Library UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.ModulesFromSignatures

Reference : "Initial Semantics for Strengthened Signatures" (André Hirschowitz , Marco Maggesi)
Let (H, θ) be a strengthened signature, M an endo-functor. If M has a structure of (left) module over a monad T, then it can be lifted to endow H(M) with a structure of module over T.
Let T be the initial Id+H algebra. Then T is the initial representation in the sense of H&M.
Note : A shorter proof of this statment could be formalized by using the proof of initiality in the category of heterogeneous substitution systems, provided we weaken the notion of heterogeneous substitution system so that the bracket associated to the functor is not unique. The proof of initiality in the category of "weak" heterogeneous substitution systems is the same as the one one already proved formally for the standard notion of heterogeneous substitution system.
A monad is a pointed endofunctor
Definition ptd_from_mon {C:precategory} hsC (T:Monad C) : precategory_Ptd C hsC :=
  ((T:functor C C),, η T).

Let (Z, e : 1 -> Z) be a pointed endofunctor. Then e is a morphism (actually the initial morphism) in the category of pointed endofunctors

Lemma is_ptd_mor_pt {C : precategory} hs (F : ptd_obj C)
  : is_ptd_mor _ (F:=id_Ptd C hs) (ptd_pt _ F).
  intro c; apply id_left.

Definition ptd_mor_pt {C:precategory} hs (F:ptd_obj C) : ptd_mor _ (id_Ptd C hs) F :=
  (ptd_pt _ F ,, is_ptd_mor_pt hs F).

Local Notation σ := (lm_mult _).

Section SignatureLiftModule.

Context {C : precategory} {hsC : has_homsets C}
        {D : precategory} {hsD : has_homsets D}
        (H : Signature C hsC D hsD).

The forgetful functor from pointed endofunctors to endofunctors
Local Notation "'U'" := (functor_ptd_forget C hsC).
The precategory of pointed endofunctors on C
Local Notation "'Ptd'" := (precategory_Ptd C hsC).
The category of endofunctors on C
Local Notation "'EndC'":= ([C, C, hsC]) .

Variables (T : Monad C) (M : LModule T C).

Local Notation Mf := (M : functor _ _).
Local Notation "'p' T" := (ptd_from_mon hsC T) (at level 3).

The pointed functor TT
Let T2 := (ptd_composite _ hsC (p T) (p T)) .

The multiplication of a monad is a morphism of pointed endofunctors
Lemma is_ptd_mor_μ : is_ptd_mor _ (F:= T2) (G:=p T) (μ T).
  intro c.
  rewrite <- assoc.
  etrans; [|apply id_right].
  apply cancel_precomposition.
  apply Monad_law2.

Definition ptd_mor_from_μ : ptd_mor _ T2 (p T) := (_ ,, is_ptd_mor_μ).

Let strength_law1_pw M x :=
    (θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 _ _ _ _ _ _ (Sig_strength_law1 _ _ _ _ H ) M) x.

A pointwise version of the second strength law with only one identity instead of two αfunctor
Lemma strength_law2_pw :
   (X : EndC) (Z Z' : Ptd) x,
  ((theta H) (X (Z p Z')) : nat_trans _ _) x =
  ((theta H) (X Z') •• (U Z):nat_trans _ _) x
  ((theta H) ((functor_compose hsC hsC (U Z') X) Z):nat_trans _ _) x
  (# H (identity (functor_compose hsC hsC (U Z U Z') X)
        : [C, C, hsC] functor_compose hsC hsC (U Z) (U Z' X : [C, C, hsC]),
          functor_compose hsC hsC (U Z U Z') X ) : nat_trans _ _) x.
  intros X Z Z' x.
  etrans; revgoals.
  { apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise
             (θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                  (Sig_strength_law2 _ _ _ _ H) X Z Z'
                                                  (identity _) ) x). }
  etrans;[eapply pathsinv0;apply id_right|].
  apply cancel_precomposition.
  apply pathsinv0.
  { eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
    apply (functor_id H).
  apply idpath.

Local Notation θ_nat_2_pw := (θ_nat_2_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H)).
Local Notation θ_nat_1_pw := (θ_nat_1_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H) ).

The module multiplication is given by
ΘM,T H(σ) H(M) T ------> H(MT) ------> H(M)
Local Definition lift_lm_mult : [C,D, hsD] T H Mf , H Mf :=
  nat_trans_comp ((theta H) ((M : C C),, ptd_from_mon hsC T)) (# H (σ M)).

Local Definition lift_LModule_data : LModule_data T D :=
  tpair (fun x[C,D, hsD] T x, x) (H Mf) lift_lm_mult.

Local Lemma lift_lm_mult_laws : LModule_laws _ lift_LModule_data.
  - intro c.
    etrans; [apply assoc|].
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
       apply ( θ_nat_2_pw Mf (id_Ptd C hsC) (p T) (ptd_mor_pt hsC _) c). }
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
      rewrite (horcomp_pre_post _ _ (category_pair _ hsC )).
      rewrite (functor_comp H).
      etrans; [apply assoc|].
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply strength_law1_pw. }
    etrans;[|apply id_right].
    rewrite <- assoc.
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    etrans; [ apply functor_comp_pw|].
    etrans; [|apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (functor_id H Mf))].
    apply functor_cancel_pw.
    apply (nat_trans_eq hsC).
    apply (LModule_law1).
  - intro c.
    { rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      etrans; [ apply (θ_nat_2_pw Mf _ _ (ptd_mor_from_μ) c)|].
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply (strength_law2_pw Mf (p T) (p T)). }
    etrans; revgoals.
    { rewrite <- assoc.
      apply cancel_precomposition.
      rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      eapply pathsinv0.
      apply (θ_nat_1_pw _ _ (σ M) (p T) c). }
    repeat rewrite <- assoc.
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    etrans; revgoals.
    { eapply pathsinv0.
      apply (functor_comp_pw hsC hsD H). }
    { apply cancel_precomposition.
      apply (functor_comp_pw hsC hsD H). }
    etrans; [ apply (functor_comp_pw hsC hsD H)|].
    apply functor_cancel_pw.
    apply (nat_trans_eq hsC).
    intro x.
    repeat rewrite id_left.
    rewrite functor_id,id_right.
    apply LModule_law2.

Local Definition lift_lmodule : LModule T D := (lift_LModule_data,, lift_lm_mult_laws).

End SignatureLiftModule.

Section InitialRep.

Some variables and assumptions

Assume having a precategory C whose hom-types are sets
Variable C : precategory.
Variable hs : has_homsets C.
Variable CP : BinCoproducts C.

Local Notation "'EndC'":= ([C, C, hs]) .
Let hsEndC : has_homsets EndC := functor_category_has_homsets C C hs.
Let CPEndC : BinCoproducts EndC := BinCoproducts_functor_precat _ _ CP hs.

Assume having a signature on C
Variable H : Signature C hs C hs.
Let θ := theta H.

Local Notation θ_nat_2_pw := (θ_nat_2_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H)).
Local Notation θ_nat_1_pw := (θ_nat_1_pointwise _ _ _ _ H (theta H)).

Let Id_H : functor EndC EndC
  := BinCoproduct_of_functors _ _ CPEndC
                              (constant_functor _ _ (functor_identity _ : EndC))

Let Alg : precategory := FunctorAlg Id_H hsEndC.

The category of endofunctors on C
Local Notation "'EndC'":= ([C, C, hs]) .
Local Notation "'p' T" := (ptd_from_alg T) (at level 3).
Local Notation η := @eta_from_alg.

Let T be a heterogeneous substitution system. Then τ : H T --> T is a module morphism

Section TauModuleMorphism.

Variable T : hss CP H.
Local Notation T_mon := (Monad_from_hss _ _ _ _ T).
Local Notation T_mod := (tautological_LModule T_mon).
Local Notation HT_mod := (lift_lmodule H _ T_mod).

Lemma τ_lmodule_laws : LModule_Mor_laws T_mon (T:=HT_mod) (T' := T_mod) (τ T).
  intro a.
  apply pathsinv0.
  exact (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (fbracket_τ T (Z:= p T)(identity _ )) a).

Definition τ_lmodule_mor : LModule_Mor _ _ _ :=
  tpair (λ x, LModule_Mor_laws _ x) _ τ_lmodule_laws.

End TauModuleMorphism.

Let (M, τM) be a representation in the sense of Hirschowitz & Maggesi :
  • M is a monad
  • τ_M : HM ---> M is a module morphism
Then there exists a unique monad morphism j : T --> M that is compatible with τM, τT where T is the initial HSS.
In other words, T is the initial representation in the sense of H&M

Variables (IC : Initial C)
          (CC : Colims_of_shape nat_graph C)
          (HH : is_omega_cocont H).

Let T := InitHSS _ _ CP IC CC H HH.

Local Notation T_alg := (alg_from_hss _ _ _ _ T).
Local Notation T_mon := (Monad_from_hss _ _ _ _ T).
Local Notation T_func := (T_mon : functor _ _).
Local Notation T_hss := (T:hss _ _).

Section fix_a_representation.

Variables (M : Monad C).
Local Notation M_mod := (tautological_LModule M).
Local Notation HM_mod := (lift_lmodule H _ M_mod).

Variable (τ_M: LModule_Mor M HM_mod M_mod).

Local Definition M_alg : Alg.
  apply (tpair (λ x, EndC Id_H x, x ) (M:functor _ _)).
  apply BinCoproductArrow.
  apply Monads.η.
  apply τ_M.

j : T --> M is the initial Id+H-algebra morphism
Following Ralph's proof : we want to prove the square diagram for the monad morphism induced by the initial algebra morphism j : T --> M :
  TT ------> MM
   |         |
μ_T|         | μ_M
   |         |
   V         V
   T ------> M
The strategy is to show that both paths of the diagram satisfy the characteristic equation of the same Mendler iterator. We use Lemma 8 from "Heteregenous substitution system revisited" (Benedikt Ahrens & Ralph Matthes) with the following parameters :
X := M L Z := Z·T F Z := (Id+H) Z
And for any Z : EndC, h : LZ -> X
ψZ(h) := j, τ_M H h Θ_Z,(T,η)

Let L := (pre_composition_functor C C C hs hs T_func).
Let X := (M:functor _ _).

Local Lemma HL : is_omega_cocont L.
  apply OmegaCocontFunctors.is_omega_cocont_pre_composition_functor, CC.

Let isInitial_precomp' : isInitial [C, C, hs] (L InitialEndC) :=
  LiftingInitial_alt.isInitial_pre_comp C hs IC p T_hss : isInitial [C, C, hs] (L InitialEndC).

Local Definition ψ_pw Z : _ ψ_source hsEndC X L Z, ψ_target Id_H hsEndC X L Z .
  intros h.
  apply (BinCoproductArrow EndC (a:= `T_hss) (b:= functor_composite `T_hss (H Z)) (CPEndC _ _) (c:=X)).
  - apply j.
  - apply ((θ (Z (p T_hss))#H h· (τ_M:nat_trans _ _)).

Local Lemma ψ_nt : is_nat_trans _ _ ψ_pw.
  intros x x' a.
  cbn in a.
  apply weqfunextsec.
  intros f.
  apply (nat_trans_eq hs).
  intro c.
  etrans; revgoals.
  { eapply pathsinv0.
    apply (precompWithBinCoproductArrow C (CP _ _) (CP _ _)
                                        (identity _) (((# H a):nat_trans _ _) (T_func c))). }
  apply BinCoproductArrow_eq.
  + apply pathsinv0,id_left.
  + apply pathsinv0.
    etrans;[apply assoc|].
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    etrans;[apply assoc|].
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply (θ_nat_1_pw _ _ a (p T_alg)).
    rewrite <- assoc.
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    etrans; revgoals.
    { eapply pathsinv0.
      eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
      apply (functor_comp H (_:EndC T_mon x', T_mon x)). }
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply functor_cancel_pw.
    apply (nat_trans_eq hs).
    intro c'.
    etrans;[|apply id_right].
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply (functor_id x).

Local Definition ψ : (PreShv EndC)⟦ψ_source hsEndC X L , ψ_target Id_H hsEndC X L :=
  (ψ_pw ,, ψ_nt).

Uniqueness of the Mendler iterator characteristized by its equation
Local Definition uniq_iter :
  ∃! h : [C, C, hs] L `T_hss, X ,
         # L (alg_map Id_H T_alg) · h = (ψ:nat_trans _ _) `T_alg h
    GenMendlerIteration hsEndC InitialEndC Colims_of_shape_nat_graph_EndC Id_H
                        is_omega_cocont_Id_H' hsEndC X _ isInitial_precomp' HL ψ.

The previous characteristic equation can be split as an equality between coproduct of arrows :
  • h ∘ ηT = j_mor
  • h ∘ τT = τM ∘ H h ∘ ΘT,T
where η_T, τ_T : Id + HT --> T

Local Lemma coprod_iter_eq (h:nat_trans _ _) :
  ( x,
   BinCoproductIn1 C (CP (_ (T_mon x)) ((H T_func:functor _ _) (T_mon x))) ·
                   (# L (alg_map Id_H T_alg):nat_trans _ _) x ·
                   h x = j_mor x)
  ( x,
   BinCoproductIn2 C (CP (_ (T_mon x)) ((H T_func:functor _ _) (T_mon x))) ·
                   (# L (alg_map Id_H T_alg):nat_trans _ _) x · h x =
   (θ (`T_alg p T_alg):nat_trans _ _) x · (# H h:nat_trans _ _) x · τ_M x)
    # L (alg_map Id_H T_alg) · h = (ψ:nat_trans _ _) `T_alg h.
  intros hB1 hB2.
  apply (nat_trans_eq hs).
  intros x.
  { etrans.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply BinCoproductArrowEta.
    apply postcompWithBinCoproductArrow. }
  apply BinCoproductArrow_eq.
  - apply hB1.
  - apply hB2.

Let τT := τ_lmodule_mor T.

j is a morphism of representation. It is exactly the 'H' part of the Id + H algebra morphism diagram
Lemma j_mor_rep x : τT x · j_mor x = (# H j_mor:nat_trans _ _) x · τ_M x.
  { eapply pathsinv0.
    apply assoc. }
  { apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (algebra_mor_commutes _ _ _ j) x). }
  etrans; [apply assoc|].
  { apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply BinCoproductIn2Commutes. }
  etrans;[eapply pathsinv0; apply assoc|].
  apply cancel_precomposition.
  apply BinCoproductIn2Commutes.

j satisfies the η-related diagram of monad morphism. This is Id part of the Id+H-algebra morphism diagram
Lemma j_mon_η : a : C, (Monads.η T_mon) a · j_mor a = (Monads.η M) a.
  intro a.
  { eapply pathsinv0.
    apply assoc. }
  { apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (algebra_mor_commutes _ _ _ j) a). }
  etrans;[apply assoc|].
  { apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply BinCoproductIn1Commutes. }
  etrans;[eapply pathsinv0;apply assoc|].
  { apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply BinCoproductIn1Commutes. }
  apply id_left.

Let j_ptd : precategory_Ptd C hs ptd_from_mon hs T_mon, ptd_from_mon hs M.
  use tpair.
  - apply j.
  - intros x.
    apply j_mon_η.

j is a monad morphism (following Ralph's proof). For the square diagram, we show that both parts satisfies the same Mendler iterator characteristic equation
Lemma j_mon_square_eq1 : # L (alg_map Id_H T_alg) · ((μ T_mon : EndC _, _) · j_mor) =
                         (ψ : nat_trans _ _) `T_alg ((μ T_mon : EndC _, _) · j_mor).
  apply coprod_iter_eq; intro x.
    etrans;[apply assoc|].
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply (Monad_law1 (T:=T_mon)). }
    apply id_left.
    etrans;[apply assoc|].
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply (LModule_Mor_σ _ τT). }
    etrans;[eapply pathsinv0;apply assoc|].
    etrans;[eapply pathsinv0;apply assoc|].
    etrans; [| apply assoc].
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    etrans; [| apply assoc].
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply j_mor_rep.

Lemma j_mon_square_eq2 :
  # L (alg_map Id_H T_alg) ·
    ((j_mor ø T_mon : EndC __, __) · (M j_mor : EndC __, __) · μ M)
  (ψ : nat_trans _ _) `T_alg
                      ((j_mor ø T_mon : EndC __, __) · (M j_mor : EndC __, __) · μ M).
  apply coprod_iter_eq; intro x.
  - etrans;[apply assoc|].
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
      etrans;[apply assoc|].
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply j_mon_η. }
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
      eapply pathsinv0.
      apply (nat_trans_ax (Monads.η M )). }
    etrans; [|apply id_right].
    rewrite <- assoc.
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply Monad_law1.
  - etrans;[apply assoc|].
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
      etrans;[apply assoc|].
      { apply cancel_postcomposition.
        apply j_mor_rep. }
      rewrite <- assoc.
      apply cancel_precomposition.
      eapply pathsinv0.
      apply (nat_trans_ax τ_M). }
    { repeat rewrite <- assoc.
      apply cancel_precomposition.
      apply cancel_precomposition.
      apply (LModule_Mor_σ _ τ_M ( x)). }
    repeat rewrite assoc.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    { repeat rewrite <- assoc.
      apply cancel_precomposition.
      etrans;[apply assoc|].
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply (θ_nat_2_pw _ _ _ j_ptd). }
    { repeat rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply (θ_nat_1_pw _ _ j_mor (ptd_from_mon hs T_mon)). }
    repeat rewrite <- assoc.
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    repeat rewrite assoc.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    rewrite <- functor_comp.
    etrans;[ apply functor_comp_pw|].
    apply functor_cancel_pw.
    apply (nat_trans_eq hs).
    intro y.
    { apply cancel_postcomposition.
      { apply cancel_precomposition.
        apply functor_id. }
      apply id_right. }
    apply cancel_precomposition.
    apply id_left.

Lemma j_mon_laws : Monad_Mor_laws (T:=T_mon) (T':=M) (mor_from_algebra_mor _ _ _ j).
  - apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise (a:= compose (C:=EndC) (μ T_mon) j_mor)
                                  (a':= compose(C:=EndC)
                                               (compose (C:=EndC)
                                                        (j_mor ø T_mon ) (M j_mor) )
                                               (μ M))).
    apply (uniqueExists _ _ uniq_iter).
    + exact j_mon_square_eq1.
    + exact j_mon_square_eq2.
  - apply j_mon_η.

Definition j_mon : Monad_Mor T_mon M := _ ,, j_mon_laws.

End fix_a_representation.

To assemble the above results into a concise statement, we would need to define the category of representations of a signature (H,θ).

End InitialRep.