Least upper bounds in posets
Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides and Louis Wasserman.
Created on 2022-04-13.
Last modified on 2025-02-13.
module order-theory.least-upper-bounds-posets where
open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions open import foundation.booleans open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.function-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.logical-equivalences open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.raising-universe-levels open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.universe-levels open import order-theory.posets open import order-theory.upper-bounds-posets
A least upper bound of a
and b
in a poset P
is an element x
that the logical equivalence
((a ≤ y) ∧ (b ≤ y)) ⇔ (x ≤ y)
holds for every element y
in P
. Similarly, a least upper bound of a
family a : I → P
of elements of P
is an element x
of P
such that the
logical equivalence
(∀ᵢ (aᵢ ≤ y)) ⇔ (x ≤ y)
holds for every element y
in P
The predicate of being a least binary upper bound of two elements in a poset
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (a b : type-Poset P) where is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset-Prop : type-Poset P → Prop (l1 ⊔ l2) is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset-Prop x = Π-Prop ( type-Poset P) ( λ y → iff-Prop ( is-binary-upper-bound-Poset-Prop P a b y) ( leq-prop-Poset P x y)) is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : type-Poset P → UU (l1 ⊔ l2) is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset x = type-Prop (is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset-Prop x) is-prop-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : (x : type-Poset P) → is-prop (is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset x) is-prop-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset x = is-prop-type-Prop (is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset-Prop x) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) {a b : type-Poset P} where forward-implication-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : {x y : type-Poset P} → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x → is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b y → leq-Poset P x y forward-implication-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset {x} {y} H = forward-implication (H y) backward-implication-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : {x y : type-Poset P} → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x → leq-Poset P x y → is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b y backward-implication-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset {x} {y} H = backward-implication (H y) prove-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : {x : type-Poset P} → is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x → ( (y : type-Poset P) → is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b y → leq-Poset P x y) → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x pr1 (prove-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset H K y) L = K y L pr2 (prove-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset H K y) L = is-binary-upper-bound-leq-Poset P H L is-binary-upper-bound-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : {x : type-Poset P} → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x → is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x is-binary-upper-bound-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset {x} H = backward-implication-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset H ( refl-leq-Poset P x) leq-left-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : {x : type-Poset P} → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x → leq-Poset P a x leq-left-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset H = leq-left-is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P ( is-binary-upper-bound-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset H) leq-right-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : {x : type-Poset P} → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x → leq-Poset P b x leq-right-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset H = leq-right-is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P ( is-binary-upper-bound-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset H)
The least upper bound of a
and b
is the least upper bound of b
and a
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (a b c : type-Poset P) where symmetric-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b c → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P b a c pr1 (symmetric-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset lub-c d) lub-d = forward-implication ( lub-c d) ( leq-right-is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P lub-d , leq-left-is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P lub-d) pr1 (pr2 (symmetric-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset lub-c d) c≤d) = leq-right-is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P (backward-implication (lub-c d) c≤d) pr2 (pr2 (symmetric-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset lub-c d) c≤d) = leq-left-is-binary-upper-bound-Poset P (backward-implication (lub-c d) c≤d)
The proposition that two elements have a least upper bound
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (a b : type-Poset P) where has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : UU (l1 ⊔ l2) has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset = Σ (type-Poset P) (is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b) all-elements-equal-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : all-elements-equal has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset all-elements-equal-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset (u , H) (v , K) = eq-type-subtype ( is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset-Prop P a b) ( antisymmetric-leq-Poset P u v ( forward-implication-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P H ( is-binary-upper-bound-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P K)) ( forward-implication-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P K ( is-binary-upper-bound-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P H))) is-prop-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : is-prop has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset is-prop-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset = is-prop-all-elements-equal all-elements-equal-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset has-least-binary-upper-bound-prop-Poset : Prop (l1 ⊔ l2) pr1 has-least-binary-upper-bound-prop-Poset = has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset pr2 has-least-binary-upper-bound-prop-Poset = is-prop-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) {a b : type-Poset P} where eq-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : {x y : type-Poset P} → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b x → is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b y → x = y eq-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset {x} {y} H K = ap ( pr1) ( all-elements-equal-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b ( x , H) ( y , K))
The property of having a least binary upper bound is symmetric
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (a b : type-Poset P) where symmetric-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b → has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P b a pr1 (symmetric-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset (lub , is-lub)) = lub pr2 (symmetric-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset (lub , is-lub)) = symmetric-is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b lub is-lub
Least upper bounds of families of elements
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) {I : UU l3} (a : I → type-Poset P) where is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset : type-Poset P → Prop (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3) is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset x = Π-Prop ( type-Poset P) ( λ y → iff-Prop ( Π-Prop I (λ i → leq-prop-Poset P (a i) y)) ( leq-prop-Poset P x y)) is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : type-Poset P → UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3) is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset z = type-Prop (is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset z) is-prop-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : (z : type-Poset P) → is-prop (is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset z) is-prop-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset z = is-prop-type-Prop (is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset z) module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) {I : UU l3} {a : I → type-Poset P} where forward-implication-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : {x y : type-Poset P} → is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a x → is-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a y → leq-Poset P x y forward-implication-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset {x} {y} H = forward-implication (H y) backward-implication-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : {x y : type-Poset P} → is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a x → leq-Poset P x y → is-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a y backward-implication-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset {x} {y} H = backward-implication (H y) is-upper-bound-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : {x : type-Poset P} → is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a x → is-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a x is-upper-bound-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset {x} H = backward-implication-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset H ( refl-leq-Poset P x)
The proposition that a family of elements has a least upper bound
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) {I : UU l3} (a : I → type-Poset P) where has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3) has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset = Σ (type-Poset P) (is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a) all-elements-equal-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : all-elements-equal has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset all-elements-equal-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset ( x , H) (y , K) = eq-type-subtype ( is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset P a) ( antisymmetric-leq-Poset P x y ( forward-implication-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset ( P) ( H) ( is-upper-bound-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset ( P) ( K))) ( forward-implication-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset ( P) ( K) ( is-upper-bound-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset ( P) ( H)))) is-prop-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : is-prop has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset is-prop-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset = is-prop-all-elements-equal all-elements-equal-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset : Prop (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l3) pr1 has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset = has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset pr2 has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-prop-Poset = is-prop-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) {I : UU l3} {a : I → type-Poset P} where eq-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : {x y : type-Poset P} → is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a x → is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P a y → x = y eq-is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset {x} {y} H K = ap ( pr1) ( all-elements-equal-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset ( P) ( a) ( x , H) ( y , K))
Binary least upper bounds as least upper bounds of families
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (a b : type-Poset P) (H : has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b) where family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : bool → type-Poset P family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset = rec-bool a b least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : type-Poset P least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset = pr1 H is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P ( family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset) ( least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset) is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset x = ( λ f → pr1 (pr2 H x) (f true , f false)) , ( λ u → ind-bool ( λ z → leq-Poset P ( family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset z) ( x)) ( pr1 (pr2 (pr2 H x) u)) ( pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H x) u))) has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset : has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P ( family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset) has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset = least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset , is-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset
Least upper bounds of families over the booleans as binary least upper bounds
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (x : bool → type-Poset P) (H : has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset P x) where least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : type-Poset P least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset = pr1 H is-least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P ( x true) ( x false) ( least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset) is-least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset z = ( λ f → pr1 (pr2 H z) (ind-bool (λ i → leq-Poset P (x i) z) (pr1 f) (pr2 f))) , ( λ u → pr2 (pr2 H z) u true , pr2 (pr2 H z) u false) has-least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset : has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P (x true) (x false) has-least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset = least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset , is-least-binary-upper-bound-has-least-upper-bound-family-of-elements-Poset
if then is the least binary upper bound of and
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (P : Poset l1 l2) (a b : type-Poset P) (p : leq-Poset P a b) where is-least-binary-upper-bound-leq-Poset : is-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b b is-least-binary-upper-bound-leq-Poset x = ( λ f → pr2 f) , ( λ f → transitive-leq-Poset P a b x f p , f) has-least-binary-upper-bound-leq-Poset : has-least-binary-upper-bound-Poset P a b has-least-binary-upper-bound-leq-Poset = ( b , is-least-binary-upper-bound-leq-Poset)
Recent changes
- 2025-02-13. Louis Wasserman. Minimum and maximum are associative (#1300).
- 2024-11-20. Fredrik Bakke. Two fixed point theorems (#1227).
- 2024-04-11. Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke. Propositional operations (#1008).
- 2023-06-10. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Cleaning up synthetic homotopy theory (#649).
- 2023-05-16. Fredrik Bakke. Swap from
code blocks (#622).