Library UniMath.Algebra.Universal.Algebras

Algebra for a given signature.

Gianluca Amato, Marco Maggesi, Cosimo Perini Brogi 2019-2021

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.

Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Universal.SortedTypes.
Require Export UniMath.Algebra.Universal.Signatures.

Local Open Scope sorted.

Basic definitions.

Definition algebra (σ: signature): UU
  := A: shSet (sorts σ), nm: names σ, A (arity nm) A (sort nm).

Definition supportset {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ) : shSet (sorts σ) := pr1 A.

Definition support {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ): sUU (sorts σ) := pr1 A.

Coercion support: algebra >-> sUU.

Definition ops {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ) := pr2 A.

Definition make_algebra {σ: signature} (A : shSet (sorts σ)) (ops: nm: names σ, A (arity nm) A (sort nm))
  : algebra σ := A ,, ops.

Definition dom {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ) (nm: names σ): UU := A (arity nm).

Definition rng {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ) (nm: names σ): UU := support A (sort nm).

Helper for building an algebra starting from a simple signature.

A simple signature is either a signature_simple_single_sorted for the single-sorted case or a signature_single for the multi-sorted case.

Definition make_algebra_simple_single_sorted
    (σ : signature_simple_single_sorted)
    (A : hSet)
    (ops : (λ n: nat, vec A n A)⋆ σ)
  : algebra σ.
   (λ _, A).
  unfold arity.
  revert σ ops.
  refine (list_ind _ _ _).
  - intros.
    cbn in nm.
    apply fromstn0.
  - intros x xs IHxs ops nm.
    simpl in ops.
    induction nm as [nm nmproof].
    induction nm.
    + unfold star.
      exact (pr1 ops h1lower).
    + exact (IHxs (pr2 ops) (nm ,, nmproof)).

Definition make_algebra_simple
    (σ: signature_simple)
    (A: vec hSet (pr1 σ))
    (ops: (λ a, (el A)⋆ (dirprod_pr1 a) el A (dirprod_pr2 a))⋆ (pr2 σ))
  : algebra σ.
   (el A).
  unfold arity.
  induction σ as [ns ar].
  simpl in A.
  revert ar ops.
  refine (list_ind _ _ _).
  - intros.
    cbn in nm.
    apply fromstn0.
  - simpl.
    intros x xs IHxs ops.
    induction ops as [op ops].
    cbn in nm.
    induction nm as [nm nmproof].
    induction nm.
    + unfold star.
      exact op.
    + exact (IHxs ops (nm ,, nmproof)).

Homomorphisms of algebras.

Definition ishom {σ: signature} {A1 A2: algebra σ} (h: A1 s A2) : UU
  := (nm: names σ) (x: dom A1 nm), h _ (ops A1 nm x) = ops A2 nm (h⋆⋆ _ x).

Definition hom {σ: signature} (A1 A2: algebra σ): UU := (h: A1 s A2), ishom h.

Declare Scope hom_scope.

Notation "a1 ↷ a2" := (hom a1 a2) (at level 80, right associativity): hom_scope.

Delimit Scope hom_scope with hom.

Bind Scope hom_scope with hom.

Local Open Scope hom.

Definition hom2fun {σ: signature} {A1 A2: algebra σ} (f: A1 A2): s: sorts σ, support A1 s support A2 s:= pr1 f.

Coercion hom2fun: hom >-> Funclass.

Definition hom2axiom {σ: signature} {A1 A2: algebra σ} (f: A1 A2) := pr2 f.

Definition make_hom {σ: signature} {A1 A2: algebra σ} {f: sfun A1 A2} (is: ishom f): A1 A2 := f ,, is.

Theorem isapropishom {σ: signature} {A1 A2: algebra σ} (f: sfun A1 A2): isaprop (ishom f).
  apply impred_isaprop.
  apply impred_isaprop.
  apply setproperty.

Theorem isasethom {σ: signature} (A1 A2: algebra σ): isaset (A1 A2).
  apply isaset_total2.
  - apply isaset_set_sfun_space.
  - intros.
    apply isasetaprop.
    apply isapropishom.

Identity and composition of homomorphisms.

Lemma ishomid {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ): ishom (idsfun A).
  rewrite staridfun.
  apply idpath.

Definition homid {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ): A A := make_hom (ishomid A).

Lemma ishomcomp {σ: signature} {A1 A2 A3: algebra σ} (h1: A1 A2) (h2: A2 A3): ishom (h2 s h1).
  induction h1 as [h1 ishomh1].
  induction h2 as [h2 ishomh2].
  rewrite starcomp.
  rewrite ishomh1.
  rewrite ishomh2.
  apply idpath.

Definition homcomp {σ: signature} {a1 a2 a3: algebra σ} (h1: a1 a2) (h2: a2 a3) : a1 a3
  := make_hom (ishomcomp h1 h2).

The unit algebra and the proof it is final.

Definition unitalgebra (σ: signature): algebra σ
  := make_algebra (sunitset (sorts σ)) tosunit.

Lemma ishomtounit {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ): @ishom σ A (unitalgebra σ) tosunit.
  apply iscontrunit.

Definition unithom {σ: signature} (A : algebra σ): hom A (unitalgebra σ)
  := make_hom (ishomtounit A).

Theorem iscontrhomstounit {σ: signature} (A: algebra σ): iscontr (hom A (unitalgebra σ)).
   (unithom A).
  apply subtypePairEquality'.
  - apply proofirrelevancecontr.
    apply iscontr_sfuntosunit.
  - apply isapropishom.