Library UniMath.PAdics.frac

*The Heyting field of fractions for an apartness domain
By Alvaro Pelayo, Vladimir Voevodsky and Michael A. Warren
February 2011 and August 2012
made compatible with the current UniMath library by Ralph Matthes in October 2017

I. The field of fractions for an integrable domain with an apartness relation

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Section aint.

Variable A : aintdom.

Ltac permute := solve
    repeat rewrite ringassoc2;
    match goal with
    | [ |- ?X = ?X ] ⇒ apply idpath
    | [ |- ?X × ?Y = ?X × ?Z ] ⇒ apply maponpaths; permute
    | [ |- ?Y × ?X = ?Z × ?X ] ⇒ apply ( maponpaths ( fun xx × X ) ); permute
    | [ |- ?X × ?Y = ?Y × ?X ] ⇒ apply ringcomm2
    | [ |- ?X × ?Y = ?K ] ⇒ solve
               repeat rewrite <- ringassoc2;
               match goal with
               | [ |- ?H = ?V × X ] ⇒ rewrite ( @ringcomm2 A V X );
                                     repeat rewrite ringassoc2;
                                     apply maponpaths;
             | repeat rewrite ringassoc2;
               match goal with
               | [ |- ?H = ?Z × ?V ] ⇒ repeat rewrite <- ringassoc2;
                                       match goal with
                                       | [ |- ?W × Z = ?L ] ⇒ rewrite ( @ringcomm2 A W Z );
                                                              repeat rewrite ringassoc2;
                                                              apply maponpaths;
    | [ |- ?X × ( ?Y × ?Z ) = ?K ] ⇒ rewrite ( @ringcomm2 A Y Z ); permute
  | repeat rewrite <- ringassoc2;
    match goal with
    | [ |- ?X × ?Y = ?X × ?Z ] ⇒ apply maponpaths; permute
    | [ |- ?Y × ?X = ?Z × ?X ] ⇒ apply ( maponpaths ( fun xx × X ) ); permute
    | [ |- ?X × ?Y = ?Y × ?X ] ⇒ apply ringcomm2
  | apply idpath
  | idtac "The tactic permute does not apply to the current goal!"

Lemma azerorelcomp ( cd : A × aintdomazerosubmonoid A )
  ( ef : A × aintdomazerosubmonoid A )
  ( p : pr1 cd × pr1 ( pr2 ef ) =
        pr1 ef × pr1 ( pr2 cd ) )
  ( q : pr1 cd # 0 ) : pr1 ef # 0.
  change ( @op2 A ( pr1 cd ) ( pr1 ( pr2 ef ) ) =
           @op2 A ( pr1 ef ) ( pr1 ( pr2 cd ) ) ) in p.
  assert ( ( @op2 A ( pr1 cd ) ( pr1 ( pr2 ef ) ) ) # 0 ) as v.
  { apply A.
    apply ( pr2 ( pr2 ef ) ).
  rewrite p in v.
  apply ( pr1 ( timesazero v ) ).

Lemma azerolmultcomp { a b c : A } ( p : a # 0 ) ( q : b # c ) : a × b # a × c.
  apply aminuszeroa.
  rewrite <- ringminusdistr.
  apply ( pr2 A ).
  - assumption.
  - apply aaminuszero.

Lemma azerormultcomp { a b c : A } ( p : a # 0 ) ( q : b # c ) : b × a # c × a.
  rewrite ( @ringcomm2 A b ).
  rewrite ( @ringcomm2 A c ).
  apply ( azerolmultcomp p q ).

Definition afldfracapartrelpre : hrel ( A × aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) :=
  fun ab cd( pr1 ab × pr1 ( pr2 cd ) ) # ( pr1 cd × pr1 ( pr2 ab ) ).

Lemma afldfracapartiscomprel :
  iscomprelrel ( eqrelcommringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) )
               ( afldfracapartrelpre ).
  intros ab cd ef gh p q.
  unfold afldfracapartrelpre.
  destruct ab as [ a b ].
  destruct b as [ b b' ].
  destruct cd as [ c d ].
  destruct d as [ d d' ].
  destruct ef as [ e f ].
  destruct f as [ f f' ].
  destruct gh as [ g h ].
  destruct h as [ h h' ].
  simpl in ×.
  apply hPropUnivalence.
  - intro u.
    apply p.
    intro p'.
    apply q.
    intro q'.
    destruct p' as [ p' j ].
    destruct p' as [ i p' ].
    destruct q' as [ q' j'].
    destruct q' as [ i' q' ].
    simpl in ×.
    assert ( a × f × d × i × h × i' # e × b × d × i × h × i') as v0.
    { assert ( a × f × d # e × b × d ) as v0.
      { apply azerormultcomp.
        + apply d'.
        + assumption. }
      assert ( a × f × d × i # e × b × d × i ) as v1
      by (apply azerormultcomp; assumption).
      assert ( a × f × d × i × h # e × b × d × i × h ) as v2
      by (apply azerormultcomp; assumption).
      apply azerormultcomp; assumption.
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) b ).
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) f ).
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) i ).
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) i' ).
    assert ( a × f × d × i × h × i' = c × h × b × f × i × i' ) as l.
    { assert ( a × f × d × i × h × i' = a × d × i × f × h × i' ) as l0.
      { change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A a f ) d ) i ) h ) i' =
                 @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A a d ) i ) f ) h ) i' ).
      rewrite l0.
      rewrite j.
      change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A c b ) i ) f ) h ) i' =
               @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A c h ) b ) f ) i ) i' ).
    rewrite l in v0.
    assert ( e × b × d × i × h × i' = g × d × b × f × i × i' ) as k.
    { assert ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A e b ) d ) i ) h ) i' =
               @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A e h ) i' ) i ) b ) d ) as k0
      by permute.
      change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A e b ) d ) i ) h ) i' =
               @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A g d ) b ) f ) i ) i' ).
      rewrite k0.
      assert ( @op2 A ( @op2 A e h ) i' = @op2 A ( @op2 A g f ) i' ) as j''
      by assumption.
      rewrite j''.
    rewrite k in v0.
  - intro u.
    apply p.
    intro p'.
    apply q.
    intro q'.
    destruct p' as [ p' j ].
    destruct p' as [ i p' ].
    destruct q' as [ q' j' ].
    destruct q' as [ i' q' ].
    simpl in ×.
    assert ( c × h × b × f × i × i' # g × d × b × f × i × i' ) as v.
    { apply azerormultcomp.
      + apply q'.
      + apply azerormultcomp.
        × apply p'.
        × apply azerormultcomp.
          -- apply f'.
          -- apply azerormultcomp.
             ++ apply b'.
             ++ assumption.
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) d ).
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) h ).
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) i ).
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) i' ).
    assert ( c × h × b × f × i × i' = a × f × d × h × i × i' ) as k.
    { assert ( c × h × b × f × i × i' = c × b × i × f × h × i' ) as k0.
      { change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A c h ) b ) f ) i ) i' =
                @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A c b ) i ) f ) h ) i' ).
      rewrite k0.
      rewrite <- j.
      change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A a d ) i ) f ) h ) i' =
               @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A a f ) d ) h ) i ) i' ).
    rewrite k in v.
    assert ( g × d × b × f × i × i' = e × b × d × h × i × i' ) as l.
    { assert ( g × d × b × f × i × i' = g × f × i' × d × i × b ) as l0.
      { change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A g d ) b ) f ) i ) i' =
                 @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A g f ) i' ) d ) i ) b ).
      rewrite l0.
      rewrite <- j'.
      change (@op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A e h ) i' ) d ) i ) b =
              @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A ( @op2 A e b ) d ) h ) i ) i' ).
    rewrite l in v.

We now arrive at the apartness relation on the field of fractions itself.

Definition afldfracapartrel := quotrel afldfracapartiscomprel.

Lemma isirreflafldfracapartrelpre : isirrefl afldfracapartrelpre.
  intros ab.
  apply acommring_airrefl.

Lemma issymmafldfracapartrelpre : issymm afldfracapartrelpre.
  intros ab cd.
  apply ( acommring_asymm A ).

Lemma iscotransafldfracapartrelpre : iscotrans afldfracapartrelpre.
  intros ab cd ef p.
  destruct ab as [ a b ].
  destruct b as [ b b' ].
  destruct cd as [ c d ] .
  destruct d as [ d d' ] .
  destruct ef as [ e f ].
  destruct f as [ f f' ].
  assert ( a × f × d # e × b × d ) as v.
  { apply azerormultcomp; assumption. }
  use (hinhuniv _
    ( acommring_acotrans A ( a × f × d ) ( c × b × f ) ( e × b × d ) v )).
  intro u. intros P k.
  apply k.
  unfold afldfracapartrelpre in ×.
  simpl in ×.
  destruct u as [ left | right ].
  - apply ii1.
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) f ).
    assert ( @op2 A ( @op2 A a f ) d = @op2 A ( @op2 A a d ) f ) as i
    by permute.
    change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A a d ) f # @op2 A ( @op2 A c b ) f ).
    rewrite <- i.
  - apply ii2.
    apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) b ).
    assert ( @op2 A ( @op2 A c f ) b = @op2 A ( @op2 A c b ) f ) as i
    by permute.
    change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A c f ) b # @op2 A ( @op2 A e d ) b ).
    rewrite i.
    assert ( @op2 A ( @op2 A e d ) b = @op2 A ( @op2 A e b ) d ) as j
    by permute.
    change ( @op2 A ( @op2 A c b ) f # @op2 A ( @op2 A e d ) b ).
    rewrite j.

Lemma isapartafldfracapartrel : isapart afldfracapartrel.
  - apply isirreflquotrel.
    exact isirreflafldfracapartrelpre.
  - split.
    + apply issymmquotrel.
      exact issymmafldfracapartrelpre.
    + apply iscotransquotrel.
      exact iscotransafldfracapartrelpre.

Definition afldfracapart : apart ( commringfrac A (aintdomazerosubmonoid A)).
  unfold apart.
  split with afldfracapartrel.
  exact isapartafldfracapartrel.

Lemma isbinapartlafldfracop1 : isbinopapartl afldfracapart op1.
  unfold isbinopapartl.
  assert ( a b c : commringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ),
    isaprop ( pr1 (afldfracapart) ( commringfracop1 A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) a b)
                                  ( commringfracop1 A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) a c)
                                  pr1 (afldfracapart ) b c) ) as int.
  { intros a b c.
    apply impred.
    intro p.
    apply ( pr1 ( afldfracapart ) b c ).
  apply ( setquotuniv3prop _ ( fun a b cmake_hProp _ ( int a b c ) ) ).
  intros ab cd ef p.
  destruct ab as [ a b ].
  destruct b as [ b b' ].
  destruct cd as [ c d ].
  destruct d as [ d d' ].
  destruct ef as [ e f ].
  destruct f as [ f f' ].
  unfold afldfracapart in ×.
  unfold afldfracapartrel.
  unfold quotrel.
  rewrite setquotuniv2comm.
  unfold afldfracapartrelpre.
  assert ( afldfracapartrelpre ( make_dirprod ( @op1 A ( @op2 A d a ) ( @op2 A b c ) )
             ( @op ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ( tpair b b' ) ( tpair d d' ) ) )
                               ( make_dirprod ( @op1 A ( @op2 A f a ) ( @op2 A b e ) )
             ( @op ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ( tpair b b' ) ( tpair f f' ) ) ) ) as u
  by apply p.
  unfold afldfracapartrelpre in u.
  simpl in u.
  rewrite 2! ( @ringrdistr A ) in u.
  do 4 rewrite <- ringassoc2 in u.
  assert ( (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
    @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
    (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) d a) b) f) =
           (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
     @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
     (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) f a) b) d) ) as i
  by permute.
  rewrite i in u.
  assert ( (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
    @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
    (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) b c) b) f) =
          (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
          (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
          (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
   @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
   (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) c f) b) b) ) as j
  by permute.
  rewrite j in u.
  assert ( (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
    @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
    (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) b e) b) d) =
           (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (pr1ring (commringtoring (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))))
           (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
    @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
    (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) e d) b) b) ) as j'
  by permute.
  rewrite j' in u.
  apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) b ).
  apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) b ).
  apply ( pr1 ( acommring_aadd A) ( f × a × b × d ) ).

Lemma isbinapartrafldfracop1 : isbinopapartr afldfracapart op1.
  intros a b c.
  rewrite ringcomm1.
  rewrite ( ringcomm1 _ c ).
  apply isbinapartlafldfracop1.

Lemma isbinapartlafldfracop2 : isbinopapartl afldfracapart op2.
  unfold isbinopapartl.
  assert ( a b c : commringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ),
    isaprop ( pr1 (afldfracapart ) ( commringfracop2 A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) a b)
                                   ( commringfracop2 A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) a c)
                                   pr1 (afldfracapart ) b c) ) as int.
  { intros a b c.
    apply impred.
    intro p.
    apply ( pr1 ( afldfracapart ) b c ).
  apply ( setquotuniv3prop _ ( fun a b cmake_hProp _ ( int a b c ) ) ).
  intros ab cd ef p.
  destruct ab as [ a b ].
  destruct b as [ b b' ].
  destruct cd as [ c d ].
  destruct d as [ d d' ].
  destruct ef as [ e f ].
  destruct f as [ f f' ].
  assert ( afldfracapartrelpre ( make_dirprod ( ( a × c ) )
            ( @op ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ( tpair b b' ) ( tpair d d' ) ) )
                               ( make_dirprod ( a × e )
            ( @op ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ( tpair b b' ) ( tpair f f' ) ) ) ) as u
  by apply p.
  unfold afldfracapart in ×.
  unfold afldfracapartrel.
  unfold quotrel.
  rewrite ( setquotuniv2comm ( eqrelcommringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ) ).
  unfold afldfracapartrelpre in ×.
  simpl in u.
  apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) a ).
  apply ( pr2 ( acommring_amult A ) b ).
  assert ( c × f × a × b =
    (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
        @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
                (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A)))
    (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
        @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
                (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) a c)
    (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
        @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
                (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) b f)) ) as i.
  { change ( c × f × a × b = a × c × ( b × f ) ).
  change ( c × f × a × b # e × d × a × b ).
  rewrite i.
  assert ( e × d × a × b =
    (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
        @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
                (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A)))
    (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
        @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
                (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) a e)
    (@op2 (@pr1 setwith2binop (fun X : setwith2binop
        @iscommringops (pr1setwith2binop X) (@op1 X) (@op2 X))
                (acommringtocommring (pr1aintdom A))) b d)) ) as i'.
  { change ( e × d × a × b = a × e × ( b × d ) ).
  rewrite i'.

Lemma isbinapartrafldfracop2 : isbinopapartr (afldfracapart ) op2.
  intros a b c.
  rewrite ringcomm2.
  rewrite ( ringcomm2 _ c ).
  apply isbinapartlafldfracop2.

Definition afldfrac0 : acommring.
  split with ( commringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ).
  split with afldfracapart.
  - split.
    + apply isbinapartlafldfracop1.
    + apply isbinapartrafldfracop1.
  - split.
    + apply isbinapartlafldfracop2.
    + apply isbinapartrafldfracop2.

Definition afldfracmultinvint ( ab : A × aintdomazerosubmonoid A )
           ( is : afldfracapartrelpre ab ( make_dirprod ( @ringunel1 A )
                              ( unel ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ) ) ) :
  A × aintdomazerosubmonoid A.
  destruct ab as [ a b ].
  destruct b as [ b b' ].
  split with b.
  simpl in is.
  split with a.
  unfold afldfracapartrelpre in is.
  simpl in is.
  change ( a # 0 ).
  rewrite ( @ringmult0x A ) in is.
  rewrite ( @ringrunax2 A ) in is.

Definition afldfracmultinv ( a : afldfrac0 ) ( is : a # 0 ) :
  multinvpair afldfrac0 a.
  assert ( b : afldfrac0, isaprop ( b # 0 multinvpair afldfrac0 b ) ) as int.
  { intros.
    apply impred.
    intro p.
    apply ( isapropmultinvpair afldfrac0 ).
  assert ( b : afldfrac0, b # 0 multinvpair afldfrac0 b ) as p.
  { apply ( setquotunivprop _ ( fun x0make_hProp _ ( int x0 ) ) ).
    intros bc q.
    destruct bc as [ b c ].
    assert ( afldfracapartrelpre ( make_dirprod b c )
      ( make_dirprod ( @ringunel1 A ) ( unel (aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ) ) ) as is'
    by apply q.
    split with (setquotpr (eqrelcommringfrac A (aintdomazerosubmonoid A))
                              (afldfracmultinvint ( make_dirprod b c ) is' ) ).
    - change ( setquotpr ( eqrelcommringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) )
        ( make_dirprod ( @op2 A ( pr1 ( afldfracmultinvint ( make_dirprod b c ) is' ) ) b )
                      ( @op ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ( pr2 ( afldfracmultinvint
                                                  ( make_dirprod b c ) is' ) ) c ) ) =
      ( commringfracunel2 A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ) ).
      apply iscompsetquotpr.
      unfold commringfracunel2int.
      destruct c as [ c c' ].
      apply total2tohexists.
      split with ( make_carrier ( fun x : pr1 Ax # 0 ) 1 ( pr1 ( pr2 A ) ) ).
      rewrite 3! ( @ringrunax2 A ).
      rewrite ( @ringlunax2 A ).
      apply ( @ringcomm2 A ).
    - change ( setquotpr ( eqrelcommringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) )
        ( make_dirprod ( @op2 A b ( pr1 ( afldfracmultinvint ( make_dirprod b c ) is' ) ) )
                      ( @op ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) c ( pr2 ( afldfracmultinvint
                                                  ( make_dirprod b c ) is' ) ) ) ) =
      ( commringfracunel2 A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ) ).
      apply iscompsetquotpr.
      destruct c as [ c c' ].
      apply total2tohexists.
      split with ( make_carrier ( fun x : pr1 Ax # 0 ) 1 ( pr1 ( pr2 A ) ) ).
      rewrite 3! ( @ringrunax2 A ).
      rewrite ( @ringlunax2 A ).
      apply ( @ringcomm2 A ).
  apply p.

Theorem afldfracisafld : isaafield afldfrac0.
  - change ( afldfracapartrel
               ( @ringunel2 ( commringfrac A (aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ) )
               ( @ringunel1 ( commringfrac A ( aintdomazerosubmonoid A ) ) ) ).
    unfold afldfracapartrel.
    set ( aux := @op2 A ( @ringunel2 A ) ( @ringunel2 A ) #
                 @op2 A ( @ringunel1 A ) ( @ringunel2 A ) ).
    cut (pr1 aux).     + intro v.
      apply v.
    + unfold aux.
      rewrite 2! ( @ringrunax2 A ).
      apply A.
  - intros a p.
    apply afldfracmultinv.

Definition afldfrac := make_afld afldfrac0 afldfracisafld.

End aint.

Close Scope ring_scope.