Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.ActionBasedStrengthOnHomsInBicat

Constructs instance of action-based strength for the actions of the endomorphisms by precomposition on fixed hom-categories of a bicategory
Author: Ralph Matthes 2021

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PointedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.MonoidalCategories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.MonoidalFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.PointedFunctorsMonoidal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Actions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.ConstructionOfActions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.ActionOfEndomorphismsInBicat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.ActionBasedStrength.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.MonoidalFromBicategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfCats.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Signatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.SignatureCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.

Import Bicat.Notations.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section ActionBased_Strength_Between_Homs_In_Bicat.

Context {C : bicat}.
Context (c0 d0 d0': ob C).
Context {Mon_M : monoidal_cat}.

Local Definition Mon_endo: monoidal_cat
  := swapping_of_monoidal_cat (monoidal_cat_from_bicat_and_ob c0).

Context (U: strong_monoidal_functor Mon_M Mon_endo).

Local Definition ab_strength_domain_action : action Mon_M (hom c0 d0')
  := lifted_action Mon_M U (action_from_precomp c0 d0').
Local Definition ab_strength_target_action : action Mon_M (hom c0 d0)
  := lifted_action Mon_M U (action_from_precomp c0 d0).

Context (F: hom c0 d0' hom c0 d0).

Definition ab_strength_on_homs_in_bicat: UU
  := actionbased_strength Mon_M ab_strength_domain_action ab_strength_target_action F.

Identity Coercion ab_strength_on_homs_in_bicat_to_actionbased_strength :
  ab_strength_on_homs_in_bicat >-> actionbased_strength.

Context (ab_str : ab_strength_on_homs_in_bicat).

Definition triangle_eq := actionbased_strength_triangle_eq Mon_M
  ab_strength_domain_action ab_strength_target_action F ab_str.
Definition pentagon_eq := actionbased_strength_pentagon_eq Mon_M
  ab_strength_domain_action ab_strength_target_action F ab_str.

Lemma triangle_eq_readable : triangle_eq = a : C c0, d0' ,
  ab_str (a,, monoidal_cat_unit Mon_M) # F (id₂ a ⋆⋆ (strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ_inv U) lunitor a) =
  id₂ (F a) ⋆⋆ (strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ_inv U) lunitor (F a).
  apply idpath.

Definition triangle_eq_nice : UU := X : C c0, d0' ,
  ab_str (X,, monoidal_cat_unit Mon_M) # F (strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ_inv U X lunitor X) =
  strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ_inv U F X lunitor (F X).

Lemma triangle_eq_implies_triangle_eq_nice : triangle_eq triangle_eq_nice.
  intro Heq.
  intro X.
  set (HeqX := Heq X).
  cbn in HeqX.
  do 2 rewrite hcomp_identity_right in HeqX.

Lemma triangle_eq_nice_implies_triangle_eq : triangle_eq_nice triangle_eq.
  intro Heq.
  intro X.
  do 2 rewrite hcomp_identity_right.
  apply Heq.

Lemma pentagon_eq_readable : pentagon_eq =
   (a : C c0, d0' ) (x y : Mon_M),
                        (lassociator (U y) (U x) (F a) id₂ (F a) ⋆⋆ lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (x,, y))
                           ab_str (a,, monoidal_cat_tensor Mon_M (x, y)) =
                        ab_str (a,, x) ⋆⋆ # U (id₁ y) ab_str (U x · a,, y)
                           # F (lassociator (U y) (U x) a id₂ a ⋆⋆ lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (x,, y)).
  apply idpath.

the variables chosen in the following make the link with the notion of signature in the TYPES'15 paper by Ahrens and Matthes more visible - but Z is written insted of (Z,e), and likewise for Z'

Definition pentagon_eq_nice : UU :=
   (X : C c0, d0' ) (Z' Z : Mon_M),
    lassociator (U Z) (U Z') (F X) (lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (Z',, Z) F X) ab_str (X,, monoidal_cat_tensor Mon_M (Z', Z)) =
    U Z ab_str (X,, Z') ab_str (U Z' · X,, Z) # F (lassociator (U Z) (U Z') X (lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (Z',, Z) X)).

Lemma pentagon_eq_implies_pentagon_eq_nice : pentagon_eq pentagon_eq_nice.
  intros Heq X Z' Z.
  assert (Heqinst := Heq X Z' Z).
  clear Heq.
  revert Heqinst.
  rewrite (functor_id U).
  intro Heqinst.
  refine (!_ @ Heqinst @ _).
  - cbn.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    apply maponpaths.
    exact (hcomp_identity_right _ _ (F X) (lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (Z',, Z))).
  - etrans.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      apply hcomp_identity_left.
    do 3 apply maponpaths.
    apply hcomp_identity_right.

Lemma pentagon_eq_nice_implies_pentagon_eq : pentagon_eq_nice pentagon_eq.
  intros Heq X Z' Z.
  rewrite (functor_id U).
  refine (_ @ Heq _ _ _ @ _).
  - cbn.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply hcomp_identity_right.
  - refine (!_).
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      apply hcomp_identity_left.
    do 3 apply maponpaths.
    apply hcomp_identity_right.

Definition μ_UZ'Zinv (Z' Z : Mon_M) :
  hom c0 c0 monoidal_functor_map_codom Mon_M Mon_endo U (Z',, Z),
              monoidal_functor_map_dom Mon_M Mon_endo U (Z',, Z)
  := strong_monoidal_functor_μ_inv U (Z',,Z).

Definition pentagon_eq_nicer : UU :=
   (X : C c0, d0' ) (Z' Z : Mon_M),
                         lassociator (U Z) (U Z') (F X) (lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (Z',, Z) F X)
                         ab_str (X,, monoidal_cat_tensor Mon_M (Z', Z))
                         # F ((μ_UZ'Zinv Z' Z X) rassociator (U Z) (U Z') X) =
                         U Z ab_str (X,, Z') ab_str (U Z' · X,, Z).

Lemma pentagon_eq_nice_implies_pentagon_eq_nicer : pentagon_eq_nice pentagon_eq_nicer.
  intro Heq'.
  intros X Z' Z.
  assert (Heqinst := Heq' X Z' Z).
  clear Heq'.
  rewrite Heqinst.
  clear Heqinst.
  2: { apply id2_right. }
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply pathsinv0.
  2: { apply (functor_comp(C:=hom c0 d0')(C':=hom c0 d0)). }
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (functor_id_id (hom c0 d0') (hom c0 d0)).
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  apply (lhs_left_invert_cell _ _ _ (is_invertible_2cell_lassociator _ _ _)).
  rewrite id2_right.
  rewrite vassocr.
  2: { apply id2_left. }
  apply maponpaths_2.
  rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
  { apply maponpaths.
    apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (nat_z_iso_pointwise_z_iso (strong_monoidal_functor_μ U) (Z',,Z))).
  apply id2_rwhisker.

Lemma pentagon_eq_nicer_implies_pentagon_eq_nice : pentagon_eq_nicer pentagon_eq_nice.
  intro Heq.
  intros X Z' Z.
  specialize (Heq X Z' Z).
  2: { apply maponpaths_2.
       exact Heq. }
  clear Heq.
  repeat rewrite <- vassocr.
  do 2 apply maponpaths.
  { apply pathsinv0. apply id2_right. }
  apply maponpaths.
  2: { apply (functor_comp(C:=hom c0 d0')(C':=hom c0 d0)). }
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (functor_id_id (hom c0 d0') (hom c0 d0)).
  refine (vassocr _ _ _ @ _).
  { apply maponpaths_2. apply vassocl. }
    apply maponpaths_2.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply rassociator_lassociator.
    apply id2_right.
  rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
  { apply maponpaths.
    apply (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (nat_z_iso_pointwise_z_iso (strong_monoidal_functor_μ U) (Z',,Z))).
  apply id2_rwhisker.

End ActionBased_Strength_Between_Homs_In_Bicat.

Section Instantiation_To_FunctorCategory_And_PointedEndofunctors.

Section a_different_type_for_the_forgetful_functor_from_ptd.
  Context (C : category).

  Definition functor_ptd_forget_alt
    : category_Ptd C
      category_from_bicat_and_ob(C:=bicat_of_cats) C.
    use make_functor.
    - (λ a, pr1 a).
      exact (λ a b f, pr1 f).
    - abstract (split; intros; red; intros; apply idpath).

  Local Definition aux : monoidal_functor_map (monoidal_cat_of_pointedfunctors _)
                                              (monoidal_cat_from_bicat_and_ob(C:=bicat_of_cats) C) functor_ptd_forget_alt.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - intro x. cbn. apply nat_trans_id.
    - abstract ( intros xy xy' fg; apply nat_trans_eq_alt;
                 intro c; cbn; rewrite id_left, id_right; apply idpath ).

  Definition forgetful_functor_from_ptd_as_strong_monoidal_functor_alt
   : strong_monoidal_functor (monoidal_cat_of_pointedfunctors C)
                                              (monoidal_cat_from_bicat_and_ob (C:=bicat_of_cats) C).
    use tpair.
    - apply (mk_lax_monoidal_functor (monoidal_cat_of_pointedfunctors C)
                       (monoidal_cat_from_bicat_and_ob (C:=bicat_of_cats) C)
                       functor_ptd_forget_alt (nat_trans_id _) aux).
      + abstract
          (intros PF1 PF2 PF3 ;
           apply nat_trans_eq_alt ;
           intro c ;
           cbn ;
           do 2 rewrite functor_id ;
           repeat rewrite id_right ;
           apply functor_id).
      + abstract
          (intro PF ;
           split; apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intro c; cbn ;
             [ do 3 rewrite id_right ;
               apply pathsinv0 ;
               apply functor_id
             | do 3 rewrite id_right ;
               apply idpath]).
    - split ;
        [ apply (nat_trafo_z_iso_if_pointwise_z_iso (homset_property _));
          apply is_nat_z_iso_nat_trans_id
        | red ; intro c ;
           (nat_trans_id _) ;
          split; cbn ;
          [ apply nat_trans_eq; [apply homset_property |] ; intro c'; cbn ;
            apply id_left
          | apply nat_trans_eq; [apply homset_property |]; intro c'; cbn ;
            apply id_left ]].

End a_different_type_for_the_forgetful_functor_from_ptd.

Context (C D D' : category).

Local Definition forget := swapping_of_strong_monoidal_functor(forgetful_functor_from_ptd_as_strong_monoidal_functor_alt C).

Local Definition moncat1 : monoidal_cat := swapping_of_monoidal_cat (EndofunctorsMonoidal.monoidal_cat_of_endofunctors C).
Local Definition moncat2 := Mon_endo (C:=bicat_of_cats) C.

Lemma same_precategory_data : pr111 moncat1 = pr111 moncat2.
  apply idpath.

Lemma same_tensor_data : pr112 moncat1 = pr112 moncat2.
  unfold moncat1, moncat2.
  unfold EndofunctorsMonoidal.monoidal_cat_of_endofunctors, Mon_endo.
  use functor_data_eq.
  - intro x.
    apply idpath.
  - intros C1 C2 f. cbn. apply idpath.

Local Definition Mon_endo' : monoidal_cat := swapping_of_monoidal_cat (monoidal_cat_of_pointedfunctors C).
Local Definition domain_action : action Mon_endo' (hom(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D')
    := ab_strength_domain_action(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D' forget.
Local Definition target_action : action Mon_endo' (hom(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D)
    := ab_strength_target_action(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D forget.

Section Signature_From_ActionBased_Strength.

Section IndividualFunctorsWithABStrength.

  Context (H : functor [C, D'] [C, D]).

  Definition ab_strength_for_functors_and_pointed_functors : UU
    := ab_strength_on_homs_in_bicat(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D D' forget H.

  Definition ab_strength_for_functors_and_pointed_functors_to_actionbased_strength
             (ab_str : ab_strength_for_functors_and_pointed_functors) :
    actionbased_strength (swapping_of_monoidal_cat (monoidal_cat_of_pointedfunctors C))
                         (ab_strength_domain_action(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D' forget)
                         (ab_strength_target_action(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D forget) H
    := ab_str.
  Coercion ab_strength_for_functors_and_pointed_functors_to_actionbased_strength :
    ab_strength_for_functors_and_pointed_functors >-> actionbased_strength.

  Context (ab_str : ab_strength_for_functors_and_pointed_functors).

  Definition θ_for_signature_nat_trans_data : nat_trans_data (θ_source H) (θ_target H).
    intro x.
    set (result := ab_str x : functor_composite_data (pr12 x) (pr1 (pr1 H (pr1 x))) pr1 (pr1 H (functor_compose (pr12 x) (pr1 x)))).
this typing is crucial for termination of type-checking
    exact result.

  Lemma θ_for_signature_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans (θ_source H) (θ_target H) θ_for_signature_nat_trans_data.
    intros x x' f.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    assert (Heq := nat_trans_ax ab_str x x' f).
    assert (Heqc := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ Heq c).
    clear Heq.
    cbn in Heqc.
    unfold θ_for_signature_nat_trans_data.
    exact Heqc.

  Definition θ_for_signature : θ_source H θ_target H
    := (θ_for_signature_nat_trans_data,,θ_for_signature_is_nat_trans).

  Lemma signature_from_ab_strength_law1 : θ_Strength1_int θ_for_signature.
    red. intro X.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    assert (HypX := triangle_eq_implies_triangle_eq_nice _ _ _ _ _ _ (ab_strength_triangle _ ab_str) X).
    assert (Heqc := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ HypX c).
    cbn in Heqc.
    intermediate_path (# (pr1 (H X)) (id₁ c) · id₁ (pr1(pr1 H X) c)).
    2: { etrans.
          { apply id_right. }
          apply (functor_id (H X)).
    2: { exact Heqc. }
    clear HypX Heqc.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
    clear c.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    apply pathsinv0.
    { apply id_right. }
    apply functor_id.

  Definition test
             (X : [C, D'])
             (Z Z' : category_Ptd C)
             (c : C)
    : UU.
    refine (id₁ _
                   · # (pr1 (H X)) (id₁ _)
                   · pr1 (ab_str (X,, PointedFunctorsComposition.ptd_compose C Z Z')) c
                   · pr1 (# H _) c
                   pr1 (θ_for_signature_nat_trans_data (X, Z')) ((pr111 Z) c)
                       · pr1 (θ_for_signature_nat_trans_data
                                (functor_compose (pr1 Z') X, Z))
           exact (nat_trans_comp
                    (post_whisker (nat_trans_id _) _)
                    (nat_trans_id _)).

  Definition test'
             (X : [C, D'])
             (Z Z' : category_Ptd C)
             (c : C)
    : test X Z Z' c.
    unfold test.
    assert (HypX := pentagon_eq_nice_implies_pentagon_eq_nicer _ _ _ _ _ _
                    (pentagon_eq_implies_pentagon_eq_nice _ _ _ _ _ _
                     (ab_strength_pentagon _ ab_str)) X Z' Z).
    simpl in HypX.
    exact (nat_trans_eq_pointwise HypX c).

  Lemma signature_from_ab_strength_law2 : θ_Strength2_int θ_for_signature.
    intros X Z Z'.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    2: { apply assoc. }
    2: { apply maponpaths.
         exact (test' X Z Z' c).
    2: { apply pathsinv0. apply id_left. }
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply remove_id_left.
         - etrans.
           { apply id_left. }
           apply functor_id.
         - apply idpath.
    apply maponpaths_12.
    - apply idpath.
    - apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
      clear c.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
      intro c.
      2: { apply pathsinv0.
         apply id_right. }
      apply pathsinv0.
      apply functor_id.

  Definition signature_from_ab_strength : Signature C D D'.
    - exact signature_from_ab_strength_law1.
    - exact signature_from_ab_strength_law2.

End IndividualFunctorsWithABStrength.

Section IndividualStrongFunctors.

  Context (FF : actionbased_strong_functor Mon_endo' domain_action target_action).

  Definition signature_from_strong_functor : Signature C D D' :=
    signature_from_ab_strength FF (pr2 FF).

End IndividualStrongFunctors.

Section Morphisms.

  Context {FF GG : actionbased_strong_functor Mon_endo' domain_action target_action}.
  Context ( : Strong_Functor_Category_Mor Mon_endo' domain_action target_action FF GG).

  Lemma signature_mor_from_ab_strength_mor_diagram (X : [C, D']) (Y : category_Ptd C) :
    Signature_category_mor_diagram C D D'
      (signature_from_strong_functor FF) (signature_from_strong_functor GG) X Y.
    assert (Hyp := pr2 X Y).
    red in Hyp. cbn in Hyp.
    { exact Hyp. }
    clear Hyp.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply (horcomp_post_pre _ _ D).

  Definition signature_mor_from_ab_strength_mor :
    SignatureMor C D D' (signature_from_strong_functor FF) (signature_from_strong_functor GG).
     (pr1 ).     exact signature_mor_from_ab_strength_mor_diagram.

End Morphisms.

Definition ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory_data : functor_data
   (Strong_Functor_category Mon_endo' domain_action target_action)
   (Signature_category C D D').
  use make_functor_data.
  - exact signature_from_strong_functor.
  - intros FF GG . exact (signature_mor_from_ab_strength_mor ).

Lemma ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory_is_functor :
  is_functor ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory_data.
  - intro FF.
    apply SignatureMor_eq.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro H.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    apply idpath.
  - intros FF GG HH sη'.
    apply SignatureMor_eq.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro H.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    apply idpath.

Definition ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory : functor
   (Strong_Functor_category Mon_endo' domain_action target_action)
   (Signature_category C D D')
  := (_,,ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory_is_functor).

End Signature_From_ActionBased_Strength.

Section ActionBased_Strength_From_Signature.

Section IndividualSignatures.

  Context (sig : Signature C D D').

  Local Lemma aux0 ( x : [C, D'] Mon_endo') :
    hom(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D
        actionbased_strength_dom Mon_endo' target_action sig x,
         actionbased_strength_codom Mon_endo' domain_action sig x
    = functor_composite_data (pr12 x) (pr1 (sig (pr1 x))) pr1 (sig (pr12 x pr1 x)).
    apply idpath.

  Definition θ_for_ab_strength_data
    : nat_trans_data (actionbased_strength_dom Mon_endo' target_action sig)
                     (actionbased_strength_codom Mon_endo' domain_action sig).
    intro x.
    exact (eqweqmap (!aux0 x) (theta sig x)).

  Lemma θ_for_ab_strength_ax : is_nat_trans _ _ θ_for_ab_strength_data.
    intros x x' f.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    assert (Heq := nat_trans_ax (theta sig) x x' f).
    assert (Heqc := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ Heq c).
    clear Heq.
    simpl in Heqc.
    { exact Heqc. }
    clear Heqc.
    apply idpath.

  Definition θ_for_ab_strength : actionbased_strength_nat Mon_endo' domain_action target_action sig.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - exact θ_for_ab_strength_data.
    - exact θ_for_ab_strength_ax.

  Lemma θ_for_ab_strength_law1 :
    actionbased_strength_triangle_eq Mon_endo' domain_action target_action sig θ_for_ab_strength.
    red. intro X.
    assert (HypX := Sig_strength_law1 sig X).
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    2: { apply pathsinv0.
         { apply id_right. }
         { apply id_right. }
         apply (functor_id (sig X)).
    assert (Heqc := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ HypX c).
    clear HypX.
    cbn in Heqc.
    2: { exact Heqc. }
    clear Heqc.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
    clear c.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    do 2 rewrite id_right.
    apply functor_id.
  Time Qed.
  Lemma θ_for_ab_strength_law2
    : actionbased_strength_pentagon_eq Mon_endo' domain_action target_action sig θ_for_ab_strength.
    intros X Z' Z.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    assert (HypX := θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicer _
                        (Sig_strength_law2 sig) X Z Z').
    assert (Heqc := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ HypX c).
    clear HypX.
    cbn in Heqc.
      apply maponpaths_2.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply id_right.
      apply id_left.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        apply functor_id.
      apply id_left.
    refine (!_).
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
        apply maponpaths_2.
          apply maponpaths.
          apply functor_id.
        apply functor_id.
      apply id_left.
    refine (!_).
    refine (Heqc @ _).
    clear Heqc.
      do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
      apply id_left.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
    clear c.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    rewrite id_right.
    rewrite id_left.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply functor_id.
  Time Qed.
  Definition ab_strength_from_signature :
    ab_strength_for_functors_and_pointed_functors sig.
    - exact θ_for_ab_strength_law1.
    - exact θ_for_ab_strength_law2.

  Definition ab_strong_functor_from_signature :
    actionbased_strong_functor Mon_endo' domain_action target_action
    := (pr1 sig,,ab_strength_from_signature).

End IndividualSignatures.

Section Morphisms.

  Context {sig1 sig2 : Signature C D D'}.
  Context (f : SignatureMor C D D' sig1 sig2).

  Lemma ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor_is_nat_trans :
    is_nat_trans _ _ (pr11 f).
    intros F F' g.
    assert (Hyp := pr21 f F F' g).
    exact Hyp.

  Definition ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor_nat_trans :
     ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig1 ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig2.
     (pr11 f).
    exact ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor_is_nat_trans.

  Lemma ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor_diagram
        (a : hom(C:=bicat_of_cats) C D')
        (v : Mon_endo') :
   Strong_Functor_Category_mor_diagram Mon_endo' domain_action target_action
    (ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig1)
    (ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig2)
    ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor_nat_trans a v.
    assert (Hyp := pr2 f a v).
    red in Hyp. cbn in Hyp.
    { exact Hyp. }
    clear Hyp.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    apply (horcomp_post_pre _ _ D).

  Definition ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor : Strong_Functor_Category_Mor
    Mon_endo' domain_action target_action
    (ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig1)
    (ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig2).
    exact ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor_diagram.

End Morphisms.

Definition SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory_data :
  functor_data (Signature_category C D D')
               (Strong_Functor_category Mon_endo' domain_action target_action).
  use make_functor_data.
  - intro sig. exact (ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig).
  - intros sig1 sig2 f. exact (ab_strength_mor_from_signature_mor f).

Lemma SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory_is_functor :
  is_functor SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory_data.
  - intro H.
    apply Strong_Functor_Category_Mor_eq.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro X.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    apply idpath.
  - intros F G H f g.
    apply Strong_Functor_Category_Mor_eq.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro X.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    apply idpath.

Definition SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory : functor
  (Signature_category C D D')
  (Strong_Functor_category Mon_endo' domain_action target_action)
  := (_,,SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory_is_functor).

End ActionBased_Strength_From_Signature.

Lemma roundtrip1_ob_as_equality (sig : Signature C D D') : signature_from_strong_functor (ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig) = sig.
  use total2_paths_f.
  - apply idpath.
  - cbn.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
      intro x; apply idpath.
    + apply dirprodeq.
      × apply isaprop_θ_Strength1_int.
      × apply isaprop_θ_Strength2_int.

Definition roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans_data : nat_trans_data
  (functor_identity (Signature_category C D D'))
  (SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory).
  intro sig. cbn.
  use tpair.
  - use make_nat_trans.
    + intro X. exact (identity (pr1(pr1 sig) X)).
    + intros X1 X2 f.
      { apply (id_right (# (pr11 sig) f)). }
      2: { apply pathsinv0. apply (id_left (# (pr11 sig) f)). }
      apply idpath.
  - intros X Y. red.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    { apply id_right. }
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply id_left.
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply (functor_id (pr11 sig X)).
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply id_left.

Definition roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans_data_pointwise_inv (sig : Signature_category C D D') :
  SignatureMor C D D' (signature_from_strong_functor (ab_strong_functor_from_signature sig)) sig.
  use tpair.
  - use make_nat_trans.
    + intro X. exact (identity (pr11 sig X)).
    + intros X1 X2 f.
      { apply id_right. }
      2: { apply pathsinv0. apply id_left. }
      apply idpath.
  - intros X Y. red.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    { apply id_right. }
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply id_left.
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply (functor_id (pr11 sig X)).
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply id_left.

Definition roundtrip1_ob_data_is_nat_z_iso : is_nat_z_iso roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans_data.
  intro sig.
   (roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans_data_pointwise_inv sig).
  abstract (split; apply SignatureMor_eq;
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt;
    intro X;
    apply (id_left(C:=[C, D]))).

Lemma roundtrip1_ob_data_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans _ _ roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans_data.
  intros sig1 sig2 f.
  apply SignatureMor_eq.
  apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
  intro X.
  { cbn. apply (id_right(C:=[C, D])). }
  2: { cbn. apply pathsinv0. apply (id_left(C:=[C, D])). }
  apply idpath.

Definition roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans :
  (functor_identity (Signature_category C D D'))
  SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory
  := (roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans_data,,roundtrip1_ob_data_is_nat_trans).

Lemma roundtrip2_ob_as_equality (FF : actionbased_strong_functor Mon_endo' domain_action target_action) : ab_strong_functor_from_signature (signature_from_strong_functor FF) = FF.
  use total2_paths_f.
  - apply idpath.
  - cbn.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
      intro x; apply idpath.
    + apply dirprodeq.
      × apply isaprop_actionbased_strength_triangle_eq.
      × apply isaprop_actionbased_strength_pentagon_eq.

Definition roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans_data : nat_trans_data
  (ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory)
  (functor_identity (Strong_Functor_category Mon_endo' domain_action target_action)).
  intro FF. cbn.
  use tpair.
  - use make_nat_trans.
    + intro X. exact (identity (pr1 (pr1 FF) X)).
    + intros X1 X2 f.
      { apply (id_right (#(pr11 FF) f)). }
      2: { apply pathsinv0. apply (id_left (#(pr11 FF) f)). }
      apply idpath.
  - intros X Y. red.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    { apply id_right. }
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply id_right.
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply (functor_id (pr11 FF X)).
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply id_left.

Definition roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans_data_pointwise_inv
           (FF : Strong_Functor_category Mon_endo' domain_action target_action) :
  Strong_Functor_Category_Mor Mon_endo' domain_action target_action FF
                              (ab_strong_functor_from_signature (signature_from_strong_functor FF)).
  use tpair.
  - use make_nat_trans.
    + intro X. exact (identity (pr11 FF X)).
    + intros X1 X2 f.
      { apply id_right. }
      2: { apply pathsinv0. apply id_left. }
      apply idpath.
  - intros X Y. red.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    { apply id_right. }
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply id_right.
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition.
         apply pathsinv0.
         apply (functor_id (pr11 FF X)).
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply id_left.

Definition roundtrip2_ob_data_is_nat_z_iso : is_nat_z_iso roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans_data.
  intro FF.
   (roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans_data_pointwise_inv FF).
  abstract (split; apply Strong_Functor_Category_Mor_eq;
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt;
    intro X;
    apply (id_left(C:=[C, D]))).

Lemma roundtrip2_ob_data_is_nat_trans : is_nat_trans _ _ roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans_data.
  intros FF GG .
  apply Strong_Functor_Category_Mor_eq.
  apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
  intro X.
  { cbn. apply (id_right(C:=[C, D])). }
  2: { cbn. apply pathsinv0. apply (id_left(C:=[C, D])). }
  apply idpath.

Definition roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans :
  ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory
  (Strong_Functor_category Mon_endo' domain_action target_action)
  := (roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans_data,,roundtrip2_ob_data_is_nat_trans).

Definition EquivalenceSignaturesABStrongFunctors:
  adj_equivalence_of_cats SignatureCategoryToActionBasedStrongFunctorCategory.
  use make_adj_equivalence_of_cats.
  - exact ActionBasedStrongFunctorCategoryToSignatureCategory.
  - exact roundtrip1_ob_nat_trans.
  - exact roundtrip2_ob_nat_trans.
  - split.
    + intro sig.
      apply Strong_Functor_Category_Mor_eq.
      apply nat_trans_eq; [ apply (has_homsets_hom_data(C:=bicat_of_cats)) |].
      intro X.
      apply (id_left(C:=[C, D])).
    + intro FF.
      apply SignatureMor_eq.
      apply nat_trans_eq; [ apply (has_homsets_hom_data(C:=bicat_of_cats)) |].
      intro X.
      apply (id_left(C:=[C, D])).
  - split.
    + intro sig.
      apply (z_iso_to_iso (_,,roundtrip1_ob_data_is_nat_z_iso sig)).
    + intro FF.
      apply (z_iso_to_iso (_,,roundtrip2_ob_data_is_nat_z_iso FF)).

Definition Signature_category_is_univalent (univD : is_univalent D) :
  is_univalent (Signature_category C D D').
  set (univalentD := make_univalent_category D univD).
  exact (is_univalent_Signature_category C univalentD D').

the remainder of this file documents failing efforts - these problems ought to be gone after merging PR 1402