Irrefutable propositions

Content created by Fredrik Bakke.

Created on 2024-10-15.
Last modified on 2024-10-15.

module foundation.irrefutable-propositions where
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.decidable-propositions
open import foundation.decidable-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.double-negation
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.subuniverses
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.propositions


The subuniverse of irrefutable propositions consists of propositions P for which the double negation ¬¬P is true.


The predicate on a proposition of being irrefutable

is-irrefutable : {l : Level}  Prop l  UU l
is-irrefutable P = ¬¬ (type-Prop P)

is-prop-is-irrefutable : {l : Level} (P : Prop l)  is-prop (is-irrefutable P)
is-prop-is-irrefutable P = is-prop-double-negation

is-irrefutable-Prop : {l : Level}  Prop l  Prop l
is-irrefutable-Prop = double-negation-Prop

The subuniverse of irrefutable propositions

subuniverse-Irrefutable-Prop : (l : Level)  subuniverse l l
subuniverse-Irrefutable-Prop l A =
  product-Prop (is-prop-Prop A) (double-negation-type-Prop A)

Irrefutable-Prop : (l : Level)  UU (lsuc l)
Irrefutable-Prop l =
  type-subuniverse (subuniverse-Irrefutable-Prop l)

make-Irrefutable-Prop :
  {l : Level} (P : Prop l)  is-irrefutable P  Irrefutable-Prop l
make-Irrefutable-Prop P is-irrefutable-P =
  ( type-Prop P , is-prop-type-Prop P , is-irrefutable-P)

module _
  {l : Level} (P : Irrefutable-Prop l)

  type-Irrefutable-Prop : UU l
  type-Irrefutable-Prop = pr1 P

  is-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop : is-prop type-Irrefutable-Prop
  is-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop = pr1 (pr2 P)

  prop-Irrefutable-Prop : Prop l
  prop-Irrefutable-Prop = type-Irrefutable-Prop , is-prop-type-Irrefutable-Prop

  is-irrefutable-Irrefutable-Prop : is-irrefutable prop-Irrefutable-Prop
  is-irrefutable-Irrefutable-Prop = pr2 (pr2 P)


If it is irrefutable that a proposition is irrefutable, then the proposition is irrefutable

module _
  {l : Level} (P : Prop l)

  is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable :
    is-irrefutable (is-irrefutable-Prop P)  is-irrefutable P
  is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable-is-irrefutable =
    double-negation-elim-neg (¬ (type-Prop P))

The decidability of a proposition is irrefutable

is-irrefutable-is-decidable : {l : Level} {A : UU l}  ¬¬ (is-decidable A)
is-irrefutable-is-decidable H = H (inr (H  inl))

module _
  {l : Level} (P : Prop l)

  is-irrefutable-is-decidable-Prop : is-irrefutable (is-decidable-Prop P)
  is-irrefutable-is-decidable-Prop = is-irrefutable-is-decidable

  is-decidable-prop-Irrefutable-Prop : Irrefutable-Prop l
  is-decidable-prop-Irrefutable-Prop =
    make-Irrefutable-Prop (is-decidable-Prop P) is-irrefutable-is-decidable-Prop

Provable propositions are irrefutable

module _
  {l : Level} (P : Prop l)

  is-irrefutable-is-inhabited : type-Prop P  is-irrefutable P
  is-irrefutable-is-inhabited = intro-double-negation

is-irrefutable-unit : is-irrefutable unit-Prop
is-irrefutable-unit = is-irrefutable-is-inhabited unit-Prop star

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