Maps between noncoherent wild higher precategories

Content created by Egbert Rijke, Fredrik Bakke and Vojtěch Štěpančík.

Created on 2024-06-16.
Last modified on 2024-12-03.

{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}

module wild-category-theory.maps-noncoherent-wild-higher-precategories where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.function-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import globular-types.globular-maps
open import globular-types.globular-types

open import wild-category-theory.noncoherent-wild-higher-precategories


A map f between noncoherent wild higher precategories 𝒜 and is a globular map between their underlying globular types. More specifically, a map F between noncoherent wild higher precategories consists of a map on objects F₀ : obj 𝒜 → obj ℬ, and for every pair of -morphisms f and g, a map of -morphisms

  Fₙ₊₁ : (𝑛+1)-hom 𝒞 f g → (𝑛+1)-hom 𝒟 (Fₙ f) (Fₙ g).

A map between noncoherent wild higher precategories does not have to preserve the identities or composition in any shape or form, and is the least structured notion of a “morphism” between noncoherent wild higher precategories. For a notion of “morphism” between noncoherent wild higher precategories that in one sense preserves this additional structure, see colax functors between noncoherent wild higher precategories.


Maps between noncoherent wild higher precategories

map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (𝒜 : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l1 l2)
  ( : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l3 l4)  UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜  =
    ( globular-type-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜)
    ( globular-type-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory )

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  (𝒜 : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l1 l2)
  ( : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l3 l4)
  (F : map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 )

  obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
    obj-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 
  obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory =
    0-cell-globular-map F

  hom-globular-map-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
    {x y : obj-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜} 
      ( hom-globular-type-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 x y)
      ( hom-globular-type-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 
        ( obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory x)
        ( obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory y))
  hom-globular-map-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory =
    1-cell-globular-map-globular-map F

  hom-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
    {x y : obj-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜} 
    hom-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 x y 
      ( obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory x)
      ( obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory y)
  hom-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory =
      ( hom-globular-map-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory)

  2-hom-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
    {x y : obj-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜}
    {f g : hom-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 x y} 
    2-hom-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 f g 
      ( hom-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory f)
      ( hom-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory g)
  2-hom-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory =
      ( hom-globular-map-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory)

  hom-noncoherent-wild-higher-precategory-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
    (x y : obj-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜) 
      ( hom-noncoherent-wild-higher-precategory-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory
        ( 𝒜)
        ( x)
        ( y))
      ( hom-noncoherent-wild-higher-precategory-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory
        ( )
        ( obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory x)
        ( obj-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory y))
    x y =
    1-cell-globular-map-globular-map F

The identity map on a noncoherent wild higher precategory

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (𝒜 : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l1 l2)

  id-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
    map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 𝒜
  id-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory =
    id-globular-map _

Composition of maps between noncoherent wild higher precategories

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  (𝒜 : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l1 l2)
  ( : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l3 l4)
  (𝒞 : Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory l5 l6)
  (G : map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory  𝒞)
  (F : map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 )

  comp-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory :
    map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory 𝒜 𝒞
  comp-map-Noncoherent-Wild-Higher-Precategory =
    comp-globular-map G F

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