The augmented simplex category

Content created by Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke.

Created on 2023-10-16.
Last modified on 2024-03-11.

module category-theory.augmented-simplex-category where
open import category-theory.composition-operations-on-binary-families-of-sets
open import category-theory.precategories

open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-standard-finite-types
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.strictly-involutive-identity-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import order-theory.order-preserving-maps-posets


The augmented simplex category is the category consisting of finite total orders and order-preserving maps. However, we define it as the category whose objects are natural numbers and whose hom-sets hom n m are order-preserving maps between the standard finite types Fin n to Fin m equipped with the standard ordering, and then show that it is equivalent to the former.


The augmented simplex precategory

obj-augmented-simplex-Category : UU lzero
obj-augmented-simplex-Category = 

hom-set-augmented-simplex-Category :
  obj-augmented-simplex-Category  obj-augmented-simplex-Category  Set lzero
hom-set-augmented-simplex-Category n m =
  hom-set-Poset (Fin-Poset n) (Fin-Poset m)

hom-augmented-simplex-Category :
  obj-augmented-simplex-Category  obj-augmented-simplex-Category  UU lzero
hom-augmented-simplex-Category n m =
  type-Set (hom-set-augmented-simplex-Category n m)

comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category :
  {n m r : obj-augmented-simplex-Category} 
  hom-augmented-simplex-Category m r 
  hom-augmented-simplex-Category n m 
  hom-augmented-simplex-Category n r
comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r} =
  comp-hom-Poset (Fin-Poset n) (Fin-Poset m) (Fin-Poset r)

associative-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category :
  {n m r s : obj-augmented-simplex-Category}
  (h : hom-augmented-simplex-Category r s)
  (g : hom-augmented-simplex-Category m r)
  (f : hom-augmented-simplex-Category n m) 
  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {s}
    ( comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {m} {r} {s} h g)
    ( f) 
  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {r} {s}
    ( h)
    ( comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r} g f)
associative-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r} {s} =
    ( Fin-Poset n)
    ( Fin-Poset m)
    ( Fin-Poset r)
    ( Fin-Poset s)

involutive-eq-associative-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category :
  {n m r s : obj-augmented-simplex-Category}
  (h : hom-augmented-simplex-Category r s)
  (g : hom-augmented-simplex-Category m r)
  (f : hom-augmented-simplex-Category n m) 
  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {s}
    ( comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {m} {r} {s} h g)
    ( f) =ⁱ
  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {r} {s}
    ( h)
    ( comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r} g f)
involutive-eq-associative-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r} {s} =
    ( Fin-Poset n)
    ( Fin-Poset m)
    ( Fin-Poset r)
    ( Fin-Poset s)

associative-composition-operation-augmented-simplex-Category :
pr1 associative-composition-operation-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r} =
  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r}
pr2 associative-composition-operation-augmented-simplex-Category
  { n} {m} {r} {s} =
  involutive-eq-associative-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r} {s}

id-hom-augmented-simplex-Category :
  (n : obj-augmented-simplex-Category)  hom-augmented-simplex-Category n n
id-hom-augmented-simplex-Category n = id-hom-Poset (Fin-Poset n)

left-unit-law-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category :
  {n m : obj-augmented-simplex-Category}
  (f : hom-augmented-simplex-Category n m) 
  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {m}
    ( id-hom-augmented-simplex-Category m)
    ( f) 
left-unit-law-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} =
  left-unit-law-comp-hom-Poset (Fin-Poset n) (Fin-Poset m)

right-unit-law-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category :
  {n m : obj-augmented-simplex-Category}
  (f : hom-augmented-simplex-Category n m) 
  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {n} {m}
    ( f)
    ( id-hom-augmented-simplex-Category n) 
right-unit-law-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} =
  right-unit-law-comp-hom-Poset (Fin-Poset n) (Fin-Poset m)

is-unital-composition-operation-augmented-simplex-Category :
    ( hom-set-augmented-simplex-Category)
    ( λ {n} {m} {r}  comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m} {r})
pr1 is-unital-composition-operation-augmented-simplex-Category =
pr1 (pr2 is-unital-composition-operation-augmented-simplex-Category) {n} {m} =
  left-unit-law-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m}
pr2 (pr2 is-unital-composition-operation-augmented-simplex-Category) {n} {m} =
  right-unit-law-comp-hom-augmented-simplex-Category {n} {m}

augmented-simplex-Precategory : Precategory lzero lzero
pr1 augmented-simplex-Precategory = obj-augmented-simplex-Category
pr1 (pr2 augmented-simplex-Precategory) = hom-set-augmented-simplex-Category
pr1 (pr2 (pr2 augmented-simplex-Precategory)) =
pr2 (pr2 (pr2 augmented-simplex-Precategory)) =

The augmented simplex category

It remains to be formalized that the augmented simplex category is univalent.


The augmented simplex category is equivalent to the category of finite total orders

This remains to be formalized.

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