Library UniMath.PAdics.padics

*p adic numbers
By Alvaro Pelayo, Vladimir Voevodsky and Michael A. Warren
made compatible with the current UniMath library by Ralph Matthes in October 2017

Require Import UniMath.PAdics.lemmas.
Require Import UniMath.PAdics.fps.
Require Import UniMath.PAdics.frac.
Require Import UniMath.PAdics.z_mod_p.

Require Import UniMath.NumberSystems.Integers.

Unset Kernel Term Sharing.
crucial for timely proof-checking, otherwise unbearable

Section Upstream.
Local Open Scope hz_scope.

Lemma hzmultrmul (a b c : hz) (is : a = b) : a × c = b × c.
  induction is.
  apply idpath.

Lemma hzmultlmul (a b c : hz) (is : a = b) : c × a = c × b.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply is.

Close Scope hz_scope.
End Upstream.

I. Several basic lemmas

Local Open Scope hz_scope.

Lemma hzqrandnatsummation0r ( m : hz ) ( x : hzneq 0 m )
  ( a : nat hz ) ( upper : nat ) :
  hzremaindermod m x ( natsummation0 upper a ) =
  hzremaindermod m x ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nathzremaindermod m x ( a n ) ) ).
  induction upper.
  - simpl.
    rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
    apply idpath.
    - change ( hzremaindermod m x ( natsummation0 upper a + a ( S upper ) ) =
               hzremaindermod m x ( natsummation0 upper
        ( fun n : nat
          hzremaindermod m x ( a n ) ) + hzremaindermod m x ( a ( S upper ) ) ) ).
      rewrite hzremaindermodandplus.
      rewrite IHupper.
      rewrite <- ( hzremaindermoditerated m x ( a ( S upper ) ) ).
      rewrite <- hzremaindermodandplus.
      rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
      apply idpath.

Lemma hzqrandnatsummation0q ( m : hz ) ( x : hzneq 0 m )
  ( a : nat hz ) ( upper : nat ) :
  hzquotientmod m x ( natsummation0 upper a ) =
  ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nat
      hzquotientmod m x ( a n ) ) + hzquotientmod m x
        ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nathzremaindermod m x ( a n ) ) ) ).
  induction upper.
  - simpl.
    rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
    rewrite hzplusr0.
    apply idpath.
  - change ( natsummation0 ( S upper ) a ) with
    ( natsummation0 upper a + a ( S upper ) ).
    rewrite hzquotientmodandplus.
    rewrite IHupper.
    rewrite ( hzplusassoc ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nat
      hzquotientmod m x ( a n ) ) ) _ ( hzquotientmod m x ( a ( S upper ) ) ) ).
    rewrite ( hzpluscomm ( hzquotientmod m x
      ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nathzremaindermod m x ( a n ) ) ) )
                         ( hzquotientmod m x ( a ( S upper ) ) ) ).
    rewrite <- ( hzplusassoc ( natsummation0 upper
                                 ( fun n : nathzquotientmod m x ( a n ) ) )
                             ( hzquotientmod m x ( a ( S upper ) ) ) _ ).
    change ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nathzquotientmod m x ( a n ) ) +
             hzquotientmod m x ( a ( S upper ) ) ) with
    ( natsummation0 ( S upper ) ( fun n : nathzquotientmod m x ( a n ) ) ).
    rewrite hzqrandnatsummation0r.
    rewrite hzquotientmodandplus.
    rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
    rewrite hzplusl0.
    rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
    rewrite ( hzplusassoc (natsummation0 ( S upper )
                             ( fun n : nathzquotientmod m x ( a n ) ) )
       ( hzquotientmod m x ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nat
                                       hzremaindermod m x ( a n ) ) ) ) _ ).
    rewrite <- ( hzplusassoc ( hzquotientmod m x
      ( natsummation0 upper ( fun n : nat
                                     hzremaindermod m x ( a n ) ) ) ) _ _ ).
    rewrite <- hzquotientmodandplus.
    apply idpath.

Lemma hzquotientandtimesl ( m : hz ) ( x : hzneq 0 m ) ( a b : hz ) :
  hzquotientmod m x ( a × b ) =
  ( hzquotientmod m x a ) × b +
    hzremaindermod m x a × hzquotientmod m x b +
      hzquotientmod m x ( hzremaindermod m x a × hzremaindermod m x b ).
  rewrite hzquotientmodandtimes.
  rewrite ( hzmultcomm ( hzremaindermod m x b ) ( hzquotientmod m x a ) ).
  rewrite hzmultassoc.
  rewrite <- ( hzldistr ( hzquotientmod m x b × m ) _ ( hzquotientmod m x a )).
  rewrite ( hzmultcomm _ m ).
  rewrite <- ( hzdivequationmod m x b ).
  rewrite hzplusassoc.
  apply idpath.

Lemma hzquotientandfpstimesl ( m : hz ) ( x : hzneq 0 m )
   ( a b : nat hz ) ( upper : nat ) :
  hzquotientmod m x ( fpstimes hz a b upper ) =
  natsummation0 upper ( fun i : nat
      hzquotientmod m x ( a i ) × b ( sub upper i ) ) +
    hzquotientmod m x ( natsummation0 upper ( fun i : nat
      hzremaindermod m x ( a i ) × b ( sub upper i ) ) ).
  destruct upper as [ | upper].
  - simpl.
    unfold fpstimes.
    rewrite hzquotientandtimesl.
    rewrite hzplusassoc.
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun v : _
              hzquotientmod m x ( a 0%nat ) × b 0%nat + v ) ).
    rewrite ( hzquotientmodandtimes m x
                ( hzremaindermod m x ( a 0%nat ) ) ( b 0%nat ) ).
    rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
    rewrite hzmultx0.
    rewrite 2! hzmult0x.
    rewrite hzplusl0.
    rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
    apply idpath.
  - unfold fpstimes.
    rewrite hzqrandnatsummation0q.
    assert ( n : nat, hzquotientmod m x (a n × b ( sub ( S upper ) n)%nat) =
      ( hzquotientmod m x ( a n ) × b ( sub ( S upper ) n ) +
        hzremaindermod m x ( a n ) × hzquotientmod m x ( b ( sub ( S upper ) n ) ) +
        hzquotientmod m x ( hzremaindermod m x ( a n ) ×
                            hzremaindermod m x ( b ( sub ( S upper ) n ) ) ) ) ) as f.
    { intro k.
      rewrite hzquotientandtimesl.
      apply idpath.
    rewrite ( natsummationpathsupperfixed _ _ ( fun x0 pf x0 ) ).
    rewrite ( natsummationplusdistr ( S upper ) ( fun x0 : nat
      hzquotientmod m x (a x0) × b ( sub ( S upper ) x0)%nat +
      hzremaindermod m x (a x0) × hzquotientmod m x (b (S upper - x0)%nat) ) ).
    rewrite ( natsummationplusdistr ( S upper ) ( fun x0 : nat
                           hzquotientmod m x (a x0) × b (S upper - x0)%nat ) ).
    rewrite 2! hzplusassoc.
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun vnatsummation0 ( S upper ) ( fun i : nat
               hzquotientmod m x ( a i ) × b ( sub ( S upper ) i ) ) + v ) ).
    rewrite ( hzqrandnatsummation0q m x ( fun i : nat
                    hzremaindermod m x ( a i ) × b ( sub ( S upper ) i ) ) ).
    assert (natsummation0 (S upper) (fun n : nat
      hzremaindermod m x (hzremaindermod m x (a n) × b (S upper - n)%nat))=
      natsummation0 ( S upper ) ( fun n : nat
             hzremaindermod m x ( a n × b ( sub ( S upper ) n ) ) ) ) as g.
    { apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
      intros j p.
      rewrite hzremaindermodandtimes.
      rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
      rewrite <- hzremaindermodandtimes.
      apply idpath.
    rewrite g.
    rewrite <- hzplusassoc.
    assert ( natsummation0 (S upper) (fun x0 : nat
      hzremaindermod m x (a x0) × hzquotientmod m x (b (S upper - x0)%nat)) +
      natsummation0 (S upper) (fun x0 : nat
         hzquotientmod m x (hzremaindermod m x (a x0) ×
                            hzremaindermod m x (b (S upper - x0)%nat))) =
            natsummation0 (S upper) (fun n : nat
      hzquotientmod m x (hzremaindermod m x (a n) × b (S upper - n)%nat)) ) as h.
    { rewrite <- ( natsummationplusdistr ( S upper ) ( fun x0 : nat
                     hzremaindermod m x ( a x0 ) ×
                     hzquotientmod m x ( b ( sub ( S upper ) x0 ) ) ) ).
      apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
      intros j p.
      rewrite ( hzquotientmodandtimes m x ( hzremaindermod m x ( a j ) )
                                      ( b ( sub ( S upper ) j ) ) ).
      rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
      rewrite 2! hzmult0x.
      rewrite hzmultx0.
      rewrite hzplusl0.
      rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
      exact (idpath _).
    rewrite h.
    apply idpath.

Close Scope hz_scope.

II. The carrying operation and induced equivalence relation on

formal power series
A lemma that does not depend on a non-zero integer and that used to appear where needed below - the point has been marked by a comment.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Lemma natsummationplusshift { R : commring } ( upper : nat )
  ( f g : nat R ) :
  natsummation0 ( S upper ) f + natsummation0 upper g =
  f 0%nat + natsummation0 upper ( fun x : natf ( S x ) + g x ).
  destruct upper.
  unfold natsummation0.
  apply ( ringassoc1 R ).
  rewrite (natsummationshift0 ( S upper ) f ).
  rewrite ( ringcomm1 R _ ( f 0%nat ) ).
  rewrite ( ringassoc1 R ).
  rewrite natsummationplusdistr.
  apply idpath.

Close Scope hz_scope.

Section carry.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Variable m : hz.
Variable is : hzneq 0 m.

Fixpoint precarry ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) : hz :=
  match n with
  | 0%nata 0%nat
  | S na ( S n ) + hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a n )

Definition carry : fpscommring hz fpscommring hz :=
  fun (a : fpscommring hz) (n : nat) ⇒
    hzremaindermod m is ( precarry a n ).

Lemma isapropcarryequiv ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
  isaprop ( carry a = carry b ).
  apply ( fps hz ).

Definition carryequiv0 : hrel ( fpscommring hz ) :=
  fun a b : fpscommring hzmake_hProp _ ( isapropcarryequiv a b ).

Lemma carryequiviseqrel : iseqrel carryequiv0.
  - split.
    + intros a b c i j.
      rewrite i.
      apply j.
    + intros a.
      apply idpath.
  - intros a b i.
    rewrite i.
    apply idpath.

Lemma carryandremainder ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) :
  hzremaindermod m is ( carry a n ) = carry a n.
  unfold carry.
  rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
  apply idpath.

Definition carryequiv : eqrel ( fpscommring hz ) :=
  make_eqrel _ carryequiviseqrel.

Lemma precarryandcarry_pointwise ( a : fpscommring hz ) :
   n : nat,
    precarry ( carry a ) n = ( carry a ) n.
  induction n.
  - exact (idpath _).
  - unfold precarry.
    fold precarry.
    rewrite IHn.
    unfold carry at 2.
    rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
    apply hzplusr0.

Lemma precarryandcarry ( a : fpscommring hz ) :
  precarry ( carry a ) = carry a.
  apply funextfun.
  intro n.
  apply precarryandcarry_pointwise.

Lemma hzqrandcarryeq ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) :
  carry a n = m × 0 + carry a n.
  rewrite hzmultx0.
  rewrite hzplusl0.
  apply idpath.

Lemma hzqrandcarryineq ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) :
  hzleh 0 ( carry a n ) ×
  hzlth ( carry a n ) ( nattohz ( hzabsval m ) ).
  - unfold carry.
    apply ( pr2 ( pr1 ( divalgorithm ( precarry a n ) m is ) ) ).
  - unfold carry.
    apply ( pr2 ( pr1 ( divalgorithm ( precarry a n ) m is ) ) ).

Lemma hzqrandcarryq ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) :
  0 = hzquotientmod m is ( carry a n ).
  apply ( hzqrtestq m is ( carry a n ) 0 ( carry a n ) ).
  - apply hzqrandcarryeq.
  - apply hzqrandcarryineq.

Lemma hzqrandcarryr ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) :
  carry a n = hzremaindermod m is ( carry a n ).
  apply ( hzqrtestr m is ( carry a n ) 0 ( carry a n ) ).
  - apply hzqrandcarryeq.
  - apply hzqrandcarryineq.

Lemma doublecarry ( a : fpscommring hz ):
  carry ( carry a ) = carry a.
  assert ( n : nat, carry ( carry a ) n =
                    carry a n ) as f.
  { intros.
    induction n.
    - unfold carry.
      apply hzremaindermoditerated.
    - unfold carry.
      change (precarry (fun n0 : nat
        hzremaindermod m is (precarry a n0)) n) with
      ( precarry ( carry a ) n ).
      rewrite precarryandcarry.
      rewrite <- hzqrandcarryq.
      rewrite hzplusr0.
      rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
      apply idpath.
  apply ( funextfun _ _ f ).

Lemma carryandcarryequiv ( a : fpscommring hz ) :
  carryequiv ( carry a ) a.
  rewrite doublecarry.
  apply idpath.

Lemma quotientprecarryplus ( a b : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) :
  hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( a + b ) n ) =
  hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a n ) +
  hzquotientmod m is ( precarry b n ) +
  hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( carry a + carry b ) n ).
  induction n.
  - simpl.
    change ( hzquotientmod m is ( a 0%nat + b 0%nat ) =
            hzquotientmod m is (a 0%nat) +
            hzquotientmod m is (b 0%nat) +
            hzquotientmod m is ( hzremaindermod m is ( a 0%nat ) +
                                 hzremaindermod m is ( b 0%nat ) ) ).
    rewrite hzquotientmodandplus.
    apply idpath.
  - change ( hzquotientmod m is ( a ( S n ) + b ( S n ) +
             hzquotientmod m is ( precarry (a + b) n ) ) =
             hzquotientmod m is (precarry a (S n)) +
             hzquotientmod m is (precarry b (S n)) +
             hzquotientmod m is (carry a ( S n ) +
                                 carry b ( S n ) +
                    hzquotientmod m is ( precarry (carry a +
                                                   carry b) n)) ).
    rewrite IHn.
    rewrite ( ringassoc1 hz ( a ( S n ) ) ( b ( S n ) ) _ ).
    rewrite <- ( ringassoc1 hz ( b ( S n ) ) ).
    rewrite ( ringcomm1 hz ( b ( S n ) ) _ ).
    rewrite <- 3! ( ringassoc1 hz ( a ( S n ) ) _ _ ).
    change ( a ( S n ) + hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a n ) ) with
    ( precarry a ( S n ) ).
    set ( pa := precarry a ( S n ) ).
    rewrite ( ringassoc1 hz pa _ ( b ( S n ) ) ).
    rewrite ( ringcomm1 hz _ ( b ( S n ) ) ).
    change ( b ( S n ) + hzquotientmod m is ( precarry b n ) ) with
    ( precarry b ( S n ) ).
    set ( pb := precarry b ( S n ) ).
    set ( ab := precarry ( carry a + carry b ) ).
    rewrite ( ringassoc1 hz ( carry a ( S n ) )
                        ( carry b ( S n ) )
                        ( hzquotientmod m is ( ab n ) ) ).
    rewrite ( hzquotientmodandplus m is ( carry a ( S n ) ) _ ).
    unfold carry at 1.
    rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
    rewrite hzplusl0.
    rewrite ( hzquotientmodandplus m is ( carry b ( S n ) ) _ ).
    unfold carry at 1.
    rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
    rewrite hzplusl0.
    rewrite ( ringassoc1 hz pa pb _ ).
    rewrite ( hzquotientmodandplus m is pa _ ).
    change (pb + hzquotientmod m is (ab n)) with
           (pb + hzquotientmod m is (ab n))%hz.
    rewrite ( hzquotientmodandplus m is pb ( hzquotientmod m is ( ab n ) ) ).
    rewrite <- 2! ( ringassoc1 hz ( hzquotientmod m is pa ) _ _ ).
    rewrite <- 2! ( ringassoc1 hz ( hzquotientmod m is pa +
                                   hzquotientmod m is pb ) _ ).
    rewrite 2! ( ringassoc1 hz ( hzquotientmod m is pa +
                                hzquotientmod m is pb +
                      hzquotientmod m is (hzquotientmod m is (ab n)) ) _ _ ).
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun x : hz
                             hzquotientmod m is pa +
                             hzquotientmod m is pb +
                             hzquotientmod m is (hzquotientmod m is (ab n)) +
                           x ) ).
    unfold carry at 1 2.
    rewrite 2! hzremaindermoditerated.
    change ( precarry b ( S n ) ) with pb.
    change ( precarry a ( S n ) ) with pa.
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun x : hz
                           ( hzquotientmod m is (hzremaindermod m is pb +
                  hzremaindermod m is (hzquotientmod m is (ab n)))%hz ) +
                           x ) ).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun x : hzhzremaindermod m is pa + x ) ).
    rewrite ( hzremaindermodandplus m is ( carry b ( S n ) ) _ ).
    unfold carry.
    rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
    rewrite <- ( hzremaindermodandplus m is ( precarry b ( S n ) ) _ ).
    apply idpath.

Lemma carryandplus ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
  carry ( a + b ) = carry ( carry a + carry b ).
  assert ( n : nat, carry ( a + b ) n =
              ( carry ( carry a + carry b ) n ) ) as f.
  { intros n.
    destruct n.
    - change ( hzremaindermod m is ( a 0%nat + b 0%nat ) =
               hzremaindermod m is ( hzremaindermod m is ( a 0%nat ) +
                                     hzremaindermod m is ( b 0%nat ) ) ).
      rewrite hzremaindermodandplus.
      apply idpath.
    - change ( hzremaindermod m is ( a ( S n ) +
                                     b ( S n ) +
        hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( a + b ) n ) ) =
               hzremaindermod m is ( hzremaindermod m is ( a ( S n ) +
                              hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a n ) ) +
               hzremaindermod m is ( b ( S n ) +
                              hzquotientmod m is ( precarry b n ) ) +
               hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( carry a +
                                                    carry b ) n ) ) ).
      rewrite quotientprecarryplus.
      rewrite ( hzremaindermodandplus m is
                                      ( hzremaindermod m is (a (S n) +
                                      hzquotientmod m is (precarry a n)) +
               hzremaindermod m is (b (S n) +
                                    hzquotientmod m is (precarry b n)) ) _ ).
      change (hzremaindermod m is (a (S n) +
                                   hzquotientmod m is (precarry a n)) +
              hzremaindermod m is (b (S n) +
                                   hzquotientmod m is (precarry b n))) with
      (hzremaindermod m is (a (S n) +
                            hzquotientmod m is (precarry a n))%ring +
       hzremaindermod m is (b (S n) +
                            hzquotientmod m is (precarry b n))%ring)%hz.
      + rewrite <- (hzremaindermodandplus m is (a (S n) +
                       hzquotientmod m is (precarry a n)) (b (S n) +
                                       hzquotientmod m is (precarry b n)) ).
        rewrite <- hzremaindermodandplus.
        change ( ((a (S n) +
                   hzquotientmod m is (precarry a n))%ring +
                  (b (S n) +
                   hzquotientmod m is (precarry b n))%ring +
          hzquotientmod m is (precarry (carry a + carry b)%ring n))%hz ) with
                 ((a (S n) +
                   hzquotientmod m is (precarry a n))%ring +
                  (b (S n) +
                   hzquotientmod m is (precarry b n))%ring +
          hzquotientmod m is (precarry (carry a + carry b)%ring n))%ring.
        rewrite <- ( ringassoc1 hz ( a ( S n ) + hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a n ) )
                                  (b (S n) )
                                  ( hzquotientmod m is (precarry b n)) ).
        rewrite ( ringassoc1 hz ( a ( S n ) )
                               (hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a n ) )
                               ( b ( S n ) ) ).
        rewrite ( ringcomm1 hz ( hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a n ) )
                           ( b ( S n ) ) ).
        rewrite <- 3! ( ringassoc1 hz ).
        apply idpath.
  apply ( funextfun _ _ f ).

Definition quotientprecarry ( a : fpscommring hz ) : fpscommring hz :=
  fun x : nathzquotientmod m is ( precarry a x ).

Lemma quotientandtimesrearrangel ( x y : hz ) :
  hzquotientmod m is ( x × y ) =
  ( hzquotientmod m is x ) × y +
    hzquotientmod m is ( ( hzremaindermod m is x ) × y ).
  rewrite hzquotientmodandtimes.
  change (hzquotientmod m is x × hzquotientmod m is y × m +
          hzremaindermod m is y × hzquotientmod m is x +
          hzremaindermod m is x × hzquotientmod m is y +
          hzquotientmod m is (hzremaindermod m is x × hzremaindermod m is y))%hz with
  (hzquotientmod m is x × hzquotientmod m is y × m +
   hzremaindermod m is y × hzquotientmod m is x +
   hzremaindermod m is x × hzquotientmod m is y +
   hzquotientmod m is (hzremaindermod m is x × hzremaindermod m is y))%ring.
  rewrite ( ringcomm2 hz ( hzremaindermod m is y ) ( hzquotientmod m is x ) ).
  rewrite ( ringassoc2 hz ).
  rewrite <- ( ringldistr hz ).
  rewrite ( ringcomm2 hz ( hzquotientmod m is y ) m ).
  change (m × hzquotientmod m is y + hzremaindermod m is y)%ring with
         (m × hzquotientmod m is y + hzremaindermod m is y)%hz.
  rewrite <- ( hzdivequationmod m is y ).
  change (hzremaindermod m is x × y)%ring with
         (hzremaindermod m is x × y)%hz.
  rewrite ( hzquotientmodandtimes m is ( hzremaindermod m is x ) y ).
  rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
  rewrite <- hzqrandremainderq.
  rewrite hzmultx0.
  rewrite 2! hzmult0x.
  rewrite hzplusl0.
  rewrite ( ringassoc1 hz ).
  change (hzquotientmod m is x × y +
          (hzremaindermod m is x ×
           hzquotientmod m is y +
           hzquotientmod m is (hzremaindermod m is x ×
                               hzremaindermod m is y))%hz) with
  (hzquotientmod m is x × y +
   (hzremaindermod m is x × hzquotientmod m is y +
    hzquotientmod m is (hzremaindermod m is x ×
                        hzremaindermod m is y)))%ring.
  apply idpath.

here used to be shown the lemma natsummationplusshift

Lemma precarryandtimesl ( a b : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat ) :
  hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( a × b ) n ) =
  ( quotientprecarry a × b ) n +
        hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( carry a × b ) n ).
  induction n.
  - unfold precarry.
    change ( ( a × b ) 0%nat ) with ( a 0%nat × b 0%nat ).
    change ( ( quotientprecarry a × b ) 0%nat ) with
    ( hzquotientmod m is ( a 0%nat ) × b 0%nat ).
    rewrite quotientandtimesrearrangel.
    change ( ( carry a × b ) 0%nat ) with
    ( hzremaindermod m is ( a 0%nat ) × b 0%nat ).
    apply idpath.
  - change ( precarry ( a × b ) ( S n ) ) with
    ( ( a × b ) ( S n ) +
      hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( a × b ) n ) ).
    rewrite IHn.
    rewrite <- ( ringassoc1 hz ).
    assert ( ( ( a × b ) ( S n ) +
               ( quotientprecarry a × b ) n ) =
      ( @op2 ( fpscommring hz ) ( precarry a ) b ) ( S n ) ) as f.
    { change ( ( a × b ) ( S n ) )
     with ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun x : nata x × b ( sub ( S n ) x ) ) ).
     change ( ( quotientprecarry a × b ) n ) with
     ( natsummation0 n ( fun x : nat
         quotientprecarry a x × b ( sub n x ) ) ).
     rewrite natsummationplusshift.
     change ( ( @op2 ( fpscommring hz ) ( precarry a ) b ) ( S n ) ) with
     ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun x : nat
         ( precarry a ) x × b ( sub ( S n ) x ) ) ).
     rewrite natsummationshift0.
     unfold precarry at 2.
     rewrite <- ( ringcomm1 hz ( a 0%nat × b ( S n ) ) _ ).
     apply ( maponpaths ( fun x : hza 0%nat × b ( S n ) + x ) ).
     apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
     intros k j.
     unfold quotientprecarry.
     rewrite ( ringrdistr hz ).
     apply idpath.
    rewrite f.
    rewrite hzquotientmodandplus.
    change ( @op2 ( fpscommring hz ) ( precarry a ) b ) with
    ( fpstimes hz ( precarry a ) b ).
    rewrite ( hzquotientandfpstimesl m is ( precarry a ) b ).
    change ( @op2 ( fpscommring hz ) ( carry a ) b ) with
    ( fpstimes hz ( carry a ) b ) at 1.
    unfold fpstimes at 1.
    unfold carry at 1.
    change (fun n0 : nat
              let t' := fun m0 : nat
                          b (n0 - m0)%nat in natsummation0 n0 (fun x : nat
                     (hzremaindermod m is (precarry a x) × t' x)%ring)) with
    ( carry a × b ).
    change ( ( quotientprecarry a × b ) ( S n ) ) with
    ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun i : nat
        hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a i ) × b ( S n - i )%nat ) ).
    rewrite 2! hzplusassoc.
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun vnatsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun i : nat
      hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a i ) × b ( S n - i )%nat ) + v ) ).
    change ( precarry ( carry a × b ) ( S n ) ) with
    ( ( carry a × b ) ( S n ) +
      hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( carry a × b ) n ) ).
    change ((carry a × b) (S n) +
            hzquotientmod m is (precarry (carry a × b) n)) with
    ((carry a × b)%ring (S n) +
     hzquotientmod m is (precarry (carry a × b) n)%ring)%hz.
    rewrite ( hzquotientmodandplus m is
                                   ( ( carry a × b ) ( S n ) )
     ( hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( carry a × b ) n ) ) ).
    change ( ( carry a × b ) ( S n ) ) with
    ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun i : nat
        hzremaindermod m is ( precarry a i ) × b ( S n - i )%nat ) ).
    rewrite hzplusassoc.
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun v
       ( hzquotientmod m is ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun i : nat
            hzremaindermod m is
                   ( precarry a i ) × b ( S n - i )%nat ) ) ) + v ) ).
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun v
        hzquotientmod m is
           ( hzquotientmod m is
              ( precarry ( carry a × b )%ring n ) ) + v ) ).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply ( maponpaths ( fun v
                           v + hzremaindermod m is
    ( hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( carry a × b )%ring n ) ) ) ).
    unfold fpstimes.
    rewrite hzqrandnatsummation0r.
    rewrite ( hzqrandnatsummation0r m is ( fun i : nat
      hzremaindermod m is ( precarry a i ) × b ( S n - i )%nat ) ).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
    intros j p.
    change ( hzremaindermod m is
                            (hzremaindermod m is (precarry a j) ×
                             b ( sub ( S n ) j)) ) with
    ( hzremaindermod m is
                     (hzremaindermod m is (precarry a j) ×
                      b (S n - j)%nat)%hz ).
    rewrite ( hzremaindermodandtimes m is
                ( hzremaindermod m is ( precarry a j ) )
                ( b ( sub ( S n ) j ) ) ).
    rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
    rewrite <- hzremaindermodandtimes.
    apply idpath.

Lemma carryandtimesl ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
  carry ( a × b ) = carry ( carry a × b ).
  assert ( n : nat, carry ( a × b ) n =
                          carry ( carry a × b ) n ) as f.
  { intros n.
    destruct n.
    - unfold carry at 1 2.
      change ( precarry ( a × b ) 0%nat ) with
      ( a 0%nat × b 0%nat ).
      change ( precarry ( carry a × b ) 0%nat ) with
      ( carry a 0%nat × b 0%nat ).
      unfold carry.
      change (hzremaindermod m is (precarry a 0) × b 0%nat) with
      (hzremaindermod m is (precarry a 0) × b 0%nat )%hz.
      rewrite ( hzremaindermodandtimes m is
        ( hzremaindermod m is ( precarry a 0%nat ) ) ( b 0%nat ) ).
      rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
      rewrite <- hzremaindermodandtimes.
      change ( precarry a 0%nat ) with ( a 0%nat ).
      apply idpath.
    - unfold carry at 1 2.
      change ( precarry ( a × b ) ( S n ) ) with
      ( ( a × b ) ( S n ) + hzquotientmod m is ( precarry ( a × b ) n ) ).
      rewrite precarryandtimesl.
      rewrite <- ( ringassoc1 hz ).
      rewrite hzremaindermodandplus.
      assert ( hzremaindermod m is
          ( ( a × b ) ( S n ) + ( quotientprecarry a × b ) n ) =
        hzremaindermod m is ( ( carry a × b ) ( S n ) ) ) as g.
      { change ( hzremaindermod m is ( ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun u : nat
                                             a u × b ( sub ( S n ) u ) ) ) +
                                       ( natsummation0 n ( fun u : nat
                       ( quotientprecarry a ) u × b ( sub n u ) ) ) ) =
                 hzremaindermod m is ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun u : nat
                              ( carry a ) u × b ( sub ( S n ) u ) ) ) ).
        rewrite ( natsummationplusshift n ).
        rewrite ( natsummationshift0 n ( fun u : nat
                                    carry a u × b ( sub ( S n ) u ) ) ).
        assert ( hzremaindermod m is ( natsummation0 n ( fun x : nat
                              a ( S x ) × b ( sub ( S n ) ( S x ) ) +
                              quotientprecarry a x × b ( sub n x ) ) ) =
                 hzremaindermod m is (natsummation0 n ( fun x : nat
                   carry a ( S x ) × b ( sub ( S n ) ( S x ) ) ) ) ) as h.
        { rewrite hzqrandnatsummation0r.
          rewrite ( hzqrandnatsummation0r m is ( fun x : nat
                          carry a ( S x ) × b ( sub ( S n ) ( S x ) ) ) ).
          apply maponpaths.
          apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
          intros j p.
          unfold quotientprecarry.
          intermediate_path (hzremaindermod m is ((a (S j) × b ( sub n j) +
                   hzquotientmod m is (precarry a j) × b ( sub n j) )%hz)).
          + exact (idpath _).
          + rewrite <- ( hzrdistr ( a ( S j ) )
                                 ( hzquotientmod m is ( precarry a j ) )
                                 ( b ( sub n j ) ) ).
            rewrite hzremaindermodandtimes.
            change ( hzremaindermod m is
                        (hzremaindermod m is (a (S j) +
                         hzquotientmod m is (precarry a j)) ×
                           hzremaindermod m is (b ( sub n j))) =
                     hzremaindermod m is (carry a (S j) × b(sub n j)) )%ring.
            rewrite <- ( hzremaindermoditerated m is (a (S j) +
                                         hzquotientmod m is (precarry a j)) ).
            unfold carry.
            rewrite <- hzremaindermodandtimes.
            apply idpath.
        rewrite hzremaindermodandplus.
        rewrite h.
        rewrite <- hzremaindermodandplus.
        unfold carry at 3.
        rewrite ( hzremaindermodandplus m is _
                    ( hzremaindermod m is ( precarry a 0%nat ) ×
                                            b ( sub ( S n ) 0%nat ) ) ).
        rewrite hzremaindermodandtimes.
        rewrite hzremaindermoditerated.
        rewrite <- hzremaindermodandtimes.
        change ( precarry a 0%nat ) with ( a 0%nat ).
        rewrite <- hzremaindermodandplus.
        rewrite hzpluscomm.
        apply idpath.
      rewrite g.
      rewrite <- hzremaindermodandplus.
      apply idpath.
  apply ( funextfun _ _ f ).

Lemma carryandtimesr ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
  carry ( a × b ) = carry ( a × carry b ).
  rewrite ( @ringcomm2 ( fpscommring hz ) ).
  rewrite carryandtimesl.
  rewrite ( @ringcomm2 ( fpscommring hz ) ).
  apply idpath.

Lemma carryandtimes ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
  carry ( a × b ) = carry ( carry a × carry b ).
  rewrite carryandtimesl.
  rewrite carryandtimesr.
  apply idpath.

Lemma ringcarryequiv : @ringeqrel ( fpscommring hz ).
  split with carryequiv.
  - split.
    + intros a b c q.
      simpl in q.
      rewrite carryandplus.
      rewrite q.
      rewrite <- carryandplus.
      apply idpath.
    + intros a b c q.
      rewrite carryandplus.
      rewrite q.
      rewrite <- carryandplus.
      apply idpath.
  - split.
    + intros a b c q.
      rewrite carryandtimes.
      rewrite q.
      rewrite <- carryandtimes.
      apply idpath.
    + intros a b c q.
      rewrite carryandtimes.
      rewrite q.
      rewrite <- carryandtimes.
      apply idpath.

End carry.

Some preparation for parts III/IV that does not depend on a prime number

Those used to appear where needed below, those points have been marked by comments.

Lemma commringquotprandop1 { A : commring } ( R : @ringeqrel A ) ( a b : A ) :
  @op1 ( commringquot R ) ( setquotpr ( pr1 R ) a )
                          ( setquotpr ( pr1 R ) b ) =
  setquotpr ( pr1 R ) ( a + b ).
  change ( @op1 ( commringquot R ) ) with
  ( setquotfun2 R R ( @op1 A )
      ( pr1 ( iscomp2binoptransrel ( pr1 R )
                            ( eqreltrans _ ) ( pr2 R ) ) ) ).
  unfold setquotfun2.
  rewrite setquotuniv2comm.
  apply idpath.

Lemma commringquotprandop2 { A : commring } ( R : @ringeqrel A ) ( a b : A ) :
  @op2 ( commringquot R ) ( setquotpr ( pr1 R ) a )
                          ( setquotpr ( pr1 R ) b ) =
  setquotpr ( pr1 R ) ( a × b ).
  change ( @op2 ( commringquot R ) ) with
  ( setquotfun2 R R ( @op2 A )
       ( pr2 ( iscomp2binoptransrel ( pr1 R )
                             ( eqreltrans _ ) ( pr2 R ) ) ) ).
  unfold setquotfun2.
  rewrite setquotuniv2comm.
  apply idpath.

Lemma hzfpstimesnonzero ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( k : nat )
      ( is : neq hz ( a k ) 0%hz ×
              m : nat, natlth m k a m = 0%hz ) :
   k' : nat, b : fpscommring hz ,
       is' : neq hz ( b k' ) 0%hz ×
               m : nat, natlth m k' b m = 0%hz,
        ( a × b ) ( k + k' )%nat = a k × b k'.
  intros k'.
  induction k'.
  - intros.
    destruct k.
    + simpl.
      apply idpath.
    + rewrite natplusr0.
      change ( natsummation0 k ( fun x : nat
               a x × b ( sub ( S k ) x ) ) +
               a ( S k ) × b ( sub ( S k ) ( S k ) ) =
      a ( S k ) × b 0%nat ).
      assert ( natsummation0 k ( fun x : nat
                          a x × b ( sub ( S k ) x ) ) =
               natsummation0 k ( fun x : nat ⇒ 0%hz ) ) as f.
      { apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
        intros m i.
        assert ( natlth m ( S k ) ) as i0.
        × apply ( natlehlthtrans _ k _ ).
          -- assumption.
          -- apply natlthnsn.
        × rewrite ( pr2 is m i0 ).
          rewrite hzmult0x.
          apply idpath.
      rewrite f.
      rewrite natsummationae0bottom.
      × rewrite hzplusl0.
        rewrite minusnn0.
        apply idpath.
      × intros m i.
        apply idpath.
  - intros.
    rewrite natplusnsm.
    change ( natsummation0 ( k + k' )%nat ( fun x : nat
               a x × b ( sub ( S k + k' ) x ) ) +
               a ( S k + k' )%nat × b ( sub ( S k + k' ) ( S k + k' ) ) =
             a k × b ( S k' ) ).
    set ( b' := fpsshift b ).
    rewrite minusnn0.
    rewrite ( pr2 is' 0%nat ( natlehlthtrans 0 k' ( S k' )
                               ( natleh0n k' ) ( natlthnsn k' ) ) ).
    rewrite hzmultx0.
    rewrite hzplusr0.
    assert ( natsummation0 ( k + k' )%nat ( fun x : nat
                           a x × b ( sub ( S k + k' ) x ) ) =
            fpstimes hz a b' ( k + k' )%nat ) as f.
    { apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
      intros m v.
      change ( S k + k' )%nat with ( S ( k + k' ) ).
      rewrite <- ( pathssminus ( k + k' )%nat m ).
      + apply idpath.
      + apply ( natlehlthtrans _ ( k + k' )%nat _ ).
        × assumption.
        × apply natlthnsn.
    rewrite f.
    apply ( IHk' b' ).
    + apply is'.
    + intros m v.
      unfold b'.
      unfold fpsshift.
      apply is'.

Lemma hzfpstimeswhenzero ( a : fpscommring hz ) ( m k : nat )
      ( is : ( m : nat, natlth m k a m = 0%hz ) ) :
   b : fpscommring hz, k' : nat,
       is' : ( m : nat, natlth m k' b m = 0%hz ) ,
        natlth m ( k + k' )%nat ( a × b ) m = 0%hz.
  revert k is.
  induction m.
  - intros k.
    intros is b k' is' j.
    change ( a 0%nat × b 0%nat = 0%hz ).
    destruct k.
    + rewrite ( is' 0%nat j ).
      rewrite hzmultx0.
      apply idpath.
    + assert ( natlth 0 ( S k ) ) as i.
      { apply ( natlehlthtrans _ k _ ).
        × apply natleh0n.
        × apply natlthnsn.
      rewrite ( is 0%nat i ).
      rewrite hzmult0x.
      apply idpath.
  - intros k is b k' is' j.
    change ( natsummation0 ( S m ) ( fun x : nat
                      a x × b ( sub ( S m ) x ) ) =
            0%hz ).
    change ( natsummation0 m ( fun x : nat
               a x × b ( sub ( S m ) x ) ) +
               a ( S m ) × b ( sub ( S m ) ( S m ) ) =
             0%hz ).
    assert ( a ( S m ) × b ( sub ( S m ) ( S m ) ) = 0%hz ) as g.
    { destruct k.
      + destruct k'.
        × apply fromempty.
          apply ( negnatgth0n ( S m ) j ).
        × rewrite minusnn0.
          rewrite ( is' 0%nat ( natlehlthtrans 0%nat k' ( S k' )
                                             ( natleh0n k' )
                                             ( natlthnsn k' ) ) ).
          rewrite hzmultx0.
          apply idpath.
      + destruct k'.
        × rewrite natplusr0 in j.
          rewrite ( is ( S m ) j ).
          rewrite hzmult0x.
          apply idpath.
        × rewrite minusnn0.
          rewrite ( is' 0%nat ( natlehlthtrans 0%nat k' ( S k' )
                                             ( natleh0n k' )
                                             ( natlthnsn k' ) ) ).
          rewrite hzmultx0.
          apply idpath.
    rewrite g.
    rewrite hzplusr0.
    set ( b' := fpsshift b ).
    assert ( natsummation0 m ( fun x : nat
                                 a x × b ( sub ( S m ) x ) ) =
             natsummation0 m ( fun x : nat
                                 a x × b' ( sub m x ) ) ) as f.
    { apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
      intros n i.
      unfold b'.
      unfold fpsshift.
      rewrite pathssminus.
      + apply idpath.
      + apply ( natlehlthtrans _ m _ ).
        × assumption.
        × apply natlthnsn.
    rewrite f.
    change ( ( a × b' ) m = 0%hz ).
    assert ( natlth m ( k + k' ) ) as one.
    { apply ( istransnatlth _ ( S m ) _ ).
      + apply natlthnsn.
      + assumption.
    destruct k'.
    + assert ( m : nat, natlth m 0%nat b' m = 0%hz ) as two.
      { intros m0 j0.
        apply fromempty.
        apply ( negnatgth0n m0).
      apply ( IHm k is b' 0%nat two one ).
    + assert ( m : nat, natlth m k' b' m = 0%hz ) as two.
      { intros m0 j0.
        change ( b ( S m0 ) = 0%hz ).
        apply is'.
      assert ( natlth m ( k + k' )%nat ) as three.
      { rewrite natplusnsm in j.
        apply j.
      apply ( IHm k is b' k' two three ).

Definition of p-adic integers

Section A.

Variable p : hz.
Variable is : isaprime p.

Definition commringofpadicints :=
  commringquot ( ringcarryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ).

Definition padicplus := @op1 commringofpadicints.

Definition padictimes := @op2 commringofpadicints.

III. The apartness relation on p-adic integers

Definition padicapart0 :
  hrel ( fpscommring hz ) := fun a b
     n : nat, neq _ ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is) a n )
                   ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is) b n ).

Lemma padicapartiscomprel :
  iscomprelrel ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) padicapart0.
  intros a a' b b' i j.
  apply hPropUnivalence.
  - intro k.
    use (hinhuniv _ k).
    intros u.
    destruct u as [ n u ].
    apply total2tohexists.
    split with n.
    rewrite <- i , <- j.
  - intro k.
    use (hinhuniv _ k).
    intros u.
    destruct u as [ n u ].
    apply total2tohexists.
    split with n.
    rewrite i, j.

Definition padicapart1 : hrel commringofpadicints :=
  quotrel padicapartiscomprel.

Lemma isirreflpadicapart0 : isirrefl padicapart0.
  intros a f.
  simpl in f.
  assert hfalse as x.
  { apply f.
    intros u.
    destruct u as [ n u ].
    apply u.
    apply idpath.
  exact x.

Lemma issymmpadicapart0 : issymm padicapart0.
  intros a b f.
  use (hinhuniv _ f).
  intros u.
  destruct u as [ n u ].
  apply total2tohexists.
  split with n.
  intros g.
  unfold neq in u.
  apply u.
  rewrite g.
  apply idpath.

Lemma iscotranspadicapart0 : iscotrans padicapart0.
  intros a b c f.
  use (hinhuniv _ f).
  intro u.
  destruct u as [ n u ].
  intros P j.
  apply j.
  destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a n )
                       ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b n ) )
    as [ l | r ].
  - apply ii2.
    intros Q k.
    apply k.
    split with n.
    intros g.
    unfold neq in u.
    apply u.
    rewrite l, g.
    apply idpath.
  - apply ii1.
    intros Q k.
    apply k.
    split with n.
    intros g.
    apply r.

Definition padicapart : apart commringofpadicints.
  split with padicapart1.
  - unfold padicapart1.
    apply ( isirreflquotrel padicapartiscomprel
                            isirreflpadicapart0 ).
  - split.
    + apply ( issymmquotrel padicapartiscomprel
                            issymmpadicapart0 ).
    + apply ( iscotransquotrel padicapartiscomprel
                               iscotranspadicapart0 ).

Lemma precarryandzero :
  precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) 0 = @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ).
  assert ( n : nat, precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) 0 n =
                    @ringunel1 (fpscommring hz ) n ) as f.
  { intros n.
    induction n.
    - unfold precarry.
      change ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) 0%nat ) with 0%hz.
      apply idpath.
    - change ( ( ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) ( S n ) +
        hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
           ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
               ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) ) n ) ) ) = 0%hz ).
      rewrite IHn.
      change ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) n ) with 0%hz.
      change ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) ( S n ) ) with 0%hz.
      rewrite hzqrand0q.
      rewrite hzplusl0.
      apply idpath.
  apply ( funextfun _ _ f ).

Lemma carryandzero : carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) 0 = 0.
  unfold carry.
  rewrite precarryandzero.
  assert ( n : nat, (fun n : nat
    hzremaindermod p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
                     ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) n)) n =
    @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) n ) as f.
  { intros n.
    rewrite hzqrand0r.
    unfold carry.
    change ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz) n ) with 0%hz.
    apply idpath.
  apply ( funextfun _ _ f ).

Lemma precarryandone :
  precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) 1 =
  @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ).
  assert ( n : nat, precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) 1 n =
                    @ringunel2 (fpscommring hz ) n ) as f.
  { intros n.
    induction n.
    - unfold precarry.
      apply idpath.
    - simpl.
      rewrite IHn.
      destruct n.
      + change ( @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ) 0%nat ) with 1%hz.
        rewrite hzqrand1q.
        rewrite hzplusr0.
        apply idpath.
      + change ( @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ) ( S n ) ) with 0%hz.
        rewrite hzqrand0q.
        rewrite hzplusr0.
        apply idpath.
  apply ( funextfun _ _ f ).

Lemma carryandone : carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) 1 = 1.
  unfold carry.
  rewrite precarryandone.
  assert ( n : nat, (fun n : nat
    hzremaindermod p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
           ( @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ) n)) n =
    @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ) n ) as f.
  { intros n.
    destruct n.
    - change ( @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ) 0%nat ) with 1%hz.
      rewrite hzqrand1r.
      apply idpath.
    - change ( @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ) ( S n ) ) with 0%hz.
      rewrite hzqrand0r.
      apply idpath.
  apply ( funextfun _ _ f ).

Lemma padicapartcomputation ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
    ( pr1 padicapart )
    ( setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) a )
    ( setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) b ) =
                              padicapart0 a b.
  apply hPropUnivalence.
  - intros i.
    apply i.
  - intro u.
    apply u.

Lemma padicapartandplusprecarryl ( a b c : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat )
  ( x : neq _ ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                             ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a +
                               carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) n )
            ( ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                             ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a +
                               carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ) ) n ) ) :
  padicapart0 b c.
  set ( P := fun x : nat
    neq hz (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a +
                                            carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b) x)
           (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a +
                                            carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c) x) ).
  assert ( isdecnatprop P ) as isdec.
  { intros m.
    destruct ( isdeceqhz (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
                            (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a +
                             carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b) m)
                         (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
                            (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a +
                             carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c) m) ) as [ l | r ].
    - apply ii2.
      intros j.
      unfold P in j.
      unfold neq in j.
      apply j.
    - apply ii1.
  set ( leexists := leastelementprinciple n P isdec x ).
  use (hinhuniv _ leexists).
  intro k.
  destruct k as [ k k' ].
  destruct k' as [ k' k'' ].
  destruct k.
  - apply total2tohexists.
    split with 0%nat.
    intros i.
    unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.     apply k'.
    change (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a 0%nat +
            carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b 0%nat =
           (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a 0%nat +
            carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c 0%nat) ).
    rewrite i.
    apply idpath.
  - apply total2tohexists.
    split with ( S k ).
    intro i.
    apply ( k'' k ).
    + apply natlthnsn.
    + intro j.
      unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.       apply k'.
      change ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ( S k ) +
               carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ( S k ) +
               hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                     ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                            ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a +
                              carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) k ) =
      ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ( S k ) +
        carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ( S k ) +
        hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                      ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                             ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a +
                               carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ) k ) ) ).
      rewrite i.
      rewrite j.
      apply idpath.

Lemma padicapartandplusprecarryr ( a b c : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat )
  ( x : neq _ ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b +
                           carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ) n )
            ( ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c +
                           carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ) ) n ) ) :
  padicapart0 b c.
  rewrite 2! ( ringcomm1 ( fpscommring hz ) _
                        ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ) ) in x.
  apply ( padicapartandplusprecarryl a b c n x ).

here used to be shown the lemmas commringquotprandop1 and commringquotprandop2

Lemma setquotprandpadicplus ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
  @op1 commringofpadicints
    ( setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) a )
    ( setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) b ) =
  setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) ( a + b ).
  apply commringquotprandop1.

Lemma setquotprandpadictimes ( a b : fpscommring hz ) :
  @op2 commringofpadicints
    ( setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) a )
    ( setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) b ) =
 setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) ( a × b ).
  apply commringquotprandop2.

Lemma padicplusisbinopapart0 ( a b c : fpscommring hz )
  ( u : padicapart0 ( a + b ) ( a + c ) ) :
  padicapart0 b c.
  use (hinhuniv _ u).
  intros n.
  destruct n as [ n n' ].
  set ( P := fun x : natneq hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a + b) x)
                           ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a + c) x) ).
  assert ( isdecnatprop P ) as isdec.
  { intros m.
    destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a + b) m)
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a + c) m) )
      as [ l | r ].
    - apply ii2.
      intros j.
      unfold P in j. unfold neq in j.       apply j.
    - apply ii1.
  set ( le := leastelementprinciple n P isdec n').
  use (hinhuniv _ le).
  intro k.
  destruct k as [ k k' ].
  destruct k' as [ k' k'' ].
  destruct k.
  - apply total2tohexists.
    split with 0%nat.
    intros j.
    unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.     apply k'.
    unfold carry.
    unfold precarry.
    change ( ( a + b ) 0%nat ) with ( a 0%nat + b 0%nat ).
    change ( ( a + c ) 0%nat ) with ( a 0%nat + c 0%nat ).
    unfold carry in j.
    unfold precarry in j.
    rewrite hzremaindermodandplus.
    rewrite j.
    rewrite <- hzremaindermodandplus.
    apply idpath.
  - destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ( S k ) )
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ( S k ) ) )
      as [ l | r ].
    + apply ( padicapartandplusprecarryl a b c k ).
      intros j.
      unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.
      apply k'.
      rewrite carryandplus.
      unfold carry at 1.
      change (hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ( S k ) +
                  carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ( S k ) +
                    hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                      ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                           ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a +
                             carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) k ) ) =
      carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a + c ) ( S k ) ).
      rewrite l.
      rewrite j.
      rewrite ( carryandplus p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a c ).
      unfold carry at 5.
      change ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                        ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a +
                          carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ) ( S k ) ) with
      ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ( S k ) +
        carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ( S k ) +
        hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                      ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                                 ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a +
                                   carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ) k ) ).
      apply idpath.
    + apply total2tohexists.
      split with ( S k ).

Lemma padicplusisbinopapartl : isbinopapartl padicapart padicplus.
  unfold isbinopapartl.
  assert ( x x' x'' : commringofpadicints,
             isaprop ( pr1 padicapart
                         ( padicplus x x' )
                         ( padicplus x x'' )
                       ( pr1 padicapart x' x'' ) ) ) as int.
  { intros.
    apply impred.
    apply ( pr1 padicapart ).
  apply ( setquotuniv3prop _ ( fun x x' x''
                                 make_hProp _ ( int x x' x'' ) ) ).
  intros a b c.
  change (pr1 padicapart
              (padicplus (setquotpr (ringcarryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) a)
                         (setquotpr (ringcarryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) b))
              (padicplus (setquotpr (ringcarryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) a)
                         (setquotpr (ringcarryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) c))
          pr1 padicapart
              (setquotpr (ringcarryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) b)
              (setquotpr (ringcarryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) c)).
  unfold padicplus.
  rewrite 2! setquotprandpadicplus.
  rewrite 2! padicapartcomputation.
  apply padicplusisbinopapart0.

Lemma padicplusisbinopapartr : isbinopapartr padicapart padicplus.
  unfold isbinopapartr.
  intros a b c.
  unfold padicplus.
  rewrite ( @ringcomm1 commringofpadicints b a ).
  rewrite ( @ringcomm1 commringofpadicints c a ).
  apply padicplusisbinopapartl.

Lemma padicapartandtimesprecarryl ( a b c : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat )
  ( x : neq _ ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                           carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) n )
            ( ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                           carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ) ) n ) ) :
  padicapart0 b c.
  set ( P := fun x : nat
               neq hz (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
                                (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a ×
                                 carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b) x)
                   (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
                             (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a ×
                              carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c) x) ).
  assert ( isdecnatprop P ) as isdec.
  { intros m.
    destruct ( isdeceqhz (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
                                   (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a ×
                                    carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b) m)
                         (precarry p (isaprimetoneq0 is)
                                   (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a ×
                                    carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c) m) )
      as [ l | r ].
    - apply ii2.
      intros j.
      unfold P in j. unfold neq in j.
      apply j.
    - apply ii1.
  set ( leexists := leastelementprinciple n P isdec x ).
  use (hinhuniv _ leexists).
  intro k.
  destruct k as [ k k' ].
  destruct k' as [ k' k'' ].
  induction k.
  - apply total2tohexists.
    split with 0%nat.
    intros i.
    unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.
    apply k'.
    change (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a 0%nat ×
            carry p(isaprimetoneq0 is) b 0%nat =
            carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a 0%nat ×
            carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c 0%nat ).
    rewrite i.
    apply idpath.
  - set ( Q := ( fun o : nat
                   make_hProp ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b o =
                               carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c o )
                             ( isasethz _ _ ) ) ).
    assert ( isdecnatprop Q ) as isdec'.
    { intro o.
      destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b o )
                           ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c o ) )
        as [ l | r ].
      + apply ii1.
      + apply ii2.
    destruct ( isdecisbndqdec Q isdec' ( S k ) ) as [ l | r ].
    + apply fromempty.
      apply ( k'' k ).
      apply natlthnsn.
      intro j.
      unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.
      apply k'.
      change ( ( natsummation0 ( S k ) ( fun x : nat
                     carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a x ×
                     carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ( sub ( S k ) x ) ) ) +
                 hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                               ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                                          ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                                            carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) k ) =
                (( natsummation0 ( S k ) ( fun x : nat
                     carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a x ×
                     carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ( sub ( S k ) x ) ) ) +
                 hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                               ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                                          ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                                            carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ) k ) ) ).
      assert ( natsummation0 ( S k ) (fun x0 : nat
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a x0 ×
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b ( sub ( S k ) x0)) =
                 natsummation0 ( S k ) (fun x0 : nat
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a x0 ×
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c ( sub ( S k ) x0)) ) as f.
      { apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
        intros m y.
        rewrite ( l ( sub ( S k ) m ) ).
        × apply idpath.
        × apply minusleh.
      rewrite f.
      rewrite j.
      apply idpath.
    + use (hinhuniv _ r).
      intros o.
      destruct o as [ o o' ].
      apply total2tohexists.
      split with o.
      apply o'.

Lemma padictimesisbinopapart0 ( a b c : fpscommring hz )
  ( u : padicapart0 ( a × b ) ( a × c ) ) :
  padicapart0 b c.
  use (hinhuniv _ u).
  intros n.
  destruct n as [ n n' ].
  destruct n.
  - apply total2tohexists.
    split with 0%nat.
    intros j.
    unfold neq in n'.
    apply n'.
    rewrite carryandtimes.
    rewrite ( carryandtimes p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a c ).
    change ( hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                            ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a 0%nat ×
                              carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b 0%nat ) =
                            hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                            ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a 0%nat ×
                              carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c 0%nat ) ).
    rewrite j.
    apply idpath.
  - set ( Q := ( fun o : nat
                   make_hProp ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b o =
                               carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c o )
                             ( isasethz _ _ ) ) ).
    assert ( isdecnatprop Q ) as isdec'.
    { intro o.
      destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b o )
                           ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c o ) )
        as [ l | r ].
      + apply ii1.
      + apply ii2.
    destruct ( isdecisbndqdec Q isdec'( S n ) ) as [ l | r ].
    + apply ( padicapartandtimesprecarryl a b c n ).
      intros j.
      apply fromempty.
      unfold neq in n'.
      apply n'.
      rewrite carryandtimes.
      rewrite ( carryandtimes p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a c ).
      change ( hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                   ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun x : nat
                       carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a x ×
                       carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ( sub ( S n ) x ) ) +
                     hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                       ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                                  ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                                    carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) n ) ) =
               ( hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                   ( natsummation0 ( S n ) ( fun x : nat
                       carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a x ×
                       carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ( sub ( S n ) x ) ) +
                     hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                       ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                                  ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                                    carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) c ) n ) ) ) ).
      rewrite j.
      assert ( natsummation0 ( S n ) (fun x0 : nat
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a x0 ×
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b ( sub ( S n ) x0)) =
                 natsummation0 ( S n ) (fun x0 : nat
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a x0 ×
                   carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) c ( sub ( S n ) x0)) ) as f.
      { apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
        intros m y.
        rewrite ( l ( sub ( S n ) m ) ).
        × apply idpath.
        × apply minusleh.
      rewrite f.
      apply idpath.
    + use (hinhuniv _ r).
      intros k.
      destruct k as [ k k' ].
      apply total2tohexists.
      split with k.
      apply k'.

Lemma padictimesisbinopapartl : isbinopapartl padicapart padictimes.
  unfold isbinopapartl.
  assert ( x x' x'' : commringofpadicints,
             isaprop ( pr1 padicapart
                         ( padictimes x x' )
                         ( padictimes x x'' )
          ( pr1 padicapart x' x'' ) ) ) as int.
  { intros.
     apply impred.
     apply ( pr1 padicapart ).
  apply ( setquotuniv3prop _ ( fun x x' x''
                                 make_hProp _ ( int x x' x'' ) ) ).
  intros a b c.
  change (pr1 padicapart
              (padictimes (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) a)
                          (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) b))
              (padictimes (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) a)
                          (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) c))
           pr1 padicapart (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) b)
                          (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) c)).
  unfold padictimes.
  rewrite 2! setquotprandpadictimes.
  rewrite 2! padicapartcomputation.
  intros j.
  apply ( padictimesisbinopapart0 a b c j ).

Lemma padictimesisbinopapartr : isbinopapartr padicapart padictimes.
  unfold isbinopapartr.
  intros a b c.
  unfold padictimes.
  rewrite ( @ringcomm2 commringofpadicints b a ).
  rewrite ( @ringcomm2 commringofpadicints c a ).
  apply padictimesisbinopapartl.

Definition acommringofpadicints : acommring.
  split with commringofpadicints.
  split with padicapart.
  - split.
    + apply padicplusisbinopapartl.
    + apply padicplusisbinopapartr.
  - split.
    + apply padictimesisbinopapartl.
    + apply padictimesisbinopapartr.

IV. The apartness domain of p-adic integers and the Heyting field of p-adic numbers

Lemma precarryandzeromultl ( a b : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat )
  ( x : m : nat, natlth m n
                 carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a m = 0%hz ) :
   m : nat, natlth m n
       precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                ( fpstimes hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
                              ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) m =
  intros m y.
  induction m.
  - simpl.
    unfold fpstimes.
    rewrite ( x 0%nat y ).
    rewrite hzmult0x.
    apply idpath.
  - change ( natsummation0 ( S m ) ( fun z : nat
               ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a z ) ×
               ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ( sub ( S m ) z ) ) ) +
          hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                 ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                    ( fpstimes hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
                                  ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) m ) =
    0%hz ).
    assert ( natlth m n ) as u.
    + apply ( istransnatlth _ ( S m ) _ ).
      apply natlthnsn.
    + rewrite ( IHm u ).
      rewrite hzqrand0q.
      rewrite hzplusr0.
      assert ( natsummation0 (S m) (fun z : nat
                 carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a z ×
                 carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b ( sub ( S m ) z)) =
               natsummation0 ( S m ) ( fun z : nat ⇒ 0%hz ) ) as f.
      { apply natsummationpathsupperfixed.
        intros k v.
        assert ( natlth k n ) as uu.
        × apply ( natlehlthtrans _ ( S m ) _ ); assumption.
        × rewrite ( x k uu ).
          rewrite hzmult0x.
          apply idpath.
      rewrite f.
      rewrite natsummationae0bottom.
      × apply idpath.
      × intros k l.
        apply idpath.

Lemma precarryandzeromultr ( a b : fpscommring hz ) ( n : nat )
  ( x : m : nat, natlth m n
                 carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b m = 0%hz ) :
   m : nat, natlth m n
           precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                    ( fpstimes hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
                               ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) m =
  intros m y.
  change (fpstimes hz (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a)
                   (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b)) with
  ( (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a) ×
    (carry p (isaprimetoneq0 is) b)).
  rewrite ( @ringcomm2 ( fpscommring hz )
              ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
              ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ).
  apply ( precarryandzeromultl b a n x m y ).

here used to be shown the lemmas hzfpstimesnonzero and hzfpstimeswhenzero, now before part III

Lemma precarryandzeromult ( a b : fpscommring hz ) ( k k' : nat )
  ( x : m : nat, natlth m k
                 carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a m = 0%hz )
  ( x' : m : nat, natlth m k'
                  carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b m = 0%hz ) :
   m : nat, natlth m ( k + k' )%nat
           precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                    ( fpstimes hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
                                  ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) m =
  intros m i.
  induction m.
  - apply ( hzfpstimeswhenzero ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ) 0%nat k x
                               ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) k' x' i ).
  - change ( ( ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ) ×
               ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) ( S m ) +
      hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                     ( fpstimes hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
                                   ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) m ) =
    0%hz ).
    rewrite ( hzfpstimeswhenzero ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ) ( S m ) k x
                                 ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) k' x' i ).
    rewrite hzplusl0.
    assert ( natlth m ( k + k' )%nat ) as one.
    { apply ( istransnatlth _ ( S m ) _ ).
      + apply natlthnsn.
      + assumption.
    rewrite ( IHm one ).
    rewrite hzqrand0q.
    apply idpath.

Lemma primedivorcoprime ( a : hz ) :
  hzdiv p a gcd p a ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) = 1.
  intros P i.
  use (hinhuniv _ ( pr2 is
                        ( gcd p a ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) )
                        ( pr1 ( gcdiscommondiv p a ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) ) )).
  intro t.
  apply i.
  destruct t as [ t0 | t1 ].
  - apply ii2.
  - apply ii1.
    rewrite <- t1.
    exact ( pr2 ( gcdiscommondiv p a ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ) ).

Lemma primeandtimes ( a b : hz ) ( x : hzdiv p ( a × b ) ) :
  hzdiv p a hzdiv p b.
  use (hinhuniv _ ( primedivorcoprime a )).
  intros j. intros P i.
  apply i.
  destruct j as [ j0 | j1 ].
  - apply ii1.
  - apply ii2.
    use (hinhuniv _ x).
    intro u.
    destruct u as [ k u ].
    unfold hzdiv0 in u.
    set ( cd := bezoutstrong a p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ).
    destruct cd as [ cd f ].
    destruct cd as [ c d ].
    rewrite j1 in f.
    simpl in f.
    assert ( b = ( b × c + d × k ) × p ) as g.
    { assert ( b = b × 1 ) as g0.
      { rewrite hzmultr1.
        apply idpath. }
      rewrite g0.
      rewrite ( ringrdistr hz ( b × 1 × c ) ( d × k ) p ).
      assert ( b × ( c × p + d × a ) =
               b × 1 × c × p + d × k × p ) as h.
      { rewrite ( ringldistr hz ( c × p ) ( d × a ) b ).
        rewrite hzmultr1.
        rewrite 2! ( @ringassoc2 hz ).
        rewrite ( @ringcomm2 hz k p ).
        change ( p × k )%hz with ( p × k )%ring in u.
        rewrite u.
        rewrite ( @ringcomm2 hz b ( d × a ) ).
        rewrite ( @ringassoc2 hz ).
        apply idpath.
      rewrite <- h.
      rewrite f.
      apply idpath.
    intros Q uu.
    apply uu.
    split with ( b × c + d × k ).
    rewrite ( @ringcomm2 hz _ p ) in g.
    unfold hzdiv0.
    apply pathsinv0.

Lemma hzremaindermodprimeandtimes ( a b : hz )
  ( x : hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a × b ) = 0 ) :
  hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a = 0
  hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b = 0.
  assert ( hzdiv p ( a × b ) ) as i.
  { intros P i'.
    apply i'.
    split with ( hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a × b ) ).
    unfold hzdiv0.
    apply pathsinv0.
    rewrite <- ( hzplusr0 (p ×
      hzquotientmod p (isaprimetoneq0 is) (a × b)%ring) )%hz.
    change (a × b =
           (p × hzquotientmod p (isaprimetoneq0 is) (a × b)%ring + 0)%ring).
    rewrite <- x.
    change (p × hzquotientmod p (isaprimetoneq0 is) (a × b) +
                hzremaindermod p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a × b) with
    (p × hzquotientmod p (isaprimetoneq0 is) (a × b)%ring +
       ( hzremaindermod p (isaprimetoneq0 is) a × b )%ring )%hz.
    apply ( hzdivequationmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) ( a × b ) ).
  use (hinhuniv _ ( primeandtimes a b i )).
  intro t.
  destruct t as [ t0 | t1 ].
  - use (hinhuniv _ t0).
    intros k.
    destruct k as [ k k' ].
    intros Q j.
    apply j.
    apply ii1.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply ( hzqrtestr p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a k ).
    + rewrite hzplusr0.
      unfold hzdiv0 in k'.
      rewrite k'.
      apply idpath.
    + split.
      × apply isreflhzleh.
      × rewrite hzabsvalgth0.
        -- apply ( istranshzlth _ 1 _ ).
           ++ apply hzlthnsn.
           ++ apply is.
        -- apply ( istranshzlth _ 1 _ ).
           ++ apply hzlthnsn.
           ++ apply is.
  - use (hinhuniv _ t1).
    intros k.
    destruct k as [ k k' ].
    intros Q j.
    apply j.
    apply ii2.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply ( hzqrtestr p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b k ).
    + rewrite hzplusr0.
      unfold hzdiv0 in k'.
      rewrite k'.
      apply idpath.
    + split.
      × apply isreflhzleh.
      × rewrite hzabsvalgth0.
        -- apply ( istranshzlth _ 1 _ ).
           ++ apply hzlthnsn.
           ++ apply is.
        -- apply ( istranshzlth _ 1 _ ).
           ++ apply hzlthnsn.
           ++ apply is.

Definition padiczero := @ringunel1 commringofpadicints.

Definition padicone := @ringunel2 commringofpadicints.

Lemma padiczerocomputation :
  padiczero =
  setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) )
            ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) ).
  apply idpath.

Lemma padiconecomputation :
  padicone =
  setquotpr ( carryequiv p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) )
            ( @ringunel2 ( fpscommring hz ) ).
  apply idpath.

Lemma padicintsareintdom ( a b : acommringofpadicints ) :
  a # 0 b # 0 a × b # 0.
  assert ( a b : commringofpadicints,
     isaprop ( pr1 padicapart a padiczero
               pr1 padicapart b padiczero
               pr1 padicapart ( padictimes a b )
                                           padiczero ) ) as int.
  { intros.
    apply impred.
    apply impred.
    apply ( pr1 padicapart ).
  revert a b.
  apply ( setquotuniv2prop _ ( fun x y
                                 make_hProp _ ( int x y ) ) ).
  intros a b.
  change (pr1 padicapart
              (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) a)
          pr1 padicapart
              (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) b)
          pr1 padicapart
                  (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) a)
                  (setquotpr (carryequiv p (isaprimetoneq0 is)) b))
  unfold padictimes.
  rewrite padiczerocomputation.
  rewrite setquotprandpadictimes.
  rewrite 3! padicapartcomputation.
  intros i j.
  use (hinhuniv _ i).
  intros i0.
  destruct i0 as [ i0 i1 ].
  use (hinhuniv _ j).
  intros j0.
  destruct j0 as [ j0 j1 ].
  rewrite carryandzero in i1, j1.
  change ( ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) ) i0 ) with 0%hz in i1.
  change ( ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) ) j0 ) with 0%hz in j1.
  set ( P := fun x : nat
               neq hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a x ) 0 ).
  set ( P' := fun x : nat
                neq hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b x ) 0 ).
  assert ( isdecnatprop P ) as isdec1.
  { intros m.
    destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a m ) 0%hz )
      as [ l | r ].
    - apply ii2.
      intro v.
      unfold P in v. unfold neq in v.
      apply v.
    - apply ii1.
  assert ( isdecnatprop P' ) as isdec2.
  { intros m.
    destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b m ) 0%hz )
      as [ l | r ].
    - apply ii2.
      intro v.
      unfold P' in v. unfold neq in v.
      apply v.
    - apply ii1.
  set ( le1 := leastelementprinciple i0 P isdec1 i1 ).
  set ( le2 := leastelementprinciple j0 P' isdec2 j1 ).
  use (hinhuniv _ le1).
  intro k.
  destruct k as [ k k' ].
  use (hinhuniv _ le2).
  intro o.
  destruct o as [ o o' ].
  apply total2tohexists.
  split with ( k + o )%nat.
  assert ( m : nat, natlth m k
    carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a m = 0%hz ) as one.
  { intros m m0.
    destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a m ) 0%hz )
      as [ left0 | right0 ].
    - assumption.
    - apply fromempty.
      apply ( ( pr2 k' ) m m0 ).
  assert ( m : nat, natlth m o
    carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b m = 0%hz ) as two.
  { intros m m0.
    destruct ( isdeceqhz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b m ) 0%hz )
      as [ left0 | right0 ].
    - assumption.
    - apply fromempty.
      apply ( ( pr2 o' ) m m0 ).
  assert ( neq hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a k ) 0%hz ×
            m : nat, natlth m k
                 ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a m ) = 0%hz ) as three.
  { split.
    - apply k'.
    - assumption.
  assert ( neq hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b o ) 0%hz ×
            m : nat, natlth m o
                 ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b m ) = 0%hz ) as four.
  { split.
    - apply o'.
    - assumption.
  set ( f := hzfpstimesnonzero
               ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ) k three o
               ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) four ).
  rewrite carryandzero.
  change ( ( @ringunel1 ( fpscommring hz ) ) ( k + o )%nat ) with 0%hz.
  rewrite carryandtimes.
  destruct k.
  - destruct o.
    + rewrite <- carryandtimes.
      intros v.
      change ( hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                              ( a 0%nat × b 0%nat ) = 0%hz ) in v.
      assert hfalse.
      { use (hinhuniv _ ( hzremaindermodprimeandtimes
                                       ( a 0%nat ) ( b 0%nat ) v )).
        intros t.
        destruct t as [ t0 | t1 ].
        × unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.
          apply ( pr1 k' ).
          apply t0.
        × unfold P' in o'. unfold neq in o'.
          apply ( pr1 o' ).
          apply t1.
    + intros v.
      unfold carry at 1 in v.
      change ( 0 + S o )%nat with ( S o ) in v.
      change ( hzremaindermod p
                ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                  ( ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                      carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ( S o )
             + hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                           ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                                ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                                  carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) o ) ) =
      0%hz ) in v.
      change ( 0 + S o )%nat with ( S o) in f.
      rewrite f in v.
      change ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
               carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) with
      ( fpstimes hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
                    ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) in v.
      rewrite ( precarryandzeromult a b 0%nat ( S o ) ) in v.
      × rewrite hzqrand0q in v.
        rewrite hzplusr0 in v.
        assert hfalse.
        { set (aux := hzremaindermodprimeandtimes
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a 0%nat )
                         ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ( S o ) ) v).
          use (hinhuniv _ aux).
          intros s.
          destruct s as [ l | r ].
          -- unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.
             apply k'.
             rewrite hzqrandcarryr.
          -- unfold P' in o'. unfold neq in o'.
             apply o'.
             rewrite hzqrandcarryr.
      × apply one.
      × apply two.
      × apply natlthnsn.
  - intros v.
    unfold carry at 1 in v.
    change ( hzremaindermod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
              ( ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                  carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ( S k + o )%nat +
         hzquotientmod p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                       ( precarry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is )
                           ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
                             carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ( k + o )%nat ) ) =
    0%hz ) in v.
    rewrite f in v.
    change ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ×
             carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) with
    ( fpstimes hz ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a )
                  ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b ) ) in v.
    rewrite ( precarryandzeromult a b ( S k ) o ) in v.
    + rewrite hzqrand0q in v.
      rewrite hzplusr0 in v.
      assert hfalse.
      { set (aux := hzremaindermodprimeandtimes
                      ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) a ( S k ) )
                      ( carry p ( isaprimetoneq0 is ) b (o ) ) v).
        use (hinhuniv _ aux).
        intros s.
        destruct s as [ l | r ].
        × unfold P in k'. unfold neq in k'.
          apply k'.
          rewrite hzqrandcarryr.
        × unfold P' in o'. unfold neq in o'.
          apply o'.
          rewrite hzqrandcarryr.
    + apply one.
    + apply two.
    + apply natlthnsn.

Definition padicintegers : aintdom.
  split with acommringofpadicints.
  - change ( pr1 padicapart padicone padiczero ).
    rewrite padiczerocomputation.
    rewrite padiconecomputation.
    rewrite padicapartcomputation.
    apply total2tohexists.
    split with 0%nat.
    unfold carry.
    unfold precarry.
    rewrite hzqrand1r.
    rewrite hzqrand0r.
    apply isnonzerorighz.
  - apply padicintsareintdom.

Definition padics : afld := afldfrac padicintegers.

End A.

Close Scope ring_scope.