The category of families of sets
Content created by Fredrik Bakke and Egbert Rijke.
Created on 2023-09-28.
Last modified on 2023-11-01.
module foundation.category-of-families-of-sets where
open import category-theory.categories open import category-theory.large-categories open import category-theory.large-function-categories open import category-theory.large-function-precategories open import category-theory.large-precategories open import category-theory.precategories open import foundation.category-of-sets open import foundation.universe-levels
The large category of families of
sets over a type A
is the
large function category
A → Set
The large precategory of families of sets over a type
Family-Of-Sets-Large-Precategory : {l : Level} → UU l → Large-Precategory (λ l1 → l ⊔ lsuc l1) (λ l1 l2 → l ⊔ l1 ⊔ l2) Family-Of-Sets-Large-Precategory A = Large-Function-Precategory A Set-Large-Precategory
The small precategory of families of sets over a type
Family-Of-Sets-Precategory : {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) → UU l1 → Precategory (l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) (l1 ⊔ l2) Family-Of-Sets-Precategory l2 A = precategory-Large-Precategory (Family-Of-Sets-Large-Precategory A) l2
The large category of families of sets over a type
module _ {l : Level} (A : UU l) where Family-Of-Sets-Large-Category : Large-Category (λ l1 → l ⊔ lsuc l1) (λ l1 l2 → l ⊔ l1 ⊔ l2) Family-Of-Sets-Large-Category = Large-Function-Category A Set-Large-Category is-large-category-Family-Of-Sets-Large-Category : is-large-category-Large-Precategory (Family-Of-Sets-Large-Precategory A) is-large-category-Family-Of-Sets-Large-Category = is-large-category-Large-Category Family-Of-Sets-Large-Category
The small category of families of sets over a type
module _ {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) (A : UU l1) where Family-Of-Sets-Category : Category (l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) (l1 ⊔ l2) Family-Of-Sets-Category = category-Large-Category (Family-Of-Sets-Large-Category A) l2 is-category-Family-Of-Sets-Category : is-category-Precategory (Family-Of-Sets-Precategory l2 A) is-category-Family-Of-Sets-Category = is-category-Category Family-Of-Sets-Category
Recent changes
- 2023-11-01. Fredrik Bakke. Fun with functors (#886).
- 2023-09-28. Egbert Rijke and Fredrik Bakke. Cyclic types (#800).