Premetric structures on types

Content created by Fredrik Bakke and malarbol.

Created on 2024-09-28.
Last modified on 2024-09-28.

module metric-spaces.premetric-structures where
open import elementary-number-theory.positive-rational-numbers

open import foundation.binary-relations
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.existential-quantification
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.logical-equivalences
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.propositional-extensionality
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.torsorial-type-families
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universe-levels


A premetric is a type family of proposition-valued binary relations indexed by the positive rational numbers.

Given a premetric B on A and some positive rational number d : ℚ⁺ such that B d x y holds for some pair of points x y : A, we interpret d as an upper bound on the distance between x and y with respect to the premetric.


Premetric structures

module _
  {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) (A : UU l1)

  Premetric : UU (l1  lsuc l2)
  Premetric = ℚ⁺  Relation-Prop l2 A

Neighborhood relation in a premetric

Two points x and y in a type A are in a d-neighborhood in a premetric B for some positive rational number d if B d x y holds.

In this case, d is called an upper bound on the distance between x and y in the premetric B.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Premetric l2 A)

  neighborhood-Premetric : ℚ⁺  A  A  UU l2
  neighborhood-Premetric d = type-Relation-Prop (B d)

  is-prop-neighborhood-Premetric :
    (d : ℚ⁺) (x y : A)  is-prop (neighborhood-Premetric d x y)
  is-prop-neighborhood-Premetric d = is-prop-type-Relation-Prop (B d)

  is-upper-bound-dist-Premetric : A  A  ℚ⁺  UU l2
  is-upper-bound-dist-Premetric x y d = neighborhood-Premetric d x y

  is-prop-is-upper-bound-dist-Premetric :
    (x y : A) (d : ℚ⁺)  is-prop (is-upper-bound-dist-Premetric x y d)
  is-prop-is-upper-bound-dist-Premetric x y d =
    is-prop-neighborhood-Premetric d x y

Indistinguishable elements with respect to a premetric

Two elements x and y are indistinguishable in a premetric if x and y are d-neighbors for any positive rational d, i.e., if their distance is bounded by any positive rational.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Premetric l2 A)
  (x y : A)

  is-indistinguishable-prop-Premetric : Prop l2
  is-indistinguishable-prop-Premetric =
    Π-Prop ℚ⁺  (d : ℚ⁺)  B d x y)

  is-indistinguishable-Premetric : UU l2
  is-indistinguishable-Premetric =
    type-Prop is-indistinguishable-prop-Premetric

  is-prop-is-indistinguishable-Premetric :
    is-prop is-indistinguishable-Premetric
  is-prop-is-indistinguishable-Premetric =
    is-prop-type-Prop is-indistinguishable-prop-Premetric

Separation relation with respect to a premetric

Two points x and y are separated in a premetric if there exists some positive rational d such that x and y are not d-neighbors.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Premetric l2 A)
  (x y : A)

  is-separated-pt-prop-Premetric : Prop l2
  is-separated-pt-prop-Premetric =
     ℚ⁺  d  neg-Prop (B d x y))

  is-separated-pt-Premetric : UU l2
  is-separated-pt-Premetric =
    type-Prop is-separated-pt-prop-Premetric

  is-prop-is-separated-pt-Premetric :
    is-prop is-separated-pt-Premetric
  is-prop-is-separated-pt-Premetric =
    is-prop-type-Prop is-separated-pt-prop-Premetric


Points separated by a premetric structure are not indistinguishable

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Premetric l2 A)
  (x y : A)

  is-not-indistinguishable-is-separated-pt-Premetric :
    is-separated-pt-Premetric B x y  ¬ (is-indistinguishable-Premetric B x y)
  is-not-indistinguishable-is-separated-pt-Premetric S I =
      ( empty-Prop)
      ( λ d H  H (I d))
      ( S)

Equality of premetric structures

Two premetric structures on a type are equal when they define logically equivalent neighborhoods, or equivalently, when the distances between any two points have the same upper bounds.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (N : Premetric l2 A)

  Eq-prop-Premetric : Premetric l2 A  Prop (l1  l2)
  Eq-prop-Premetric N' =
      ( ℚ⁺)
      ( λ d 
          ( A)
          ( λ x 
              ( A)
              ( λ y  N d x y  N' d x y)))

  Eq-Premetric : Premetric l2 A  UU (l1  l2)
  Eq-Premetric N' = type-Prop (Eq-prop-Premetric N')

  is-prop-Eq-Premetric : (N' : Premetric l2 A)  is-prop (Eq-Premetric N')
  is-prop-Eq-Premetric N' = is-prop-type-Prop (Eq-prop-Premetric N')

  refl-Eq-Premetric : Eq-Premetric N
  refl-Eq-Premetric d x y = id-iff

  Eq-eq-Premetric : (N' : Premetric l2 A)  (N  N')  Eq-Premetric N'
  Eq-eq-Premetric .N refl = refl-Eq-Premetric

  eq-Eq-Premetric : (N' : Premetric l2 A)  Eq-Premetric N'  N  N'
  eq-Eq-Premetric N' H =
      ( λ d 
        ( λ x 
          ( λ y 
            eq-iff' (N d x y) (N' d x y) (H d x y))))

  is-torsorial-Eq-Premetric : is-torsorial Eq-Premetric
  is-torsorial-Eq-Premetric =
    ( N , refl-Eq-Premetric) ,
    ( λ (N' , e) 
        ( Eq-prop-Premetric)
        ( eq-Eq-Premetric N' e))

  is-fiberwise-equiv-Eq-eq-Premetric :
    (N' : Premetric l2 A)  is-equiv (Eq-eq-Premetric N')
  is-fiberwise-equiv-Eq-eq-Premetric =
    fundamental-theorem-id is-torsorial-Eq-Premetric Eq-eq-Premetric

  equiv-Eq-eq-Premetric :
    (N' : Premetric l2 A)  (N  N')  (Eq-Premetric N')
  equiv-Eq-eq-Premetric N' =
    Eq-eq-Premetric N' , is-fiberwise-equiv-Eq-eq-Premetric N'

Characterization of the transport of premetric structures along equality of types

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1)

  eq-map-eq-tr-Premetric :
    (B : UU l1) (e : A  B) (S : Premetric l2 A) 
    Eq-Premetric S  d x y  tr (Premetric l2) e S d (map-eq e x) (map-eq e y))
  eq-map-eq-tr-Premetric .A refl S = refl-Eq-Premetric S

  eq-map-inv-eq-tr-Premetric :
    (B : UU l1) (e : A  B) (S : Premetric l2 A) 
      (tr (Premetric l2) e S)
       d x y  S d (map-inv-eq e x) (map-inv-eq e y))
  eq-map-inv-eq-tr-Premetric .A refl S = refl-Eq-Premetric S


Our definition of a premetric follows Definition 4.5.2 from [Boo20].

Auke Bart Booij. Analysis in univalent type theory. PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 2020. URL:

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