Irrefutable propositions
Content created by Fredrik Bakke.
Created on 2024-10-15.
Last modified on 2025-01-07.
module foundation.irrefutable-propositions where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.contractible-types open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.decidable-propositions open import foundation.decidable-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.double-negation open import foundation.empty-types open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.negation open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.subuniverses open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universe-levels open import logic.double-negation-elimination
The subuniverse of
irrefutable propositions¶ consists of
propositions P
for which the
double negation ¬¬P
is true.
The predicate on a proposition of being irrefutable
module _ {l : Level} (P : Prop l) where is-irrefutable : UU l is-irrefutable = ¬¬ (type-Prop P) is-prop-is-irrefutable : is-prop is-irrefutable is-prop-is-irrefutable = is-prop-double-negation is-irrefutable-Prop : Prop l is-irrefutable-Prop = double-negation-Prop P
The predicate on a type of being an irrefutable proposition
module _ {l : Level} (P : UU l) where is-irrefutable-prop : UU l is-irrefutable-prop = is-prop P × (¬¬ P) is-prop-is-irrefutable-prop : is-prop is-irrefutable-prop is-prop-is-irrefutable-prop = is-prop-product (is-prop-is-prop P) is-prop-double-negation is-irrefutable-prop-Prop : Prop l is-irrefutable-prop-Prop = is-irrefutable-prop , is-prop-is-irrefutable-prop module _ {l : Level} {P : UU l} (H : is-irrefutable-prop P) where is-prop-type-is-irrefutable-prop : is-prop P is-prop-type-is-irrefutable-prop = pr1 H prop-is-irrefutable-prop : Prop l prop-is-irrefutable-prop = P , is-prop-type-is-irrefutable-prop is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable-prop : is-irrefutable (P , is-prop-type-is-irrefutable-prop) is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable-prop = pr2 H
The subuniverse of irrefutable propositions
Irrefutable-Prop : (l : Level) → UU (lsuc l) Irrefutable-Prop l = type-subuniverse is-irrefutable-prop-Prop make-Irrefutable-Prop : {l : Level} (P : Prop l) → is-irrefutable P → Irrefutable-Prop l make-Irrefutable-Prop P is-irrefutable-P = ( type-Prop P , is-prop-type-Prop P , is-irrefutable-P) module _ {l : Level} (P : Irrefutable-Prop l) where type-Irrefutable-Prop : UU l type-Irrefutable-Prop = pr1 P is-irrefutable-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop : is-irrefutable-prop type-Irrefutable-Prop is-irrefutable-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop = pr2 P is-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop : is-prop type-Irrefutable-Prop is-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop = is-prop-type-is-irrefutable-prop is-irrefutable-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop prop-Irrefutable-Prop : Prop l prop-Irrefutable-Prop = type-Irrefutable-Prop , is-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop is-irrefutable-Irrefutable-Prop : is-irrefutable prop-Irrefutable-Prop is-irrefutable-Irrefutable-Prop = is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable-prop is-irrefutable-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop
Provable propositions are irrefutable
module _ {l : Level} (P : Prop l) where is-irrefutable-has-element : type-Prop P → is-irrefutable P is-irrefutable-has-element = intro-double-negation is-irrefutable-unit : is-irrefutable unit-Prop is-irrefutable-unit = is-irrefutable-has-element unit-Prop star
Contractible types are irrefutable propositions
is-irrefutable-prop-is-contr : {l : Level} {P : UU l} → is-contr P → is-irrefutable-prop P is-irrefutable-prop-is-contr H = ( is-prop-is-contr H , intro-double-negation (center H))
If it is irrefutable that a proposition is irrefutable, then the proposition is irrefutable
module _ {l : Level} (P : Prop l) where is-idempotent-is-irrefutable : is-irrefutable (is-irrefutable-Prop P) → is-irrefutable P is-idempotent-is-irrefutable = double-negation-elim-neg (¬ (type-Prop P))
Decidability is irrefutable
is-irrefutable-is-decidable : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → ¬¬ (is-decidable A) is-irrefutable-is-decidable H = H (inr (H ∘ inl)) module _ {l : Level} (P : Prop l) where is-irrefutable-is-decidable-Prop : is-irrefutable (is-decidable-Prop P) is-irrefutable-is-decidable-Prop = is-irrefutable-is-decidable is-decidable-prop-Irrefutable-Prop : Irrefutable-Prop l is-decidable-prop-Irrefutable-Prop = make-Irrefutable-Prop (is-decidable-Prop P) is-irrefutable-is-decidable-Prop
Double negation elimination is irrefutable
is-irrefutable-double-negation-elim : {l : Level} {A : UU l} → ¬¬ (has-double-negation-elim A) is-irrefutable-double-negation-elim H = H (λ f → ex-falso (f (λ a → H (λ _ → a))))
Dependent sums of irrefutable propositions
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A → UU l2} where is-irrefutable-Σ : ¬¬ A → ((x : A) → ¬¬ B x) → ¬¬ (Σ A B) is-irrefutable-Σ nna nnb nab = nna (λ a → nnb a (λ b → nab (a , b))) is-irrefutable-prop-Σ : is-irrefutable-prop A → ((x : A) → is-irrefutable-prop (B x)) → is-irrefutable-prop (Σ A B) is-irrefutable-prop-Σ a b = ( is-prop-Σ ( is-prop-type-is-irrefutable-prop a) ( is-prop-type-is-irrefutable-prop ∘ b) , is-irrefutable-Σ ( is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable-prop a) ( is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable-prop ∘ b))
Products of irrefutable propositions
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} where is-irrefutable-product : ¬¬ A → ¬¬ B → ¬¬ (A × B) is-irrefutable-product nna nnb = is-irrefutable-Σ nna (λ _ → nnb) is-irrefutable-prop-product : is-irrefutable-prop A → is-irrefutable-prop B → is-irrefutable-prop (A × B) is-irrefutable-prop-product a b = is-irrefutable-prop-Σ a (λ _ → b)
Coproducts of irrefutable propositions
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} where is-irrefutable-coproduct-inl : ¬¬ A → ¬¬ (A + B) is-irrefutable-coproduct-inl nna x = nna (x ∘ inl) is-irrefutable-coproduct-inr : ¬¬ B → ¬¬ (A + B) is-irrefutable-coproduct-inr nnb x = nnb (x ∘ inr)
See also
- De Morgan’s law is irrefutable.
Recent changes
- 2025-01-07. Fredrik Bakke. Logic (#1226).
- 2024-10-15. Fredrik Bakke. Define double negation sheaves (#1198).