-element subtypes
Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke, Eléonore Mangel, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides, Elisabeth Stenholm, Julian KG, fernabnor and louismntnu.
Created on 2022-03-21.
Last modified on 2025-02-14.
module univalent-combinatorics.2-element-subtypes where
open import foundation.automorphisms open import foundation.contractible-types open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.embeddings open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.injective-maps open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.mere-equivalences open import foundation.negated-equality open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.sets open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.torsorial-type-families open import foundation.transport-along-identifications open import foundation.type-arithmetic-coproduct-types open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import univalent-combinatorics.2-element-types open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types
A 2-element subtype of a type A
is a subtype P
of A
of which its
underlying type Σ A P
has cardinality 2. Such a subtype is said to be
decidable if the proposition P x
is decidable for every x : A
The type of 2-element subtypes of a type
2-Element-Subtype : {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) → UU l1 → UU (l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) 2-Element-Subtype l2 X = Σ (subtype l2 X) (λ P → has-two-elements (type-subtype P)) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (P : 2-Element-Subtype l2 X) where subtype-2-Element-Subtype : subtype l2 X subtype-2-Element-Subtype = pr1 P type-prop-2-Element-Subtype : X → UU l2 type-prop-2-Element-Subtype x = type-Prop (subtype-2-Element-Subtype x) is-prop-type-prop-2-Element-Subtype : (x : X) → is-prop (type-prop-2-Element-Subtype x) is-prop-type-prop-2-Element-Subtype x = is-prop-type-Prop (subtype-2-Element-Subtype x) type-2-Element-Subtype : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) type-2-Element-Subtype = type-subtype subtype-2-Element-Subtype inclusion-2-Element-Subtype : type-2-Element-Subtype → X inclusion-2-Element-Subtype = inclusion-subtype subtype-2-Element-Subtype is-emb-inclusion-2-Element-Subtype : is-emb inclusion-2-Element-Subtype is-emb-inclusion-2-Element-Subtype = is-emb-inclusion-subtype subtype-2-Element-Subtype is-injective-inclusion-2-Element-Subtype : is-injective inclusion-2-Element-Subtype is-injective-inclusion-2-Element-Subtype = is-injective-inclusion-subtype subtype-2-Element-Subtype has-two-elements-type-2-Element-Subtype : has-two-elements type-2-Element-Subtype has-two-elements-type-2-Element-Subtype = pr2 P 2-element-type-2-Element-Subtype : 2-Element-Type (l1 ⊔ l2) pr1 2-element-type-2-Element-Subtype = type-2-Element-Subtype pr2 2-element-type-2-Element-Subtype = has-two-elements-type-2-Element-Subtype is-inhabited-type-2-Element-Subtype : type-trunc-Prop type-2-Element-Subtype is-inhabited-type-2-Element-Subtype = is-inhabited-2-Element-Type 2-element-type-2-Element-Subtype
The standard 2-element subtype of a pair of distinct elements in a set
module _ {l : Level} (X : Set l) {x y : type-Set X} (np : x ≠ y) where type-prop-standard-2-Element-Subtype : type-Set X → UU l type-prop-standard-2-Element-Subtype z = (x = z) + (y = z) is-prop-type-prop-standard-2-Element-Subtype : (z : type-Set X) → is-prop (type-prop-standard-2-Element-Subtype z) is-prop-type-prop-standard-2-Element-Subtype z = is-prop-coproduct ( λ p q → np (p ∙ inv q)) ( is-set-type-Set X x z) ( is-set-type-Set X y z) subtype-standard-2-Element-Subtype : subtype l (type-Set X) pr1 (subtype-standard-2-Element-Subtype z) = type-prop-standard-2-Element-Subtype z pr2 (subtype-standard-2-Element-Subtype z) = is-prop-type-prop-standard-2-Element-Subtype z type-standard-2-Element-Subtype : UU l type-standard-2-Element-Subtype = type-subtype subtype-standard-2-Element-Subtype equiv-type-standard-2-Element-Subtype : Fin 2 ≃ type-standard-2-Element-Subtype equiv-type-standard-2-Element-Subtype = ( inv-equiv ( left-distributive-Σ-coproduct (type-Set X) (Id x) (Id y))) ∘e ( equiv-coproduct ( equiv-is-contr ( is-contr-Fin-1) ( is-torsorial-Id x)) ( equiv-is-contr ( is-contr-unit) ( is-torsorial-Id y))) has-two-elements-type-standard-2-Element-Subtype : has-two-elements type-standard-2-Element-Subtype has-two-elements-type-standard-2-Element-Subtype = unit-trunc-Prop equiv-type-standard-2-Element-Subtype
Morphisms of 2-element-subtypes
A moprhism of 2-element subtypes P
and Q
is just a family of maps
P x → Q x
{- module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} (P : 2-Element-Subtype l2 X) (Q : 2-Element-Subtype l3 X) where hom-2-Element-Subtype : UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3) hom-2-Element-Subtype = (x : X) → type-prop-2-Element-Subtype P x → type-prop-2-Element-Subtype Q x map-hom-2-Element-Subtype : hom-2-Element-Subtype → type-2-Element-Subtype P → type-2-Element-Subtype Q map-hom-2-Element-Subtype f = tot f is-emb-map-hom-2-Element-Subtype : (f : hom-2-Element-Subtype) → is-emb (map-hom-2-Element-Subtype f) is-emb-map-hom-2-Element-Subtype f = is-emb-tot ( λ x → is-emb-is-prop ( is-prop-type-prop-2-Element-Subtype P x) ( is-prop-type-prop-2-Element-Subtype Q x)) is-surjective-map-hom-2-Element-Subtype : (f : hom-2-Element-Subtype) → is-surjective (map-hom-2-Element-Subtype f) is-surjective-map-hom-2-Element-Subtype f (pair x q) = {! type-subtype (P ∘ map-inv-equiv e) !} is-equiv-map-hom-2-Element-Subtype : (f : hom-2-Element-Subtype) → is-equiv (map-hom-2-Element-Subtype f) is-equiv-map-hom-2-Element-Subtype f = {!!} -}
Swapping the elements in a 2-element subtype
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (P : 2-Element-Subtype l2 X) where swap-2-Element-Subtype : Aut (type-2-Element-Subtype P) swap-2-Element-Subtype = swap-2-Element-Type (2-element-type-2-Element-Subtype P) map-swap-2-Element-Subtype : type-2-Element-Subtype P → type-2-Element-Subtype P map-swap-2-Element-Subtype = map-swap-2-Element-Type (2-element-type-2-Element-Subtype P) compute-swap-2-Element-Subtype : (x y : type-2-Element-Subtype P) → x ≠ y → map-swap-2-Element-Subtype x = y compute-swap-2-Element-Subtype = compute-swap-2-Element-Type (2-element-type-2-Element-Subtype P)
2-element subtypes are closed under precomposition with an equivalence
precomp-equiv-2-Element-Subtype : {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : UU l2} → X ≃ Y → 2-Element-Subtype l3 X → 2-Element-Subtype l3 Y pr1 (precomp-equiv-2-Element-Subtype e (pair P H)) = P ∘ (map-inv-equiv e) pr2 (precomp-equiv-2-Element-Subtype e (pair P H)) = transitive-mere-equiv _ _ _ ( unit-trunc-Prop ( equiv-subtype-equiv ( e) ( P) ( P ∘ (map-inv-equiv e)) ( λ x → iff-equiv ( tr ( λ g → (type-Prop (P x)) ≃ (type-Prop (P (map-equiv g x)))) ( inv (left-inverse-law-equiv e)) ( id-equiv))))) ( H) {- module _ {l : Level} {A : UU l} where is-injective-map-Fin-2 : (f : Fin 2 → A) → f zero-Fin ≠ f one-Fin → is-injective f is-injective-map-Fin-2 f H {inl (inr star)} {inl (inr star)} p = refl is-injective-map-Fin-2 f H {inl (inr star)} {inr star} p = ex-falso (H p) is-injective-map-Fin-2 f H {inr star} {inl (inr star)} p = ex-falso (H (inv p)) is-injective-map-Fin-2 f H {inr star} {inr star} p = refl is-injective-element-unordered-pair : (p : unordered-pair A) → ¬ ( (x y : type-unordered-pair p) → Id (element-unordered-pair p x) (element-unordered-pair p y)) → is-injective (element-unordered-pair p) is-injective-element-unordered-pair (pair X f) H {x} {y} p = apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop ( has-two-elements-type-unordered-pair (pair X f)) ( Id-Prop (set-Type-With-Cardinality-ℕ X) x y) ( λ h → {!!}) where first-element : (Fin 2 ≃ (type-2-Element-Type X)) → Σ ( type-2-Element-Type X) ( λ x → ¬ ((y : type-2-Element-Type X) → Id (f x) (f y))) first-element h = exists-not-not-for-all-count (λ z → (w : type-2-Element-Type X) → Id (f z) (f w)) (λ z → {!!}) {!!} {!!} two-elements-different-image : Σ ( type-2-Element-Type X) ( λ x → Σ (type-2-Element-Type X) (λ y → f x ≠ f y)) two-elements-different-image = {!!} -}
Recent changes
- 2025-02-14. Fredrik Bakke. Rename
(#1316). - 2024-04-11. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Propositional operations (#1008).
- 2024-03-14. Egbert Rijke. Move torsoriality of the identity type to
(#1065). - 2024-02-06. Fredrik Bakke. Rename
(#1017). - 2024-01-31. Fredrik Bakke. Rename