Sums of elements in semirings

Content created by Fredrik Bakke, Egbert Rijke, Jonathan Prieto-Cubides and Maša Žaucer.

Created on 2023-02-20.
Last modified on 2024-02-06.

module ring-theory.sums-semirings where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.action-on-identifications-functions
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.whiskering-homotopies-composition

open import linear-algebra.vectors
open import linear-algebra.vectors-on-semirings

open import ring-theory.semirings

open import univalent-combinatorics.coproduct-types
open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types


The sum operation extends the binary addition operation on a semiring R to any family of elements of R indexed by a standard finite type.


sum-Semiring :
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l) (n : ) 
  (functional-vec-Semiring R n)  type-Semiring R
sum-Semiring R zero-ℕ f = zero-Semiring R
sum-Semiring R (succ-ℕ n) f =
  add-Semiring R
    ( sum-Semiring R n (f  inl-Fin n))
    ( f (inr star))


Sums of one and two elements

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  sum-one-element-Semiring :
    (f : functional-vec-Semiring R 1) 
    sum-Semiring R 1 f  head-functional-vec 0 f
  sum-one-element-Semiring f =
    left-unit-law-add-Semiring R (f (inr star))

  sum-two-elements-Semiring :
    (f : functional-vec-Semiring R 2) 
    sum-Semiring R 2 f  add-Semiring R (f (zero-Fin 1)) (f (one-Fin 1))
  sum-two-elements-Semiring f =
    ( associative-add-Semiring R
      (zero-Semiring R) (f (zero-Fin 1)) (f (one-Fin 1))) 
    ( left-unit-law-add-Semiring R
      ( add-Semiring R (f (zero-Fin 1)) (f (one-Fin 1))))

Sums are homotopy invariant

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  htpy-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) {f g : functional-vec-Semiring R n} 
    (f ~ g)  sum-Semiring R n f  sum-Semiring R n g
  htpy-sum-Semiring zero-ℕ H = refl
  htpy-sum-Semiring (succ-ℕ n) H =
    ap-add-Semiring R
      ( htpy-sum-Semiring n (H ·r inl-Fin n))
      ( H (inr star))

Sums are equal to the zero-th term plus the rest

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  cons-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) (f : functional-vec-Semiring R (succ-ℕ n)) 
    {x : type-Semiring R}  head-functional-vec n f  x 
    sum-Semiring R (succ-ℕ n) f 
    add-Semiring R (sum-Semiring R n (f  inl-Fin n)) x
  cons-sum-Semiring n f refl = refl

  snoc-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) (f : functional-vec-Semiring R (succ-ℕ n)) 
    {x : type-Semiring R}  f (zero-Fin n)  x 
    sum-Semiring R (succ-ℕ n) f 
    add-Semiring R
      ( x)
      ( sum-Semiring R n (f  inr-Fin n))
  snoc-sum-Semiring zero-ℕ f refl =
    ( sum-one-element-Semiring R f) 
    ( inv (right-unit-law-add-Semiring R (f (zero-Fin 0))))
  snoc-sum-Semiring (succ-ℕ n) f refl =
    ( ap
      ( add-Semiring' R (head-functional-vec (succ-ℕ n) f))
      ( snoc-sum-Semiring n (f  inl-Fin (succ-ℕ n)) refl)) 
    ( associative-add-Semiring R
      ( f (zero-Fin (succ-ℕ n)))
      ( sum-Semiring R n (f  (inr-Fin (succ-ℕ n)  inl-Fin n)))
      ( head-functional-vec (succ-ℕ n) f))

Multiplication distributes over sums

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  left-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) (x : type-Semiring R)
    (f : functional-vec-Semiring R n) 
    mul-Semiring R x (sum-Semiring R n f) 
    sum-Semiring R n  i  mul-Semiring R x (f i))
  left-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring zero-ℕ x f =
    right-zero-law-mul-Semiring R x
  left-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring (succ-ℕ n) x f =
    ( left-distributive-mul-add-Semiring R x
      ( sum-Semiring R n (f  inl-Fin n))
      ( f (inr star))) 
    ( ap
      ( add-Semiring' R (mul-Semiring R x (f (inr star))))
      ( left-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring n x (f  inl-Fin n)))

  right-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) (f : functional-vec-Semiring R n)
    (x : type-Semiring R) 
    mul-Semiring R (sum-Semiring R n f) x 
    sum-Semiring R n  i  mul-Semiring R (f i) x)
  right-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring zero-ℕ f x =
    left-zero-law-mul-Semiring R x
  right-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring (succ-ℕ n) f x =
    ( right-distributive-mul-add-Semiring R
      ( sum-Semiring R n (f  inl-Fin n))
      ( f (inr star))
      ( x)) 
    ( ap
      ( add-Semiring' R (mul-Semiring R (f (inr star)) x))
      ( right-distributive-mul-sum-Semiring n (f  inl-Fin n) x))

Interchange law of sums and addition in a semiring

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  interchange-add-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) (f g : functional-vec-Semiring R n) 
    add-Semiring R
      ( sum-Semiring R n f)
      ( sum-Semiring R n g) 
    sum-Semiring R n
      ( add-functional-vec-Semiring R n f g)
  interchange-add-sum-Semiring zero-ℕ f g =
    left-unit-law-add-Semiring R (zero-Semiring R)
  interchange-add-sum-Semiring (succ-ℕ n) f g =
    ( interchange-add-add-Semiring R
      ( sum-Semiring R n (f  inl-Fin n))
      ( f (inr star))
      ( sum-Semiring R n (g  inl-Fin n))
      ( g (inr star))) 
    ( ap
      ( add-Semiring' R
        ( add-Semiring R (f (inr star)) (g (inr star))))
      ( interchange-add-sum-Semiring n
        ( f  inl-Fin n)
        ( g  inl-Fin n)))

Extending a sum of elements in a semiring

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  extend-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) (f : functional-vec-Semiring R n) 
    sum-Semiring R
      ( succ-ℕ n)
      ( cons-functional-vec-Semiring R n (zero-Semiring R) f) 
    sum-Semiring R n f
  extend-sum-Semiring n f =
    right-unit-law-add-Semiring R (sum-Semiring R n f)

Shifting a sum of elements in a semiring

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  shift-sum-Semiring :
    (n : ) (f : functional-vec-Semiring R n) 
    sum-Semiring R
      ( succ-ℕ n)
      ( snoc-functional-vec-Semiring R n f
        ( zero-Semiring R)) 
    sum-Semiring R n f
  shift-sum-Semiring zero-ℕ f =
    left-unit-law-add-Semiring R (zero-Semiring R)
  shift-sum-Semiring (succ-ℕ n) f =
      ( add-Semiring' R
        ( head-functional-vec-Semiring R n f))
      ( shift-sum-Semiring n
        ( tail-functional-vec-Semiring R n f))

A sum of zeroes is zero

module _
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)

  sum-zero-Semiring :
    (n : ) 
    sum-Semiring R n (zero-functional-vec-Semiring R n)  zero-Semiring R
  sum-zero-Semiring zero-ℕ = refl
  sum-zero-Semiring (succ-ℕ n) =
    right-unit-law-add-Semiring R _  sum-zero-Semiring n

Splitting sums

split-sum-Semiring :
  {l : Level} (R : Semiring l)
  (n m : ) (f : functional-vec-Semiring R (n +ℕ m)) 
  sum-Semiring R (n +ℕ m) f 
  add-Semiring R
    ( sum-Semiring R n (f  inl-coproduct-Fin n m))
    ( sum-Semiring R m (f  inr-coproduct-Fin n m))
split-sum-Semiring R n zero-ℕ f =
  inv (right-unit-law-add-Semiring R (sum-Semiring R n f))
split-sum-Semiring R n (succ-ℕ m) f =
  ( ap
    ( add-Semiring' R (f (inr star)))
    ( split-sum-Semiring R n m (f  inl))) 
  ( associative-add-Semiring R _ _ _)

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