Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct

Binary product of (pre)categories

Benedikt Ahrens, Ralph Matthes, Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
For the general case, see product_precategory.
See unit_category for the unit category, which is the unit under cartesian product up to isomorphism.

Contents :

  • Definition of the cartesian product of two precategories
  • From a functor on a product of precategories to a functor on one of the categories by fixing the argument in the other component
  • From a functor on a product of precategories to a nat. transformation on one of the categories by fixing the morphism argument in the other component
  • Definition of the associator functors
  • Definition of the pair of two functors: A × C → B × D given A → B and C → D
  • Definition of the diagonal functor bindelta_functor.
  • Definition of post-whiskering with parameter (with a functor on a product of precategories where one argument is seen as parameter)

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Local Open Scope cat.

Definition precategory_binproduct_mor (C D : precategory_ob_mor) (cd cd' : C × D) := pr1 cd --> pr1 cd' × pr2 cd --> pr2 cd'.

Definition precategory_binproduct_ob_mor (C D : precategory_ob_mor) : precategory_ob_mor
  := tpair _ _ (precategory_binproduct_mor C D).

Definition precategory_binproduct_data (C D : precategory_data) : precategory_data.
   (precategory_binproduct_ob_mor C D).
  - intro cd.
    exact (make_dirprod (identity (pr1 cd)) (identity (pr2 cd))).
  - intros cd cd' cd'' fg fg'.
    exact (make_dirprod (pr1 fg · pr1 fg') (pr2 fg · pr2 fg')).

Section precategory_binproduct.

Variables C D : precategory.

Lemma is_precategory_precategory_binproduct_data : is_precategory (precategory_binproduct_data C D).
  repeat split; intros.
  - apply dirprodeq; apply id_left.
  - apply dirprodeq; apply id_right.
  - apply dirprodeq; apply assoc.
  - apply dirprodeq; apply assoc'.
needed for the op-related goal below

Definition precategory_binproduct : precategory
  := tpair _ _ is_precategory_precategory_binproduct_data.

Definition has_homsets_precategory_binproduct (hsC : has_homsets C) (hsD : has_homsets D) :
  has_homsets precategory_binproduct.
  intros a b.
  apply isasetdirprod.
  - apply hsC.
  - apply hsD.

End precategory_binproduct.

Definition category_binproduct (C D : category) : category :=
    make_category (precategory_binproduct C D) (has_homsets_precategory_binproduct C D C D).

Definition ob1 {C D} (x : category_binproduct C D) : C := pr1 x.
Definition ob2 {C D} (x : category_binproduct C D) : D := pr2 x.
Definition mor1 {C D} (x x' : category_binproduct C D) (f : _ x, x') : _ ob1 x, ob1 x' := pr1 f.
Definition mor2 {C D} (x x' : category_binproduct C D) (f : _ x, x') : _ ob2 x, ob2 x' := pr2 f.

Arguments ob1 { _ _ } _ .
Arguments ob2 { _ _ } _ .
Arguments mor1 { _ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments mor2 { _ _ _ _ } _ .
Local Notation "C × D" := (category_binproduct C D) (at level 75, right associativity).

Objects and morphisms in the product precategory of two precategories
Definition make_catbinprod {C D : category} (X : C) (Y : D) : category_binproduct C D
  := make_dirprod X Y.

Local Notation "A ⊗ B" := (make_catbinprod A B).
Local Notation "( A , B )" := (make_catbinprod A B).

Definition catbinprodmor {C D : category} {X X' : C} {Z Z' : D} (α : X --> X') (β : Z --> Z')
  : X Z --> X' Z'
  := make_dirprod α β.

Local Notation "( f #, g )" := (catbinprodmor f g).

Lemma binprod_id {C D : category} (c : C) (d : D) : (identity c #, identity d) = identity (c, d).
  apply idpath.
this seems useful since one often has to tell Coq explicitly to make that conversion

Lemma binprod_comp {C D : category} (c c' c'' : C) (d d' d'' : D) (f : c --> c') (f' : c' --> c'') (g : d --> d') (g' : d' --> d'') : (f · f' #, g · g') = (f #, g) · (f' #, g').
  apply idpath.
idem concerning Defined vs. Qed

Lemma is_iso_binprod_iso_aux {C D : category} {c c' : C} {d d' : D} {f : c --> c'} {g : d --> d'} (f_is_iso : is_iso f)
  (g_is_iso : is_iso g) : is_inverse_in_precat (f #, g)
        (inv_from_iso (make_iso f f_is_iso) #, inv_from_iso (make_iso g g_is_iso)).
  apply make_dirprod.
  - transitivity ((make_iso f f_is_iso) · (inv_from_iso (make_iso f f_is_iso)) #, (make_iso g g_is_iso) · (inv_from_iso (make_iso g g_is_iso))).
    + symmetry.
      apply binprod_comp.
    + rewrite 2 iso_inv_after_iso.
      apply binprod_id.
  - transitivity ((inv_from_iso (make_iso f f_is_iso)) · (make_iso f f_is_iso) #, (inv_from_iso (make_iso g g_is_iso)) · (make_iso g g_is_iso)).
    + symmetry.
      apply binprod_comp.
    + rewrite 2 iso_after_iso_inv.
      apply binprod_id.

Definition is_iso_binprod_iso {C D : category} {c c' : C} {d d' : D} {f : c --> c'} {g : d --> d'} (f_is_iso : is_iso f)
  (g_is_iso : is_iso g) : is_iso (f #, g).
  apply (is_iso_qinv (f #, g) (inv_from_iso (make_iso f f_is_iso) #, inv_from_iso (make_iso g g_is_iso))).
  apply is_iso_binprod_iso_aux.

Isos in product precategories
Definition precatbinprodiso {C D : category} {X X' : C} {Z Z' : D} (α : iso X X') (β : iso Z Z')
  : iso (X Z) (X' Z').
  set (f := catbinprodmor α β).
  set (g := catbinprodmor (iso_inv_from_iso α) (iso_inv_from_iso β)).
  apply (is_iso_qinv f g).
  use tpair.
  - apply pathsdirprod.
    apply iso_inv_after_iso.
    apply iso_inv_after_iso.
  - apply pathsdirprod.
    apply iso_after_iso_inv.
    apply iso_after_iso_inv.

Definition precatbinprodiso_inv {C D : category} {X X' : C} {Z Z' : D}
  (α : iso X X') (β : iso Z Z')
  : precatbinprodiso (iso_inv_from_iso α) (iso_inv_from_iso β)
  = iso_inv_from_iso (precatbinprodiso α β).
  apply inv_iso_unique.
  apply pathsdirprod.
  - apply iso_inv_after_iso.
  - apply iso_inv_after_iso.

Definition is_z_iso_binprod_z_iso {C D : category} {c c' : C} {d d' : D} {f : c --> c'} {g : d --> d'} (f_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism f)
  (g_is_z_iso : is_z_isomorphism g) : is_z_isomorphism (f #, g).
   (is_z_isomorphism_mor f_is_z_iso,,is_z_isomorphism_mor g_is_z_iso).
  split; apply dirprodeq; cbn.
  - apply (pr1 (pr2 f_is_z_iso)).
  - apply (pr1 (pr2 g_is_z_iso)).
  - apply (pr2 (pr2 f_is_z_iso)).
  - apply (pr2 (pr2 g_is_z_iso)).

Definition precatbinprod_z_iso {C D : category} {X X' : C} {Z Z' : D} (α : z_iso X X') (β : z_iso Z Z')
  : z_iso (X Z) (X' Z') := (pr1 α,, pr1 β) ,, is_z_iso_binprod_z_iso (pr2 α)(pr2 β).

Associativity functors
Section assoc.

Definition precategory_binproduct_assoc_data (C0 C1 C2 : precategory_data)
  : functor_data (precategory_binproduct_data C0 (precategory_binproduct_data C1 C2))
                 (precategory_binproduct_data (precategory_binproduct_data C0 C1) C2).
  use tpair.
  - intros c. exact (tpair _ (tpair _ (pr1 c) (pr1 (pr2 c))) (pr2 (pr2 c))).
  - intros a b c. exact (tpair _ (tpair _ (pr1 c) (pr1 (pr2 c))) (pr2 (pr2 c))).

Definition precategory_binproduct_assoc (C0 C1 C2 : category)
  : (C0 × (C1 × C2)) ((C0 × C1) × C2).
   (precategory_binproduct_assoc_data _ _ _).
  abstract ( split; [ intros c; apply idpath | intros c0 c1 c2 f g; apply idpath] ).

Definition precategory_binproduct_unassoc_data (C0 C1 C2 : precategory_data)
  : functor_data (precategory_binproduct_data (precategory_binproduct_data C0 C1) C2)
                 (precategory_binproduct_data C0 (precategory_binproduct_data C1 C2)).
  use tpair.
  - intros c. exact (tpair _ (pr1 (pr1 c)) (tpair _ (pr2 (pr1 c)) (pr2 c))).
  - intros a b c. exact (tpair _ (pr1 (pr1 c)) (tpair _ (pr2 (pr1 c)) (pr2 c))).

Definition precategory_binproduct_unassoc (C0 C1 C2 : category)
  : ((C0 × C1) × C2) (C0 × (C1 × C2)).
   (precategory_binproduct_unassoc_data _ _ _).
  abstract ( split; [ intros c; apply idpath | intros c0 c1 c2 f g; apply idpath] ).

End assoc.

Fixing one argument of C × D -> E results in a functor
Section functor_fix_fst_arg.

Variable C D E : precategory.
Variable F : functor (precategory_binproduct C D) E.
Variable c : C.

Definition functor_fix_fst_arg_ob (d: D) : E := F (tpair _ c d).
Definition functor_fix_fst_arg_mor (d d' : D) (f : d --> d') : functor_fix_fst_arg_ob d --> functor_fix_fst_arg_ob d'.
  apply (#F).
  exact (make_dirprod (identity c) f).

Definition functor_fix_fst_arg_data : functor_data D E
  := tpair _ functor_fix_fst_arg_ob functor_fix_fst_arg_mor.

Lemma is_functor_functor_fix_fst_arg_data: is_functor functor_fix_fst_arg_data.
  split; red.
  + intros d.
    unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_data; simpl.
    unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_mor; simpl.
    unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_ob; simpl.
    assert (functor_id_inst := functor_id F).
    rewrite <- functor_id_inst.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply idpath.
  + intros d d' d'' f g.
    unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_data; simpl.
    unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_mor; simpl.
    assert (functor_comp_inst := @functor_comp _ _ F (make_dirprod c d) (make_dirprod c d') (make_dirprod c d'')).
    rewrite <- functor_comp_inst.
    apply maponpaths.
    unfold compose at 2.
    unfold precategory_binproduct; simpl.
    rewrite id_left.
    apply idpath.

Definition functor_fix_fst_arg : D E
  := tpair _ functor_fix_fst_arg_data is_functor_functor_fix_fst_arg_data.

End functor_fix_fst_arg.

Section nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg.

Variable C D E : category.
Variable F : (C × D) E.
Variable c c' : C.
Variable g: c --> c'.

Definition nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg_data (d: D): functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F c d --> functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F c' d.
  apply (#F).
  exact (make_dirprod g (identity d)).

Lemma nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg_ax: is_nat_trans _ _ nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg_data.
  intros d d' f.
  unfold nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg_data.
  unfold functor_fix_fst_arg; cbn.
  unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_mor; simpl.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  2: { apply functor_comp. }
  apply pathsinv0.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  2: { apply functor_comp. }
  apply maponpaths.
  unfold compose.
  do 2 rewrite id_left.
  do 2 rewrite id_right.
  apply idpath.

Definition nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg: functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F c functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F c'.
  use tpair.
  - intro d. apply nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg_data.
  - cbn. exact nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg_ax.

End nat_trans_from_functor_fix_fst_morphism_arg.

Section nat_trans_fix_fst_arg.

Variable C D E : category.
Variable F F' : (C × D) E.
Variable α : F F'.
Variable c : C.

Definition nat_trans_fix_fst_arg_data (d: D): functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F c d --> functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F' c d := α (tpair _ c d).

Lemma nat_trans_fix_fst_arg_ax: is_nat_trans _ _ nat_trans_fix_fst_arg_data.
  intros d d' f.
  unfold nat_trans_fix_fst_arg_data, functor_fix_fst_arg; simpl.
  unfold functor_fix_fst_arg_mor; simpl.
  assert (nat_trans_ax_inst := nat_trans_ax α).
  apply nat_trans_ax_inst.

Definition nat_trans_fix_fst_arg: functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F c functor_fix_fst_arg C D E F' c
  := tpair _ nat_trans_fix_fst_arg_data nat_trans_fix_fst_arg_ax.

End nat_trans_fix_fst_arg.

Section functor_fix_snd_arg.

Variable C D E : category.
Variable F: (C × D) E.
Variable d: D.

Definition functor_fix_snd_arg_ob (c: C): E := F (tpair _ c d).
Definition functor_fix_snd_arg_mor (c c': C)(f: c --> c'): functor_fix_snd_arg_ob c --> functor_fix_snd_arg_ob c'.
  apply (#F).
  exact (make_dirprod f (identity d)).

Definition functor_fix_snd_arg_data : functor_data C E
  := tpair _ functor_fix_snd_arg_ob functor_fix_snd_arg_mor.

Lemma is_functor_functor_fix_snd_arg_data: is_functor functor_fix_snd_arg_data.
  + intros c.
    unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_data; simpl.
    unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_mor; simpl.
    unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_ob; simpl.
    assert (functor_id_inst := functor_id F).
    rewrite <- functor_id_inst.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply idpath.
  + intros c c' c'' f g.
    unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_data; simpl.
    unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_mor; simpl.
    assert (functor_comp_inst := @functor_comp _ _ F (make_dirprod c d) (make_dirprod c' d) (make_dirprod c'' d)).
    rewrite <- functor_comp_inst.
    apply maponpaths.
    unfold compose at 2.
    unfold precategory_binproduct; simpl.
    rewrite id_left.
    apply idpath.

Definition functor_fix_snd_arg: C E.
  exact is_functor_functor_fix_snd_arg_data.

End functor_fix_snd_arg.

Section nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg.

Variable C D E : category.
Variable F : (C × D) E.
Variable d d' : D.
Variable f: d --> d'.

Definition nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data (c: C): functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F d c --> functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F d' c.
  apply (#F).
  exact (make_dirprod (identity c) f).

Lemma nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_ax: is_nat_trans _ _ nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data.
  intros c c' g.
  unfold nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data.
  unfold functor_fix_snd_arg; cbn.
  unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_mor; simpl.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  2: { apply functor_comp. }
  apply pathsinv0.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  2: { apply functor_comp. }
  apply maponpaths.
  unfold compose.
  do 2 rewrite id_left.
  do 2 rewrite id_right.
  apply idpath.

Definition nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg: functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F d functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F d'.
  use tpair.
  - intro c. apply nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data.
  - cbn. exact nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_ax.

End nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg.

Section nat_trans_fix_snd_arg.

Variable C D E : category.
Variable F F': (C × D) E.
Variable α: F F'.
Variable d: D.

Definition nat_trans_fix_snd_arg_data (c:C): functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F d c --> functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F' d c := α (tpair _ c d).

Lemma nat_trans_fix_snd_arg_ax: is_nat_trans _ _ nat_trans_fix_snd_arg_data.
  intros c c' f.
  unfold nat_trans_fix_snd_arg_data, functor_fix_snd_arg; simpl.
  unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_mor; simpl.
  assert (nat_trans_ax_inst := nat_trans_ax α).
  apply nat_trans_ax_inst.

Definition nat_trans_fix_snd_arg: functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F d functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F' d
  := tpair _ nat_trans_fix_snd_arg_data nat_trans_fix_snd_arg_ax.

End nat_trans_fix_snd_arg.

Section functors.

Definition pair_functor_data {A B C D : category}
  (F : A C) (G : B D) : functor_data (A × B) (C × D).
use tpair.
- intro x; apply (make_catbinprod (F (pr1 x)) (G (pr2 x))).
- intros x y f; simpl; apply (catbinprodmor (# F (pr1 f)) (# G (pr2 f))).

Definition pair_functor {A B C D : category}
  (F : A C) (G : B D) : (A × B) (C × D).
apply (tpair _ (pair_functor_data F G)).
abstract (split;
  [ intro x; simpl; rewrite !functor_id; apply idpath
  | intros x y z f g; simpl; rewrite !functor_comp; apply idpath]).

Definition pr1_functor_data (A B : category) :
  functor_data (A × B) A.
use tpair.
- intro x; apply (pr1 x).
- intros x y f; simpl; apply (pr1 f).

Definition pr1_functor (A B : category) : (A × B) A.
apply (tpair _ (pr1_functor_data A B)).
abstract (split; [ intro x; apply idpath | intros x y z f g; apply idpath ]).

Definition pr2_functor_data (A B : category) :
  functor_data (A × B) B.
use tpair.
- intro x; apply (pr2 x).
- intros x y f; simpl; apply (pr2 f).

Definition pr2_functor (A B : category) : (A × B) B.
apply (tpair _ (pr2_functor_data A B)).
abstract (split; [ intro x; apply idpath | intros x y z f g; apply idpath ]).

Definition bindelta_functor_data (C : category) :
  functor_data C (C × C).
use tpair.
- intro x; apply (make_catbinprod x x).
- intros x y f; simpl; apply (catbinprodmor f f).

Definition bindelta_functor (C : category) : C (C × C).
apply (tpair _ (bindelta_functor_data C)).
abstract (split; [ intro x; apply idpath | intros x y z f g; apply idpath ]).

Definition bindelta_pair_functor_data (C D E : category)
  (F : C D) (G : C E) :
  functor_data C (category_binproduct D E).
  use tpair.
  - intro c. apply (make_catbinprod (F c) (G c)).
  - intros x y f. simpl. apply (catbinprodmor (# F f) (# G f)).

Lemma is_functor_bindelta_pair_functor_data (C D E : category)
  (F : C D) (G : C E) : is_functor (bindelta_pair_functor_data _ _ _ F G).
  - intro c.
    rewrite functor_id.
    rewrite functor_id.
    apply idpath.
  - intros c c' c'' f g.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    apply idpath.

Definition bindelta_pair_functor {C D E : category}
  (F : C D) (G : C E) : C (D × E).
  apply (tpair _ (bindelta_pair_functor_data C D E F G)).
  apply is_functor_bindelta_pair_functor_data.

Projections of `bindelta_pair_functor`
Definition bindelta_pair_pr1_data
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : nat_trans_data (bindelta_pair_functor F G pr1_functor _ _) F
  := λ _, identity _.

Definition bindelta_pair_pr1_is_nat_trans
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : is_nat_trans _ _ (bindelta_pair_pr1_data F G).
  intros x y f ; cbn ; unfold bindelta_pair_pr1_data.
  rewrite id_left, id_right.
  apply idpath.

Definition bindelta_pair_pr1
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : bindelta_pair_functor F G pr1_functor _ _ F.
  use make_nat_trans.
  - exact (bindelta_pair_pr1_data F G).
  - exact (bindelta_pair_pr1_is_nat_trans F G).

Definition bindelta_pair_pr1_iso
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : nat_iso
      (bindelta_pair_functor F G pr1_functor _ _)
  use make_nat_iso.
  - exact (bindelta_pair_pr1 F G).
  - intro.
    apply identity_is_iso.

Definition bindelta_pair_pr2_data
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : nat_trans_data (bindelta_pair_functor F G pr2_functor _ _) G
  := λ _, identity _.

Definition bindelta_pair_pr2_is_nat_trans
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : is_nat_trans _ _ (bindelta_pair_pr2_data F G).
  intros x y f ; cbn ; unfold bindelta_pair_pr1_data.
  rewrite id_left, id_right.
  apply idpath.

Definition bindelta_pair_pr2
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : bindelta_pair_functor F G pr2_functor _ _ G.
  use make_nat_trans.
  - exact (bindelta_pair_pr2_data F G).
  - exact (bindelta_pair_pr2_is_nat_trans F G).

Definition bindelta_pair_pr2_iso
           {C₁ C₂ C₃ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (G : C₁ C₃)
  : nat_iso
      (bindelta_pair_functor F G pr2_functor _ _)
  use make_nat_iso.
  - exact (bindelta_pair_pr2 F G).
  - intro.
    apply identity_is_iso.

Definition binswap_pair_functor {C D : category} : (C × D) (D × C) :=
  pair_functor (pr2_functor C D) (pr1_functor C D) bindelta_functor (C × D).

Definition reverse_three_args {C D E : category} : ((C × D) × E) ((E × D) × C).
  use (functor_composite (precategory_binproduct_unassoc _ _ _)).
  use (functor_composite binswap_pair_functor).
  exact (pair_functor binswap_pair_functor (functor_identity _)).

Lemma reverse_three_args_ok {C D E : category} :
  functor_on_objects (reverse_three_args(C:=C)(D:=D)(E:=E)) = λ c, ((pr2 c, pr2 (pr1 c)), pr1 (pr1 c)).
  apply idpath.

Lemma reverse_three_args_idempotent {C D E : category} :
  functor_composite (reverse_three_args(C:=C)(D:=D)(E:=E))(reverse_three_args(C:=E)(D:=D)(E:=C))
  = functor_identity _.
  apply functor_eq.
  - repeat (apply has_homsets_precategory_binproduct; try apply homset_property).
  - use functor_data_eq.
    + cbn.
      intro cde.
      apply idpath.
    + intros cde1 cde2 f.
      apply idpath.

End functors.

Section whiskering.

Postwhiskering with parameter

Definition nat_trans_data_post_whisker_fst_param {B C D P: category}
           {G H : B C} (γ : G H) (K : (P × C) D):
  nat_trans_data (functor_composite (pair_functor (functor_identity _) G) K)
                 (functor_composite (pair_functor (functor_identity _) H) K) :=
  λ pb : P × B, #K ((identity (ob1 pb),, γ (ob2 pb)):
                      (P × C)⟦ob1 pb,, G(ob2 pb), ob1 pb,, H(ob2 pb)⟧).

Lemma is_nat_trans_post_whisker_fst_param {B C D P: category}
  {G H : B C} (γ : G H) (K : (P × C) D):
  is_nat_trans _ _ (nat_trans_data_post_whisker_fst_param γ K).
  intros pb pb' f.
  unfold nat_trans_data_post_whisker_fst_param.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  2: { apply functor_comp. }
  eapply pathscomp0.
  { apply pathsinv0. apply functor_comp. }
  apply maponpaths.
  unfold compose; cbn.
  rewrite id_left. rewrite id_right.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply (nat_trans_ax γ).

Definition post_whisker_fst_param {B C D P: category}
  {G H : B C} (γ : G H) (K : (P × C) D):
  (functor_composite (pair_functor (functor_identity _) G) K)
  (functor_composite (pair_functor (functor_identity _) H) K) :=
  make_nat_trans _ _ _ (is_nat_trans_post_whisker_fst_param γ K).

Definition nat_trans_data_post_whisker_snd_param {B C D P: category}
           {G H : B C} (γ : G H) (K : (C × P) D):
  nat_trans_data (functor_composite (pair_functor G (functor_identity _)) K)
                 (functor_composite (pair_functor H (functor_identity _)) K) :=
  λ bp : B × P, #K ((γ (ob1 bp),, identity (ob2 bp)):
                      (C × P)⟦G(ob1 bp),, ob2 bp, H(ob1 bp),, ob2 bp⟧).

Lemma is_nat_trans_post_whisker_snd_param {B C D P: category}
  {G H : B C} (γ : G H) (K : (C × P) D):
  is_nat_trans _ _ (nat_trans_data_post_whisker_snd_param γ K).
  intros bp bp' f.
  unfold nat_trans_data_post_whisker_snd_param.
  eapply pathscomp0.
  2: { apply functor_comp. }
  eapply pathscomp0.
  { apply pathsinv0. apply functor_comp. }
  apply maponpaths.
  unfold compose; cbn.
  rewrite id_left. rewrite id_right.
  apply (maponpaths (λ x, make_dirprod x (pr2 f))).
  apply (nat_trans_ax γ).

Definition post_whisker_snd_param {B C D P: category}
  {G H : B C} (γ : G H) (K : (C × P) D):
  (functor_composite (pair_functor G (functor_identity _)) K)
  (functor_composite (pair_functor H (functor_identity _)) K) :=
  make_nat_trans _ _ _ (is_nat_trans_post_whisker_snd_param γ K).

End whiskering.

Section Currying.
we will "Curry away" the first argument - for our intended use with actions

  Context (C D E : category).

Section Def_Curry_Ob.
  Context (F: (C × D) E).

  Definition curry_functor_data: functor_data D [C, E].
    use make_functor_data.
    - intro d.
      exact (functor_fix_snd_arg C D E F d).
    - intros d d' f.
      exact (nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg C D E F d d' f).

  Lemma curry_functor_data_is_functor: is_functor curry_functor_data.
    - intro d.
      apply (nat_trans_eq E).
      intro c.
      unfold nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data.
      { apply maponpaths. apply binprod_id. }
      apply functor_id.
    - intros d1 d2 d3 f g.
      apply (nat_trans_eq E).
      intro c.
      unfold nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data.
      2: { apply functor_comp. }
      apply maponpaths.
      apply dirprodeq; cbn.
      + apply pathsinv0. apply id_left.
      + apply idpath.

  Definition curry_functor: D [C, E] := make_functor curry_functor_data curry_functor_data_is_functor.

End Def_Curry_Ob.

Section Def_Curry_Mor.

  Context {F G: (C × D) E} (α: F G).

  Definition curry_nattrans : curry_functor F curry_functor G.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - intro d.
      exact (nat_trans_fix_snd_arg _ _ _ _ _ α d).
    - intros d d' f.
      apply nat_trans_eq; try exact E.
      intro c.
      unfold nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data, nat_trans_fix_snd_arg_data.
      apply nat_trans_ax.

End Def_Curry_Mor.

Section Def_Uncurry_Ob.

  Context (G: D [C, E]).

  Definition uncurry_functor_data: functor_data (C × D) E.
    use make_functor_data.
    - intro cd. induction cd as [c d].
      exact (pr1 (G d) c).
    - intros cd cd' ff'.
      induction cd as [c d]. induction cd' as [c' d']. induction ff' as [f f'].
      cbn in ×.
      exact (#(G d: functor C E) f · pr1 (#G f') c').

  Lemma uncurry_functor_data_is_functor: is_functor uncurry_functor_data.
    - intro cd. induction cd as [c d].
      rewrite functor_id.
      rewrite id_left.
      assert (H := functor_id G d).
      apply (maponpaths (fun fpr1 f c)) in H.
      exact H.
    - intros cd1 cd2 cd3 ff' gg'.
      induction cd1 as [c1 d1]. induction cd2 as [c2 d2]. induction cd3 as [c3 d3]. induction ff' as [f f']. induction gg' as [g g'].
      cbn in ×.
      rewrite functor_comp.
      assert (H := functor_comp G f' g').
      apply (maponpaths (fun fpr1 f c3)) in H.
      { apply maponpaths.
        exact H. }
      repeat rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      repeat rewrite <- assoc.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply nat_trans_ax.

  Definition uncurry_functor: (C × D) E := make_functor uncurry_functor_data uncurry_functor_data_is_functor.

End Def_Uncurry_Ob.

Section Def_Uncurry_Mor.

  Context {F G: D [C, E]} (α: F G).

  Definition uncurry_nattrans : uncurry_functor F uncurry_functor G.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - intro cd.
      exact (pr1 (α (pr2 cd)) (pr1 cd)).
    - intros cd cd' fg.
      induction cd as [c d]. induction cd' as [c' d']. induction fg as [f g].
      cbn in ×.
      assert (aux := nat_trans_ax α d d' g).
      apply (maponpaths pr1) in aux.
      apply toforallpaths in aux.
      assert (auxinst := aux c').
      rewrite <- assoc.
      { apply maponpaths. exact auxinst. }
      clear aux auxinst.
      do 2 rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply nat_trans_ax.

End Def_Uncurry_Mor.

Lemma uncurry_after_curry (F: (C × D) E): uncurry_functor (curry_functor F) = F.
  apply functor_eq. { exact E. }
  use functor_data_eq.
  - intro cd; apply idpath.
  - cbn. intros cd cd' ff'.
    induction cd as [c d]. induction cd' as [c' d']. induction ff' as [f f'].
    cbn in ×.
    unfold functor_fix_snd_arg_mor, nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data.
    { apply pathsinv0. apply functor_comp. }
    unfold compose. cbn.
    rewrite id_left, id_right.
    apply idpath.

Lemma curry_after_uncurry_pointwise (G: D [C, E]) (d: D) : pr1 (curry_functor (uncurry_functor G)) d = pr1 G d.
  apply functor_eq. { exact E. }
  use functor_data_eq.
  - intro c.
    apply idpath.
  - cbn.
    intros c c' f.
    assert (H := functor_id G d).
    apply (maponpaths (fun fpr1 f c')) in H.
    { apply maponpaths. exact H. }
    apply id_right.

End Currying.

Section Evaluation.
functor evaluation is the pointwise counit of the biadjunction behind currying and uncurrying
for the indended use, we need to switch the order of arguments

  Context {C D : category}.

Definition evaluation_functor: ([C, D] × C) D.
  apply (functor_composite (@binswap_pair_functor _ _)).
  apply (uncurry_functor).
  exact (functor_identity _).

Goal (F: C D) (c: C), evaluation_functor (F ,, c) = F c.
  apply idpath.

End Evaluation.

Section Coevaluation.
for completeness, we also define the pointwise unit of that biadjunction

  Context {C D : category}.

  Definition coevaluation_functor: C [D, C × D].
    apply curry_functor.
    apply binswap_pair_functor.

End Coevaluation.

Section CategoryBinproductIsoWeq.
  Context {C D : category}
          (x y : category_binproduct C D).

  Definition category_binproduct_iso_map
    : iso (pr1 x) (pr1 y) × iso (pr2 x) (pr2 y) iso x y.
    intros i.
    simple refine ((pr11 i ,, pr12 i) ,, _).
    apply is_iso_binprod_iso.
    - exact (pr21 i).
    - exact (pr22 i).

  Definition category_binproduct_iso_inv
    : iso x y iso (pr1 x) (pr1 y) × iso (pr2 x) (pr2 y)
    := λ i, functor_on_iso (pr1_functor C D) i ,, functor_on_iso (pr2_functor C D) i.

  Definition category_binproduct_iso_weq
    : iso (pr1 x) (pr1 y) × iso (pr2 x) (pr2 y) iso x y.
    use make_weq.
    - exact category_binproduct_iso_map.
    - use gradth.
      + exact category_binproduct_iso_inv.
      + abstract
          (intros i ;
           use pathsdirprod ;
           (use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_iso | ]) ;
           apply idpath).
      + abstract
          (intros i ;
           use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_iso | ] ;
           apply idpath).
End CategoryBinproductIsoWeq.

Section Univalence.
  Context {C D : category}
          (HC : is_univalent C)
          (HD : is_univalent D).

  Definition is_unvialent_category_binproduct
    : is_univalent (category_binproduct C D).
    intros x y.
    use weqhomot.
    - exact (category_binproduct_iso_weq x y
                 (make_weq _ (HC _ _))
                 (make_weq _ (HD _ _))
    - abstract
        (intro p ;
         induction p ;
         use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_iso | ] ;
         cbn ;
         apply idpath).
End Univalence.

Definition univalent_category_binproduct
           (C₁ C₂ : univalent_category)
  : univalent_category.
  use make_univalent_category.
  - exact (category_binproduct C₁ C₂).
  - use is_unvialent_category_binproduct.
    + exact (pr2 C₁).
    + exact (pr2 C₂).