Library UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Signatures
Benedikt Ahrens, Ralph Matthes
Contents :
- Definition of signatures
- Proof that two forms of strength laws are equivalent
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PointedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.UnitorsAndAssociatorsForEndofunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.ActionBasedStrength.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.EndofunctorsMonoidal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.PointedFunctorsMonoidal.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Notation.
Local Open Scope subsys.
The category of pointed endofunctors on C
The category of endofunctors on C
in the original definition, this second category was the same as the first one
we do not yet have a use of this third category being different from the very first one
H is a rank-2 functor: a functor between functor categories
Definition θ_source: ([C, D'] ⊠ Ptd) ⟶ [C, D].
apply (functor_composite (pair_functor H U)).
apply (functor_composite binswap_pair_functor).
apply functorial_composition.
Lemma θ_source_ok: functor_on_objects θ_source = λ FX : [C, D'] ⊠ Ptd, H (pr1 FX) • U (pr2 FX).
apply idpath.
apply (functor_composite (pair_functor H U)).
apply (functor_composite binswap_pair_functor).
apply functorial_composition.
Lemma θ_source_ok: functor_on_objects θ_source = λ FX : [C, D'] ⊠ Ptd, H (pr1 FX) • U (pr2 FX).
apply idpath.
Definition θ_target : ([C, D'] ⊠ Ptd) ⟶ [C, D].
apply (functor_composite (pair_functor (functor_identity _) U)).
apply (functor_composite binswap_pair_functor).
use (functor_composite _ H).
apply functorial_composition.
Lemma θ_target_ok: functor_on_objects θ_target = λ FX : [C, D'] ⊠ Ptd, H (pr1 FX • U (pr2 FX)).
apply idpath.
Section fix_a_θ.
apply (functor_composite (pair_functor (functor_identity _) U)).
apply (functor_composite binswap_pair_functor).
use (functor_composite _ H).
apply functorial_composition.
Lemma θ_target_ok: functor_on_objects θ_target = λ FX : [C, D'] ⊠ Ptd, H (pr1 FX • U (pr2 FX)).
apply idpath.
Section fix_a_θ.
Two alternative versions of the strength laws are defined and seen as equivalent
θ is supposed to satisfy two strength laws
Definition θ_Strength1 : UU := ∏ X : [C, D'],
(θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C))) · # H (identity X : functor_composite (functor_identity C) X ⟹ pr1 X)
= nat_trans_id _ .
Section Strength_law_1_intensional.
needs the heterogeneous formulation of the monoidal operation to type-check
Definition θ_Strength1_int : UU
:= ∏ X : [C, D'],
θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C)) · # H (λ_functors _) = λ_functors _.
:= ∏ X : [C, D'],
θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C)) · # H (λ_functors _) = λ_functors _.
the following naturally-looking definition is often not suitable to work with
Definition θ_Strength1_int_nicer : UU
:= ∏ X : [C, D'],
θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C)) = nat_trans_id ((H X): functor C D).
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_nicer_implies_θ_Strength1_int : θ_Strength1_int_nicer → θ_Strength1_int.
intros T X.
rewrite T.
{ apply maponpaths.
unfold λ_functors.
apply (functor_id H X). }
apply id_right.
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1_int_nicer : θ_Strength1_int → θ_Strength1_int_nicer.
intros T X.
etrans; [| apply T].
2: { apply pathsinv0.
apply maponpaths.
unfold λ_functors.
apply (functor_id H X). }
apply pathsinv0.
apply id_right.
Lemma isaprop_θ_Strength1_int: isaprop θ_Strength1_int.
apply impred; intros X x x'.
apply isaset_nat_trans, homset_property.
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 : θ_Strength1_int → θ_Strength1.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX := T X).
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; cbn.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
cbn in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functors X = identity (X : [C, D'])).
{ apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0 in T2.
apply T2.
Lemma θ_Strength1_implies_θ_Strength1_int : θ_Strength1 → θ_Strength1_int.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX := T X).
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; cbn.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
cbn in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functors X = identity (X : [C, D'])).
{ apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0.
apply T2.
End Strength_law_1_intensional.
:= ∏ X : [C, D'],
θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C)) = nat_trans_id ((H X): functor C D).
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_nicer_implies_θ_Strength1_int : θ_Strength1_int_nicer → θ_Strength1_int.
intros T X.
rewrite T.
{ apply maponpaths.
unfold λ_functors.
apply (functor_id H X). }
apply id_right.
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1_int_nicer : θ_Strength1_int → θ_Strength1_int_nicer.
intros T X.
etrans; [| apply T].
2: { apply pathsinv0.
apply maponpaths.
unfold λ_functors.
apply (functor_id H X). }
apply pathsinv0.
apply id_right.
Lemma isaprop_θ_Strength1_int: isaprop θ_Strength1_int.
apply impred; intros X x x'.
apply isaset_nat_trans, homset_property.
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 : θ_Strength1_int → θ_Strength1.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX := T X).
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; cbn.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
cbn in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functors X = identity (X : [C, D'])).
{ apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0 in T2.
apply T2.
Lemma θ_Strength1_implies_θ_Strength1_int : θ_Strength1 → θ_Strength1_int.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX := T X).
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; cbn.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
cbn in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functors X = identity (X : [C, D'])).
{ apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0.
apply T2.
End Strength_law_1_intensional.
Definition θ_Strength2 : UU := ∏ (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd) (Y : [C, D'])
(α : functor_compose (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) X --> Y),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z' : Ptd)) · # H α =
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
# H (α : functor_compose (U Z) (X • (U Z')) --> Y).
Section Strength_law_2_intensional.
Definition θ_Strength2_int : UU
:= ∏ (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) · #H (α_functors (U Z) (U Z') X ) =
(α_functors (U Z) (U Z') (H X) :
[C, D] ⟦ functor_compose (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) (H X),
functor_composite (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') (H X)) ⟧
) ·
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) .
Lemma isaprop_θ_Strength2_int: isaprop θ_Strength2_int.
apply impred; intros X.
apply impred; intros Z.
apply impred; intros Z'.
apply isaset_nat_trans, homset_property.
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 : θ_Strength2_int → θ_Strength2.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z' Y a.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c.
assert (TXZZ' := T X Z Z').
assert (TXZZ'c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TXZZ' c).
cbn in TXZZ'c.
clear T TXZZ'.
rewrite id_left in TXZZ'c.
cbn. rewrite <- TXZZ'c; clear TXZZ'c.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_comp_H := functor_comp H (α_functors (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)
(a : functor_compose (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') X) --> Y)).
assert (functor_comp_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_comp_H c).
cbn in functor_comp_H_c.
etrans; [| apply functor_comp_H_c ].
clear functor_comp_H functor_comp_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; apply pathsinv0, id_left.
Lemma θ_Strength2_implies_θ_Strength2_int : θ_Strength2 → θ_Strength2_int.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z'.
assert (TXZZ'_inst := T X Z Z' (functor_compose (U Z)
(functor_composite (U Z') X)) (α_functors (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)).
eapply pathscomp0.
{ apply TXZZ'_inst. }
clear T TXZZ'_inst.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
etrans; [| apply id_right].
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_id_H := functor_id H (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (functor_composite (pr1 Z') X))).
assert (functor_id_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_id_H c).
etrans; [| apply functor_id_H_c].
clear functor_id_H functor_id_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; apply idpath.
Definition θ_Strength2_int_nicer : UU := ∏ (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) =
(α_functors (U Z) (U Z') (H X) :
[C, D] ⟦ functor_compose (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) (H X),
functor_composite (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') (H X)) ⟧) ·
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
#H (α_functors_inv (U Z) (U Z') X ).
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicer: θ_Strength2_int → θ_Strength2_int_nicer.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
set (auxiso := functor_on_z_iso H (_,,(α_functors_pointwise_is_z_iso D' (U Z) (U Z') X))).
apply pathsinv0 in HypX. apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ auxiso) in HypX.
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_nicer_implies_θ_Strength2_int: θ_Strength2_int_nicer → θ_Strength2_int.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
set (auxiso := functor_on_z_iso H (_,,(α_functors_pointwise_is_z_iso D' (U Z) (U Z') X))).
apply (z_iso_inv_to_right _ _ _ _ auxiso).
Definition θ_Strength2_int_nicest : UU := ∏ (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) =
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) ·
θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
#H (α_functors_inv (U Z) (U Z') X ).
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_nicest_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicer: θ_Strength2_int_nicest → θ_Strength2_int_nicer.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
do 2 rewrite <- assoc.
2: { apply maponpaths.
rewrite assoc.
exact HypX. }
apply pathsinv0.
unfold α_functors.
apply (id_left(a:=functor_compose (U Z ∙ U Z') (H X))).
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_nicer_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicest: θ_Strength2_int_nicer → θ_Strength2_int_nicest.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
etrans. { exact HypX. }
{ do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
unfold α_functors.
apply (id_left(a:=functor_compose (U Z ∙ U Z') (H X))). }
apply idpath.
End Strength_law_2_intensional.
(α : functor_compose (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) X --> Y),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z' : Ptd)) · # H α =
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
# H (α : functor_compose (U Z) (X • (U Z')) --> Y).
Section Strength_law_2_intensional.
Definition θ_Strength2_int : UU
:= ∏ (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) · #H (α_functors (U Z) (U Z') X ) =
(α_functors (U Z) (U Z') (H X) :
[C, D] ⟦ functor_compose (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) (H X),
functor_composite (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') (H X)) ⟧
) ·
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) .
Lemma isaprop_θ_Strength2_int: isaprop θ_Strength2_int.
apply impred; intros X.
apply impred; intros Z.
apply impred; intros Z'.
apply isaset_nat_trans, homset_property.
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 : θ_Strength2_int → θ_Strength2.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z' Y a.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c.
assert (TXZZ' := T X Z Z').
assert (TXZZ'c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TXZZ' c).
cbn in TXZZ'c.
clear T TXZZ'.
rewrite id_left in TXZZ'c.
cbn. rewrite <- TXZZ'c; clear TXZZ'c.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_comp_H := functor_comp H (α_functors (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)
(a : functor_compose (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') X) --> Y)).
assert (functor_comp_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_comp_H c).
cbn in functor_comp_H_c.
etrans; [| apply functor_comp_H_c ].
clear functor_comp_H functor_comp_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; apply pathsinv0, id_left.
Lemma θ_Strength2_implies_θ_Strength2_int : θ_Strength2 → θ_Strength2_int.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z'.
assert (TXZZ'_inst := T X Z Z' (functor_compose (U Z)
(functor_composite (U Z') X)) (α_functors (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)).
eapply pathscomp0.
{ apply TXZZ'_inst. }
clear T TXZZ'_inst.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
etrans; [| apply id_right].
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_id_H := functor_id H (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (functor_composite (pr1 Z') X))).
assert (functor_id_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_id_H c).
etrans; [| apply functor_id_H_c].
clear functor_id_H functor_id_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
intro c; apply idpath.
Definition θ_Strength2_int_nicer : UU := ∏ (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) =
(α_functors (U Z) (U Z') (H X) :
[C, D] ⟦ functor_compose (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) (H X),
functor_composite (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') (H X)) ⟧) ·
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
#H (α_functors_inv (U Z) (U Z') X ).
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicer: θ_Strength2_int → θ_Strength2_int_nicer.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
set (auxiso := functor_on_z_iso H (_,,(α_functors_pointwise_is_z_iso D' (U Z) (U Z') X))).
apply pathsinv0 in HypX. apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ auxiso) in HypX.
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_nicer_implies_θ_Strength2_int: θ_Strength2_int_nicer → θ_Strength2_int.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
set (auxiso := functor_on_z_iso H (_,,(α_functors_pointwise_is_z_iso D' (U Z) (U Z') X))).
apply (z_iso_inv_to_right _ _ _ _ auxiso).
Definition θ_Strength2_int_nicest : UU := ∏ (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) =
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) ·
θ ((functor_compose (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
#H (α_functors_inv (U Z) (U Z') X ).
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_nicest_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicer: θ_Strength2_int_nicest → θ_Strength2_int_nicer.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
do 2 rewrite <- assoc.
2: { apply maponpaths.
rewrite assoc.
exact HypX. }
apply pathsinv0.
unfold α_functors.
apply (id_left(a:=functor_compose (U Z ∙ U Z') (H X))).
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_nicer_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicest: θ_Strength2_int_nicer → θ_Strength2_int_nicest.
intro Hyp.
intros X Z Z'.
assert (HypX := Hyp X Z Z').
etrans. { exact HypX. }
{ do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
unfold α_functors.
apply (id_left(a:=functor_compose (U Z ∙ U Z') (H X))). }
apply idpath.
End Strength_law_2_intensional.
Not having a general theory of binatural transformations, we isolate
naturality in each component here
an experiment
Lemma θ_nat_1_pointfree (X X' : [C, D']) (α : X --> X') (Z : Ptd)
: compose (C := [C, D])
(# (functorial_composition _ _ _) ((nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z)),,# H α):
[C, C] ⊠ [C, D] ⟦(U Z,, H X), (U Z,, H X') ⟧))
(θ (X' ⊗ Z)) =
θ (X ⊗ Z) · # H (
# (functorial_composition _ _ _) ((nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z)),, α):
[C, C] ⊠ [C, D'] ⟦(U Z,, X), (U Z,, X') ⟧)
set (t := nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t' := t (X ⊗ Z) (X' ⊗ Z)).
set (t'' := t' (catbinprodmor α (identity _ ))).
cbn in t''.
exact t''.
Lemma θ_nat_1 (X X' : [C, D']) (α : X --> X') (Z : Ptd)
: compose (C := [C, D]) (# H α ⋆ nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z))) (θ (X' ⊗ Z)) =
θ (X ⊗ Z) · # H (α ⋆ nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z))).
set (t := nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t' := t (X ⊗ Z) (X' ⊗ Z)).
set (t'' := t' (catbinprodmor α (identity _ ))).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D').
cbn in t''.
exact t''.
Lemma θ_nat_1_pointwise (X X' : [C, D']) (α : X --> X') (Z : Ptd) (c : C)
: pr1 (# H α) ((pr1 Z) c) · pr1 (θ (X' ⊗ Z)) c =
pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z)) c · pr1 (# H (α ⋆ nat_trans_id (pr1 Z))) c.
assert (t := θ_nat_1 _ _ α Z).
assert (t' := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ t c).
clear t.
cbn in t'. unfold horcomp_data in t'.
etrans; [| exact t' ].
clear t'.
apply pathsinv0.
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply maponpaths.
apply functor_id. }
rewrite <- assoc.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
Lemma θ_nat_2 (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd) (f : Z --> Z')
: compose (C := [C, D]) (identity (H X) ⋆ pr1 f) (θ (X ⊗ Z')) =
θ (X ⊗ Z) · # H (identity X ⋆ pr1 f).
set (t := nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t' := t (X ⊗ Z) (X ⊗ Z') (catbinprodmor (identity _ ) f)).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D').
cbn in t'.
unfold catbinprodmor in t'.
cbn in t'.
set (T := functor_id H X).
cbn in ×.
rewrite T in t'. clear T.
exact t'.
Lemma θ_nat_2_pointwise (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd) (f : Z --> Z') (c : C)
: # (pr1 (H X)) ((pr1 f) c) · pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z')) c =
pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z)) c · pr1 (# H (identity X ⋆ pr1 f)) c .
set (t := θ_nat_2 X _ _ f).
set (t' := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ t c).
clearbody t'; clear t.
cbn in t'. unfold horcomp_data in t'.
rewrite id_left in t'.
exact t'.
End fix_a_θ.
: compose (C := [C, D])
(# (functorial_composition _ _ _) ((nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z)),,# H α):
[C, C] ⊠ [C, D] ⟦(U Z,, H X), (U Z,, H X') ⟧))
(θ (X' ⊗ Z)) =
θ (X ⊗ Z) · # H (
# (functorial_composition _ _ _) ((nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z)),, α):
[C, C] ⊠ [C, D'] ⟦(U Z,, X), (U Z,, X') ⟧)
set (t := nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t' := t (X ⊗ Z) (X' ⊗ Z)).
set (t'' := t' (catbinprodmor α (identity _ ))).
cbn in t''.
exact t''.
Lemma θ_nat_1 (X X' : [C, D']) (α : X --> X') (Z : Ptd)
: compose (C := [C, D]) (# H α ⋆ nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z))) (θ (X' ⊗ Z)) =
θ (X ⊗ Z) · # H (α ⋆ nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z))).
set (t := nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t' := t (X ⊗ Z) (X' ⊗ Z)).
set (t'' := t' (catbinprodmor α (identity _ ))).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D').
cbn in t''.
exact t''.
Lemma θ_nat_1_pointwise (X X' : [C, D']) (α : X --> X') (Z : Ptd) (c : C)
: pr1 (# H α) ((pr1 Z) c) · pr1 (θ (X' ⊗ Z)) c =
pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z)) c · pr1 (# H (α ⋆ nat_trans_id (pr1 Z))) c.
assert (t := θ_nat_1 _ _ α Z).
assert (t' := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ t c).
clear t.
cbn in t'. unfold horcomp_data in t'.
etrans; [| exact t' ].
clear t'.
apply pathsinv0.
{ apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply maponpaths.
apply functor_id. }
rewrite <- assoc.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
Lemma θ_nat_2 (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd) (f : Z --> Z')
: compose (C := [C, D]) (identity (H X) ⋆ pr1 f) (θ (X ⊗ Z')) =
θ (X ⊗ Z) · # H (identity X ⋆ pr1 f).
set (t := nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t' := t (X ⊗ Z) (X ⊗ Z') (catbinprodmor (identity _ ) f)).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D).
rewrite (@horcomp_post_pre _ _ D').
cbn in t'.
unfold catbinprodmor in t'.
cbn in t'.
set (T := functor_id H X).
cbn in ×.
rewrite T in t'. clear T.
exact t'.
Lemma θ_nat_2_pointwise (X : [C, D']) (Z Z' : Ptd) (f : Z --> Z') (c : C)
: # (pr1 (H X)) ((pr1 f) c) · pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z')) c =
pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z)) c · pr1 (# H (identity X ⋆ pr1 f)) c .
set (t := θ_nat_2 X _ _ f).
set (t' := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property D) _ _ t c).
clearbody t'; clear t.
cbn in t'. unfold horcomp_data in t'.
rewrite id_left in t'.
exact t'.
End fix_a_θ.
Definition PrestrengthForSignatureAtPoint (Z: Ptd) : UU :=
functor_fix_snd_arg [C, D'] Ptd [C, D] θ_source Z ⟹
functor_fix_snd_arg [C, D'] Ptd [C, D] θ_target Z.
Definition PrestrengthForSignature : UU := θ_source ⟹ θ_target.
Definition nat_trans_data_from_PrestrengthForSignature_funclass (θ: PrestrengthForSignature) :
∏ x, θ_source x --> θ_target x := pr1 θ.
Coercion nat_trans_data_from_PrestrengthForSignature_funclass: PrestrengthForSignature >-> Funclass.
Definition nat_trans_data_from_PrestrengthForSignatureAtPoint_funclass (Z: Ptd)(θ: PrestrengthForSignatureAtPoint Z) :
∏ x, functor_fix_snd_arg [C, D'] Ptd [C, D] θ_source Z x -->
functor_fix_snd_arg [C, D'] Ptd [C, D] θ_target Z x := pr1 θ.
Coercion nat_trans_data_from_PrestrengthForSignatureAtPoint_funclass: PrestrengthForSignatureAtPoint >-> Funclass.
Definition StrengthForSignature : UU :=
∑ θ : PrestrengthForSignature, θ_Strength1_int θ × θ_Strength2_int θ.
Coercion Strength_Prestrength (θwithlaws: StrengthForSignature) : PrestrengthForSignature := pr1 θwithlaws.
End about_signatures.
Definition Presignature : UU
:= ∑ H : [C, D'] ⟶ [C, D] , PrestrengthForSignature H.
Definition Signature : UU
:= ∑ H : [C, D'] ⟶ [C, D] , StrengthForSignature H.
Coercion Presignature_Functor (S : Presignature) : functor _ _ := pr1 S.
Coercion Signature_Functor (S : Signature) : functor _ _ := pr1 S.
Coercion Presignature_Signature (S : Signature) : Presignature := Signature_Functor S ,, Strength_Prestrength _ (pr2 S).
Definition theta (H : Presignature) : PrestrengthForSignature H := pr2 H.
Definition Sig_strength_law1 (H : Signature) : θ_Strength1_int _ _ := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 H)).
Definition Sig_strength_law2 (H : Signature) : θ_Strength2_int _ _ := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H)).
Lemma StrengthForSignature_eq (H : [C, D'] ⟶ [C, D] ) (sθ1 sθ2 : StrengthForSignature H) :
pr1 sθ1 = pr1 sθ2 → sθ1 = sθ2.
intro Heq.
apply subtypePath; trivial.
intro θ. apply isapropdirprod.
+ apply isaprop_θ_Strength1_int.
+ apply isaprop_θ_Strength2_int.
End fix_a_category.
Section homogeneous_case.
Context (C : category).
Local Definition ptd := monoidal_cat_of_pointedfunctors C.
Local Definition endo := monoidal_cat_of_endofunctors C.
Local Definition forget := forgetful_functor_from_ptd_as_strong_monoidal_functor C.
Local Lemma auxH1 (H : functor [C, C] [C, C]) (X : functor C C) :
# H
∘ nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv
(make_nat_z_iso (functor_identity C) (functor_identity C)
(nat_trans_id (functor_identity_data C))
(is_nat_z_iso_nat_trans_id (functor_identity C))))
(nat_trans_id (pr1 X) ø functor_identity_data C)) =
identity (H (functor_identity C ∙ X)).
apply functor_id_id.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intro c.
rewrite id_right.
apply functor_id.
Local Lemma auxH2aux (X : functor C C) (Z Z': precategory_Ptd C):
(X ∘ identity (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z')))
(identity(C:=[C, C]) (X) ø (pr1 (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z')))) =
identity (functor_compose (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z')) X).
apply nat_trans_eq; try apply homset_property; intro c.
rewrite id_right.
apply functor_id.
Section relative_strength_instantiates_to_signature.
Context (H : functor [C, C] [C, C])
(rs : rel_strength forget H).
Local Definition ϛ : rel_strength_nat forget H := pr1 rs.
Local Definition ϛ_pentagon_eq : rel_strength_pentagon_eq forget H ϛ
:= pr1 (pr2 rs).
Local Definition ϛ_rectangle_eq : rel_strength_rectangle_eq forget H ϛ
:= pr2 (pr2 rs).
Local Definition θ : θ_source C C C H ⟹ θ_target C C C H
:= pre_whisker binswap_pair_functor ϛ.
Lemma signature_from_rel_strength_laws : θ_Strength1_int C C C H θ ×
θ_Strength2_int C C C H θ.
split; red.
- intro X.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intro c.
assert (Hyp := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property C) _ _ (ϛ_pentagon_eq X) c).
cbn in Hyp.
rewrite (functor_id (H X)) in Hyp.
do 2 rewrite id_left in Hyp.
etrans; [| exact Hyp].
clear Hyp.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0.
apply id_left.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property C) _ _ (auxH1 H X) c).
- intros X Z Z'.
apply nat_trans_eq; try apply homset_property; intro c.
rewrite id_left.
assert (Hyp := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property C) _ _ (ϛ_rectangle_eq Z Z' X) c).
cbn in Hyp.
do 2 rewrite functor_id in Hyp.
rewrite (functor_id (H X)) in Hyp.
do 2 rewrite id_right in Hyp.
do 2 rewrite id_left in Hyp.
etrans; [| exact Hyp ].
clear Hyp.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
{ apply pathsinv0. apply id_right. }
apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0.
use (maponpaths (fun x ⇒ pr1 (# H x) c)).
+ exact (identity (functor_compose (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z')) X)).
+ apply auxH2aux.
+ rewrite functor_id.
apply idpath.
Definition signature_from_rel_strength : Signature C C C.
∃ H. ∃ θ.
exact signature_from_rel_strength_laws.
End relative_strength_instantiates_to_signature.
Section strength_in_signature_is_a_relative_strength.
Context (sig : Signature C C C).
Local Definition H := pr1 sig.
Local Definition θ' := pr1 (pr2 sig).
Local Definition ϛ' : rel_strength_nat forget H := pre_whisker binswap_pair_functor θ'.
Local Definition θ'_strength_law1 := Sig_strength_law1 _ _ _ sig.
Local Definition θ'_strength_law2 := Sig_strength_law2 _ _ _ sig.
Lemma rel_strength_from_signature_laws : rel_strength_pentagon_eq forget H ϛ' ×
rel_strength_rectangle_eq forget H ϛ'.
- intro X.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intro c.
assert (Hyp := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property C) _ _ (θ'_strength_law1 X) c).
cbn in Hyp.
fold θ' H in Hyp.
rewrite (functor_id (H X)).
do 2 rewrite id_left.
etrans; [| exact Hyp ].
clear Hyp.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
apply pathsinv0.
{ apply pathsinv0.
apply id_left. }
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
apply (nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property C) _ _ (auxH1 H X) c).
- intros Z Z' X.
apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intro c.
unfold PointedFunctorsComposition.ptd_compose.
rewrite functorial_composition_post_pre.
assert (Hyp := nat_trans_eq_weq (homset_property C) _ _ (θ'_strength_law2 X Z Z') c).
cbn in Hyp.
fold θ' H in Hyp.
do 2 rewrite functor_id.
do 2 rewrite id_right.
rewrite (functor_id (H X)).
do 2 rewrite id_left.
rewrite id_left in Hyp.
etrans; [| exact Hyp ].
clear Hyp.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
etrans; [| apply id_right ].
apply maponpaths.
now identical reasoning as in signature_from_rel_strength_laws
use (maponpaths (fun x ⇒ pr1 (# H x) c)).
+ exact (identity (functor_compose (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z')) X)).
+ apply auxH2aux.
+ rewrite functor_id.
apply idpath.
Definition rel_strength_from_signature : rel_strength forget H := (ϛ',,rel_strength_from_signature_laws).
End strength_in_signature_is_a_relative_strength.
End homogeneous_case.
Arguments PrestrengthForSignature {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments StrengthForSignature {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments Presignature_Signature {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments theta {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments θ_source {_ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_target {_ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength1 {_ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength2 {_ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength1_int {_ _ _ _} _ .
Arguments θ_Strength2_int {_ _ _ _} _ .
Arguments Sig_strength_law1 {_ _ _} _.
Arguments Sig_strength_law2 {_ _ _} _.
Arguments Signature_Functor {_ _ _} _.
Arguments θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 {_ _ _ _} _ _.
Arguments θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 {_ _ _ _} _ _.
Arguments θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicer {_ _ _ _} _ _.
use (maponpaths (fun x ⇒ pr1 (# H x) c)).
+ exact (identity (functor_compose (functor_compose (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z')) X)).
+ apply auxH2aux.
+ rewrite functor_id.
apply idpath.
Definition rel_strength_from_signature : rel_strength forget H := (ϛ',,rel_strength_from_signature_laws).
End strength_in_signature_is_a_relative_strength.
End homogeneous_case.
Arguments PrestrengthForSignature {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments StrengthForSignature {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments Presignature_Signature {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments theta {_ _ _} _ .
Arguments θ_source {_ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_target {_ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength1 {_ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength2 {_ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength1_int {_ _ _ _} _ .
Arguments θ_Strength2_int {_ _ _ _} _ .
Arguments Sig_strength_law1 {_ _ _} _.
Arguments Sig_strength_law2 {_ _ _} _.
Arguments Signature_Functor {_ _ _} _.
Arguments θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 {_ _ _ _} _ _.
Arguments θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 {_ _ _ _} _ _.
Arguments θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2_int_nicer {_ _ _ _} _ _.