Library UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Signatures
Benedikt Ahrens, Ralph Matthes
Contents :
- Definition of signatures
- Proof that two forms of strength laws are equivalent
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.functor_categories.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PointedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EndofunctorsMonoidal.
Require Import UniMath.SubstitutionSystems.Notation.
Local Open Scope subsys.
in the original definition, this second category was the same as the first one
H is a rank-2 functor: a functor between functor categories
The forgetful functor from pointed endofunctors to endofunctors
The precategory of pointed endofunctors on C
The category of endofunctors on C
Definition θ_source_ob (FX : EndC XX Ptd) : [C, D, hsD] := H (pr1 FX) • U (pr2 FX).
Definition θ_source_mor {FX FX' : EndC XX Ptd} (αβ : FX --> FX')
: θ_source_ob FX --> θ_source_ob FX' := horcomp (#U (pr2 αβ)) (#H (pr1 αβ)).
Definition θ_source_functor_data : functor_data (EndC XX Ptd) [C, D, hsD].
∃ θ_source_ob.
exact (@θ_source_mor).
Lemma is_functor_θ_source : is_functor θ_source_functor_data.
split; simpl.
- intro FX.
apply nat_trans_eq.
+ apply hsD.
+ intro c. simpl.
rewrite functor_id.
rewrite id_right.
set (HH:=functor_id H).
rewrite HH. apply idpath.
- intros FX FX' FX'' α β.
apply nat_trans_eq.
+ apply hsD.
+ destruct FX as [F X].
destruct FX' as [F' X'].
destruct FX'' as [F'' X''].
intro c ; simpl in ×.
destruct α as [α a].
destruct β as [β b]. simpl in ×.
rewrite functor_comp.
rewrite (functor_comp H); simpl.
repeat rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- nat_trans_ax.
destruct a as [a aax].
destruct b as [b bax]. simpl in ×.
destruct X as [X eta].
destruct X' as [X' eta'].
destruct X'' as [X'' eta'']; simpl in ×.
clear aax eta. clear bax eta'. clear eta''.
set (HHH:=nat_trans_ax (#H β)).
rewrite <- functor_comp.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite <- functor_comp.
rewrite HHH.
apply idpath.
Definition θ_source : functor _ _ := tpair _ _ is_functor_θ_source.
Definition θ_source_mor {FX FX' : EndC XX Ptd} (αβ : FX --> FX')
: θ_source_ob FX --> θ_source_ob FX' := horcomp (#U (pr2 αβ)) (#H (pr1 αβ)).
Definition θ_source_functor_data : functor_data (EndC XX Ptd) [C, D, hsD].
∃ θ_source_ob.
exact (@θ_source_mor).
Lemma is_functor_θ_source : is_functor θ_source_functor_data.
split; simpl.
- intro FX.
apply nat_trans_eq.
+ apply hsD.
+ intro c. simpl.
rewrite functor_id.
rewrite id_right.
set (HH:=functor_id H).
rewrite HH. apply idpath.
- intros FX FX' FX'' α β.
apply nat_trans_eq.
+ apply hsD.
+ destruct FX as [F X].
destruct FX' as [F' X'].
destruct FX'' as [F'' X''].
intro c ; simpl in ×.
destruct α as [α a].
destruct β as [β b]. simpl in ×.
rewrite functor_comp.
rewrite (functor_comp H); simpl.
repeat rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- nat_trans_ax.
destruct a as [a aax].
destruct b as [b bax]. simpl in ×.
destruct X as [X eta].
destruct X' as [X' eta'].
destruct X'' as [X'' eta'']; simpl in ×.
clear aax eta. clear bax eta'. clear eta''.
set (HHH:=nat_trans_ax (#H β)).
rewrite <- functor_comp.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite <- functor_comp.
rewrite HHH.
apply idpath.
Definition θ_source : functor _ _ := tpair _ _ is_functor_θ_source.
Definition θ_target_ob (FX : EndC XX Ptd) : [C, D, hsD] := H (pr1 FX • U (pr2 FX)).
Definition θ_target_mor (FX FX' : EndC XX Ptd) (αβ : FX --> FX')
: θ_target_ob FX --> θ_target_ob FX'
:= #H (pr1 αβ ∙∙ #U(pr2 αβ)).
Definition θ_target_functor_data : functor_data (EndC XX Ptd) [C, D, hsD].
∃ θ_target_ob.
exact θ_target_mor.
Lemma is_functor_θ_target_functor_data : is_functor θ_target_functor_data.
split; simpl.
- intro FX; simpl.
unfold θ_target_mor.
set (T:= functor_id_id _ _ H).
apply T; simpl.
apply nat_trans_eq.
+ apply hs.
+ intro c; simpl.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite functor_id.
apply idpath.
- intros FX FX' FX''.
intros α β.
unfold θ_target_functor_data. simpl in ×.
unfold θ_target_mor.
set (T:=functor_comp H (pr1 α ∙∙ # U (pr2 α)) (pr1 β ∙∙ # U (pr2 β))).
simpl in ×.
eapply pathscomp0.
2: apply T.
clear T.
apply maponpaths.
destruct α as [α a].
destruct β as [β b]; simpl in ×.
apply nat_trans_eq.
+ apply hs.
+ intro c.
unfold horcomp; simpl.
destruct FX as [F X];
destruct FX' as [F' X'];
destruct FX'' as [F'' X'']; simpl in ×.
repeat rewrite <- assoc. apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- (nat_trans_ax β ((pr1 X') c)).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite <- functor_comp.
rewrite nat_trans_ax.
apply idpath.
Definition θ_target : functor _ _ := tpair _ _ is_functor_θ_target_functor_data.
θ is supposed to satisfy two strength laws
Definition θ_Strength1 : UU := ∏ X : EndC,
(θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C hs))) · # H (identity X : functor_composite (functor_identity C) X ⟹ pr1 X)
= nat_trans_id _ .
Section Strength_law_1_intensional.
needs the heterogeneous formulation of the monoidal operation to type-check
Definition θ_Strength1_int : UU
:= ∏ X : EndC,
θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C hs)) · # H (λ_functor _) = λ_functor _.
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 : θ_Strength1_int → θ_Strength1.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX:= T X).
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c; simpl.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
simpl in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functor X = identity (X : EndC)).
{ apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0 in T2.
apply T2.
Lemma θ_Strength1_implies_θ_Strength1_int : θ_Strength1 → θ_Strength1_int.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX:= T X).
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c; simpl.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
simpl in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functor X = identity (X : EndC)).
{ apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0.
apply T2.
End Strength_law_1_intensional.
Definition θ_Strength2 : UU := ∏ (X : EndC) (Z Z' : Ptd) (Y : EndC)
(α : functor_compose hs hs (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) X --> Y),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z' : Ptd)) · # H α =
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose hs hs (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
# H (α : functor_compose hs hs (U Z) (X • (U Z')) --> Y).
Section Strength_law_2_intensional.
Definition θ_Strength2_int : UU
:= ∏ (X : EndC) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) · #H (α_functor (U Z) (U Z') X ) =
(α_functor (U Z) (U Z') (H X) : [C, D, hsD] ⟦ functor_compose hs hsD (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) (H X), functor_composite (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') (H X)) ⟧
) ·
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose hs hs (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) .
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 : θ_Strength2_int → θ_Strength2.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z' Y a.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c.
assert (TXZZ' := T X Z Z').
assert (TXZZ'c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TXZZ' c).
simpl in TXZZ'c.
clear T TXZZ'.
rewrite id_left in TXZZ'c.
simpl. rewrite <- TXZZ'c; clear TXZZ'c.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_comp_H := functor_comp H (α_functor (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)
(a : functor_compose hs hs (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') X) --> Y)).
assert (functor_comp_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_comp_H c).
simpl in functor_comp_H_c.
eapply pathscomp0.
2: apply functor_comp_H_c.
clear functor_comp_H functor_comp_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c; apply pathsinv0, id_left.
Lemma θ_Strength2_implies_θ_Strength2_int : θ_Strength2 → θ_Strength2_int.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z'.
assert (TXZZ'_inst := T X Z Z' (functor_compose hs hs (U Z)
(functor_composite (U Z') X)) (α_functor (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)).
eapply pathscomp0. apply TXZZ'_inst.
clear T TXZZ'_inst.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
eapply pathscomp0; [| apply id_right].
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_id_H := functor_id H (functor_compose hs hs (pr1 Z) (functor_composite (pr1 Z') X))).
assert (functor_id_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_id_H c).
eapply pathscomp0; [| apply functor_id_H_c].
clear functor_id_H functor_id_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption;
intro c; apply idpath.
End Strength_law_2_intensional.
:= ∏ X : EndC,
θ (X ⊗ (id_Ptd C hs)) · # H (λ_functor _) = λ_functor _.
Lemma θ_Strength1_int_implies_θ_Strength1 : θ_Strength1_int → θ_Strength1.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX:= T X).
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c; simpl.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
simpl in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functor X = identity (X : EndC)).
{ apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0 in T2.
apply T2.
Lemma θ_Strength1_implies_θ_Strength1_int : θ_Strength1 → θ_Strength1_int.
unfold θ_Strength1_int, θ_Strength1.
intros T X.
assert (TX:= T X).
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c; simpl.
assert (T2 := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TX c).
simpl in ×.
assert (X0 : λ_functor X = identity (X : EndC)).
{ apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption; intros; apply idpath. }
rewrite X0.
apply T2.
End Strength_law_1_intensional.
Definition θ_Strength2 : UU := ∏ (X : EndC) (Z Z' : Ptd) (Y : EndC)
(α : functor_compose hs hs (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) X --> Y),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z' : Ptd)) · # H α =
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose hs hs (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) ·
# H (α : functor_compose hs hs (U Z) (X • (U Z')) --> Y).
Section Strength_law_2_intensional.
Definition θ_Strength2_int : UU
:= ∏ (X : EndC) (Z Z' : Ptd),
θ (X ⊗ (Z p• Z')) · #H (α_functor (U Z) (U Z') X ) =
(α_functor (U Z) (U Z') (H X) : [C, D, hsD] ⟦ functor_compose hs hsD (functor_composite (U Z) (U Z')) (H X), functor_composite (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') (H X)) ⟧
) ·
θ (X ⊗ Z') •• (U Z) · θ ((functor_compose hs hs (U Z') X) ⊗ Z) .
Lemma θ_Strength2_int_implies_θ_Strength2 : θ_Strength2_int → θ_Strength2.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z' Y a.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c.
assert (TXZZ' := T X Z Z').
assert (TXZZ'c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise TXZZ' c).
simpl in TXZZ'c.
clear T TXZZ'.
rewrite id_left in TXZZ'c.
simpl. rewrite <- TXZZ'c; clear TXZZ'c.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_comp_H := functor_comp H (α_functor (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)
(a : functor_compose hs hs (U Z) (functor_composite (U Z') X) --> Y)).
assert (functor_comp_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_comp_H c).
simpl in functor_comp_H_c.
eapply pathscomp0.
2: apply functor_comp_H_c.
clear functor_comp_H functor_comp_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c; apply pathsinv0, id_left.
Lemma θ_Strength2_implies_θ_Strength2_int : θ_Strength2 → θ_Strength2_int.
unfold θ_Strength2_int, θ_Strength2.
intros T X Z Z'.
assert (TXZZ'_inst := T X Z Z' (functor_compose hs hs (U Z)
(functor_composite (U Z') X)) (α_functor (pr1 Z) (pr1 Z') X)).
eapply pathscomp0. apply TXZZ'_inst.
clear T TXZZ'_inst.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption.
intro c.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
eapply pathscomp0; [| apply id_right].
apply maponpaths.
assert (functor_id_H := functor_id H (functor_compose hs hs (pr1 Z) (functor_composite (pr1 Z') X))).
assert (functor_id_H_c := nat_trans_eq_pointwise functor_id_H c).
eapply pathscomp0; [| apply functor_id_H_c].
clear functor_id_H functor_id_H_c.
revert c.
apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
apply maponpaths.
apply nat_trans_eq; try assumption;
intro c; apply idpath.
End Strength_law_2_intensional.
Not having a general theory of binatural transformations, we isolate
naturality in each component here
Lemma θ_nat_1 (X X' : EndC) (α : X --> X') (Z : Ptd)
: compose(C:=[C, D, hsD]) (# H α ∙∙ nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z))) (θ (X' ⊗ Z)) =
θ (X ⊗ Z)· # H (α ∙∙ nat_trans_id (pr1 (U Z))).
set (t:=nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t':=t (X ⊗ Z) (X' ⊗ Z)).
set (t'':= t' (precatbinprodmor α (identity _ ))).
simpl in t''.
exact t''.
Lemma θ_nat_1_pointwise (X X' : EndC) (α : X --> X') (Z : Ptd) (c : C)
: pr1 (# H α) ((pr1 Z) c)· pr1 (θ (X' ⊗ Z)) c =
pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z)) c· pr1 (# H (α ∙∙ nat_trans_id (pr1 Z))) c.
set (t := θ_nat_1 _ _ α Z).
set (t' := nat_trans_eq_weq hsD _ _ t c);
clearbody t'; simpl in t'.
assert (H':= functor_id (H X') (pr1 (pr1 Z) c));
simpl in H'.
match goal with |[H1 : ?f · _ · ?g = _ , H2 : ?x = _ |- _ ] ⇒
intermediate_path (f · x · g) end.
- repeat rewrite <- assoc.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite H'.
apply pathsinv0, id_left.
- apply t'.
Lemma θ_nat_2 (X : EndC) (Z Z' : Ptd) (f : Z --> Z')
: compose (C:=[C, D, hsD]) (identity (H X) ∙∙ pr1 f) (θ (X ⊗ Z')) =
θ (X ⊗ Z)· # H (identity X ∙∙ pr1 f).
set (t := nat_trans_ax θ).
set (t' := t (precatbinprodpair X Z) (precatbinprodpair X Z') (precatbinprodmor (identity _ ) f)).
simpl in t'.
unfold θ_source_mor in t'.
unfold θ_target_mor in t'.
simpl in t'.
set (T := functor_id H X).
simpl in ×.
rewrite T in t'. clear T.
exact t'.
Lemma θ_nat_2_pointwise (X : EndC) (Z Z' : Ptd) (f : Z --> Z') (c : C)
: # (pr1 (H X)) ((pr1 f) c)· pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z')) c =
pr1 (θ (X ⊗ Z)) c· pr1 (# H (identity X ∙∙ pr1 f)) c .
set (t:=θ_nat_2 X _ _ f).
set (t':=nat_trans_eq_weq hsD _ _ t c).
clearbody t'; clear t.
simpl in t'.
rewrite id_left in t'.
exact t'.
End about_signatures.
Section Strength_laws.
define strength laws
End Strength_laws.
Definition Signature : UU
∑ H : functor [C, C, hs] [C, D, hsD] ,
∑ θ : nat_trans (θ_source H) (θ_target H) , θ_Strength1_int H θ × θ_Strength2_int H θ.
Coercion Signature_Functor (S : Signature) : functor _ _ := pr1 S.
Definition theta (H : Signature) : nat_trans (θ_source H) (θ_target H) := pr1 (pr2 H).
Definition Sig_strength_law1 (H : Signature) : θ_Strength1_int _ _ := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 H)).
Definition Sig_strength_law2 (H : Signature) : θ_Strength2_int _ _ := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H)).
End fix_a_category.
Arguments theta {_ _ _ _} _ .
Arguments θ_source {_ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_target {_ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength1 {_ _ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength2 {_ _ _ _ _ } _ .
Arguments θ_Strength1_int {_ _ _ _ _} _ .
Arguments θ_Strength2_int {_ _ _ _ _} _ .