Library UniMath.Algebra.Universal.SortedTypes

Sorted types.

Gianluca Amato, Marco Maggesi, Cosimo Perini Brogi 2019-2021

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Export UniMath.Combinatorics.MoreLists.

Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Universal.HVectors.

Declare Scope sorted_scope.

Delimit Scope sorted_scope with sorted.

Local Open Scope sorted_scope.

An element of sUU S is an S-sorted type, i.e., an S-indexed family of types.

Definition sUU (S: UU): UU := S UU.

If X and Y are S-sorted types, then sfun X Y is an S-sorted mapping, i.e., a S-indexed family of functions X s Y s.

Definition sfun {S: UU} (X Y: sUU S): UU := s: S, X s Y s.

Notation "x s→ y" := (sfun x y) (at level 99, y at level 200, right associativity): type_scope.

Bind Scope sorted_scope with sUU.

Bind Scope sorted_scope with sfun.

Definition idsfun {S: UU} (X: sUU S): X s X := λ s: S, idfun (X s).

Definition scomp {S: UU} {X Y Z: sUU S} (f: Y s Z) (g: X s Y): sfun X Z
  := λ s: S, (f s) (g s).

Infix "s∘" := scomp (at level 40, left associativity): sorted_scope.

Definition sunit (S: UU): sUU S := λ σ: S, unit.

Definition tosunit {S: UU} {X: sUU S}: X s sunit S := λ σ: S, tounit.

Lemma iscontr_sfuntosunit {S: UU} {X: sUU S}: iscontr (X s sunit S).
  apply impred_iscontr.
  apply iscontrfuntounit.

An element of shSet S is an S-sorted set, i.e., an S-indexed family of sets. It ca be immediately coerced to an S-sorted type.

Definition shSet (S: UU): UU := S hSet.

Definition sunitset (S: UU): shSet S := λ _, unitset.

Lemma isaset_set_sfun_space {S: UU} {X: sUU S} {Y: shSet S}: isaset (X s Y).
  change (isaset (X s Y)).
  apply impred_isaset.
  apply isaset_forall_hSet.

If X: sUU S, then star X is the lifting of X to the index type list S, given by star X [s1; s2; ...; sn] = [X s1 ; X s2 ; ... ; X sn].

Definition star {S: UU} (X: sUU S): sUU (list S) := λ l: list S, hvec (vec_map X (pr2 l)).

Bind Scope hvec_scope with star.

Notation "A ⋆" := (star A) (at level 3, format "'[ ' A '⋆' ']'"): sorted_scope.

If f is an indexed mapping between S-indexed types X and Y, then starfun X is the lifting of f to a list S-indexed mapping between list S-indexed sets star X and star Y.

Definition starfun {S: UU} {X Y: sUU S} (f: sfun X Y) : sfun X Y := λ s: list S, h1map f.

Notation "f ⋆⋆" := (starfun f) (at level 3, format "'[ ' f '⋆⋆' ']'"): sorted_scope.

Here follows the proof that starfun is functorial. Compositionality w.r.t. s is presented as (f s g)⋆⋆ _ x = f⋆⋆ _ (g⋆⋆ _ x) instead of (f s g)⋆⋆ = (f⋆⋆) s (g⋆⋆ ) since the former does not require function extensionality.

Lemma staridfun {S: UU} {X: sUU S} (l: list S) (x: X l): (idsfun X)⋆⋆ _ x = idsfun X _ x.
  apply h1map_idfun.

Lemma starcomp {S: UU} {X Y Z: sUU S} (f: Y s Z) (g: X s Y) (l: list S) (x: X l)
  : (f s g)⋆⋆ _ x = f⋆⋆ _ (g⋆⋆ _ x).
  unfold starfun.
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply h1map_compose.