Library UniMath.Algebra.Universal.VTerms
Variables and terms with variables
Gianluca Amato, Marco Maggesi, Cosimo Perini Brogi 2019-2021Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.Algebra.Universal.SortedTypes.
Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Universal.Terms.
Local Open Scope sorted.
Section Variables.
Definition varspec (σ: signature) := ∑ V: hSet, V → sorts σ.
Definition make_varspec (σ: signature) (varsupp: hSet) (varsorts: varsupp → sorts σ)
: varspec σ := (varsupp,, varsorts).
Coercion varsupp {σ: signature}: varspec σ → hSet := pr1.
Definition varsort {σ: signature} {V: varspec σ}: V → sorts σ := pr2 V.
Definition vsignature (σ : signature) (V: varspec σ): signature
:= make_signature (sorts σ) (setcoprod (names σ) V) (sumofmaps (ar σ) (λ v, nil ,, varsort v)).
Context {σ : signature}.
Definition namelift (V: varspec σ) (nm: names σ): names (vsignature σ V) := inl nm.
Definition varname {V: varspec σ} (v: V): names (vsignature σ V) := inr v.
Definition term (σ: signature) (V: varspec σ): sUU (sorts σ) := gterm (vsignature σ V).
Definition termset (σ: signature) (V: varspec σ): shSet (sorts σ) := gtermset (vsignature σ V).
Definition build_term {V: varspec σ} (nm: names σ) (v: (term σ V)⋆ (arity nm))
: term σ V (sort nm) := build_gterm (namelift V nm) v.
Definition varterm {V: varspec σ} (v: V): term σ V (varsort v) := build_gterm (varname v) [()].
Definition assignment {σ: signature} (A: sUU (sorts σ)) (V: varspec σ) : UU := ∏ v: V, A (varsort v).
Definition build_term_curried {V: varspec σ} (nm: names σ)
: iterfun (vec_map (term σ V) (pr2 (arity (namelift V nm)))) (term σ V (sort (namelift V nm)))
:= build_gterm_curried (namelift V nm).
Evaluation maps for terms and corresponding unfolding properties
Definition fromterm {A: sUU (sorts σ)} {V: varspec σ}
(op : (∏ nm : names σ, A⋆ (arity nm) → A (sort nm)))
(α : assignment A V)
: term σ V s→ A.
refine (@fromgterm (vsignature σ V) A _).
induction nm as [nm | v].
- exact (op nm).
- exact (λ _, α v).
Lemma fromtermstep {A: sUU (sorts σ)} {V: varspec σ}
(op : (∏ nm : names σ, A⋆ (arity nm) → A (sort nm)))
(α : assignment A V)
(nm: names σ) (v: (term σ V)⋆ (arity nm))
: fromterm op α (sort nm) (build_term nm v) = op nm ((fromterm op α)⋆⋆ (arity nm) v).
unfold fromterm, fromgterm, build_term.
rewrite (term_ind_step _ _ (namelift V nm)).
rewrite h2lower_h1map_h1lift.
apply idpath.
This used to be provable with apply idpath in the single sorted case
Lemma fromtermstep' {A: sUU (sorts σ)} {V: varspec σ}
(op : (∏ nm : names σ, A⋆ (arity nm) → A (sort nm)))
(α : assignment A V)
(v: V)
: fromterm op α (varsort v) (varterm v) = α v.
unfold fromterm, fromgterm, varterm.
rewrite (term_ind_step _ _ (varname v)).
apply idpath.
End Variables.
(op : (∏ nm : names σ, A⋆ (arity nm) → A (sort nm)))
(α : assignment A V)
(v: V)
: fromterm op α (varsort v) (varterm v) = α v.
unfold fromterm, fromgterm, varterm.
rewrite (term_ind_step _ _ (varname v)).
apply idpath.
End Variables.