Library UniMath.Algebra.Universal.Examples.Bool

Example on booleans.

Gianluca Amato, Marco Maggesi, Cosimo Perini Brogi 2019-2021
This file contains the definition of the signature of booleans and the standard boolean algebra.

Algebra structure over type bool.

Definition bool_algebra := make_algebra_simple_single_sorted bool_signature boolset
    λ _, false ;
    λ _, true ;
    λ x, negb (pr1 x) ;
    λ x, andb (pr1 x) (pr12 x) ;
    λ x, orb (pr1 x) (pr12 x) ;
    λ x, implb (pr1 x) (pr12 x)

Boolean ground terms.

Module GTerm.

The type of ground terms.

Definition T := gterm bool_signature tt.

Constructors for ground terms.

Booleans terms and semantics for boolean formulae.

Type for boolean (open) terms.
Constructors for terms.
Interpretation of propositional formulae.
Computations and interactive proofs.

Module Tests.

Definition x : T := varterm (0: bool_varspec).
Definition y : T := varterm (1: bool_varspec).
Definition z : T := varterm (2: bool_varspec).

Example: evaluation of true & false

Eval lazy in interp (λ n, false) (conj top bot).

A simple evaluation function for variables: assign true to x and y (the 0th and 1st variable) and false otherwise.

Definition v n :=
  match n with
    0 ⇒ true
  | 1 ⇒ true
  | _false

Example: evaluation of x ∧ (¬ y ∧ z)

Eval lazy in
    interp v (conj x (conj (neg y) z)).

Example: evaluation of x ∧ (z → ¬ y)

Eval lazy in
    interp v (conj x (impl z (neg y))).

Dummett tautology

Local Lemma Dummett : i, interp i (disj (impl x y) (impl y x)) = true.
  intro i. lazy.
  induction (i 0); induction (i 1); apply idpath.

x ∨ ¬ (y ∧ z → x)

Local Lemma not_tautology : i, interp i (disj x (neg (impl (conj y z) x))) = false.
  use tpair.
 - exact (λ n, match n with _false end).
 - lazy.
   apply idpath.

Further tests.

Definition f (n : nat) : bool.
  induction n as [|n Hn].
  - exact true.
  - exact false.

Eval lazy in interp f (conj x top).
Eval lazy in interp f (conj x y).
Eval lazy in interp f (disj x y).
Eval lazy in interp f (disj x (conj y bot)).

End Tests.

End Term.