Library UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.MonadsFromSubstitutionSystems

Benedikt Ahrens, Ralph Matthes
Contents :
  • Construction of a monad from a substitution system
  • Proof that morphism of hss gives morphism of monads
  • Bundling that into a functor
  • Proof that the functor is faithful

Some variables and assumptions

Assume having a precategory C whose hom-types are sets
Variable C : precategory.
Variable hs : has_homsets C.

Variable CP : BinCoproducts C.

Local Notation "'EndC'":= ([C, C, hs]) .
Let hsEndC : has_homsets EndC := functor_category_has_homsets C C hs.
Let CPEndC : BinCoproducts EndC := BinCoproducts_functor_precat _ _ CP hs.

Variable H : Signature C hs C hs.

Let θ := theta H.

Let θ_strength1_int := Sig_strength_law1 _ _ _ _ H.
Let θ_strength2_int := Sig_strength_law2 _ _ _ _ H.

Let Id_H
: functor EndC EndC
  := BinCoproduct_of_functors _ _ CPEndC
                       (constant_functor _ _ (functor_identity _ : EndC))

The precategory of pointed endofunctors on C
Local Notation "'Ptd'" := (precategory_Ptd C hs).
The category of endofunctors on C
Local Notation "'EndC'":= ([C, C, hs]) .
The product of two precategories

Definition of algebra structure τ of a pointed functor

Derivation of the monad laws from a heterogeneous substitution system

Section mu_from_fbracket.

We assume given a hss T

Variable T : hss CP H.

Local Notation "'p' T" := (ptd_from_alg T) (at level 3).
Local Notation "f ⊕ g" := (BinCoproductOfArrows _ (CPEndC _ _ ) (CPEndC _ _ ) f g).

Definition μ_0 : functor_identity C functor_data_from_functor _ _ `T := η T.
Definition μ_0_ptd : id_Ptd C hs --> p T.
  intro c. simpl. apply id_left.

Definition μ_1 : functor_composite (U (id_Ptd C hs)) (`T) functor_data_from_functor _ _ `T
  := fbracket _ μ_0_ptd.

Lemma μ_1_identity : μ_1 = identity `T .
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply fbracket_unique.
  - apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
    intros; simpl.
    rewrite id_right.
    apply idpath.
  - apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
    intro c. simpl.
    rewrite id_right.
    assert (H':= θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 _ _ _ _ _ _ θ_strength1_int).
    red in H'. simpl in H'.
    assert (H2 := H' (`T)).
    assert (H3 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise H2 c).
    simpl in ×.
    intermediate_path (identity _ · pr1 (τ T) c).
    + apply cancel_postcomposition. apply H3.
    + apply id_left.

Lemma μ_1_identity' : c : C, μ_1 c = identity _.
  intros c.
  assert (HA:= nat_trans_eq_pointwise μ_1_identity).
  apply HA.

This is the multiplication of the monad to be constructed

Definition μ_2 : functor_composite (`T) (`T) pr1 (`T)
  := fbracket T (identity _ ).

Definition functor_with_mu_from_hss : functor_with_μ C.
  exact μ_2.

Definition Monad_data_from_hss : Monad_data C.
  exact μ_0.

Proof of the first monad law

Lemma Monad_law_1_from_hss :
   c : C, μ_0 (pr1 (`T) c)· μ_2 c = identity ((pr1 (`T)) c).
  intro c.
  unfold μ_2. simpl.
  unfold μ_0. simpl.
  set (H':=fbracket_η T (identity _) ).
  set (H2:= nat_trans_eq_weq hs _ _ H').
  simpl in H2.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply H2.

Proof of the second monad law

Lemma Monad_law_2_from_hss:
   c : C, # (pr1 (`T)) (μ_0 c)· μ_2 c = identity ((pr1 (`T)) c).
  intro c.
  intermediate_path (μ_1 c).
  - unfold μ_1.
    assert (H':= @fbracket_unique_target_pointwise _ _ _ _ T).
    assert (H1:= H' _ μ_0_ptd).
    set (x:= post_whisker μ_0 (`T)
             : EndC `T functor_identity _ , `T `T ).
    set (x':= x · μ_2).
    assert (H2 := H1 x').
    apply H2; clear H2.
    unfold x'. clear x'.
    unfold x; clear x.
    clear H1. clear H'. clear c.
    + apply nat_trans_eq; try apply hs.
      intro c.
      assert (H':=nat_trans_ax (η T)).
      simpl in H'.
      rewrite assoc.
      rewrite <- H'; clear H'.
      assert (H':= fbracket_η T (identity _ )).
      unfold μ_2.
      assert (H2 := nat_trans_eq_weq hs _ _ H').
      simpl in H2.
      rewrite <- assoc.
      rewrite <- H2.
      apply pathsinv0. apply id_right.     + rewrite functor_comp.
      apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
      intro c.
      rewrite <- horcomp_id_postwhisker.
      do 2 rewrite assoc.
      simpl in ×.
      intermediate_path ( # (pr1 (H ( (` T)))) (μ_0 c)· pr1 (θ ((`T) (p T))) c ·
                  pr1 (# H μ_2) c · pr1 (τ T) c).
      × unfold tau_from_alg; cbn.
        do 2 rewrite assoc.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        assert (H':=θ_nat_2 _ _ _ _ H θ).
        assert (H2 := H' (`T) _ _ μ_0_ptd); clear H'.
        assert (H3:= nat_trans_eq_weq hs _ _ H2 c); clear H2.
        simpl in H3.
        rewrite id_left in H3.
        apply (!H3).       × assert (H':= fbracket_τ T (identity _ )).
        unfold μ_2.
        assert (H2:= nat_trans_eq_weq hs _ _ H' c); clear H'.
        simpl in ×.
        do 2 rewrite <- assoc.
          intermediate_path ( # (pr1 (H (` T))) (μ_0 c)·
                       (pr1 (τ T) (pr1 (`T) c)· pr1 (fbracket T (identity (p T))) c)).
          - apply maponpaths.
            rewrite assoc.
            apply H2; clear H2.           - clear H2.
            do 2 rewrite assoc.
            apply cancel_postcomposition.
            eapply pathscomp0.
            apply (nat_trans_ax (τ T) ).
            apply cancel_postcomposition.
            apply pathsinv0.
            apply id_right.
  - apply μ_1_identity'.

T_squared is TT, ηη, that is, the selfcomposition of T as a pointed functor

Definition T_squared : Ptd.
  exact (ptd_composite _ _ (p T) (p T)).

μ_2 is not just a natural transformation from TT to T, but also compatible with the pointed structure given by η

Lemma μ_2_is_ptd_mor :
   c : C, (ptd_pt C T_squared) c· μ_2 c = pr1 (η T) c.
  intro c.
  unfold μ_2.
  unfold T_squared. simpl.
  assert (H':=Monad_law_2_from_hss c).
  simpl in H'.
  intermediate_path (pr1 (η T) c · identity _ ).
  - unfold eta_from_alg; simpl.
    repeat rewrite <- assoc.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply H'.
  - apply id_right.

Definition μ_2_ptd : T_squared --> p T.
  unfold is_ptd_mor.
  apply μ_2_is_ptd_mor.

Definition μ_3 : EndC U T_squared `T, `T := fbracket T μ_2_ptd.

Proof of the third monad law via transitivity

We show that both sides are equal to μ_3 = fbracket μ_2

Lemma μ_3_T_μ_2_μ_2 : μ_3 =
                      (`T μ_2 : EndC `T _ , `T `T ) · μ_2.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (fbracket_unique T μ_2_ptd).
  - apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
    intro c.
    assert (H2 := nat_trans_ax (η T)); simpl in H2.
    rewrite assoc.
    simpl; rewrite <- H2 ; clear H2.
    intermediate_path (μ_2 c · identity _ ).
    + apply pathsinv0, id_right.
    + eapply pathscomp0. 2: apply assoc.
      apply pathsinv0.
      apply maponpaths. apply Monad_law_1_from_hss.
  - rewrite functor_comp.
    assert (H1 := θ_nat_2 _ _ _ _ H θ (`T) _ _ μ_2_ptd).
    simpl in H1.
    repeat rewrite assoc.
    match goal with |[H1 : ?g = _ |- _ · _ · ?f · ?h = _ ] ⇒
         intermediate_path (g · f · h) end.
    + apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply pathsinv0.
      eapply pathscomp0. apply H1; clear H1.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply maponpaths.
      assert (H3:=horcomp_id_postwhisker).
      assert (H4 := H3 _ _ _ hs hs _ _ μ_2 (`T)); clear H3.
      apply H4.
    + clear H1.
      apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
      intro c; simpl.
      rewrite id_left.
      assert (H2 := fbracket_τ T (identity _ )).
      assert (H3:= nat_trans_eq_pointwise H2 c); clear H2.
      simpl in ×.
      match goal with |[H3 : _ = ?f |- ?e · _ · _ · _ = _ ] ⇒
         intermediate_path (e · f) end.
      × eapply pathscomp0. apply (!assoc _ _ _).
        eapply pathscomp0. apply (!assoc _ _ _ ).
        apply maponpaths.
        eapply pathscomp0. 2: apply H3.
        apply assoc.
      × clear H3.
        repeat rewrite assoc.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        assert (H1 := nat_trans_ax (τ T )).
        unfold tau_from_alg in H1.
        eapply pathscomp0; [ | apply H1]; clear H1.
        apply pathsinv0, assoc.

Local Notation "'T•T²'" := (functor_compose hs hs (functor_composite (`T) (`T)) (`T) : [C, C, hs]).

Local Notation "'T²∙T'" := (@functor_composite C C C
                    (@functor_composite C C C (`T)
                                              (` T))
                    (` T) : functor C C).
Lemma μ_3_μ_2_T_μ_2 : (
    @compose (functor_precategory C C hs)
                  T²∙T _ _
          ((μ_2 •• `T)
                   ) μ_2 :
             TT² --> `T) = μ_3.
  apply (fbracket_unique T μ_2_ptd).
  - apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption; intro c.
    transitivity (identity _ · μ_2 c).
    + apply pathsinv0, id_left.
    + eapply pathscomp0; [ | apply (!assoc _ _ _ ) ].
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      assert (H1 := Monad_law_1_from_hss (pr1 (`T) c)).
      apply (!H1).
  - set (B:= τ T).
    match goal with | [|- _ · # ?H (?f · _ ) · _ = _ ] ⇒ set (F:=f : TT² --> _ ) end.
    assert (H3:= functor_comp H F μ_2).
    unfold functor_compose in H3.
    eapply pathscomp0. apply cancel_postcomposition. apply maponpaths. apply H3.
    clear H3.
    apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
    intro c.
    match goal with | [ |- ?a · _ · _ = _ ] ⇒ set (Ac:= a) end.
    simpl in Ac.
    unfold θ_target_ob in ×.
    simpl in ×.
    unfold functor_compose in ×.
    assert (HX:=θ_nat_1 _ _ _ _ H θ _ _ μ_2).     assert (HX1:= HX (ptd_from_alg T)); clear HX.
    simpl in HX1.
    assert (HXX:=nat_trans_eq_pointwise HX1 c); clear HX1.
    simpl in HXX.
    rewrite (functor_id ( H (`T))) in HXX.
    rewrite id_right in HXX.     match goal with |[HXX : ?f · ?h = _ · _ |- _ · (_ · ?x ) · ?y = _ ] ⇒
      intermediate_path (pr1 (θ ((`T) (ptd_from_alg T))) (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 T)) c)·
                       f · h · x· y) end.
    × repeat rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      unfold Ac. clear Ac.
      eapply pathscomp0. 2: apply assoc.
      eapply pathscomp0.
      2: { apply maponpaths. apply (!HXX). }
      clear HXX.
      assert (Strength_2 : α : functor_compose hs hs (functor_composite (`T) (`T))(`T) --> functor_composite (` T) (`T),

                    pr1 (θ (`T T_squared)) c · pr1 (# H α) c =
                     pr1 (θ ((`T) (ptd_from_alg T))) ((pr1 (pr1 (pr1 T))) c)·
                     pr1 (θ (( ((`T) (`T) : [_, _, hs])) (ptd_from_alg T))) c·
                     pr1 (# H (α : functor_compose hs hs (`T) (functor_composite (`T) (` T))--> _)) c ).
      { (intro α;
          assert (HA := θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 _ _ _ _ _ _ θ_strength2_int);
          assert (HA':= HA (`T) (ptd_from_alg T) (ptd_from_alg T) _ α); clear HA;
          assert (HA2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise HA' c ); clear HA';
          simpl in HA2; apply HA2 ).
      eapply pathscomp0. apply (Strength_2 F).
      clear Strength_2.
      eapply pathscomp0. apply (!assoc _ _ _).
      apply maponpaths.
      apply maponpaths.
      match goal with |[ |- _ = ?pr1 (# ?G ?g) _ ] ⇒
              assert (X : F = g) end.
      { apply nat_trans_eq. assumption.
        intros. unfold F.
        rewrite functor_id.
        apply pathsinv0, id_right.
      apply (maponpaths (λ T, pr1 (# H T) c)).
      apply X.
    × clear HXX. clear Ac. clear F. clear B.
      assert (H4 := fbracket_τ T (identity _ )).
      assert (H5:= nat_trans_eq_pointwise H4 c); clear H4.
      simpl in H5.
      unfold μ_2.
        match goal with |[ H5 : _ = ?e |- ?a · ?b · _ · _ · _ = _ ] ⇒
                         intermediate_path (a · b · e) end.
        - repeat rewrite <- assoc.
          apply maponpaths.
          apply maponpaths.
          repeat rewrite <- assoc in H5. apply H5.
        - clear H5.
          repeat rewrite assoc.
          apply cancel_postcomposition.
          assert (HT := fbracket_τ T (identity _ )).
          assert (H6:= nat_trans_eq_pointwise HT); clear HT.
          unfold coproduct_nat_trans_in2_data.
          unfold tau_from_alg in H6.
          rewrite assoc in H6.
          apply H6.

proving a variant of the third monad law with assoc iso explicitly inserted

Section third_monad_law_with_assoc.

Lemma third_monad_law_from_hss :
  (`T μ_2 : EndC functor_composite (functor_composite `T `T) `T , `T `T ) · μ_2
  (α_functor _ _ _ : functor_compose hs hs _ _ --> _) · (μ_2 •• `T) · μ_2.
  intermediate_path μ_3; [apply pathsinv0, μ_3_T_μ_2_μ_2 | ].
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply (fbracket_unique T μ_2_ptd).
  - apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption; intro c.
    rewrite assoc.
    intermediate_path (identity _ · μ_2 c).
    + apply pathsinv0, id_left.
    + apply cancel_postcomposition.
      rewrite id_left.
      assert (H1 := Monad_law_1_from_hss (pr1 (`T) c)).
      simpl in H1.
      apply (!H1).
  - rewrite functor_comp.
    rewrite functor_comp.
    rewrite assoc.
    rewrite assoc.
    rewrite assoc.
    rewrite assoc.
    unfold T_squared.
    apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
    intro x; simpl.
    assert (HTT := θ_strength2_int).
    assert (HX := HTT (`T) (ptd_from_alg T) (ptd_from_alg T)); clear HTT.
    assert (HX':= nat_trans_eq_pointwise HX x); clear HX.
    simpl in HX'.
    match goal with | [ H : _ = ?f |- _ · _ · ?g · ?h · ?i = _ ] ⇒
                      intermediate_path (f · g · h · i) end.
    + apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply HX'.
    + clear HX'.
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite id_right.
      assert (HX:=θ_nat_1 _ _ _ _ H θ _ _ μ_2).
      assert (HX1:= HX (ptd_from_alg T)); clear HX.
      simpl in HX1.
      assert (HXX:=nat_trans_eq_pointwise HX1 x); clear HX1.
      simpl in HXX.
      match goal with | [ H : ?x = _ |- ?e · _ · _ · ?f · ?g = _ ] ⇒
                 intermediate_path (e · x · f · g) end.
      × apply cancel_postcomposition.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        repeat rewrite <- assoc.
        apply maponpaths.
          match goal with | [ H : _ = ?x |- _ ] ⇒ intermediate_path x end.
          - clear HXX.
             apply maponpaths.
             match goal with | [ |- _ ?a ?x = _ ?b ?y ] ⇒ assert (TTT : a = b) end.
               match goal with | [ |- _ ?a = _ ?b ] ⇒ assert (TTTT : a = b) end.
               { apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
                 intros. simpl. rewrite functor_id. apply pathsinv0, id_right.
               apply maponpaths. apply TTTT.
             apply (nat_trans_eq_pointwise TTT).
          - repeat rewrite assoc.
            repeat rewrite assoc in HXX.
            apply (!HXX).
      × clear HXX.
        assert (H4 := fbracket_τ T (identity _ )).
        assert (H5:= nat_trans_eq_pointwise H4 x); clear H4.
        unfold μ_2.
        repeat rewrite <- assoc.
        simpl in H5; repeat rewrite <- assoc in H5.
        eapply pathscomp0. apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths. apply H5.
        clear H5.
        rewrite functor_id.
        rewrite id_left.
        repeat rewrite assoc.
        apply cancel_postcomposition.
        assert (H4':= fbracket_τ T (identity _ )).
        assert (H6:= nat_trans_eq_pointwise H4' (pr1 `T x)); clear H4'.
        simpl in H6.
        unfold coproduct_nat_trans_in2_data in H6. simpl in H6.
        rewrite assoc in H6.
        apply H6.

End third_monad_law_with_assoc.

Unset Printing All.
Set Printing Notations.
Unset Printing Implicit.

Finally putting together all the preparatory results to obtain a monad

Lemma Monad_laws_from_hss : Monad_laws Monad_data_from_hss.
  - unfold Monad_data_from_hss; simpl; split.
    + apply Monad_law_1_from_hss.
    + apply Monad_law_2_from_hss.

  - unfold Monad_data_from_hss; simpl.
    intro c.
    intermediate_path (pr1 μ_3 c).
    + set (H1 := μ_3_T_μ_2_μ_2).
      set (H2 := nat_trans_eq_weq hs _ _ H1).
      apply pathsinv0, H2.
    + set (H1 := μ_3_μ_2_T_μ_2).
      set (H2 := nat_trans_eq_weq hs _ _ H1).
      apply pathsinv0, H2.

Definition Monad_from_hss : Monad C.
  exact Monad_laws_from_hss.

End mu_from_fbracket.

A functor from hss to monads

Objects are considered above, now morphisms

Definition Monad_Mor_laws_from_hssMor (T T' : hss CP H)(β : hssMor T T')
  : Monad_Mor_laws (T:=Monad_from_hss T) (T':=Monad_from_hss T') (pr1 (pr1 β)).
  repeat split; simpl.
  - intro c.
    unfold μ_2. simpl.
    set (H':=isbracketMor_hssMor _ _ _ _ β).
    unfold isbracketMor in H'.
    set (H2:= H' _ (identity _ )).
    set (H3:=(nat_trans_eq_weq hs _ _ H2)).
    rewrite id_left in H3.
    simpl in H3.
    rewrite H3; clear H3 H2 H'.
    rewrite compute_fbracket.
    rewrite <- assoc.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply idpath.
  - unfold μ_0.
    intro c.
    set (H':=ptd_mor_commutes _ (ptd_from_alg_mor _ _ _ _ β)).
    apply H'.

Definition Monad_Mor_from_hssMor {T T' : hss CP H}(β : hssMor T T')
  : Monad_Mor (Monad_from_hss T) (Monad_from_hss T')
  := tpair _ _ (Monad_Mor_laws_from_hssMor T T' β).

Definition hss_to_monad_functor_data : functor_data (hss_precategory CP H) (precategory_Monad C hs).
  exact @Monad_Mor_from_hssMor.

Lemma is_functor_hss_to_monad : is_functor hss_to_monad_functor_data.
  split; simpl.
  - intro a.
    apply (invmap (Monad_Mor_equiv hs _ _ )).
    apply idpath.
  - intros a b c f g.
    apply (invmap (Monad_Mor_equiv hs _ _ )).
    apply idpath.

Definition hss_to_monad_functor : functor _ _ := tpair _ _ is_functor_hss_to_monad.

Lemma isaset_Monad_Mor (T T' : Monad C) : isaset (Monad_Mor T T').
  intros β β'.
  apply (isofhlevelweqb _ (Monad_Mor_equiv hs _ _)).
  apply isaset_nat_trans.
  apply hs.

Definition hssMor_Monad_Mor_eq {T T' : hss CP H} (β β' : hssMor T T')
  : β = β' Monad_Mor_from_hssMor β = Monad_Mor_from_hssMor β'.
  eapply weqcomp.
  - apply hssMor_eq.
  - apply invweq.
    apply Monad_Mor_equiv.
    apply hs.

The functor from hss to monads is faithful, i.e. forgets at most structure

Lemma faithful_hss_to_monad : faithful hss_to_monad_functor.
  unfold faithful.
  intros T T'.
  apply isinclbetweensets.
  - apply isaset_hssMor.
  - apply isaset_Monad_Mor.
  - intros β β'.
    apply (invmap (hssMor_Monad_Mor_eq _ _ )).

End monad_from_hss.