Library UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.MLTT79

This file constructs a substitution monad on Set from a binding signature for the syntax of Martin-Löf type theory a la "Constructive Mathematics and Computer Programming" (1979).
Written by: Anders Mörtberg, 2016

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.StandardFiniteSets.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.Lists.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Colimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Structures.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.Chains.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.OmegaCocontFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.colimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.initial.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.binproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.products.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.bincoproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.coproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.terminal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorAlgebras.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.exponentials.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.

Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Signatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.BinSumOfSignatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.SumOfSignatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.BinProductOfSignatures.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.SubstitutionSystems.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.LamSignature.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Notation.
Local Open Scope subsys.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.BindingSigToMonad.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.LiftingInitial_alt.

Local Infix "::" := (@cons nat).
Local Notation "[]" := (@nil nat) (at level 0, format "[]").
Local Notation "'HSET2'":= [HSET, HSET, has_homsets_HSET].

Section preamble.

Definition four_rec {A : UU} (a b c d : A) : stn 4 A.
induction 1 as [n p].
induction n as [|n _]; [apply a|].
induction n as [|n _]; [apply b|].
induction n as [|n _]; [apply c|].
induction n as [|n _]; [apply d|].
induction (nopathsfalsetotrue p).

Local Lemma has_homsets_HSET2 : has_homsets HSET2.
apply functor_category_has_homsets.

End preamble.

Infix "++" := SumBindingSig.

Section MLTT79.

This is the syntax as presented on page 158:
Pi types           (∏x:A)B                     [0,1]
lambda             (λx)b                       [1]
application        (c)a                        [0,0]

Sigma types        (∑x:A)B                     [0,1]
pair               (a,b)                       [0,0]
pair-elim          (Ex,y)(c,d)                 [0,2]

Sum types          A + B                       [0,0]
inl                i(a)                        [0]
inr                j(b)                        [0]
sum-elim           (Dx,y)(c,d,e)               [0,1,1]

Id types           I(A,a,b)                    [0,0,0]
refl               r                           []
J                  J(c,d)                      [0,0]

Fin types          N_i                         []
Fin elems          0_i ... (i-1)_i             [] ... []    (i times)
Fin-elim           R_i(c,c_0,...,c_(i-1))      [0,0,...,0]  (i+1 zeroes)

Nat                N                           []
zero               0                           []
suc                a'                          [0]
nat-elim           (Rx,y)(c,d,e)               [0,0,2]

W-types            (Wx∈A)B                     [0,1]
sup                sup(a,b)                    [0,0]
W-elim             (Tx,y,z)(c,d)               [0,3]

Universes          U_0,U_1,...                 [],[],...
Some convenient notations
Local Notation "[0]" := (0 :: []).
Local Notation "[1]" := (1 :: []).
Local Notation "[0,0]" := (0 :: 0 :: []).
Local Notation "[0,1]" := (0 :: 1 :: []).
Local Notation "[0,2]" := (0 :: 2 :: []).
Local Notation "[0,3]" := (0 :: 3 :: []).
Local Notation "[0,0,0]" := (0 :: 0 :: 0 :: []).
Local Notation "[0,0,2]" := (0 :: 0 :: 2 :: []).
Local Notation "[0,1,1]" := (0 :: 1 :: 1 :: []).

Definition PiSig : BindingSig :=
  mkBindingSig (isasetstn 3) (three_rec [0,1] [1] [0,0]).

Definition SigmaSig : BindingSig :=
  mkBindingSig (isasetstn 3) (three_rec [0,1] [0,0] [0,2]).

Definition SumSig : BindingSig :=
  mkBindingSig (isasetstn 4) (four_rec [0,0] [0] [0] [0,1,1]).

Definition IdSig : BindingSig :=
  mkBindingSig (isasetstn 3) (three_rec [0,0,0] [] [0,0]).

Define the arity of the eliminators for Fin by recursion
Definition FinSigElim (n : nat) : list nat.
induction n as [|n ih].
- apply [0].
- apply (0 :: ih).

Define the signature of the constructors for Fin
Definition FinSigConstructors (n : nat) : stn n list nat := λ _, [].

Uncurried version of the FinSig family
Definition FinSigFun : ( n : nat, unit ⨿ (stn n ⨿ unit)) list nat.
induction 1 as [n p].
induction p as [_|p].
- apply [].
- induction p as [p|].
  + apply (FinSigConstructors _ p).
  + apply (FinSigElim n).

Lemma isasetFinSig : isaset ( n, unit ⨿ (stn n ⨿ unit)).
  apply isaset_total2.
  - apply isasetnat.
  - intros. repeat apply isasetcoprod; try apply isasetunit.
    apply isasetstn.

Lemma isdeceqFinSig : isdeceq ( n, unit ⨿ (stn n ⨿ unit)).
  apply isdeceq_total2.
  - apply isdeceqnat.
  - intros. repeat apply isdeceqcoprod; try apply isdecequnit.
    apply isdeceqstn.

Definition FinSig : BindingSig := mkBindingSig isasetFinSig FinSigFun.

Definition NatSig : BindingSig :=
  mkBindingSig (isasetstn 4) (four_rec [] [] [0] [0,0,2]).

Definition WSig : BindingSig :=
  mkBindingSig (isasetstn 3) (three_rec [0,1] [0,0] [0,3]).

Definition USig : BindingSig := mkBindingSig isasetnat (λ _, []).

Let SigHSET := Signature HSET has_homsets_HSET HSET has_homsets_HSET HSET has_homsets_HSET.

The binding signature of MLTT79