Library UniMath.Algebra.Universal.HVectors

Heterogeneous vectors.

Gianluca Amato, Marco Maggesi, Cosimo Perini Brogi 2019-2021

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.Combinatorics.StandardFiniteSets.
Require Export UniMath.Combinatorics.Vectors.

Local Open Scope stn.

Basic definitions.

If v is a vector of types U1, U2, ..., Un, then hvec v is the product type U1 × (U2 × ... × Un). We introduce several basic operations on heterogeneous vectors: often they have the same syntax then the corresponding operation on plain vectors, and a name which begins with h.
We also introduce a new scope, hvec_scope, delimited by hvec, which adds useful notations for heterogeneous vectors. A vector of elements x1, x2, ..., xn may be written a [x1; x2; ...; xn]. Moreover [] denotes the empty vector and ::: is the cons operator.

Definition hvec {n: nat} (v: vec UU n): UU.
  revert n v.
  exact (vec_ind (λ _ _, UU) unit (λ x _ _ IHv, x × IHv)).

Declare Scope hvec_scope.

Delimit Scope hvec_scope with hvec.

Local Open Scope hvec_scope.

Bind Scope hvec_scope with hvec.

Definition hnil : hvec vnil := tt.

Definition hcons {A: UU} (x: A) {n: nat} {v: vec UU n} (hv: hvec v) : hvec (A ::: v) := x ,, hv.

Notation "[( x ; .. ; y )]" := (hcons x .. (hcons y hnil) ..): hvec_scope.

Notation "[()]" := hnil (at level 0, format "[()]"): hvec_scope.

Infix ":::" := hcons: hvec_scope.

Definition functionToHVec {n: nat} {P: n UU} (f: i: n , P i) : hvec (make_vec P).
  induction n.
  - exact [()].
  - exact ((f firstelement) ::: (IHn (P dni_firstelement) (f dni_firstelement))).

Definition hhd {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec UU n} (hv: hvec (A ::: v)): A := pr1 hv.

Definition htl {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec UU n} (hv: hvec (A ::: v)): hvec v := pr2 hv.

Definition hel {n: nat} {v: vec UU n} (hv: hvec v): i: n , el v i.
  revert n v hv.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - intros.
    apply (fromempty (negnatlthn0 (pr1 i) (pr2 i))).
  - intros x n xs IHxs.
    induction i as [i iproof].
    induction i.
    + exact (hhd hv).
    + exact (IHxs (htl hv) (make_stn _ i iproof)).

Lemma hcons_paths {A: UU} (x y: A) {n: nat} (v: vec UU n) (xs ys: hvec v) (p: x = y) (ps: xs = ys)
  : x ::: xs = y ::: ys.
  apply (map_on_two_paths (λ x xs, @hcons A x n v xs)) ; assumption.

Lemma isofhlevelhvec {m: nat} {n: nat} (v: vec UU n) (levels: hvec (vec_map (isofhlevel m) v))
  : isofhlevel m (hvec v).
  revert n v levels.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - intro.
    apply isofhlevelcontr.
    apply iscontrunit.
  - intros x n xs IHxs levels.
    apply isofhleveldirprod.
    + apply (pr1 levels).
    + apply (IHxs (pr2 levels)).

Lemma hvec_vec_fill {A: UU} {n: nat}
  : hvec (vec_fill A n) = vec A n.
  induction n.
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl.
    apply maponpaths.

Level-1 heterogeneous vectors.

A level-1 hvec is a term of type hvec (vec_map P v) for some v: vec A n and P: A UU. Some operations may be easily defined for a level-1 hvec but not for a generic heterogeneous. Operations on level-1 hvec have names beginning with h1.

Miscellanea of operations on level-1 hvecs.

h1const_is_vec proves that an hvec (vec_map P v) is a vec when P is a constant map.

Definition h1const_is_vec {A: UU} {n: nat} (v: vec A n) (B: UU)
  : hvec (vec_map (λ _, B) v) = vec B n.
  induction n.
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply IHn.

h1lower transforms a hvec (vec_map P v) into a vec when P is a constant map. Although it would be possibile to define h1lower starting from h1const_is_vec, this would make difficult to work by induction over v.

Definition h1lower {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {B: UU} (h1v: hvec (vec_map (λ _, B) v))
  : vec B n.
  revert n v h1v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - apply idfun.
  - intros x n xs IHxs h1v.
    exact (vcons (hhd h1v) (IHxs (htl h1v))).

h1foldr is the analogous of foldr for level-1 hvecs.

Definition h1foldr {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} {B: UU} (comb: (a: A), P a B B)
                  (s: B) (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v)): B.
   revert n v h1v.
   refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
   - intro.
     exact s.
   - intros x n xs IHxs.
     exact (comb _ (pr1 h1v) (IHxs (pr2 h1v))).

Map for level-1 hvecs.

The h1map function is analogous to map for level-1 hvecs: hmap f hv applies the function f to all elements of hv. The result is of type hvec (vec_map Q v) for an appropriate Q: A UU. When Q is the constant map in hmap, we may instead use h1map_vec which returns a vec instead of an hvec.
Definition h1map {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU}
                 {Q: A UU} (f: (a: A), P a Q a) (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
  : hvec (vec_map Q v).
  revert n v f h1v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _ ).
  - intros.
    exact [()].
  - intros x n xs IHxs.
    intros f h1v.
    exact (f x (pr1 h1v) ::: IHxs f (pr2 h1v)).

Lemma h1map_idfun {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
  : h1map (λ a: A, idfun (P a)) h1v = h1v.
  revert n v h1v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - induction h1v.
    apply idpath.
  - simpl.
    intros x n xs IHxs h1v.
    change h1v with (pr1 h1v ::: pr2 h1v).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (IHxs (pr2 h1v)).

Lemma h1map_compose {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} {Q: A UU} {R: A UU}
                    (f: a: A, P a Q a) (g: (a: A), Q a R a) (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
  : h1map g (h1map f h1v) = h1map (λ a: A, (g a) (f a)) h1v.
  revert n v h1v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - induction h1v.
    apply idpath.
  - simpl.
    intros x n xs IHxs h1v.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (IHxs (pr2 h1v)).

h1map_vec is just the composition of h1map and h1lower, but it deserves a name since it is used in the definition of level-2 hvecs (see later).

Definition h1map_vec {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU}
                        {B: UU} (f: (a: A), P a B) (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
  : vec B n := h1lower (h1map f h1v).

Level-2 heterogeneous vectors.

A level-2 hvec is a term of type hvec (h1map_vec Q h1v) for some h1v: hvec (vec_map P v), v: vec A n, P: A UU, Q: a: A, P a UU. Operators on level-2 hvecs have names which begins with h2.
The need to work explicitly with level-1 and level-2 hvecs, instead of generic heterogeneous vecs, seems unfortunate. A refactoring of this library could free us from the burden of working with such articulate data types
h2map is like h1map for level-2 hvecs.

Definition h2map {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} {h1v: hvec (vec_map P v)}
                 {Q: (a: A) (p: P a), UU} {R: (a: A) (p: P a), UU}
                 (f: (a: A) (p: P a), Q a p R a p) (h2v: hvec (h1map_vec Q h1v))
  : hvec (h1map_vec R h1v).
  revert n v f h1v h2v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _ ).
  - intros.
    exact [()].
  - intros x n xs IHv f h1v h2v.
    exact (f x (pr1 h1v) (pr1 h2v) ::: IHv f (pr2 h1v) (pr2 h2v)).

h1lift transforms a level-1 hvec into a level-2 hvec.

Definition h1lift {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
  : hvec (h1map_vec (λ a _, P a) h1v).
  revert n v h1v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _ ).
  - intros.
    exact [()].
  - intros x n xs IHv h1v.
    exact ((pr1 h1v) ::: IHv (pr2 h1v)).

h2lower transforms a level-2 hvec h2v: hvec (hmap_vec Q h1v) into a level-1 hvec when Q: a: A, P a UU is constant on the argument of type P a.
Definition h2lower {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} {h1v: hvec (vec_map P v)}
                 {Q: A UU} (h2v: hvec (h1map_vec (λ a _, Q a) h1v))
  : hvec (vec_map Q v).
  revert n v h1v h2v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl.
    intros x n xs IHxs h1v h2v.
    + exact (pr1 h2v).
    + exact (IHxs (pr2 h1v) (pr2 h2v)).

h2lower_h1map_h1lift and h1map_h1lift_as_h2map are two normalization lemmas relating level-1 and level-2 hvecs.

Lemma h2lower_h1map_h1lift {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU}
                       {Q: (a: A), UU} (f: (a: A), P a Q a) (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
  : h2lower (h2map (λ a p _, f a p) (h1lift h1v)) = h1map f h1v.
  revert n v h1v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - reflexivity.
  - intros x n xs IHxs h1v.
    apply maponpaths.
    exact (IHxs (pr2 h1v)).

Lemma h1map_h1lift_as_h2map {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
             {Q: (a: A) (p: P a), UU} (h2v: hvec (h1map_vec Q h1v))
             {R: (a: A) (p: P a), UU} (f: (a: A) (p: P a), R a p)
  : h2map (λ a p _, f a p) (h1lift h1v) = h2map (λ a p _, f a p) h2v.
  revert n v h1v h2v.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl.
    intros x n xs IHxs h1v h2v.
    apply maponpaths.
    exact (IHxs (pr2 h1v) (pr2 h2v)).

h2foldr is the analogous of foldr for level-2 hvecs.

Definition h2foldr {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} {h1v: hvec (vec_map P v)}
                   {Q: (a: A) (p: P a), UU} {B: UU}
                   (comp: (a: A) (p: P a), Q a p B B) (s: B) (h2v: hvec (h1map_vec Q h1v))
  : B.
   revert n v h1v h2v.
   refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
   - intros.
     exact s.
   - simpl.
     intros x n xs IHxs h1v h2v.
     exact (comp _ _ (pr1 h2v) (IHxs (pr2 h1v) (pr2 h2v))).

h1map_path returns a proof that hmap f h1v and hmap g h1v are equal, provided that we have a level-2 hvec h2path of proofs that the images of f and g on corresponding elements of h1v are equal.

Lemma h1map_path {A: UU} {n: nat} {v: vec A n} {P: A UU} {Q: A UU} (f: a: A, P a Q a)
                (g: (a: A), P a Q a) (h1v: hvec (vec_map P v))
                (h2path: hvec (h1map_vec (λ a p, f a p = g a p) h1v))
  : h1map f h1v = h1map g h1v.
  revert n v h1v h2path.
  refine (vec_ind _ _ _).
  - induction h1v.
  - simpl.
    intros x n xs IHxs h1v h2path.
    use map_on_two_paths.
    + exact (pr1 h2path).
    + exact (IHxs (pr2 h1v) (pr2 h2path)).