-cons-Eq-ℕ∞ : {x y : ℕ∞}  retraction (cons-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y})
retraction-cons-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y} =
  (decons-Eq-ℕ∞ , is-retraction-decons-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y})

retract-compute-Eq-ℕ∞' :
  {x y : ℕ∞}  (Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (decons-ℕ∞ x) (decons-ℕ∞ y)) retract-of (Eq-ℕ∞ x y)
retract-compute-Eq-ℕ∞' = (cons-Eq-ℕ∞ , retraction-cons-Eq-ℕ∞)

The conatural numbers have double negation stable equality

eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ : {x y : Maybe ℕ∞}  Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y  x  y
eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inl x} {inl y} p =
  ap decons-ℕ∞ (eq-Eq-ℕ∞ (cons-Eq-ℕ∞ {succ-ℕ∞ x} {succ-ℕ∞ y} p))
eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inl x} {inr _} (cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ ())
eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inr _} {inl y} (cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ ())
eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inr _} {inr _} p = refl
double-negation-elim-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ :
  {x y : Maybe ℕ∞}  has-double-negation-elim (Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y)

double-negation-elim-Eq-ℕ∞ : {x y : ℕ∞}  has-double-negation-elim (Eq-ℕ∞ x y)
decons-Eq-ℕ∞ (double-negation-elim-Eq-ℕ∞ p) =
  double-negation-elim-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (map-double-negation decons-Eq-ℕ∞ p)

double-negation-elim-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inl x} {inl y} p =
    ( double-negation-elim-Eq-ℕ∞ {x} {y}
      ( map-double-negation (Eq-eq-ℕ∞  is-injective-inl  eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞) p))
double-negation-elim-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inl x} {inr _} p =
  cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (p decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)
double-negation-elim-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inr _} {inl x} p =
  cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (p decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞)
double-negation-elim-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ {inr _} {inr _} p =
  cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ star

has-double-negation-stable-equality-ℕ∞ : has-double-negation-stable-equality ℕ∞
has-double-negation-stable-equality-ℕ∞ x y p =
  eq-Eq-ℕ∞ (double-negation-elim-Eq-ℕ∞ (map-double-negation Eq-eq-ℕ∞ p))

The type of conaturals is a set

is-set-ℕ∞ : is-set ℕ∞
is-set-ℕ∞ =
    ( has-double-negation-stable-equality-ℕ∞)

The type of conaturals has a tight apartness relation

Agda’s termination checker is unhappy with the following proof.

cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ :
  (x y z : Maybe ℕ∞) →
  ¬ (Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x y) → ¬ (Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ x z) + ¬ (Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ z y)

cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-ℕ∞ :
  (x y z : ℕ∞) → ¬ (Eq-ℕ∞ x y) → ¬ (Eq-ℕ∞ x z) + ¬ (Eq-ℕ∞ z y)
cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-ℕ∞ x y z np with
    ( decons-ℕ∞ x)
    ( decons-ℕ∞ y)
    ( decons-ℕ∞ z)
    ( map-neg cons-Eq-ℕ∞ np)
... | (inl nx) = inl (map-neg (Eq-Maybe-eq-ℕ∞ ∘ ap decons-ℕ∞ ∘ eq-Eq-ℕ∞) nx)
... | (inr ny) = inr (map-neg (Eq-Maybe-eq-ℕ∞ ∘ ap decons-ℕ∞ ∘ eq-Eq-ℕ∞) ny)

cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (inl x) (inl y) (inl z) np with
  cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-ℕ∞ x y z (map-neg cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ np)
... | (inl nx) = inl (map-neg (Eq-eq-ℕ∞ ∘ is-injective-inl ∘ eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞) nx)
... | (inr ny) = inr (map-neg (Eq-eq-ℕ∞ ∘ is-injective-inl ∘ eq-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞) ny)
cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (inl x) (inl y) (inr z) np =
  inl (map-neg decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ id)
cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (inl x) (inr y) (inl z) np =
  inr (map-neg decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ id)
cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (inl x) (inr y) (inr z) np =
  inl (map-neg decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ id)
cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (inr x) y (inl z) np =
  inl (map-neg decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ id)
cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (inr x) (inl y) (inr z) np =
  inr (map-neg decons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ id)
cases-is-cotransitive-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ (inr x) (inr y) (inr z) np =
  ex-falso (np (cons-Eq-Maybe-ℕ∞ star))

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