Triangular premetric structures on types

Content created by Fredrik Bakke and malarbol.

Created on 2024-09-28.
Last modified on 2024-09-28.

module metric-spaces.triangular-premetric-structures where
open import elementary-number-theory.positive-rational-numbers

open import foundation.binary-relations
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.transport-along-identifications
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import metric-spaces.monotonic-premetric-structures
open import metric-spaces.premetric-structures
open import metric-spaces.reflexive-premetric-structures


A premetric is triangular if it is additively transitive. I.e., if for any three elements x, y, and z, the sum of an upper bound on the distance between x and y and an upper bound on the distance between y and z bounds the distance between x and z.


The property of being a triangular premetric structure

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Premetric l2 A)

  is-triangular-prop-Premetric : Prop (l1  l2)
  is-triangular-prop-Premetric =
      ( A)
      ( λ x 
        ( Π-Prop
          ( A)
          ( λ y 
            ( Π-Prop
              ( A)
              ( λ z 
                  ( ℚ⁺)
                  ( λ d₁ 
                    ( Π-Prop
                      ( ℚ⁺)
                      ( λ d₂ 
                          ( B d₂ y z)
                          ( hom-Prop
                            ( B d₁ x y)
                            ( B (d₁ +ℚ⁺ d₂) x z))))))))))

  is-triangular-Premetric : UU (l1  l2)
  is-triangular-Premetric = type-Prop is-triangular-prop-Premetric

  is-prop-is-triangular-Premetric : is-prop is-triangular-Premetric
  is-prop-is-triangular-Premetric =
    is-prop-type-Prop is-triangular-prop-Premetric


Indistiguishability in a triangular premetric is transitive

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Premetric l2 A)
  (T : is-triangular-Premetric B)

  is-transitive-is-indistinguishable-triangular-Premetric :
    is-transitive (is-indistinguishable-Premetric B)
  is-transitive-is-indistinguishable-triangular-Premetric x y z H K d =
      ( λ h  neighborhood-Premetric B h x z)
      ( eq-add-split-ℚ⁺ d)
      ( T
        ( x)
        ( y)
        ( z)
        ( left-summand-split-ℚ⁺ d)
        ( right-summand-split-ℚ⁺ d)
        ( H (right-summand-split-ℚ⁺ d))
        ( K (left-summand-split-ℚ⁺ d)))

Any triangular reflexive premetric is monotonic

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (B : Premetric l2 A)
  (R : is-reflexive-Premetric B) (T : is-triangular-Premetric B)

  is-monotonic-is-reflexive-triangular-Premetric : is-monotonic-Premetric B
  is-monotonic-is-reflexive-triangular-Premetric x y d₁ d₂ I H₁ =
      ( λ d  neighborhood-Premetric B d x y)
      ( right-diff-law-add-ℚ⁺ d₁ d₂ I)
      ( T x y y d₁ (le-diff-ℚ⁺ d₁ d₂ I) (R (le-diff-ℚ⁺ d₁ d₂ I) y) H₁)

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