Flat discrete crisp types

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2024-09-06.
Last modified on 2024-09-06.

{-# OPTIONS --cohesion --flat-split #-}

module modal-type-theory.flat-discrete-crisp-types where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.booleans
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.embeddings
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.retractions
open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import modal-type-theory.action-on-homotopies-flat-modality
open import modal-type-theory.crisp-identity-types
open import modal-type-theory.flat-modality
open import modal-type-theory.functoriality-flat-modality


A crisp type is said to be {{$concept "flat discrete" Disambiguation="crisp type" Agda=is-flat-discrete-crisp}} if it is flat modal. I.e. if the flat counit is an equivalence at that type.

Terminology. In [Shu18] this is called a crisply discrete type. We add "flat" as a descriptor to disambiguate from other possible notions of "discrete types", such as types with decidable equality foundation.discrete-types. Moreover, we prefer "discrete crisp type" over "crisply discrete type", as the former suggests that we assume that the type is crisp, and not that the proof that it is discrete itself is crisp.


Flat discrete crisp types

module _
  {@l : Level} (@A : UU l)

  is-flat-discrete-crisp : UU l
  is-flat-discrete-crisp = is-equiv (counit-flat {l} {A})

  is-property-is-flat-discrete-crisp : is-prop is-flat-discrete-crisp
  is-property-is-flat-discrete-crisp =
    is-property-is-equiv (counit-flat {l} {A})

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-Prop : Prop l
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-Prop = is-equiv-Prop (counit-flat {l} {A})

Flat discrete crisp type families

module _
  {@l1 l2 : Level} {@A : UU l1}

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-family : (@B : @A  UU l2)  UU (l1  l2)
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-family B = (@x : A)  is-flat-discrete-crisp (B x)


If the flat counit has a crisp section then it is an equivalence

This is Lemma 6.17 in [Shu18].

module _
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l} (@s : A   A) (@H : counit-flat  s ~ id)

  htpy-retraction-counit-flat-has-crisp-section : s  counit-flat ~ id
  htpy-retraction-counit-flat-has-crisp-section (intro-flat x) =
    inv (is-crisp-retraction-intro-flat (s x)) 
    action-flat-htpy H (intro-flat x)

  retraction-counit-flat-has-crisp-section : retraction (counit-flat {A = A})
  retraction-counit-flat-has-crisp-section =
    ( s , htpy-retraction-counit-flat-has-crisp-section)

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-has-crisp-section : is-flat-discrete-crisp A
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-has-crisp-section =
    ( (s , H) , retraction-counit-flat-has-crisp-section)

is-flat-discrete-crisp-crisp-section :
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l} 
  @section (counit-flat {A = A})  is-flat-discrete-crisp A
is-flat-discrete-crisp-crisp-section (s , H) =
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-has-crisp-section s H

Flat discrete crisp types are closed under equivalences

module _
  {@l1 l2 : Level} {@A : UU l1} {@B : UU l2}

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-equiv :
    @A  B  is-flat-discrete-crisp A  is-flat-discrete-crisp B
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-equiv e bB =
      ( e ∘e (counit-flat , bB) ∘e action-flat-equiv (inv-equiv e))
      ( λ where (intro-flat x)  is-section-map-inv-equiv e x)

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-equiv' :
    @A  B  is-flat-discrete-crisp B  is-flat-discrete-crisp A
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-equiv' e bB =
      ( inv-equiv e ∘e (counit-flat , bB) ∘e action-flat-equiv e)
      ( λ where (intro-flat x)  is-retraction-map-inv-equiv e x)

Types ♭ A are flat discrete

This is Theorem 6.18 of [Shu18].

module _
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l}

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-flat : is-flat-discrete-crisp ( A)
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-flat = is-equiv-flat-counit-flat

The crisp identity types of flat discrete crisp types are flat discrete

Given crisp elements x and y of A We have a commuting triangle

                               ♭ (x = y)
                                  ∧   |
                     Eq-eq-flat /~    |
                              /       |
  (intro-flat x = intro-flat y)      | counit-flat
                              \       |
               ap (counit-flat) \     |
                                  ∨   ∨
                                 (x = y)

where the top-left map Eq-eq-flat is an equivalence. Thus, the right map is an equivalence and x = y is a flat discrete crisp type for all crisp x and y if and only if the flat counit of A is an embedding on crisp elements. In particular, if A is a flat discrete crisp type then its crisp identity types are too.

module _
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l}
  ( is-crisp-emb-counit-flat-A :
    (@x y : A)  is-equiv (ap (counit-flat) {intro-flat x} {intro-flat y}))
  {@x y : A}

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-Id' : is-flat-discrete-crisp (x  y)
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-Id' =
      ( ap counit-flat {intro-flat x} {intro-flat y})
      ( counit-flat)
      ( Eq-eq-flat (intro-flat x) (intro-flat y))
      ( λ where refl  refl)
      ( is-crisp-emb-counit-flat-A x y)
      ( is-equiv-Eq-eq-flat (intro-flat x) (intro-flat y))

module _
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l}
  (is-emb-counit-flat-A : is-emb (counit-flat {A = A}))
  {@x y : A}

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-Id : is-flat-discrete-crisp (x  y)
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-Id =
      ( λ x y  is-emb-counit-flat-A (intro-flat x) (intro-flat y))

module _
  {@l : Level} {@A : UU l}

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-flat-Id :
    {@u v :  A}  is-flat-discrete-crisp (u  v)
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-flat-Id {intro-flat x} {intro-flat y} =
    is-flat-discrete-crisp-Id (is-emb-is-equiv is-flat-discrete-crisp-flat)

The empty type is flat discrete

map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty : empty   empty
map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty ()

is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty :
  is-section counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty
is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty ()

is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty :
  is-retraction counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty
is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty (intro-flat ())

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty : is-flat-discrete-crisp empty
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty =
      ( map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty)
      ( is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty)
      ( is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-empty)

The unit type is flat discrete

map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit : unit   unit
map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit star = intro-flat star

is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit :
  is-section counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit
is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit _ = refl

is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit :
  is-retraction counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit
is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit (intro-flat _) = refl

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit : is-flat-discrete-crisp unit
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit =
      ( map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit)
      ( is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit)
      ( is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-unit)

The type of booleans is flat discrete

map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool : bool   bool
map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool true = intro-flat true
map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool false = intro-flat false

is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool :
  is-section counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool
is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool true = refl
is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool false = refl

is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool :
  is-retraction counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool
is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool (intro-flat true) = refl
is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool (intro-flat false) = refl

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool : is-flat-discrete-crisp bool
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool =
      ( map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool)
      ( is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool)
      ( is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-bool)

The type of natural numbers is flat discrete

map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ :    
map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ zero-ℕ = intro-flat zero-ℕ
map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ (succ-ℕ x) =
  action-flat-map succ-ℕ (map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ x)

compute-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ :
  (@x : )  map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ x  intro-flat x
compute-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ zero-ℕ =
compute-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ (succ-ℕ x) =
  ap (action-flat-map succ-ℕ) (compute-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ x)

is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ :
  is-section counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ
is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ zero-ℕ =
is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ (succ-ℕ x) =
  ( naturality-counit-flat succ-ℕ (map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ x)) 
  ( ap succ-ℕ (is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ x))

is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ :
  is-retraction counit-flat map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ
is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ (intro-flat x) =
  compute-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ x

  is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ : is-flat-discrete-crisp 
  is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ =
      ( map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ)
      ( is-section-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ)
      ( is-retraction-map-is-flat-discrete-crisp-ℕ)

See also


Michael Shulman. Brouwer's fixed-point theorem in real-cohesive homotopy type theory. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 28(6):856–941, 06 2018. arXiv:1509.07584, doi:10.1017/S0960129517000147.

{{#references Shu18}} {{#references Dlicata335/Cohesion-Agda}}

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